Never Alone.

By xiBitex

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Life has never been more complicated for Sarabella. She has gone through life easily, she lived with her adop... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

790 11 3
By xiBitex

Never Alone, Chapter One. 


Waking up in a mist of confusion, a young women with long luscious blonde hair, barely older than 25, stood in front of me a yard away, screaming my name. 


I tried screaming back to her to  

Ask her why? 

Who was she?  

How did she know my name?  

But I could not find my voice to do so, before I could compose myself from not being able to talk I heard her shout one last time "SARABELLA TURN AROUND... RUNNN!!" 

Before I could turn around to see what she was talking about i felt someone grab my neck and sink there teeth in... 

I jolted into a sitting position in my bed holding my neck, thank god it was only a dream, a dream that felt so real.  

I got a hold of my self, and turned to check what time it was... 7:13 in the morning, Great I have school today. I climbed out of bed and did a little stretch before heading towards the shower.

After my shower I dressed in my favourite t-shirt, a purple tank top with a tiger on it and a pair of skinny jeans and headed down stairs to get some breakfast.  

Grabbing a piece of bread with honey on it, I raced back upstairs to see my mum Sharron making her way down the hall, her dark blonde almost brown hair was in a bun on top of her head.  

"Morning mum" I said.

Sharron was my adopted mum, she had told me little about my real parents, only that they had passed away about 6 months after I was born, and she was my mum's best friend. 

"Morning sweetie, Need a ride to school today?" She yawn a chuckled a little because her words come out more like...  

Maaaawwwwwnnnn uhhh sswweeetttzzy Hhuuuuuhh riddee schoool tdaeeee. "Nahh I feel like walking today" I smiled at her and walked into my room.

7:30am i still had 20mins before i had to leave. I went into the bathroom to make my self presentable for school. I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair and put a little make-up on. 

When i was done i looked in the mirror, I mean i was not ugly if anything i was pretty, i have long straight brown hair and emerald green eyes, i was pretty slim with the curves in all the right places, I'm not short but not that tall either I'm 5'6 and the only thing I really don't like about myself is my pasty white skin, no matter how hard i try i can not tan. 

Before i left, i grabbed my purple chucks and a white pair of socks and put them on; i also grabbed my school bag and my black jacket and practically ran out the door saying a quick good bye to my mum.

The walk to school was very peaceful. I had a chance to think about my future and what my 18th birthday beholds, when i turned 16 Sharron gave me a letter explaining the things that would happen on my birthday, How when i was 18 i would turn into a monstrous creature. I could not bring my myself to think about it, i did not want anything to change i like my life the way it is, i have friends i have my mum and a house, It's not something I can change though so I guess im just going to have to live with it.

I walked through the gates of school to see my best friend Jess Stewart waiting for me, we have been best friends since preschool, she's really pretty, she has black hair and bright blue eyes and a slim figure, any guy would die to date her, Jess and i are complete opposites, people always wonder why we are friends. She's the tanned popular girl and I'm the white chick that's always with her. 

As soon as she saw me she ran and jumped at me, holding me in a tight embrace, "Sara i missed you!!!" She squealed. Jess has been away on a holiday to Hawaii making her more tanned than she was to start with, I am so envious. "Hey Jess! I missed you too! How was Hawaii! "I tried to sound as enthusiastic as she was but i had a lot on my mind, especially my 18th birthday.

She blabbed on about her trip to Hawaii and i nodded and all the right times and squealed with her, but my mind was far away. We walked and talked all the way to our first class, English, Sigh, it was not my best subject but then again it was not my worst. We took our usual seats in the middle of the class and continued to talk till the lesson started. 5 minutes through the lesson the door creaked open, our heads all snapped up immediately to see who it was...

Oh MY. He was the most beautiful thing i have ever set my eyes upon. He's Tall approximately 5'9. He's muscular but not bulky, he has jet black messy hair and the most gorgeous dark blue eyes I have ever seen. Thinking his hair was the most gorgeous thing about him, i was wrong he had the most amazing voice ever, He had said, "Hey, I'm Damien Karnis" I melted right then and there.

he walked right past me, and I kept my eyes on my desk, but I felt the surge of electricity 

As he breezed past me, I looked up to see Jess looking at him with a hunger that shouldn't be wished on anyone, I know now that it's a waste of time even trying to like this guy, Jess would want him, and what Jess wants, Jess gets.

The whole lesson of English I spent trying to not look behind me, I litrerally had to force myself to keep my head straight, Jess kept talking to me but I couldn't find my self to talk so I just nodded again in all the right places. She kept glancing behind me, the whole time. I think she was just talking to try and get his attention, I mean she was talking loud enough.  

"Are you coming Sara? Or are you just going to sit there like a turd and doodle?" I heard Jess say as she probed me in the shoulder.

I looked behind me and Damien had already left, I felt a pang of sadness rush through me but I quickly pushed it away.

I grabbed my stuff and shoved in my bag, and followed Jess to our next class,Geography, it's not as bad as English and we have a cool teacher so I guess it's alright.

I walked into class and went to sit in my seat right at the back while Jess sits in this class with her more, lets say popular friends.

When I got to me I seat I looked up to see that it was already taken.  

Damien was looking up at me with amusment written all over his face. 

"Uhhh,, Errr Sorry.." I stammered and went to walk away. 

"I can move if I am in your seat." He said.  

I froze on the spot.. Is he talking to me? He can't be talking to me I'm too me.. Wait.. He is talking to me, say something Sara say something! 

"Oh, umm no it's alright.. Um I'll just sit somewhere else.."  

"You can sit next to me, I promise not to bite" He said with a suggestive wink.  

I blushed but sat down next to him anyway, I could feel Jess's glare on me. 

"Your friend doesn't like me sitting next to you does she." He said sounding amused. 

"Uhmm.. I don't know.. Well err I guess not."  

God I'm such an idiot why can't I talk properly around this guy.  

I heard someone come up then clear there throat in front of me, I looked up to see Jess standing there. 

"Yes?" I asked her. 

She glared at me and said "Can I borrow a pen Sara?" 

I looked at her questioningly, but she shook her head at me so I got a pen out of my bag and gave it to her. 

"Thanks you're a doll." she said turning to Damien 

"Hi I'm Jess you must be new it's nice to meet you" She purred and held out her hand 

Damien just stared at her dumbly and replied "Hi." I knew he'd want her, I knew he wouldn't be able to resist her, no guy can.  

"So I'm having a party this weekend and I was wondering if you would like to come" She purred again leaning over his desk and sending him a suggestive wink. 

"Sounds great Jess But..." Damien trailed off. 

"But what? Baby?" Jess said. 

"I'll only come if you get your boobs out of my face" he turned to me " And if your going" 

My heart started to race, a simple look and I was gone burgers.  

Jess stood there with her mouth wide open, she glared at me then stomped off, at that point I snapped out of my daze and looked at Damien he was laughing, I started to laugh too but covered it up with a cough, He looked over at Jess and said "If looks could kill" then he looked at me with raised eye brows and this time I couldn't cover my laugh up with a cough. 

Damien joked around and talked to me for the whole lesson, I found out that he came too San Diego because his father had a business deal that he couldn't refuse, he came from California but didn't go to school there, he said that he wanted to start a new life here, a new beginning.

I have never talked to a guy as much as I have talked to Damien, but as soon as he got talking, it felt like I had known him for forever.

It felt like Geo was over too quickly, I had already asked what Damien had next and he wasn't in my maths class, but Jess was, and speaking of her, she was waiting outside the class room,  

She smiled at me with a fake smile, I could always tell when she was being fake and right now, it was almost unbearable to look at her. Damien walked with me out the door and saw Jess, he paused for a second and then said bye to me a walked off, Wussy I thought, leaving me to face the wrath of Jess alone. I took a deep breath and then walked over to Jess, what scared me the most is that she didn't say anything the whole time we walked to maths, we went and sat at the 2 seater down the back of the class room, as soon as Mr Gordan got talking she turned to me with a very evil stare and said "What was that about?" I looked at her confused, I actually had no idea what she was talking about.

"Don't play dumb with me Sarabella" she hissed. 

"I'm not playing dumb, I don't know what your talking about." I hissed back. 

She looked taken aback but quickly masked it with anger. 

"You were all over Damien, I knew I couldn't trust you, you know I like him, what was with you going and sitting next to him, I can't believe you would do that to me!" she cried. 

"Seriously Jess, I didn't see him in my seat, I went to sit somewhere else but he asked me to sit next to him, I couldn't refuse, and when did you say you liked him I didn't hear you once say it don't start the sympathy thing with me I'm sick of it, honestly go find someone else to push around"

Jess looked shocked, and I was too, I had never talked back to her before, mainly because I was intimidated by her, but not anymore, I'm sick of the way she treats me.

She looked at me as if I was stupid. 

"You heard what I said." I told her. 

"You, Sarabella Knight are done." she sneered and picked up all of her stuff and walked away and sat next too her popular friend and known slut Kelly Picket.

I can't believe I just did that. Now I have no friends, I can't really count Damien as a friend because I just met him, now I'm going to be known as loner girl the girl with no friends, why did I do that why? Why because im a stupid idiot that's why, I'm afraid of being alone, I can't help it.

I should go over and apologise to her. No you shouldn't Sara stay strong she will come crawling back to you.

I faintly heard the bell ring and I walked out of class I could feel the tears threatening to fall over my eyes, I rushed towards the entrance, out of school, till someone caught me , and I couldn't help it I didn't know who it was or why it happened but they tears started falling, I sobbed into the persons shirt, and they rubbed circles in my back. 

After a while the tears stopped falling and I snapped back to reality and jumped from this persons grip and looked at them. Tyler hall. The 'It' boy, and my worst enemy.

"There there Sarabella, don't cry" he mocked with a smirk on his face, I knew he would use this against me, within 5 minutes it will be all over the school that I cried like a baby into the arms of Tyler Hall, I know he will never let me live it down.

I ran away from him as fast as I could, out the doors into the rain, I didn't know when it started raining and right now I didn't care, tears poured down my face, I could hear someone calling my name from a distance but I didn't care and I bet they didn't either, bet they just wanted to rub it in further. I ran and ran until I reached my house, I opened the door slammed it close then ran upstairs to my room, I threw my stuff on the floor and fell onto my bed, I finally cried myself into unconsciousness.


Just wanted to say that this was originally different I first posted it on another accont called aqentbluex and I changed it a lot but for the better J

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