The Struggle {ON PERMANENT HI...

By SALStratton

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Life is full of tough choices. Which side do you choose? Sometimes the line between good and evil becomes blu... More

The Struggle
Chapter One, 'It's a date!'
Chapter Three, 'Oh My God, You're Such An Ass!'
Chapter Four, "Kiss Me."
Chapter Five, 'I wanted more'.
Chapter Six, "I've always had a thing for lunatics in leather."

Chapter Two 'I'm Not Allowed Cats In The Apartment.'

613 26 0
By SALStratton

Walking into the conference room at Wayne Towers wasn’t the best part of my day on any day, but when I walked in there Wednesday afternoon, feeling really zen after a deep tissue massage, I should have been prepared for my state of bliss to be destroyed in an instant.

And there he sat, right at the end of the table, the destroyer of inner peace.

“Good afternoon, Miss Dawn.” Wayne greeted me. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. He was sitting in Lucius’ seat, meaning I would have to sit next to him. I bit my bottom lip, as I looked at him in confusion.

“What are we doing for you today, Mr Wayne?” I asked, reluctantly walking to my seat, sipping my Starbuck’s coffee like it would save me from this annoying encounter. I sat down, dropping my bag on the ground next to me, and leaning back in my chair, almost squirming under Bruce’s close inspection. His eyes took in my low cut pink bandage dress, showing clearly as I hadn’t buttoned my blazer, and a smirk spread across his face when I caught him checking me out, and my reddened cheeks. It was hard not to blush, the man looked like a God in a suit.

“Just thought I’d let the board know that the charity benefit for the Gotham Orphanage for Boys was successful, especially with the very large donation from its newest member.” He smiled at me. 

Damn he had a great smile. And those eyes. So blue.

“Anything for a great cause, Mr Wayne,“ I replied, tearing my eyes off of him, as I noticed that he was ignoring the rest of the board. “Since you’re here, I’ve been looking over the stock reports, and Wayne Enterprises stock is rising steadily, which means you’re making more money.”

“Did you find a solution to that stock holder issue?” One of the other board members asked me.

“Of course, Mr Evans. I took the client out to lunch, and we resolved the issue like mature adults. Mr Jones is now talking to his accountant, and buying more stock, and dropping the complaint.” I smiled, mentally doing a victory dance.

“I told you that she wasn’t just a pretty face.” Lucius said, grinning across the table from me. 

“But it is a pretty face.”

“A pretty professional face, Mr Wayne,” I retorted, rolling my eyes at his ‘compliment’. “Why don’t we stick to talking business? While Mr Jones is now a fully satisfied stock holder, I’ve heard other complaints from other stock holders, who aren’t satisfied with stock rising steadily. They want it to soar. So we’ve got to make our stock more desirable to potential buyers in order to keep our current stock holders happy.”

“Why don’t you just go to the stock room and start selling it?” Bruce grinned at me. “I’m sure we’ll have men flocking in to buy stock.” 

“Now I see why every other member of the board are male. Intelligent women must get tired of being hit on by you, Mr Wayne.” I retort, rolling my eyes. I start fiddling with the gold ring on my index finger, twirling it around, so I didn’t have to look at Wayne.

“And yet, you’re still here.”

“Trying to scare me away, Mr Wayne?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“I think we’ve discussed enough business today. Let’s reconvene next week.” Lucius announced, which had me on my feet in an instant, and already half way out of the room. I heard my name being called by Bruce, but I ignored it, pretending not to hear, and carried on walking. 

I had almost made it out of the building, before a hand wrapped itself around the top of my arm, and yanked me to one side.

“Excuse me, but I don’t enjoy being man handled, unless its in a bedroom, and I’ve given prior consent!” I half-joked, turning round to glare at Mr Wayne. 

“You’ll have to show me that sometime, but I just wanted to tell you to wear something nice on Friday, like that dress you wore to the benefit.”

“I’m not dressing up for dinner with you, Mr Wayne. That would be like me agreeing it’s a real date, when its not.”

“But it is.”

“It’s not, Mr Wayne, but I’ll let you believe whatever you want to believe. It’s best not to anger a delusional man.” I smirked, pulling my arm out of his sharply.

“You wound me, Miss Dawn.” He said, smiling at me, staring into my eyes. I found myself staring back. I have no idea why I find myself so drawn to those beautiful blue orbs, considering they belong to such a egotistical, arrogant man.

“I have a feeling that I’m the only person willing to deflate your swelling ego, but I’m sure the world will thank me. If you’ll excuse me, Mr Wayne, I have other commitments to attend to, and I don’t like to keep people waiting.” I said.

“I’ll see you on Friday.” Bruce said, taking my hand into his and kissing it slowly and gently, but his eyes never left mine.

“If I show.” I replied, turning away. 

This man was affecting me more than I would like to admit, and I don’t know how strong my defences are to hold against such a persistent force.

“You’ll come. You’re too curious not to.”

“But you know what they say, Mr Wayne. Curiosity killed the cat.” I replied loudly, so he could hear as I strutted away from him, smirking at pedestrians, as I made a beeline to my car.

My driver already had it open for me, and closed it quickly after me, knowing I didn’t want to draw attention to myself for too long. I’d already had people asking me where I had gone. For some reason, they thought I was globetrotting instead of at college. But, like the miraculous return of Bruce Wayne, the return of the prodigal daughter of Harry Turner was causing quite a stir, apparently.

“Where to, Miss Suzanne? The city apartment or the townhouse?” 

“The apartment, Harold, please.”

“Of course, Miss.”

Harold got me to my apartment in record time, knowing I disliked slow car journeys and upon parking, hurriedly opened my car door, and then held the door open to the very expensive apartment complex I resided in.

After waiting a couple of moments for the elevator to reach the top floor, and my apartment, I was lulled into a false sense of security. As soon as I had stepped into my actual apartment, a sense of unease hit me, and my fists clenched of their own accord. I walked further into the apartment, trying to look casual, like I didn’t know there was an intruder. And then I noticed the ‘burglar’, sat on my couch, out of the corner of my eye. 

“You know I‘m not allowed cats in the apartment.” I comment, putting my bag down on my kitchen counter, sighing.

“You should get the security for this place bumped up, I hate knowing my kitty isn’t safe in her own home.” Selina practically purred at me, making me roll my eyes.

“As lovely as it is to see you, Selina, why are you here?” I asked, turning round to face her. 

She looked as feline as ever, though she’d let her hair grow longer since the last time I’d seen her, which was about a couple of months ago. Her eyes wandered around the room, surveying my place, eyeing the valuables with longing before tearing them away when she caught my disapproving stare.

“I came looking for my stray pussy cat, and now I’ve found her, I need her to come do a job with me.” She grinned at me. 

If someone didn’t know that Selina was the Catwoman, they’d instantly make some sort of connection between the two upon spending some time with her. She just acted so…cat-like. And she always manages to bring cats into conversations. And she always calls me ‘her kitten’ or ‘kit-kat’ or ‘kitty’. She might as well not wear the mask and costume when she goes to do a job, because if Batman ever met her and Catwoman, it wouldn’t take him long to figure it out. And she’d probably get locked up in Arkham Asylum with the likes of The Calendar Man and Ventriloquist. 

“I already told you. I’m done with all that. As much as I love it, I don’t want to get back into the whole thieving game.”

“You’ve got no choice.”

“I make my own decisions, Selina. You know that.”

“Well then make the decision to do as I say otherwise I’ll hand your identity over to one of the super villains that live in Gotham. They’ll take you out, kitten, or the police will.” Selina smirked at me, as I glared at her, as I realised she was right. Some criminals still had a grudge against the Dark Vixen for getting them locked up in the past. And if the Gotham City Police Department found out that I was one half of the cat burgling duo who robbed banks all around the Stanford University area, then I’d get locked up in Arkham with Selina.  

“We’ll do it tomorrow. It’ll give us time to make a game plan.”

Selina grinned at me, and jumped up and pulled me into a hug.

“I knew you’d see sense, kitten. Now why don’t we go out tonight, find us something tasty to sink our claws into.” She asked, holding me at arms length.

“Not tonight, Selina. Why don’t we stay in tonight? Tomorrow will be excitement enough.” I persuaded her, seeing her finally bend to my will. 

“Okay, spoil sport. This kitty is going to take a cat nap in the nicest spare bedroom.” She kissed my cheek, and walked away. I sighed, once I saw the bedroom door close behind her.

First Wayne, now Selina? My life is going to be very difficult.


It was Thursday night, and I was sitting across the rooftop from Selina, donning my old cat burgling costume. It felt weird wearing it again, when  I had told myself that I wasn’t going to be this person anymore. That I wasn’t going to sit on rooftops, with Selina, waiting until the night security guard came out to have his ‘secret’ cigarette break. That I wasn’t going to be a thief anymore, when I had thrown plenty of them in jail. 

I’d always wondered how I let the lines between good and evil become so blurred. Yet it happened, and dwelling on it can’t and won’t change any part of my past.

“You ready to go, kitten?” Selina purred, kitted out in her leather catsuit, black mask and hi-tech goggles, which when resting upon her head closely resembled cat ears. She was Catwoman twenty four seven. She just changed her outfit.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, kit-kat.” I winked at her, twirling one of my throwing knives around my fingers idly. They were only for my protection. I’d never actually kill anyone with them. I wound and maybe maim if the occasion called for it, but I’ve never killed.

“Don’t sound too excited, kitten.” 

“I’m so excited that I don’t want to show it.” I smirked, sliding my knife back into my inside pocket with the others, and sighed. Better get this over with. 

I nodded at Selina, and she winked at me, before cracking her whip and swinging to the bank rooftop. For a bank it wasn’t that secure. I mean, it had a fire escape, which anyone could use to get to the top of the building. I counted to five in my head as she disappeared, and then started my climb down the building, using ledges and lost bricks as foot and hand holds. Soon I was standing behind the security guard, hidden by the shadows. 

I spotted Selina at the top of the fire escape, and she nodded to me. I walked out of the pure darkness, a sultry smile on my red lips, my hands playing with my long, French braid flirtatiously.

The guard spotted me, and his eyes first looked alarmed, but darkened with lust as he took in my figure. My leather jacket was completely unzipped, my leather corset slightly too tight, and my long legs were sheather in leather too. My knee-high boots clacked against the concrete, as I sauntered towards him, fluttering my eyelashes, and occasionally slowly licking my bottom lip, as though it was too dry. 

“What’s a girl like you doing lurking in the shadows, looking like that?” He asked, walking towards me. “It’s not safe out here.”

I smiled.

“Not safe for who?” I asked, as Selina dropped on him, quietly knocking him unconscious. 

“Nice work, Red.”

“Isn’t that Poison Ivy’s nickname, kit-kat?”

“You’ve got red hair too, kitten.”

“Okay, let’s get inside. Thanks…Karl, for giving us your security pass and leaving the back door wide open,” I grinned, snatching his pass which had been clipped to his jacket. I stepped out of the way of the door, gesturing to Selina to go first. “Feline’s first.”

Selina smirks, and daintily steps across the overweight security guard, and inside. I grin in anticipation, as we make our way inside. 

We’re both wearing masks, so we won’t be identifiable with the security cameras. I smile widely as Karl’s swipe card swings the vault door wide open. Selina pulls the empty backpack off her back, and steps inside, filling it with money. It was on a small job. Nothing major. But it was still thrilling. I kept alert. As luck would have it, it was my turn to be the look out. When we did bank jobs, one of us would stand guard at the entrance of the vault while the other plundered to their hearts delight. I waited patiently until I felt a tap on my shoulder, meaning she was done. 

And that’s when all hell broke loose. 

Alarms started sounding from the front, I heard the security guard yelling, telling the cops we were still in the safe. I smiled at Selina, and we bolted, straight through the back. I started climbing the building opposite again, and Selina went a different way. We always split up when this happened. That way there’s less chance of one of us being caught. 

I easily pushed myself up onto the ledge, and start running across the roof, at full speed, before jumping across to the next one. It wasn’t that big of a gap, so I landed on my feet quite easily. I started forward again, but ran into a black wall that wasn’t there a second ago. I fell backwards, landing on my back, but quickly flipping up onto my feet again. 

I clenched my fists, as I took in the dark figure in front of me.

“So you’re the Batman? I thought you’d be taller,” I smirked at him. His face remained expressionless. “I like the strong, silent type. Though I do like being engaged in conversation.”

“Where’s the money?” His gruff voice barked at me.

I feigned innocence, and patted myself down, being overly sarcastic as I pretended to search for what he had asked for.

“I guess I lost it! Or I never had it to begin with…Who knows?” I ask, throwing my hands up in the air, and made to move past him. His hand wound itself around my wrist, and I felt this strange tingle surge through me, like electricity. I looked up at the Bat, and he seemed just as surprised at the strange sensation as I was. His eyes were so familiar. Blue. My favourite colour.

There was a tangible energy between us, and it wasn’t connected to my heart, but seemed connected to my more carnal desires. And his. He pushed me backwards, until my back found the door that led to the stairwell, and I started at him, slack-jawed.

“You’re a very aggressive person. Has anyone ever told you that?” I managed to say, before his lips swooped down on mine, attacking my mouth. And then my whole body seemed to explode. But no matter how on fire my body felt, I had to stop. 

I braced my hands on his muscled, armoured chest, and shoved him back. He looked shocked at his own actions, and I daintily wiped the corners of my mouth, giving him a look of apprehension. 

“I guess good guys are attracted to bad girls too. I don’t blame you, I’m pretty irresistible. Ask Karl, the security guard who came onto me, but I’ve got places to go, Bats. So I hope to never see you again, stud.” I winked, and ran, throwing my body across the gap between the two rooftops. I landed in a tuck and roll, and continued my run, only pausing once to look back to see if the Batman was still in his state of shock. 

Of course, he was gone. Melted into the shadows, just like the stories I’d heard of him. Touching my lips, still feeling his on them, and I smirked, before making my way back to Selina’s apartment she was staying at.

I couldn’t wait to brag to her about my encounter with the Dark Knight.


The next afternoon, I was standing in front of Wayne Manor, trying to find the strength to knock on the door. I really didn’t want to be here. Especially after my encounter with Batman last night. My lips tingled just thinking about it. 

I was actually contemplating turning around and getting back into my car, making my driver take me home instead, but as per usual, decisions were made for me. 

One of the double doors swung inwards, and Bruce Wayne stood there in all his annoying billionaire glory. Despite my intense dislike for this arrogant man, I still found myself checking him out. He was wearing black trousers, pressed to perfection as expected, and a white dress shirt that had a couple of the buttons undone, and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. My mouth went dry as I noticed some serious muscle hiding underneath his shirt.

“I was watching you on the cameras. I was wondering how long it would take you to knock, but I got impatient.” He said, smirking at me. It was like he knew what I was thinking about.

“Are you going to leave me standing in the doorway, or are you going to let me get this over with?” I asked, getting a grip on myself, raising an eyebrow when he chuckled at me.

He stepped out of the way, and I hesitated a second, before striding across the threshold, and noticing the white haired man, standing to the side with a polite smile.

“This is my butler, Alfred.” Bruce said, looking at me expectantly.

I smiled at him.

“Good evening, Miss Dawn. Master Bruce has been talking a lot about you.” Alfred said, smiling.

“Please, call me Suzie. I’m not Mr Wayne, I don’t expect you to be formal with me.” I said, holding my hand out for him to shake.

Alfred smiled at me as he shook my hand, and then turned to Bruce.

“I like this one, Master Bruce. Dinner is served in the dining room. May I take your coat, Suzie?” Alfred asked, before helping me out of my coat.

“That’s a lovely dress, Suzanne. Pretty much what I expected you to wear when I asked you to wear an evening gown.” Bruce commented, amusement clear on his face.

“Well I’ve never taken instruction well.” I surprised myself by flirting back. I felt very brazen tonight. I think my encounter with the Batman had made me even more confident with my power over men, and that’s boosted my confidence a lot, making me a lot more carefree tonight. 

Bruce offered me his arm, raising an eyebrow at me, like he dared me to refuse to take it. Rolling my eyes, I slipped my arm through his, letting him lead me to his dining room. I ignored the jolt of electricity as our skin touched, and kept my eyes forward, despite the fact I knew Bruce’s eyes were on me. 

As we walked into the dining room, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes again. He had the largest table in the world.

“Is it just you and Alfred that live here?” I asked, looking up at him, with amusement.

“I get what you’re saying-” He started.

“I’m not saying anything. I will say that the antique dining table in my apartment seats about six people, not sixty,” I grin at him. “So where am I sitting?”

Bruce ushered me to my seat, pulling it out for me, and then pushing me in slightly. I glared at the back of his head when he did that. I’m twenty six, not twelve. He sat down at the end of the table, right next to my seat.

Alfred came in, carrying two plates. 

“So what are we having, Alfred?” I asked, smiling warmly at him, as he placed the covered plate in front of me. I couldn’t smell anything that would give away what was hidden underneath the polished silver. I looked at Bruce, but by the looks of it, he didn’t know either.

“Pancetta-wrapped salmon on a bed of griddled asparagus served with lime crème fraîche, Miss. Enjoy.” Alfred said, revealing the mouth-watering dish.

“This looks and smells delicious, Alfred. And I’ll bet it tastes delicious too.”

“Why are you so nice to Alfred, but not to me?” Bruce asked, almost pouting. I laughed at him.

“Aw, poor baby. Is Little Brucie not getting enough attention? Aw!” I teased him. Alfred obviously liked my joke as he tried to cover his chuckles with pathetic coughs. “To answer your question, Bruce, Alfred just made me a wonderful meal, and seems like a very nice gentleman with an abundance of patience, considering he works for you, so I don’t see a problem with me treating him nicely.”

This answer made Bruce pout more, which in turn made me giggle more.

“You have a sweet giggle.” Bruce smiled at me.

I eyed him through my lashes, as I narrowed my eyes playfully.

Alfred slipped out of the room, giving Bruce and I some space. 

“So, Mr Wayne, out of all the women at that charity ball, why’d you pick me?” I asked, forking a bit of the salmon, and popping it into my mouth. My eyes closed involuntary, as I ate. It was better than delicious. It was like eating a small piece of heaven. 

“Because you were the only one who seemed real. And you stood out from all those other girls. They all looked like clones of each other. And I watched you, and you intrigued me.”

“I intrigued you?”

“You initially turned me down. Not many women would turn me down.” He replied.

“I’m not like other women, Mr Wayne.” I say, sipping a glass of wine that was on the table in front of me. 

“No that’s becoming very clear. You’re different.” He said, before taking his own mouthful of food.

“And is that good or bad?” I pressed.


And in spite of myself, I found my cheeks getting slightly hot and a smile spreading on my face.

“Well, I’ve not met anyone like you either.”

“Is that good or bad?” He asked, with a smirk as he repeated my words.

“Undecided.” I replied, meeting his eyes. Bruce stared back, and I felt something stir within myself. His eyes were so blue, and I've always been a sucker for blue eyes. But his were familiar, like I'd stared into them before. 

“Well, I’ll have to help you decide then.” He grinned at me, as I ripped my eyes away, not being able to handle the intensity of his stare any longer.

We ate in silence, until both our plates were empty. Then Bruce pushed his chair back, the legs scraping noisily against the wooden flooring, and pulled my chair out for me, then offered me his hand. Shaking my head, I took it, and didn’t complain when he pulled me right into his side. Then without saying a word, he led me out of the room, and along the same corridor we’d walked through.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, my heart racing for some strange reason. 

“On the grand tour.” He said, in a ‘duh’ tone.

I rolled my eyes, but noticed the corner of Bruce’s mouth tilt up as though he’d caught me. He showed me the study, the ballroom, the kitchen, the garage full of his fleet of super cars, and then he led me upstairs. I felt like he was trying to sell me the house with the way he described it. 

“Not to pry in your personal business, Mr Wayne, but I thought this place got burnt down not too long ago?” I questioned.

“Last year actually.”

“And you’ve already finished the renovation? Brick for brick? Well give me the name of your contractor, I’ll get him to build me a house this size and this beautiful in a year!” I exclaimed.

“So you like the house then?” He asked, as he showed me the library. It was filled with probably every book known to man. 

“Mr Wayne, I’m not blind. This is a very beautiful house. Is it exactly the same as it was when your parents lived here?” I asked.

He nodded, but didn’t speak and I suddenly felt guilty. Like I’d overstepped and put my foot in my mouth.

“I didn’t mean to bring them up.” I said softly.

“It’s not a big deal.” He said, but he didn’t look at me, as we walked around the library. I kept my eyes on the books, and chose not to look at him anymore.

“Your parents were great people.”

“You knew my parents?” He asked. 

I looked at him over my shoulder, and nodded.

“They came to my mother’s funeral. I don’t think you were there. Your mother held my hand during the service.” I said, picking up a copy of Jane Eyre, and examining it. Looks like it hadn’t been read.

“I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, well I don’t talk about my mother, just like I’m sure you don’t really talk about your parents,” I replied, shrugging. “We have one thing in common at least.”

“What would that be?”

“We’ve both lost the most important thing to us. All the money, the parties, the celebrity…it doesn’t mean anything without the ones we love to share it with us.” I said, placing the book back on the shelf, and turning to face him again.

“You’ve still got your dad.” He said.

“He’s still alive, but that doesn’t mean I share much with him except blood, money, a house and shares in different companies. After my mother died, my father wanted even less to do with me than before,” I said, walking around aimlessly, looking up at all the books I’d probably never get to read. “The great Harry Turner, almost as famous and loved as Thomas Wayne. Your father was the one thing that made me envious of you growing up.”

“You were jealous of me, because of my dad? Why?” Bruce asked, sounding and looking confused.

“Because it was obvious your father adored you, that he loved you with every fibre of his being. I spent the last six years away from home, and spoke to my father four times,” I answered honestly. My eyes widened as I realised I’d just told him personal things about myself. And I realised that it was because I felt comfortable with Bruce.  I was letting him in. A man I barely knew, and I was telling him things I’d never told anyone. Which obviously made me determined to move the spotlight off of me, and onto him instead. “And that’s enough insight into the mind of Suzanne Dawn. At the charity ball, you said there’s more to you than what everybody says behind your back…so tell me something that nobody else knows.”

Bruce looked at me, hesitating, searching my face for something. Probably reading my facial expression to see if I genuinely wanted to know something about him.

“Come on, I accidentally shared too much information, now you prove that you’re not just Bruce Wayne, narcissistic, arrogant, play-boy billionaire,” I smile at him, walking a couple steps closer to him. “You never know, I might actually start to like you.”

“I don’t think telling you one of my secrets will cut it.”

“Okay, why don’t I ask a question, and you just answer it?” I suggested, and he nodded, agreeing to my plan. “Okay…do you play polo?”

“No. Alfred tried to make me learn once, but no.”

“Good. I hate polo. Second question, do you watch football?” I asked.

“When I have time.”

“Whisky or wine?”


“Cats or dogs.”

“Dogs.” Another point in his favour, I joked mentally.

“Who is the real you?” I asked, looking deep into those beautiful blue eyes-I mentally slapped myself. Beautiful blue eyes? Get a grip woman!

“Bruce Wayne, angry, sad, lonely orphan. Satisfied with my answers, Suzanne?” He asked me. 

“Now I actually like you.  Whisky is my favourite drink, dogs are my favourite animal, and I prefer Bruce Wayne, angry, sad, lonely orphan to Bruce Wayne, arsehole drunkard billionaire.” I answered, grinning at him, moving even closer so that we were barely inches apart. 


“Because he’s real,” I replied, honestly. “Now it’s time I went home. Goodnight…Bruce.” I smiled at him, and leaned up to kiss his cheek. I felt the surge of electricity that travelled through my lips upon contact with his soft cheek, but pulled away anyway, and walked out of the room.

Alfred showed me to the door, and handed me my coat. 

“Thank you for the lovely meal, Alfred.” I said, as I was walking out the door.

“Miss Suzanne? Give Mr Wayne a chance.” 

I smiled at the old butler, and nodded, though I’m not quite sure why. I don’t owe him anything, and I don’t owe Bruce anything. But despite not wanting to be there in the first place, as my driver drove me back to my apartment, I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.

When I walked into my apartment, I didn’t find Selina, which I was thankful for, as all I wanted was to strip off, and go to bed. 

So that’s what I did. I left my dress in a heap on the floor in the middle of my bedroom, then crawled into my Queen size bed, under the cool silk sheets, and fell asleep, a small smile on my face as I dreamed of brilliant blue eyes.

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