Another Baby to the Family

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 I got a call around midnight, I got out of bed and went downstairs, "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Jade, it's Rocky. Jackie is in labor, can you come down to the hospital?" Rocky said. I could tell he was nervous.

"Yeah, I'll be there A.S.A.P." I hung up the phone and then went upstairs to wake up Ross and tell him.

"Ross," I shook him a little, "Ross, I'm going to the hospital. Jackie is in labor and Rocky wants me there." that got Ross awake.

"Okay let me get dressed and we can go." Ross started getting out of bed.

"No Ross, stay here. Sleep. Take care of the boys. I will call you when Jackie has had her baby." I kissed him on the forehead and then changed out of my pajamas:


I got to the hospital and went to Jackie's room. Rocky was waiting outside, "Oh thank god, Jade thanks you for being here." he hugged me.

"Rocky, don't be so nervous." I said.

"I know."

I walked into the room and Jackie was sitting there, "Oh Jade thanks for being here." she said.

"No problem." I said, "How long have you been here?" I asked her as I sat down.

"For about two hours." she said.

"Well you got a long ways to go." I said and then we started talking.


Around six in the morning, Jackie was ready to push. I left the room, so Rocky could be with her. I was in the waiting room and decided to call Ross.

"Hey baby." I said after he picked up after the first ring.

"Hows Jackie doing?" he asked.

"Good. Their baby should be here at any moment now." I said.

"Okay, the boys and I will be there soon." we hung up and that's when Rocky came.

"She is here." Rocky and I walked back to the room. Jackie was sitting there with a baby in her hands.

"So what's her name?" I asked them.

"Kelsey." Jackie and Rocky said together.

"So K names it is." we all laughed.


Jackie, Rocky and I were all talking, when there was a knock on the door. We all turned and saw Ross with two baby carriers. I got up and grabbed one of the boys.

"What's her name?" Ross asked.

"Kelsey." Rocky said.

"A beautiful name." Ross said.

The rest of the day, we stayed and talked with Jackie and Rocky. The rest of the family came to visit. Jackie and Rocky were so proud of their baby girl. I'm proud of them too.

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