Redamancy || Draco Malfoy

By joyfullyours

583K 17.7K 7.6K

Our world was so full of stereotypes; judgement being passed without concrete evidence. I lived my life right... More

OOTP // 01
OOTP // 02
OOTP // 03
OOTP // 04
OOTP // 05
OOTP // 06
OOTP // 07
OOTP // 08
OOTP // 09
HBP // 10
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HBP // 16
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HBP // 19
HBP // 20
DH // 21
DH // 22
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DH // 31
DH // 32
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DH // 39
DH // 40.1
DH // 40.2
DH // 40.3
DH // 40.4
DH // 41
DH // 42
DH // 43
Post-War // 44
Post-War // 45
Post-War // 46

DH // 23

9.3K 340 203
By joyfullyours

I looked from my left to my right.

All around me, people were talking happily, laughing among each other.

It filled my heart with warmth, seeing this kind of happiness radiate off anyone nowadays. It was rare to see a smile, or hear a laugh. Everywhere was just death, and screams.

I heard them. The screams.

They terrified me.

I stood outside of the tents, by myself.

The sky was pretty today. The stars shone brightly. But they weren't the only ones shining.

I glanced down to see the pendant on my necklace, glowing. I wrapped my fingers around it, smiling to myself.

Draco never told me why it glowed, but I knew that it was a good thing.

I hardly wore it, it attracted too much attention. But tonight, I did. Besides, all the attention would be on Bill and Fleur.

I looked over my shoulder, seeing Bill dancing with Fleur. They had smiles on their faces, and I felt a sense of happiness. I wasn't psychic, but I could tell that they would have their happy ending. Maybe they've already found it.

We don't always have our happy endings, but Bill and Fleur, they did.

My head snapped up as something bright shot through the sky. It headed straight for the tent.

I instinctively wrapped my fingers around my wand, running into the tent. The tent had darkened a lot, and in the middle of it was a bright, blue glow.

It was a message.

"Your ministry has fallen. The minister of magic is dead."

My mind started whirring as soon as those words registered within me. Merlin's beard, the minister of magic was dead.

"They're coming." The voice of the message said, before parts of the tent erupted into flames.

My eyes widened at the all too familiar sight of sinister dark smoke.

Death Eaters.

I backed away. I ducked just as a bolt of light came my way. Looking around, I caught sight of a death eater pointing his wand at me.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, stunning him.

I shouted out more spells, hitting any Death Eater in sight.

I spotted Harry, Hermione and Ron disapparating away. At least they were safe.

A hand covered my mouth and I let out a muffled scream.

"Now, now, lovely. Don't make this hard for the both of us." A voice whispered in my ear, before my wand was taken out of my hands.

I elbowed the man and ran.

"Get her!" He yelled from behind me.

I ran as fast as I could, but the men were faster. I was pulled to the ground. I kicked a man off me, but another grabbed me.

The leader walked over. "Well, well. You are a pretty one, aren't you?"

"Oh, piss off." I snarled, trying to wrestle my way out of the men's grips.

The leader laughed. He was about to say something, but something caught his eye.

I followed his gaze to see my pendant glowing.

"Now, that's something really pretty," The Snatcher admired, before giving a sly smirk. "And also very precious to the Malfoys."

He must've seen my expression, for he said, "You thought I wouldn't recognize it? That pendant has be has been a family heirloom for centuries. I don't recall you being a Malfoy." He said slowly.

My breath hitched as I realized what he was saying. "I didn't steal it." I told him quietly.

He laughed, "Oh, nevermind whether you stole it or not. I'm bringing you to the Malfoys."

"Aria!" I looked to my left to see Charlie running towards me, furiously hexing at the Snatchers that surrounded me.

His name was on the tip of my tongue, but before I knew it, we had disapparated away.

We landed in a place I was a little familiar with. The gates of Malfoy Manor.

"I didn't take it!" I shouted at the Snatcher as he dragged me past the gates. "Let me go!" I insisted, trying to pull myself out of his grip.

He completely ignored my efforts, dragging me along with him. He pulled me into the manor, before pushing me onto the ground.

I stood up, glaring at him.

"What is this?" A voice asked and I turned, only to see Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bloody hell, I'm doomed.

"I'm not a thief." I hissed at the Snatcher.

He ignored me, again.

"Look around her neck." The Snatcher told Bellatrix.

I glared at Bellatrix, who was coming closer.

"Is that..." Bellatrix trailed off, staring wide eyed at my necklace. "Our family's heirloom?" She whispered, before rushing at me.

Her hand gripped around my throat as she inspected the pendant further.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, pushing her away from me.

I charged at the Snatcher snatching my wand from his hands. "Stupefy!" I screamed, pointing my wand at Bellatrix.

She dodged the spell, before shouting hexes at me. Her hexes hit walls, mirrors, tables, making the place an entire mess.

"What is going on here?" A voice boomed, stopping every action.

I looked up in horror to see Lucius Malfoy, and behind him, Narcissa.

"She's a thief. She stole the family heirloom." Bellatrix said, eyes filled with madness.

"I didn't steal it!" I protested, keeping my wand at ready.

"How did you get it?" Lucius asked, walking towards me.

I backed away. "I found it." I said firmly.

Lucius narrowed his eyes at me. "You're lying."

"I found it, alright? I can't help it if you don't believe me!" I told him.

Lucius opened his mouth, but was cut off by his wife.

"Where did you find it?" She asked slowly.

I stood up straighter, eyeing her. "Somewhere far from here." I said, tone strict and firm.

I needed them to believe me.

I thought that I had convinced them, until Narcissa asked, "Did Draco give it to you?"

I froze. "What?" I asked, almost a whisper.

"Did Draco give it to you?" Narcissa asked again, louder.

I shook my head, "No."

"The last person who was in possession of the pendant was Draco." Narcissa drawled out.

I gave her a challenging look, "He didn't give it to me."

"She's a liar, and a thief!" Bellatrix screamed, before hexes flew at me.

I put up a shield by instinct, deflecting the hexes. Lucius joined her in the attack, while Narcissa backed away.

"You're mad! I am no thief!" I shouted, still defending myself against the spells.

A hex hit the wall mirror above me and it shattered, falling onto me. I was momentarily stunned, and Bellatrix took that opportunity to point her wand at me. I saw the madness and the hatred in her eyes.

It scared me.

"Father." A soft voice spoke up at the stairs.

All of us looked up to see a platinum blonde standing there, eyes wide.

"What is going on?" He asked.

I stared speechless at him.

"Draco, go back to your room." Lucius said, voice authoritative.

I watched as Draco proceeded down the stairs, graceful as ever.

"No." He replied simply. "I want to know what's going on."

"Do you know this girl?" Narcissa asked, before anyone could open their mouth.

Draco's eyes flickered to mine.

I mouthed, "No."

Draco glanced back at his mother. "Why do you ask?" He questioned back.

Bellatrix beat Narcissa in replying. "She has the family heirloom around her neck, the little thief." Bellatrix snarled.

"I am not a thief!" I told them for the umpteenth time that day.

"The last person in possession of the pendant was you." Narcissa told her son.

Draco glanced at me again.

I shook my head no.

He gave me an exasperated look, before he stood up straighter and looked at his parents.

"I gave it to her."

Bloody hell.

There was a silence afterwards.

I saw Lucius staring at Draco, a shocked expression on his face. Bellatrix had her mouth agape, while Narcissa was frowning.

"Draco, you never told us you were—"

"It was just a tradition. I changed it." Draco cut his mother off.

"You don't just change traditions!" Lucius exclaimed.

"She's a blood traitor!" Bellatrix screamed.

"I gave it to her as a gift! What's the difference?" Draco protested.

"The difference, son, is that—" Lucius started, before Bellatrix interrupted him.

"Nevermind the difference! She's a blood traitor!" Bellatrix yelled, pointing her wand at me.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, and Bellatrix's wand flew into my hand.

"You dare take a witch's wand? My wand?!" Bellatrix screamed, eyes flashing with anger and craze.

Lucius pointed his wand at me.

"Stop it!" Draco exclaimed, rushing towards us.

"You will not harm her." He said softly, but firmly.

Lucius seemed shocked at Draco's words.

"Would someone mind telling me what's happening? What's with the pendant?" I asked rudely.

"The pendant is a gift as to celebrate an engagement." Narcissa told me.

I raised an eyebrow. "An engagement gift." I turned to Draco. "Since when were we engaged?"

"Since never!" Draco sighed, exasperation clear in his voice. "Look, I gave it to her as a promise gift, alright?" He said to his family.

"Are you courting her?" Lucius asked bluntly.

Oh, for Merlin's sake.

Draco seemed confused for a second, before he replied, "Yes."

I looked at Bellatrix. She looked mad. Furious. It was obvious, given the fact that she hated my family. And me.

"Look, now that everything's sorted out, can I go home?" I asked hopefully.

"No." All four of them said in chorus.

I glared at them.

Narcissa dragged Draco and me by the arm, away from Lucius and Bellatrix.

"Go up to your room, and bring her along. Lock the doors. I'll talk to them." Narcissa whispered to her son.

Draco nodded, before heading to his room.

I sighed, following after him.

Once we were in his room, Draco locked the door.

"Have you lost your mind?!" I hissed.

Draco gave me a look. "If I hadn't told them, you'd be dead by now!" He exclaimed back.

I crossed my arms, glaring at him. I knew he was right, that I'd be dead if it wasn't for him, but I was still mad.

"Something tells me you're not mad about the pendant." Draco sighed.

I walked over to his bed and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at him.

"I cannot believe you, Draco Lucius Malfoy!" I huffed.

Draco seemed stunned, catching the pillow that had hit him right in the face. "What did I do?" He asked, confused.

I scoffed, "What did you do? What did you do?!  Oh, nothing much except for not writing to me when you promised you would! I didn't know what happened, nor what was going on, and I didn't know if you were okay or if you were already dead! I spent the entire break going out of my mind because there wasn't a single letter, out of the hundred, that was yours! I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, my family thinks that I'm mad, and all that was left to remind me that you would come back, was a necklace that was supposed to be given as an engagement gift!"

I was furious. While I was worrying my head off, here Draco Malfoy was, prancing around in his manor.

Draco walked over to me. "Aria."

I hated the way he said my name. It always made me want to forgive him.

"It wasn't easy for me too. I couldn't write you, I couldn't risk having you discovered. They watched my movement everyday, my parents. Made sure I didn't step out of line. I wanted to write you, I really did. I was worried too. I heard Potter was spotted and that he was attacked, along with the Order. I didn't know if you were there. I was worried sick. But my parents expected me to sit here and behave, and I have to do that. It's not just for me, it's for my family too." Draco told me softly.

"I hate it when you say things like that. It makes me feel as though you're right." I replied him.

"That's because I'm always right." Draco said against my lips.

I huffed again, "I'm still angry at you."

Draco laughed, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his lips to mine.

Then, too quickly, he pulled away.

"I didn't do it," He told me seriously. "I didn't kill Dumbledore."

I nodded, "I know. Harry told us. Besides, I knew you would never do it."

"I'm not sure if I should take that as your lack of faith in me."

"I do have faith in you, Draco. That's why."


Then he was kissing me once more.

I've missed this.

I've missed the way his hands were always placed gently on my waist, or the way he kissed me with such passion and love. I've missed the way he felt, the way he tasted.

I've missed him.  

"I've missed you, Aria Weasley." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled, "And I you, Draco Malfoy."

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