Her Mate


217K 8.3K 676

What started off as a good life quickly came apart for Crystal the day she came out to her family that she's... Еще

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Thank you

Chapter Twenty-one

4.4K 211 42

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful time. Thank you for reading.

Two men greeted us at the end of the path. Their dark suits contrasting against their pale skin gave them an almost ghostly appearance. A young woman laid on the ground besides the taller of the two with just a small trace of blood coming from her neck.

"Is she dead?"

I blurted out before catching myself. I started to go to see if she was alright when Nancy pulled me back with a look telling me not to do anything. I didn't understand but the the taller one didn't seem to take offense.

"Ah! A first timer, no? Then I welcome you to my Makers Dark Soirée. It always brings me great pleasure to see new humans arrive. You might be pleased to know that Ms. Smith is still very much with us. Her blood is far too tasteful to get rid of. I do find that I drink a bit much for her to handle on occasion causing her to get a bit sleepy. Now, I trust your lady here wouldn't of brought you without your black card hmmm"

I fumbled with my purse with one hand not daring to let go of Nancy who was watching him closely. After a few seconds I managed to get the thing open and handed him the card.

"Oh you are a new one, aren't you? He smiled at me. Nancy had enough and stepped between us with a growl "you've seen enough!"

"So I have." He handed me back my card "I do wish you a pleasant evening. If there's anything I can do to make it more enjoyable, you only need to ask."

If they are casting for a new Dracula movie, they need look no further. I nodded to him and practically dragged Nancy along wanting to get away from him before he felt obligated to make things "enjoyable " for himself.

Rock music was playing loud but not deafening. I found myself actually enjoying it even if I didn't know it. I guess it's starting to grow on me since I've been working at the Wolf's Den. The crowd was another thing. It was a bit of everything from those dressed up in suits and dresses, to those in leather leading others around and of course those completely naked. Vampires would feed off human followers or whatever they're called without a care of who saw it. Likewise, the werewolves were not being shy as, like Linnea, were running around both turned and not.

A large brick house stood off in the distance with its double doors wide open. Stone lamps and sconces lined the path up to it and scattered about the area for lamination like some medieval castle courtyard. Several stages were placed around the property with men and women wearing nothing but their underwear and a number. Waiters carried glasses of blood in tuxedos while waitresses carried glasses of wine as they navigated through the crowd.

"Do they have to be so blunt about it?"

I thought I had said it to myself but Nancy answering told me it was out loud.

"That's not for prostitution. It's for vampires who want fresh blood and not the bagged kind. I guess sex could be worked into the price but it can make some humans a lot of money. More than the blood bank and without all the hassles.

I looked at her shocked unable to understand how anyone could allow themselves to be treated like that. This was America not some third world country!
She moved her arm around my waist pulling me closer. As usual it was calming.

"But to allow someone to just bite into you and take what they want like you're a steak... I just don't get it. As for the prostitution-"

"As much as I hate defending the bloodsuckers, prostitution isn't done just by them. Humans do it too."

I personally had no problem with that if it was their choice and Nancy wasn't involved. That I would definitely have a problem with. I raised my brow to her making her laugh. It was intoxicating and even getting her to smile was rare. I love her laugh.

...And werewolves?"

She formed an 'O' with her mouth and let me go putting her hand over her heart  as if deeply shocked and offended.


I stepped towards her and poked her in the chest with my finger making her laugh again. I wanted so badly to pull my phone out and record it so I could listen to it anytime I wanted like a favorite song. She stepped back looking around as if afraid. She really was bad at faking it.

"Tell me the truth."

"Babe, I can't speak for every reject that comes into the bar but none with any class ever would. We have far better methods."

My mind went foggy at her calling me babe. It was the first time she's ever called me that. My inner goddess had her Pom poms out and wasn't holding back.

"L-L-like what?"

Oh get it together Crystal! You're sounding like an idiot. I didn't care. I was too happy to.

"We ambush them at night and make them fall in love with us."

Her smile broke into a full fledged laugh. Before I could even think of anything to say to that she grabbed my hand again

"C'mon, I wanna dance!"

She pulled me along to a small area near the house where we started dancing or try too anyways. My eyes kept wandering all over the place taking in everything.

"Can vampires turn into bats?" I asked her getting her to laugh again. I was on a roll.

"Batshit crazy maybe. That's about as close to shifting as I've ever seen from them. Why do you ask?"

"Just trying to figure out if being naked means they're werewolves is all. If vampires don't shift then that means clothes is a good way to know.."

"But you're wearing clothes. You're a vampire?"

"Nooo! I'm still working on this, okay? You got some super nose or something and I'm just... I don't know!"

We danced together for about forty minutes. Because it was rock music it was nothing to get really close with but I still loved it. As much as she said she didn't want to come she has opened up being away from the bar. Why did she always put up a wall there? I wish I knew.

"I'm grabbing a drink, you want anything?

I shook my head rapidly. "No! Not with all the blood around. I'll grab a can or two of pop at the bar later."

I watched her leave and I went looking for a place to sit down. I found a spot with a few comfortable padded lawn chairs under a large oak tree that wasn't being occupied and let me have a good view of things.

I noticed Linnea talking to a group of three people just inside the large house. Two guys and a girl all naked talking comfortably as if it was a natural thing. I guess it is natural for them but certainly not for me. And positively not until I have my surgery that I was counting down the days and would need to find someone to go with that I was very comfortable with. To think just weeks ago I imagined that to be Jake and it being a magical ten days or so without worrying about his wife discovering us. Now I'm with her but I didn't see me asking her. That's a huge upgrade in intimacy that I didn't think I was ready yet to dive into. That left only one person and just thinking about the conversation with Joann made my head want to start aching.

"Look at you. You're little mate already up and dumped ya? I've seen desperation before but you, little Ms. Wannabe, really take it to a whole new level."

A woman with long straight red hair said as she came up to me in a red blouse paired with a leather mini skirt holding a glass of wine. I tried to remember if I knew her from somewhere but drew a blank. Please don't be someone from my high school.

"Do I know you?"

"Not yet. I'm Sasha Garrison soon to be a member of the Crimson Grove pack. Thanks to you, I plan on even becoming Luna." She shook her head slowly at me "Talk about your epic failures..."

The pack name sounded vaguely familiar but I had no idea what she was talking about. Whatever. I really didn't want to get into anything with anyone.

"Well good luck with that. And whatever I supposedly did, you're welcome."

She started laughing "That's Jake's pack stupid! I mean like, dumping him for the wife... who even does that? If you're one of those gay freaks, whatever! But Nancy was low even for someone of your standards. Just sayin'."

Jake was here? I looked around but I didn't see him anywhere.

"He's inside talking business with the host. You see, that's what Alpha's do. You made the wrong choice. Oh well! Your loss is my gain. I'll better be getting back to him. I just wanted to say hi."

She started to take a drink of her wine when she looked at it in disgust. "I don't want this now. Here, my treat.

The next thing I knew the contents were all over me burning my eyes and soaking Joann's dress as I tried processing what had happened. Once it set in my anger quickly showed its ugly head.


I jumped up screaming in her face. What was the point of this? I didn't care if she was with Jake. I never had his loyalty even when we were together, I sure didn't expect any now! She stood there with a smirk that made me want to knock it off her.

"Matches are starting soon if you want to try. We can find out if you have anything that I don't."

Nancy appeared grabbing her arm and twisting in behind her back. Sasha screamed out making me think Nancy was a bit too rough.

"Let her go, Nancy! You're not the only one who can claim humans."

Jake's voice rang out. I looked to see him coming towards us with Dracula who checked carded me when we arrived. Of course, we were now the center of attention as everyone seemed to be focused on us having cleared a path for them.

"Is this your latest, Jake? What the fuck do you think you're doing putting her up to assaulting Crystal?"

Nancy's good mood was gone and she was right back to her dominating self and I knew she'd not hesitate to hurt Sasha. This was one area I wasn't totally in the dark, if Jake couldn't hurt me because of Nancy's claim than reason suggested she couldn't with Sasha and I didn't want to see her in trouble.

"Let her go, Nancy. It's okay, It was only wine."

I put moved beside her placing my hand over hers and gently got her to finally release her. Sasha staggered towards babying her right arm that Nancy almost ripped off. Jake didn't even seem to care which bothered me. She put herself into danger of Nancy seriously hurting her and it meant nothing to him. He was only user her as he used Nancy and me.

"I didn't tell her to do shit! I was just talking with Hector here when I saw you manhandling her. You're out of control, Nancy! Are you really trying to embarrass me and our pack? Have you fallen for her lies this much?"

"Fuck you, Jake! You're nothing but a damn coward! All you've ever do is lie and manipulate others. It's not even your pack, she only let you play alpha-"


Jake came towards me enraged. Nancy growled and yanked me back causing me to trip over the chair and fall. My knee stung as I had scraped it on the chair or the ground, yet I was too worried about Nancy to care. I had meant to piss off Jake, I was pissed off, but didn't think I said anything that bad. This was getting way out of hand fast.

Jake stepped back knowing he just made a big mistake. He was trying his best to hide it but he was scared and not sure what to do. Nancy had shifted into her wolf that was making it clear to him he'd best not try that again.

"You would challenge me? I'm your husband!" He ran his hand through his hair as he started pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do.

"After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? Humiliating me in front of everyone here? I don't give a shit anymore! You want her, you can fuckin have her! But don't come crying to me when you find out her little secret and how she's not all she claims to be. I didn't want it to go this far. I was hoping you'd come to your senses but I'm done giving you chances. We're done! Don't let me find out you're on my territory or I'll treat you like any other intruder!

He turned and walked off dragging Sasha by the arm with him. I sat still on my knees wondering what would cause him to go off like that.

I pulled myself up trying to pick up on what Nancy was thinking. If that was what I thought it was- how could he? I reached out to her but she pulled away with a growl then took off leaving me crushed.

"She's probably just going to the car. We should follow." Linnea said putting her hand on my shoulder. I agreed. No matter how Jake could be they did share a number of years together. For things to fall apart this fast can't be easy for her.

After walking back to Nancy's Ford in mostly silence we found her leaning against the door. I could tell she was mad at me as she was staring at the ground with her arms crossed but I had no idea why.

"What was he talking about?" She said coldly not looking up at me.

"I don't know, Nancy. It could-"

"Stop lying! You've done nothing but lie to me since you walked into the bar. Now tell me what the fuck he was talking about!"

"Nancy, why don't you take some deep breaths and calm down. He was trying to start trouble between you two and you're letting him succeed."

Linnea spoke up. I appreciated her attempt at helping but it only seemed to upset Nancy even more as she pulled away from the car getting up into Linnea's face.

"Don't tell me how to act with my mate! You're already in enough shit for telling her about this. You don't want to make things any worse for yourself."

Linnea stepped back lowering her head. She didn't deserve this and was right, Nancy need to relax.

"Nancy, you're being ridiculous! The only thing I've lied to you about is some things in my past because I'm not ready to talk about it yet. Jake only knows because we went to a place together. That's it."

She turned back back grabbing me by both forearms in s strong grip "A doctors office?"

I tried pulling away but it was useless and only caused my arms to start hurting. "Let me go, that hurts!"

"I'm about to do far more than that if you're not honest with me for once. Are you pregnant?"

I wasn't sure what to say. So many emotions flooded me that a part of me wanted to just say yes even knowing it would make things worse. I couldn't do it though

"No! Nancy, I can't get pregnant.

The pain in my arms was terrible now as I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. I just wanted to not have to deal with this.

"I'm transgender."

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