The Vampire Peasant✔

By EileenAiyanaTaylor

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Vanni has become the target of everyone's hate. It started as early as the 1800s when his family died. Howeve... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

chapter 9

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By EileenAiyanaTaylor

    “I said how long have you been following us?” Kai demanded. He took another step closer to her making me step out of the way for him. He was about a few inches away from the shapeshifter now.

    Keoni and I just stayed quiet and made sure to stay out of his way. If he wanted to be close to her than we would let him.

    As in his current state he could flip out. He was very angry. I couldn’t tell if it was a jealous rage or just anger towards her for following us.

    Although my instincts were telling me that he was jealous and now that we knew I had a feeling that if I let Vanni out while around Kai then he would be torn to shreds.

    I could tell that Keoni was thinking the same thing as I was.

    I glanced towards him and nodded. He responded with a nod as well.

    It was as I figured. He was jealous and now that we knew that it was best if I stayed back and out of his way.

    “Uhm…” She hesitated once more.

    “Answer me.” Kai demanded once more stepping even closer. She swallowed hard nervously as he did. Still she remained quiet.

    He grabbed her chin between his forefinger and thumb and forced her to look into his eyes. He was angry and that I think is what made her visibly shrink back.

    “Now tell me.” He demanded once again. His voice may have been softer but there was still clear anger inside.

    “Uhm… I… have been f-following you… since yesterday…” She answered timidly. He nodded clearly ok with her answer.

    “Why have you been following us? How long have you known of our being here?” He asked masking his emotions this time. He may or may not have caught onto our silence.

    “I w-wanted to make sure t-that Vanni was going to be ok.” She said quieter. She was obviously scared of his  response and with good reason to because he was getting visibly angry once again when his name was mentioned.

    “You didn’t answer my question. How long have you known?” He asked again. It was obvious that he was pinching her because she shut her eyes tight in pain.

    Let me out Xander. Let me out. She’s in pain. He’s hurting her. I need to see her.

    Shut it peasant. You can see her through my eyes. There’s no way I’m letting you out now. You want to get us killed?

    No… but…

    Then no buts and just sit tight.


    “Uhm… I’ve known you arrived e-ever since we got to palace with Vanni.” She answered timidly. It was clear in her voice that he was hurting her.

    It was only when a tear escaped her eye that he let go. He was still very much angry though because he looked away from her to the side. He was staring at the floor aimlessly most likely thinking to himself.

    “I-if there isn’t anything more… we could go now?” She asked looking to Keoni and I. It was almost as if Kai just now remembered we were in the room because he immediately took a few large steps backwards to distance himself from her.

    When I looked back to her after he stepped back she looked hurt. She looked down to the floor as if she was embarrassed. She didn’t want to meet our eyes.

    I looked towards Keoni to see him nod. He was ready. I could tell that he knew speaking wasn’t the best idea and I agreed.

    So I looked back to Veronique and nodded silently saying we were ready to follow her into the tunnel. I was hoping to get a little light but I dare not ask.

    She must’ve read my mind again because she grabbed a torch off the wall and lit it. “Follow close or you’ll get lost.” She spoke before entering the tunnel.

    I looked to Keoni then towards Kai. He looked still very much angry but continued to stare at the floor.

    I glanced towards Keoni, he shrugged and led the way after her. I followed closely and Kai came after. I don’t know if it was just me or not but I think he preferred to be alone with her and we were keeping him.

    I doubt he wanted us to know anything or to suspect anything. That’s why I believe he stayed as far away from her as possible.

    They did seem to know each other quite well. I suspected he might have had something with her sometime ago but I couldn’t be sure and I knew Keoni suspected the same. We would be committing suicide if we asked though.

           It felt as if we have been walking for a while before Keoni decided to break the silence.

     “Wench how long is this tunnel?” Keoni snapped.

    “Uhm… actually it’s not just a tunnel… You see… because ‘The First Ones’ didn’t want anyone to find them they built a labyrinth…” Veronique explained quietly.

By the way she was talking I could tell that she felt uncomfortable but her reason was unknown to me. It could be that this labyrinth was getting to her or could be that she was still wanting to be with Kai.

That still bothered me a little though. It wasn’t because I liked her. That was a complete no. There was no way in hell I would fall for her.

It was Vanni that I was worried about and not because I cared for the pathetic being because I didn’t. I was worried because if she keeps on changing her likes and dislikes we would eventually run out of leverage of keeping her under our control.

    “What?! What in the hell did you just say?! Creature you better have a damn good explanation for lying to us about this!” Keoni blew up.

    Yup. He is scared again. That’s his dead give away.

    What gave you that idea?

    Pathetic vampire you use that damn sarcasm on me again and I’ll tell the twins to give you hell. Got that?

    No.. No… I mean yes sir but no it wasn’t sarcasm. I swear it. I was genuinely curious. Please don’t tell them. Please. I beg you Xander.


    “Uhm…. I technically didn’t lie… It is a tunnel… just has a lot of them connected…” Veronique was slick at this. I can tell this wasn’t her first time being manipulated. Damn that witch.

    She will pay for this. She’s luring us into a trap and we can’t go back because for one we can’t see and two we don’t know our way out of this damn thing.

    “You stupid witch.” I muttered out loud. It definitely caught everyone’s attention. I was growling now. My eyes pitch black and I felt my fangs and claws lengthen.

    I could definitely tell Kai wasn’t liking this situation and no it wasn’t her. This time it was me.

    “Where the hell are you leading us witch. You better talk and you better talk fast for I have lost all my patience with you now.” I growled. I could feel the fear waving off of her but I also felt Kai’s wrath as well but now wasn’t the time or place to argue or to fight.

    Right now we are at her mercy. We can’t see a damn thing and she could. Only she knows the way out. Not only that but she is a lot stronger than us and can definitely kill us.

    “Uhm… Xander… I don’t know… what you… are talking about…” She stuttered.

    Damn she’s good a lying. She won’t fool me a second time.

    I let out another inhumane growl but this time it was louder. I can feel her fear. It was stronger now but to be honest I had no idea if it was true or not.

    Shape shifters are talented with a lot. They are the best at deceiving people.

    “You will not deceive me a second time you witch.” I growled out.

    It was then that I felt Kai’s anger decrease. I felt confusion now. Coming from the both of them.

    “Xander what are you talking about?” Kai spoke up confused. He may have sounded genuinely confused but I bet you anything that in his mind he was afraid. Afraid of the outcome. Afraid that she was lying and she was. Which I started feeling sorry for him.

    “This witch here is leading us into a trap.” I growled concentrating all my focus in front of me where her voice was coming from. Right now I had to rely on my hearing and smell to get me out of this.

I heard Keoni start growling as well. He was scared. He was beyond angry. I can tell his eyes must’ve turned black and his fangs and claws must’ve lengthened as well.

Now Veronique’s fear was rolling off of her in waves.

Strong ones. I couldn’t tell if her fear was genuine or not. At that moment I honestly didn’t care. She lied and that I didn’t like. If I would’ve known this was going to be a labyrinth of tunnels and not being able to see anything would’ve changed my mind into going a different route to get to Dominique’s.

“What?” I heard Kai growl out. He was angry but I couldn’t tell at who. At me for assuming or at her for lying and tricking us.

“I… I… promise that… I didn’t… I wasn’t leading you … into a t-t-trap…” She stuttered out. I didn’t believe her for a second.

“Liar.” I growled out with a low voice.

    “How dare you. How dare you trick us like that.” Keoni growled angry.

    “You’ll pay for this later you witch.” I threatened. That was when I heard a loud inhumane growl come from behind me. Kai.

    At that point I knew exactly whose side he was on. Hers.

    “Don’t you dare.” Kai spoke up. He was definitely angry but he knew he couldn’t take on two demons. Especially Keoni. He may be the older of the two but Keoni was way stronger than him.

    Keoni was twisted, cruel, malevolent and wicked to others. Way more experienced in fighting then him. He was serious and kept to himself a lot or so that’s what I picked up from the time being.

    “You sick bastard. How could you take her side?” Keoni asked his brother with a growl. Kai didn’t answer him. “Speak!” Keoni commanded his brother. Which just earned himself a growl in response.

    All of a sudden there was a breeze but not just any type of breeze. It was signalling that someone just ran by us.

    “You are to not hurt her!” Kai yelled protectively.

    I sniffed the air and I knew what just happened. Veronique just ran past us and more than likely Kai.


    Yeah what is it?

    Let Vanni out.

    Are you out of your mind?!

    It will confuse Veronique. Her feelings are mixed between him and my brother.

    You sure about this?

    I’ll protect you. How fast are you at switching?

    What are you onto?

    I mean how fast are you at switching because you will have to defend yourself if my brother lunges for you.

    OH that? I am good. Vanni is quick at evasion. Only because he’s a sad little peasant.

    I heard that.

    Shut it peasant.

    So you can defend yourself against my brother incase he lunges for Vanni?

    Keoni I got this. Alright you’re up peasant.

    Yeah don’t screw up.


    “Veronique?” I mumbled quietly. As soon as Xander let me out all his demonic features disappeared. The claws and fangs retracted and my eyes changed back to my normal violet.

    “Vanni?” I heard her soft angelic voice whisper. She gasped probably not expecting to hear my voice again.

    Considering she was the only one who can see she probably saw my eyes and realized it was me.

    “Why?” I choked out voice full of pain. I was hurting a lot. She kissed me and lead me on and then she goes and follows Kai.

    Did she not care for me? Was it her that was the one playing around with my feelings? Was she using me to get back with him? Did they even have a thing in the past that she wants to rekindle?

    I looked down. Knowing I couldn’t see and knowing no one else but her can see me I let out the tears I had been holding back.

    This was what Xander and Keoni were probably after. Letting me out knowing the minute I’m let out my feelings would come back and tears would start flowing out.

    “Why?” I asked again. It was obvious that I was crying. You could tell by the sound of my voice and my sniffles.

    “V-vanni… I-I… just…” She was stuttering big time. I didn’t know what she was going to say but by the way she was stuttering I knew it couldn’t be good.

    I was being used.

    That thought alone made me cry harder. She wasn’t my mate but she was breaking my heart right in front of me.

    “Just stop. Please.” I whispered not able to get my voice any louder.

    “But… Vanni…” She was started. I could tell that there was guilt in her voice and knowing that I heard Kai growl again.

    He probably knew she would react this way.

    So he does love her!

    I heard Xander exclaim in my mind.

    “Goodbye.” I whispered and then I let Xander take over. I wanted nothing more to do with her. She used me and that I would never forgive.

    “Vanni…” She whispered out in pain.

    You go ahead Xander. I don’t want to talk to her anymore.

    Does that mean I can kill her?

    Do whatever you wish.


    That peasant did his job well making me smirk. I knew damn well she could see it because she was looking at Vanni and probably hoping he would come back.

    “Wait let Vanni out! I want to talk with Vanni!” She commanded.

    Her command made me chuckle. Darkly. I had on a devious smile fangs showing and eyes turning black.

    I knew she could see me and that’s precisely why I did it.

    She gasped out in fear. The reaction I was waiting for.

    “What.. have you d-d-done with V-vanni?” She asked out softly in fear.

    Every time she mentioned his name I knew Kai was getting angrier by the second. He was definitely jealous and letting Vanni out just now proves the fact that she loved that peasant more than him.

    “Why nothing sweetheart. I have done nothing.” I said darkly.

    Keoni caught on immediately which made him chuckle darkly as well. I could tell Kai was angry and Veronique was frightened and confused. Which she won’t be for much longer.

    “What d-do you m-m-mean?” She asked quietly. I could only imagine her hiding behind Kai and him shielding her.

    “Exactly that.” I answered. I was loving this and I could tell that Keoni was as well. So long as we keep her frightened we have a chance at beating them.

    “What he means is Vanni doesn’t want you anymore. Can’t you see that? He allowed Xander to take control willingly. Stupid wench.” Keoni said darkly with a chuckle.

    “No. That can’t be.” She said in denial.

    “Oh it’s true sweetie.” Keoni taunted deviously. I was having fun and I can tell Keoni was as well.

    I was probably just as cruel and twisted as he was. I welcomed that though and knowing that Vanni himself said that I could kill the stupid shapeshifter means he didn’t care.

    “No. It isn’t true.” She was in complete denial. She probably thought we were playing around with her again. Just as we did last time.

    Little does she know we aren’t. Which made this all the more better.

    “Oh if you only knew.” I taunted in a singsong voice probably making shivers run down her spine. I knew that me and Keoni were making Kai uneasy. It was obvious based on his aura.

    “Knew what?” She questioned cautiously.

    “Vanni told Xander himself that he didn’t care anymore.” Keoni taunted. We were now circling them. No we may not be able to see them but that didn’t render us defenseless.

    We were using our hearing and sense of smell. Not to mention there auras were giving away there pin point location. So it was easy for us.

    There auras both had fear waving off of them. Not knowing where we were. Knowing that we knew where they were. Only Veronique knew but we would soon change that.

    Keoni changed himself into a shadow. So he blended in with the darkness. Making her gasp because she lost sight of one of us.

    That’ll soon be two.

    I knew she was reading my mind and trying to read Keoni’s. She was doing this as a sign of desperation because she couldn’t see us anymore.

    I didn’t think I had the power to change into a shadow but apparently I did. I just thought of changing and it happened.

    Now all we had to do was keep our minds blank.

    “No. Vanni wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t.” She said voice shaking with fear.

    “Veronique what’s wrong?” Kai asked in desperation. She was the shapeshifter and she was terrified. That much was obvious. “What’s going on?”

    “They’re … gone…” She stuttered.

    I was able to hear the movements of her head turning around looking for us. Her footsteps getting more anxious as she spun around herself. Her breathing started becoming faster and faster as seconds passed.

    “What?” He asked shocked.

    “Yeah… I can’t see them… They know where we are…” She was completely panicking now. Making us chuckle loudly.

    Being trapped in a labyrinth of tunnels and so confined our voices echoed off the walls.

    Keoni and I made sure to stay on opposite ends of them. So that when we talked they would be looking in one direction for us and then have the other one speak up from behind.

    This is what Kai gets for turning on us.
    “Calm down. You need to calm down. Listen with your ears. Your sense of hearing is stronger than theirs.” Kai coached. He was right. There was no way we were going to give her time to calm down enough to think.

    We had to keep her afraid and we knew just how. It was like being a mouse in a lion’s den.

    I lengthened my claws further and scraped the side of the concrete wall.

    She jumped as I had hoped. Kai knew exactly what we were up to. He knew but he couldn’t control one’s emotions. All he could do was try and comfort her.

    Keoni hissed in the other direction making her swivel her head around her.

    The walls were moist so I decided to use that to cover my smell. So that even Kai was rendered useless. He wasn’t afraid yet though.

    If I were to scare him I would have to try a little harder. He’s on edge but not scared just yet.

    I let out my black leathery wings. Right now I was behind them. Behind her. I extended my wing and lightly grazed their ankles then pulled back quickly blowing a gust of wind along the floor making her jump and screech.

    Torment was my specialty. Even though Vanni has been out longer I knew how to torment and taunt. Also watching Vanni get bullied for the past century and half helps.

    I snuck up quietly behind them and whispered between them in a hiss. “What’s wrong? Thought you weren’t afraid.”

    “Fucking half breed show yourself!” Kai yelled. By the way he is yelling I can tell I made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

    “Sure brother.” Keoni whisper hissed in the other direction making them snap their heads in that direction.

    “Ok this is fucking bullshit. Veronique shed some light in here. I’m tired of not being able to see these bastards.” Kai growled. He was terrified.

    Well he wouldn’t have to be if he didn’t side with that lying witch.

    He may be a full demon which means he has extrasensory perception but he will completely bypass me. As I know how to conceal my presence. Perks of being a vampire. This peasant comes in handy some times.

    Yeah I know.

    Quit praising. This was the first time.

    Yeah but I came in handy didn’t I?

    Luckily but Keoni won’t get bypassed. Their twins. Is there anything that will help me conceal his presence as well as mine?

    Try holding onto him.

    Does that work?

    Sometimes Leo did it to me to help me hide from Delfina and her gang.


    I quickly and quietly ran over to Keoni and held onto his shoulders to conceal his presence from his brother.

    “OK. Wait a minute.” Veronique say before she held a ball of fire in her hand and spun in a circle to try to find us but with no luck.

Kai let out a loud growl of irritation. “How can they conceal their presence?”

It was then that we heard a loud howl. “What was t-t-that?” Veronique asked burying her face in Kai’s chest as he held her protectively.

“Bastards stop that. This isn’t funny anymore. We need her to get us out of here.” Kai growled getting angrier. The more frightened Veronique got the more angry he got.

I let go of Keoni and turned visible again and retracted my wings, fangs, and claws. My eyes returned to their normal brown color as well.

“That wasn’t us.” I said no longer smiling. I was dead serious as was Keoni. He returned himself back to normal as well.

When Kai heard this his eyes turned back to brown and froze. His  claws and fangs had retracted.

“Wait. What?” He asked slowly almost as if he didn’t want to hear the answer but needed to as well.

I could tell that he was hoping this was another one of our tricks to scare them. Sad to say it wasn’t.

I was starting to hope that, that howl was a figment of our imagination. You know considering were stuck in a labyrinth of tunnels.

“You’re lying.” Kai said trying to keep his composure. He sounded as if he was trying to make himself believe it. He was a demon. His ears didn’t deceive him.

“I’m sorry brother but you know damn well that it wasn’t us. Demons don’t howl.” Keoni answered making Kai look to the ground to try and keep calm. He was now holding Veronique not protectively but as a way to keep himself from getting scared.

“And neither do vampires.” I put in. “You know damn well what kind of animal makes a howl like that.”

“Or supernatural.” Keoni added staring straight at his brother. It was odd. Keoni was the one who usually gets scared easy and Kai is the serious, calm one but this time Keoni was the calm one and Kai was the frightened one.

“Take into consideration that we are inside the labyrinth made by the first ones. These tunnels have been here for centuries and the fact that something is howling like that down here means there aren’t just tunnels down here. There must be something else down here.”   I added seriously.

That thought alone made a shiver run down my spine. I blamed that pathetic vampire for these foreign feelings.

Those aren’t mine. Those are yours. My feelings come out when I’m out. You’re feeling your own.

Peasant I am not. I don’t have feelings. Demons don’t feel anything except anger.

Then explain to me why your feeling the way you do?

Keep up those damn comments and you’ll be in a whole lot of pain. Worse than last time you stupid pathetic vampire.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

You fucking better be.

Sorry Xander. I wasn’t thinking.

Apparently you forgot who you are talking to.

I’m really sorry. Please don’t tell the twins. Please. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.

This time peasant. Next time you will be in pain. Maybe you will remember who you’re talking to then.

“So Xan what do you think is down here with us?” I heard Keoni ask curiously. He may have come off as calm but inside I knew damn well that he was scared out of his mind.

“I don’t even want to know.” I answered trying not to think of about it.

    “Guys.” Kai said softly catching our attention.

    “What is it?” I asked a little afraid.

    “How deep are we?” He asked still staring at the floor. He hasn’t moved since he heard that howl.

    “Pardon?” I asked confused. I tried to make out what exactly he could have meant but I just couldn’t.

    “We are underground aren’t we?” He replied not moving.

    “Yes. That would be correct.” I said slowly.

    “So... how deep are we?” Kai asked getting a little impatient.

    “Oh uh… maybe about twelve to fourteen feet…” Veronique spoke up softly.

    When I heard that I practically choked on my saliva.

    Twelve feet?! Underground!

    Not to mention there’s an unknown creature in here with us.

    Yeah that’s amazing peasant mention that again.

    And it’s probably close too with the sound of that howl.

    Don’t talk about that pathetic vampire.

    Why? It’s close. Shouldn’t you be worrying?


    But we’ll be slaughtered!

    No we won’t. Stupid vampire who do you think you’re talking to? I’m a demon. I can handle my own.

    I hope so.

    Pathetic peasant stop worrying.

    Why? You were just a minute ago.

    Say that one more time.


    Thought so.

    “What did you just say? You dragged us down twelve feet underground without our consent?! Not to mention you didn’t say that there were things down here with us. In a labyrinth!” Keoni yelled. He was beyond angry.

    I think this was possibly the angriest he ever could have gotten. Well in the entire time that I’ve seen him.

    “I’m not a thing.” A voice suddenly said out of nowhere.

    It was deep and husky. A males voice. It didn’t sound angry at Keoni’s comment of calling him a thing.

    “W-w-whoooo’s t-t-there?” Keoni stuttered for the first time.

    I was shocked at him for stuttering. He was a demon and he stuttered.

    Well I guess anyone would if they were trapped twelve feet underground with an unknown voice in a pitch black labyrinth of tunnels.

    The voice didn’t answer Keoni. Just chuckled apparently amused.

    “You will find out soon enough. Now follow my voice if you wish to make it out alive. You know following that shapeshifter no matter how frightened she may act, she’ll only lead you to trouble.” The voice said as it sounded like it was getting further and further away.

    “Ok then.” I replied quickly and started walking towards the voice. “Keep talking so I know where you’re at.”

    “Just follow the sound of my voice. You won’t lose me I promise.” The voice said once again.

    “Alright.” I answered and started walking ahead of the others. I looked back to see them skeptical. “Come on. Unless you want to be left behind.”

    “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Veronique can get us out of here.” Kai defended holding her closer.

    “Come on. You can’t trust her. Besides how do you know if she’s even been down here before and the fact that she didn’t tell us its a whole labyrinth proves that we can’t trust her.” Keoni lectured as he took off after me.

    “You see.” The voice chuckled again. It kept going further so if we stalled any longer we would lose it and I for one didn’t want to follow a liar so I power walked after it once more gaining two more followers.

    “I still don’t think this is a good idea but alright.” Kai gave in and followed.

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