Seeing Red: Book 1 Of The Mor...

By CJ_Brown_Pen

509K 15.4K 1.9K

**Mature Readers Only ( 18+ )** Book 1 of the Moretti series- Remi Bennett grew up with her mother an a handf... More

From CJ
Ch. 1- Remi
Ch 2- Micah
Ch 3- Remi
Ch 4- Micah
Ch 5- Remi
Ch 6- Micah
Ch 7- Remi
Ch 8- Micah
Ch 9- Remi
Ch 10- Micah
Ch 11- Remi
Ch 12- Micah
Ch 14- Micah
Ch 15- Remi
Ch 16- Remi
Ch 17- Micah
Ch 18 - Remi
Ch 19 - Micah
Ch 20 - Remi
Ch 21- Micah
Ch 22- Remi
Ch 23 - Micah
Ch 24 - Remi
Bonus Material - Alternate section to Ch 17.

Ch 13- Remi

15.6K 573 55
By CJ_Brown_Pen

The night I cooked dinner for us. The problem was Micah seemed distant. He was lost in his own thoughts and didn't speak much. Claiming that it had been a long day with his cousins and had some family ordeal. I wasn't buying it, but who was I to make assumptions about what was going on in his life? 

That night there was no attempt on either of our parts to try to seduce or provoke misbehavior, which just affirmed my thoughts that there was something he wasn't saying to me.

Brushing aside the thoughts about what he may or may not have been hiding, the rest of the week went smoothly. I picked up a shift on Wednesday night to counter the fact I'd taken a day off. 

My mirror arrived in the morning, and it was larger than I remembered. Floor to ceiling, it was bordered by a gorgeous, thick, black frame. Thankfully the guys who delivered it were willing to place it for me. I could have asked Micah to help me but he had a meeting with Giovanni that he couldn't miss. 

Although he stayed with me, he had been rushing out as soon as we were up. When Thursday rolled around, I wasn't even excited to see Giovanni. 

Giovanni came in with two younger men who looked like they could have been professional bodybuilders. Their faces looked very similar but there were slight differences in how they carried themselves. If I were to have guessed, they were twins or potentially close in age but brothers for sure. 


"Giovanni, good to see you again. Has it been a week already?" Both of the men arched a brow at me, reminding me of the way Micah looked at me when I first met him. One of the two wore an amused smirk that told me he was more rebellious than the other. 

Before Micah, he was a man I'd flirt with and try to make bad choices with. With his smirk, the more casual of the men stepped forward, taking my hand in his, he brought it to his mouth. Kissing my knuckles he introduced himself.

"Good evening. I'm Nero. Giovanni didn't say anything about goddesses working here." Standing again, my hand still in his, I looked to Giovanni for some support. Was this guy for real?

"Nero, stand down. This is Remi and you will behave." Giovanni firmly planting his hand on Nero's chest and forcing him to step back. A surge of relief flooded me, knowing that Giovanni wouldn't let him overstep. Putting his hand on the small of my back, he led me to his table. "How have you been? Did you decide for next month?" 

"I'm doing pretty well. As far as next month, I was thinking about doing dinner with friends and making a donation to the hospital for further research." Without a word, he wrapped me in a hug. He smelled expensive and his arms were a welcome comfort.

As I took their order, it was hard to avoid Nero's eyes. Smiling politely, it felt as though he was undressing me with every shifted glance. 

"I almost forgot, another one of my nephews will be joining us. Running late as usual. Wait, you met him last week, Micah. Do you remember?" 

"I do. Do you want me to put in an order for him, or wait until he gets here?" It wasn't hard to reign in my excitement to see him, he had been a total ass. We hadn't talked about making our relationship official or public, so I wasn't certain what he had told his uncle. 

Thinking about how Gio had stated 'another one of my nephews,' so these two were his nephews. Were they the twins Micah had mentioned? They were both heavily muscled and extremely attractive. Dark hair, light eyes. The one who introduced himself as Nero had tattoos peeking out from the edges of his long sleeve shirt.

"Just wait. I'm not sure how late he will be."

"Not a problem. I'll be right back with your drinks."

Plugging the order into the computer, I turned towards the kitchen. With my attention on putting my black book away, I ran into the broad chest of Nero.

"Woah, there love. So I have to ask, how do you know my uncle?" Looking past him, Giovanni wasn't at his seat. "He seems to be quite fond of you."

"He has been coming here for years. He started requesting to sit in my section because I'm good at my job, I don't slack, and I make sure he is taken care of. It's simple."

"Well my uncle is a little old for you, but I'd be happy to take care of you. Are you single?" 

"Yeah," my sarcasm was going to get the better of me as my tone contradicted my answer. "I'm not interested. Thanks, though. I'm flattered that you'd want to." I sidestepped him and proceeded to get their drinks. Feeling eyes on me as I stepped into the kitchen. I had a feeling it would be an interesting night. 

Raised voices brought my attention to the swing door of the kitchen. When I walked through it, tray in hand, my gut clenched. Micah was in Nero's face, looking menacing, with his hand in a fist against his cousin's chest.

"What the hell is going on?" The booming voice came from the direction of the bathrooms, as Giovanni emerged. Micah quickly dropped his hand from Nero's collar but he continued to glare. Time slowed as I watched them. My feet felt like lead as I continued towards their table.

"Isn't it obvious?" My head swung to their table where the other cousin sat, alone. His eyes bore into me and I realized he had stayed in the background. He had been quiet and it was only then that he chose to speak. "Micah cares for her. He walked in as Nero tried, and failed, to put moves on Remi. Jealousy is an illness, cousin." Shaking his head in disapproval.  "Plus it looks like your lady is perfectly capable of handling herself." He nodded his head towards me, which caught the attention of the other men in his party. With all of them staring at me, I felt overwhelmed. 

What the fuck was I supposed to say? Micah and I had had brief conversations about whatever we were, but this, this was his family. Landing my try on their table, I set the drinks in their places. It was Giovanni who spoke first.

"Is this true?" He walked up beside me at the table but didn't talk directly to me. I couldn't tell if he was asking me or Micah. I knew one thing, I wasn't about to have this conversation here. Turning to return to the kitchen, but Giovanni blocked my path. "Tell me." Eyes on his lapel, I didn't want to meet his stare. The sternness of his voice made me feel like a scolded child.

"Uncle, please. Let me talk to Remi for a moment. I will explain when I return." Micah's touch should have felt comforting, but I wasn't interested. Shifting away from him and making my way around Giovanni I needed the space.

"I am at work. You want to talk about this? You can wait until I'm off." I turned to Givanni, "Do I need to get someone else to wait on you tonight?"

Micah looked upset by my words but I wasn't complicating my life by bringing my personal life into work. I kept them separate for a reason, and this was why. Giovanni shook his head and gathered his nephews back to the table. Without looking back, I made my way into the kitchen, throwing my tray onto the counter and making my way back to my locker. 

Taking my phone from my pocket, I tossed it into my locker. No sooner had it hit the bottom, the entire metal frame zinged with the vibration of a text. Although my head was telling me to leave it, my hand worked quickly unlocked my screen to check the message.


I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
What is going 
that pretty head?


No, not now

Running into Gina on my way back to the dining room, she could see that I was upset. She only asked if I was okay, but knew better than to push. She happily took the appetizers and salads out to Giovanni's table, while I focused on the few other tables that I had. 

The night dragged on. I was cordial with the Moretti's but avoided looking any of them in the eye, especially Micah. He had tried to catch my hand several times, and each time he failed. Each time our fingers would brush, my cheeks would flush, and I'd pull away. 

By the end of their meals, his tries were desperate. Pulling me into the empty seat next to him. I continued talking casually with Giovanni, knowing it was infuriated Micah. With a huff, he pulled me back to lean into him, his mouth against my ear.

"Stop this. I can't stand you not talking to me."

"I am not having this conversation with you. Not here and not now." I hissed back at him before I wiggled my hand out of his grasp. He ran his hand over his face in frustration. Micah didn't seem to be the type of guy who was told 'no' a lot, if at all.

They all left with Giovanni when they were done. No one lingered and because of it, my emotions were clouded. Giovanni gave me a hug and whispered to me, low so no one else could hear.

"You mean more than a piece of ass to him. Do not be so quick to dismiss him. He has a lot going on. He will open to you when it is necessary. Please, just give him time."

I was quick to shake my head but mulled his words over. Eyeing Micah, his head was lowered and his expression was pained. He tilted his head towards me as he left, but would not meet my gaze.

Entering their check, I was cut soon after. The tip Giovanni left was larger than the combined last week. 

I was thankful that Vincent was the manager because he let me leave as soon as I'd finished with their table. Slipping out the back after I cashed out, I wasn't interested in seeing if Micah was waiting out front. 

The weather had been nice enough, so I'd walked. It gave me time to think. It gave me time to clear my head. 

There was a lot I'd opened up about, to Micah. I had felt connected to him, but after a few days of cold conversations, I was beginning to have my doubts. Maybe he wasn't so different from my original thoughts of him. The disappointment was something I'd gotten used to with Ben, but I didn't see it coming with Micah. 

Shaking my head, as if it would loosen the frustrated and confusion of these emotions. I'd walked blindly home. Stepping up to my door, I searched for my keys.

"Hey baby girl," the deep, gentle voice startled me, making me jump. I knew whose voice it was. My body knew also. Traitorous bitch! My body failing me as heat pooled between my thighs and my skin tingled. I was frozen, unable to move, or speak. "You said we would talk. I came here, I've been waiting." Glancing back, he was seated on the stairs leading to the roof. 

"I said we would talk later. I didn't say we would talk tonight." Turning to look at him, I leaned against the door of my apartment for support. "I'm not sure what is going on with you, Micah, and honestly, if you can't be open with me about whatever is eating at you, I don't want you to even bother." I was frustrated and my voice hid nothing.

His sad eyes drifted up to meet mine. "You're right and I'm sorry." He rose quietly and came to stand in front of me. "Can I come inside? So we can talk?" The look he was giving me was pathetic, not like the man I had come to know. 

Dropping my chin, I did my best to glare up at him. He needed to know that I wasn't letting him off the hook. Opening the door and motioning him to come in. When he stepped past me, his musky masculine scent filled my lungs. 

My breasts ached as my nipples hardened. Damn it, stupid body!

I followed him in, throwing my bag on the counter and heading straight into my room. Slamming the door behind me, he could wait.  

I changed quickly into sweat pants and one of my own oversized T-shirts. I took my hair down, massaging my fingers along my scalp before splashing cold water on my face. Whatever it was that he needed to tell me, I needed to hear it. With one last glance in the mirror, I turned to join him in the living room.

"Speak," I demanded.

"Remi, I just want to start by saying I'm so sorry for the spectacle at your job. I walked in and saw you with Nero. I got worried because I know my cousin. He is charming and overzealous about his pursuits of women. I just didn't want him to use any of his charms on you." He paused to grasp my hand, and I let him. 

"What makes you think I'd even be interested?" My voice pitched with anger.

"I-" I didn't let him finish.

"So you think I can't handle myself?"

"It's not that-"

"Then what is it?" I could feel my temper rising and the shortness of my response echoed in my ears. Hearing myself upset only made the situation worse.

"I was jealous," he stopped to take a breath and size up my reaction. I waited for him to continue. I didn't want to waste my breath. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry, but I don't want anyone else getting close to you as I have. I already asked you to be mine, we talked about this. I have feelings for you. Things have moved quickly, but I wouldn't change any of it." The slow caress of his thumb over my hand was breaking down the walls that I had erected. "There is a lot about me that I haven't told you and for good reasons." His eyes traveled slowly around the room. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked cautiously. I suddenly felt uneasy.

"I had to talk to my uncle before I could talk to you. He gave me his blessing to tell you certain things but I need to know what you're feeling. What do you want from me?" He took a deep breath and finally looked up at me. 

Knowing exactly what he meant, I was nervous to answer him. Flashes of the last few days flooded my thoughts. Could admitting feelings change things between us? What wasn't he telling me? Why did I have to tell him about my feelings just so that he could talk to me? My head spun with possibilities of what could happen and all of my questions. It was clear that I needed to clear the air. 

"Honestly? I'm feeling confused. I do like you. Everything we have shared over the last week has been amazing, but something has changed. Ever since I told you what happened with Ben, you've been distant. Why?"

"I have been distant, but not because you told me about Ben. I can tell you, but I have to know that you are mine. That this is more than just fun for you," he paused. "I told you that my family is messy. There is a lot of things that people do not know and shouldn't know. I am the oldest of my cousins and because of that, Giovanni trusts me with more. Do you want to be with me, Remi?"

"I do." The response tumbled out of my mouth, but it was true. Even with no sex, he had treated me so well. Hearing that his behavior had nothing to do with my admission of my past was reassuring. With Micah, I felt treasured and loved. "I still don't understand why you're being so mysterious. What is going on?" My hand tightened around his, forcing his eyes to meet mine.

"You know how you told me you thought my uncle was in the Mafia?"

"I think I called him a mobster or mob boss, but yes." A knot was forming in my stomach and my shoulders felt heavy.

"He is." Plain as day and simply stated, I felt like I had taken a hit to the gut. I could feel my eyes widen and my mouth dried like it was stuffed with cotton.

"Wait, wh.. what? Isn't that something that only happens in movies or on TV?" Sarcasm and jokes became my shield.

"Remi, please. I'm being completely transparent with you. You deserve to know all of it, and I will answer your questions." Unintentionally, we both took a deep breath, breaking some of the tension with a small laugh. 

"Ok, because I don't even know what to ask, talk to me. What happened the day I told you about Ben?"

"With our family business, we have a lot of enemies. That day I met with my cousins, Nero and Luca. They told me that there was an assassination attempt on their lives a few weeks back. The problem is that I knew the assassin. She and I know each other from before, back when I was in Miami." When he went quiet, I knew there was more.

"She? What was she to you?" It came out sharp-tongued and I saw him flinch from the corner of my eye. I almost didn't want to know the answer. 

"Besides being an excellent paid killer, we were lovers. There were never feelings but we did-" I pulled my hand from his and went to the kitchen. I didn't want to hear it. I knew what lovers meant and I knew he wasn't a saint, but I didn't need or want to know about his past. 

"Okay, so what about her?"

"Remi," he whispered my name, pleadingly wanting me to give him my attention. 

"Just tell me. Why is it important that she is back?" 

"I was able to talk to her on the phone. She is now on our payroll, but she said something before she accepted my offer. She mentioned you. Remi, no one knew about us before tonight. She told me there is a hit out on me." This all seemed so surreal. "You are someone I've been spending a lot of my time with, so they would use you to cut me down." Letting his words soak in. 

I was in danger, but I didn't feel like I was. This all seemed like a dream. I could feel the heat of his body as he came up behind me. Without his hands, without his body touching mine, I could feel him. I had nothing to say. The words were lost or nonexistent on my tongue. 

At my ear, he said, "I will not let anyone hurt you."

"How? Is this the reason you've been so distant? I don't understand how you're going to keep me safe, how you're going to keep yourself safe?! What kind of shit are you involved in, Micah?" I turned to him. I needed to understand what he needed from me because this wasn't as straightforward as him being my protector.

"I know you must have a million questions. I'm going to do my best to answer all of them. Okay?" It was only when I gave him an acceptant nod that he continued. "As soon as I knew of the threat, I assigned someone to protect you. Seeing as I am still getting my footing in DC, I used one of my uncle's men. As for my family, our business has brought us wealth and power, but because of this, a lot of people want to tear us down. This isn't anything new for us, but I didn't... I don't want you to have to be a part of that."

"And what do you want me to be a part of?"

"Me! I want you to be a part of me and my life. The thing is," he paused and lowered his head, "this isn't an easy decision and I don't want to force you. It needs to be your choice."

He looked hurt like he was expecting me to throw him out of my apartment and tell him to 'fuck off.' He didn't need to force me. I wanted to be with him. The issue I had was that I didn't know what to expect. 

"What kind of business is your family in?" His head shot up and the hurt disappeared into worry. Sliding his palm along my cheek, pressing back into him with my hand against his. "Please tell me."

"You're taking this a lot better than I expected. Are you sure you want to stay with me? Because if you don't I'll understand, but I wouldn't be able to tell you what we do."

"I'm sure." The simple statement earned me a smile. Seeing his tension ease, I brought his hand to my mouth. Kissing his knuckles, one by one. 

Inwardly, I was still nervous, but Micah had never given me a reason to not trust him. Holy fuck buckets, it had only been a week! Thinking about the time we had spent together, things had moved quickly and I felt like I was in some twisted movie. The best part was that I was happy.

Reluctantly, he told me about his family's business. Mostly gun sales and protection details. As the business was going to be shifting to Micah, he had insisted on getting out of drugs, but a lot of his family protested. 

He fell asleep, wrapped around me with his head on my chest. My head buzzed with thoughts about what would happen next, all I could tell was that I was going to have Micah with me. I'd be with him and we would pull through whatever was coming.


Thank you so much for reading another chapter! I hope you are still enjoying Remi and Micah. 

Please feel free to give me feedback. Vote, comment, and share if you're enjoying it <3

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