Never Gonna Give In

By Love_Living

39.2K 923 64

Elena Gilbert despises Klaus, but when she is kidnapped things take a turn for the worse Elena finds herself... More

Never Gonna Give In
Call It What You Want
Ever Gonna Be Okay
The Worst Reunion Ever
Plane Ride To Hell
Nightmare On Bourbon Street
Attempting Mission Impossible
Worst Case Scenario
Kink To The Master Plan
A Beginning To The End Part I
A Beginning To The End Part II
Explanations And Apologies
Always and Forever
War's Not Over Yet
Never Saw It Coming
Good News and Bad News
More News

Trip To Mystic Falls

1.8K 38 3
By Love_Living

Road Trip To Mystic Falls

Elena couldn't even famine the idea of her parents wanting to be rid of her for all of her existence, so trying to step into Klaus' position was impossible. How was it that after going through all that trouble to save the lives of their children that Esther and Mikael would go through such extremes to eradicate the vampire and hybrid races from the face of the earth. Who could despise their children as much? Esther and Mikael may be the bigger monsters than their children. No sane person should ever want to personally end the lives of their children. Yet Esther has died what? Twice now? At least and she is still trying to kill Klaus and the rest of the Mikaelson siblings. Mikael spent his eternal existence in the hunt of Klaus, Rebekah, and their Mikaelson cargo.

The siblings along with Elena and Tyler sat around the Mikaelson's dining room. "What are we going to do about Esther and Mikael this time?" Elena sighed irritably. She couldn't help but reflect back on the times when both Esther and Mikael had put her life on the line. Which also lead her to the times that all the Mikaelson's had tried to kill her, or threatened to kill her, or in Klaus' case succeeded in ending her life. Luckily she had amazing friends. Even though she was not happy with the risk Damon had taken she still cared deeply for him, knowing that he had meant the best for her, and even tried to right his wrong. "We do what we always do, except this time succeed in keeping them dead." Klaus answered Elena earlier question. Rebekah and Elijah looked at their brother in a patronizing glare. "What? It's not like they would ever leave us alone. We need to kill them before they kill us." Klaus looked between his eldest sibling and his youngest. Rebekah sighed over dramatically throwing her hands into the air. "Listen, Nik, I know your right, but they are still our parents!" Rebekah tried to reason with her older brother, but they all knew that he was as stubborn as a mule, especially when it came to his safety and the safety of the ones he cares deeply about. He had carted his family around for in Finn's case 900 years. And others nearly that amount of time.

"Nik does have a point." Kol voiced his own opinion. In a no duh kind of tone. "Esther and Mikael don't care a lick about us anymore." He grunted, his hazel eyes hardening. "And how do you suppose we do that?" Rebekah hissed at her brother, glaring hypothetical daggers at him. "We all know that mother, as a witch, has full reign over the other side. As long as she still has that sort of power over the other witches she can keep coming back over and over again until she finally succeeds." Rebekah verbally showed them the flaws to their master plan. "So, we find a way for the witches to turn against her. They can together strip her of her powers and voila! Esther shall roam around the other side forever more." Kol's chocolate-y, hazel eyes lit up as he voiced his idea. Elena had to admit, it was a good idea, she just had one problem with it. "How are we supposed to get the witches to turn against Esther and Mikael? They want to get rid of all hybrids and vampires. Now I'm obviously on the hybrid/vampire side of this, but the witches aren't, so it will be difficult to get them to switch to our side." Elena pointed out. Silence over took the room at Elena's question. Everyone pondered it, running ideas through their heads. "Uh..." Kol's brows furrowed as he tried to find a legitimate reason why a bunch of vampire hating witches would ever switch to our side.

A cellphone vibrated throughout the room. Elena's eyes flitted down to her pocket. She took it out looking at the caller ID. She looked up apologetically smiling slightly before getting up and rushing out the front door and into he forest where she would have a little bit more privacy. Her cell buzzed once more, she clicked the answer button. "Hey Jer." Elena smiled warmly. She knew he wouldn't see her, but she couldn't control the grin that had taken over her face, making her dark brown eyes glitter in the sun. "Elena." The grin abruptly vanished from her face. His voice was hard, serious, full of 'no-joking-around-this is serious'. It startled her because her little brother usually wasn't one to get straight down to business, and if he ever did it was usually deadly serious. "Jeremy? What is it? You you guys okay?" Her voice was a little bit raspy as she was falling to keep regular breathing patterns. She felt the beginning of a minor panic attack setting in. "Everything's okay, 'Lena, I didn't mean to worry you. I actually thought you were in trouble. I have some people here who say they can help you. What's the matter? They won't tell me." I sucked in a breath of air, laughing in hysteria. "Elena?" Jeremy inquired slowly. "It's not something I can explain over the phone. Um... I'll be back in Mystic Falls tomorrow evening. I'm leaving as soon as I can." I reassured Jeremy, making sure he understood that everything was going to be okay. As soon as I had successfully made him understand I was not in the process of being murdered I hung up the phone and made my way back into the Mikaelson Mansion.

"Who was that, love?" Klaus raised an eyebrow questioningly. Elena blew him off, instead turning to Kol. "We're going on a little road trip." She then grabbed the keys to a '68 Fastback she had bought on her arrival to New Orleans. "What? Where are you going? Who was on the phone Elena?" Klaus demanded causing Elena to sigh in annoyance. She whipped around to face the original hybrid. "My brother. He is like some sort of creepy median as I am sure you all know. I have a feeling there are some old friends at my house with him right now. Kol, Rebekah, Tyler, and I are going to take a trip to Mystic Falls." Klaus stood up harshly slamming his hands against the table. "I'm going." He said looking straight at Elena. "You can't! You need to be here in New Orleans if something were to arise while we're gone. Klaus," Elena took his face between her hands looking straight into his eyes. "you need to trust me. You are the strongest out of all of us. You need to be at the root of the problem, which is here. I am much safer in Mystic Falls then I would be here. Plus none of my friends back home really like you." She pointed out, trying to lessen his initial rage. He huffed angrily, but backed down. Elena beamed pressing a quick kiss to his lips. He stood there in shock for a moment, still trying to process what had happened. By the time he snapped out of his daze Elena was gone, along with Kol, Tyler, and Rebekah. Klaus could hear the faint rumble of Elena's fastback as it reversed out of the driveway, and got onto the highway, he listened even after the rumble was dull buzz, and eventually disappeared completely.

"You know, sweetheart you are a spitfire. I can't believe Nik gets you all to himself. I'm sure you are magnificent in the-" Elena saw were this comment was leading and shut him down immediately. Her cheeks flaming as blood rushed up. "N-no we-- we haven't, uh. J-Just... no." Elena shook her head eyes focusing back on the road. Her passengers burst out laughing, while Elena scowled at the road. "This is going to be a long drive." She muttered more to herself, but she knew that being in an enclosed space with two vampires and a hybrid that they heard her clear as day. "Awe, we're not that bad, 'Lena." Rebekah pouted from the backseat. "No," She sighed mockingly. "You're so much worse." She smirked at the disbelief that covered their faces.

"Elena," Rebekah whined for the fiftieth time in the last four hours since they left New Orleans. "I'm hungry." Elena groaned, she was tired of hearing both Kol's and Rebekah's protests and comments. The only relatively enjoyable companion was Tyler who would occasionally strike up conversation with her when it was quiet. "You know for two one thousand and some year old vampires you whine like five year old's not wanting to eat their vegetables. And I'd know because I have babysat half of the children in Mystic Falls." She sent withering glares at both siblings who cringed slightly. Elena went back to driving, but it wasn't even ten minutes later that Kol spoke up. "Are we there yet?" Ignoring him she continued driving until she came across a gas bar in a well populated city. She had to refill her car anyways, she would send them all out to get snacks and raid a blood bank as well, while she filled up.

"Everyone out!" He commanded once she was in front of the gas pump. They all scrambled to undo their seat belts and get out of the car. "Now before you run off grab a quick donor, then I want you guys to get blood bags from the nearest bank, meet me in the parking garage on sixth." She recited the street where she had passed a parking garage that seemed to be having a slow day. They gave her a mock salute before dashing off with vamp speed. Elena smiled lightly while turning toward the gas pump. After she had paid for the gas she left the gas bar, the door making some shrill noise as it reopened. It made her grit her teeth and rush toward her car. As she was about to open the driver side door she was pressed firmly against the side of it, luckily not hard enough to dent it though. She choked as a hand tightened around her throat. She looked up to see a vampire that works for Marcel. She took his hand that held her form against the car twisting it painfully until he let go of her neck. She took his arm and held it behind his back. "What are you doing?" She laughed at his failed attempts to get her to release him. "I was sent to collect you for Marcel. I've been following you four since you left New Orleans." He grunted in pain as Elena jarred his arm making him answer her. "What does Marcel want with me?" She question teeth clenched to keep from tearing his heart out, or decapitating him with the flick of her wrist. God hanging around the originals can really change a person. "He wants you on our side. On Mikael and Esther's side. They will ensure that the original family dies, then everything will be right in the world again." He let out all of that in one breath. Elena barely caught it all how rushed he had pointed that out. "Okay, I don't know how much you understand, but considering you're one of Marcel's groupies I think he probably turned you, or another one of his groupies turned you, which means that Marcel turned them. But Marcel is part of Klaus' bloodline. So if he dies then you all die too. Now I do not want this to turn into a history lesson, so I'm going to let you go, get back to Marcel and if he doesn't already know what I just told you, you tell him, and then we'll see where he stands, but if I see anymore of you following me I will not hesitate to kill you." I sneered lowly before I released the vampire. I looked at the spot he once stood cowering, it was empty. I wore a smile of achievement as I slid into the driver seat of my car.

I had stopped by a popular bar where I grabbed a snack. I didn't feel like taking care of a body so I used Damon's favourite technique, 'Snatch, Eat, Erase'. I've gotta admit, it works like a charm. After my bite to eat I headed to the garage where I saw three figures and a cooler waiting. I parked, popping the trunk for the cooler. Kol plopped into the passenger seat, and a couple seconds later the car was at maximum capacity minus one yet again. "What happened? I would've thought you would beat us to the parking garage?" Rebekah asked. Elena laughed, but there was not one sign of true humour in her tone. "Oh, you know got a bite to eat at a bar, bought some gas, got attacked by one of Marcel's vampire friends. Did you know that they don't know that if an original is killed their entire blood line dies with them?" Elena looked at Kol in mock incredulity. "Nik never told Marcel, being the paranoid person he is. And I take it the other vampire didn't live to tell the tale?" Rebekah hummed lightly while examining her cuticles. "I really could use a manicure." Elena sighed at how Rebekah could be a ruthless killing machine one minute, and the worlds biggest girly girl the next. She could put Caroline to shame. "I let him off telling him to warn Marcel, and if he or any other of his friends valued their lives they'd stay away from me." Elena shrugged carelessly.

The next few hours was spent with small chit chat between them all, and the occasional outburst from the siblings. They had made pit stop at a motel to get some rest before they had to get back on the road again in the morning. Elena lead the way as hey walked through the single glass door that had a layer of grim coating the surface. "Ew," Rebekah grimaced, looking at the putrid sight of the hotel. "Oh, get over it Bekah. We are only staying here for one night." Tyler scoffed at the prissy vampire in front of him. Elena grinned as she walked up to the front desk that was covered in dust and looked like it was ready to collapse in on itself. The whole motel had this weird vibe about it. It was dark, gloomy in a way, with dust and grim everywhere. Cobwebs and moth balls occupied the corners of the walls. It was disgusting to look at, and they obviously weren't going to pay to actually stay here, in fact the motel should be paying them. Elena had to keep herself from gaging as the scent of stale beer and cigarette smoke entered her nose. She followed the scent to an over weight man that was overweight, with slightly balding greyish hair. What hair he did have looked pricklier than barbed wire, and very greasy like he hadn't had a bath in months.

Catching his eye Elena began to speak in a compelling tone of voice. "You are going to give us they key to your largest room. You will then forget you ever saw us." The greasy guy looked to be in a trance as he repeated what he would do back to Elena before digging around in his desk, pulling out this rusty looking key. He handed it to Elena. The glassy look still embedded in his eyes. It would only wear off once the group was out of sight. Elena looked at the tag which was attached to the key. It read, Room 13. "Creepy room number." A voice said from over her shoulder causing her to startle. She heard laughter as she turned around to find Kol doubled over laughing his head off. Once he stood up straight again Elena punched him square in the jaw sending his head flying to the right. He scowled at her holding his jaw, flexing it slightly as he set it back into place. "Nice left hook 'Lena" Tyler praised throwing an arm around Elena's shoulders. She smirked at Kol as a snap filled the air, causing him to yowl in pain. He had reset his jaw. He glowered at her for a moment before smiling coyly. In a flash he had picked her up and thrown her over his shoulder. Elena just laughed, ultimately too shocked to do much of anything. Kol ran down the halls until he came to the door of their room. It was open and as he ran in Elena noticed Tyler setting the key on a worn down coffee table. The next moment her whole world went upside down, literally as Kol flung her onto a bed in the next room. Elena looked up at Kol to find him grinning maliciously down at her. Her eyes widened comically as he began tickling her sides. She let loose a squeak, and the squeak turned into a giggle fit. One thing very few people knew about her was that she was extremely ticklish.

After the tickle war, which Elena had failed to win they all settled down. Rebekah and Elena taking the double bed in the make shift master bedroom, while Tyler slept on the fold out couch, and Kol slept on a cot in the living room. Despite the motel ghastly appearance the rooms weren't half bad. Though they could definitely use a maid... or five. They all slowly fell asleep.

In the morning Elena was the first one up, she went into the kitchen grabbing four mugs. She started to brew some coffee that looked decent. She pulled out two blood bags putting them in the microwave for a short amount of time. Rebekah entered the kitchenette. Her blond hair in a messy halo. She yawned, stretching her arms out only stopping once a popping noise was heard. "Morning." She said grabbing one of the mugs Elena had laid out, filling it half with coffee and the other half with blood. "Morning." Elena replied back with equal tiredness in her voice.

Half and hour later they were on the road again, only a few hour drive from Mystic Falls. The rest of the drive was unbelievably peaceful. It was seven in the evening as Elena pulled her fast back into the driveway of her childhood home. She heard the sound of half a dozen heart beats in the house, only one a human one. Jeremy probably. Elena cut the engine. Unlocking the doors. She walked briskly up the walkway. Rapping at the door three times. A few moments later Jeremy opened the door. He grinned at me, opening the door wider. She made to enter the house, but found that an invisible border held her back. "No." Jeremy muttered in disbelief as he saw his sister slam into the invisible barrier. She smiled meekly at him. Seeing movement behind Jer her focus snapped to a distraught Bonnie and Caroline, a pissed off Alaric behind them and the Salvatore's looking shocked to see her in Mystic Falls. That had to be the reason, because they already knew she was turned. "I uh... I think we need to have a little talk." Elena looked at her shoes guiltily. "You think?! We have been going out of our minds looking for you, yet you seem completely at ease in the company of two originals, both of which have tried to kill you at least once." Caroline guffawed at her best friend... or former best friend. She was extremely confused of a whole bunch of things. Including where her friend was and how she got herself turned. "Why, I always find that a trip to Mystic Falls is the best enjoyment ever." Kol smirked at the group sauntering into her house.

AN: Wow!! Okay, Chapter 12 is completed. So... How are her friends going to react when they find out exactly where she's been? Or who she's been with? What's going to happen next chapter? Well, as I always say 'I guess you'll have to read to find out' I am grateful to everyone who Comments/Votes. So... Comment/Vote for this chapter? It would be highly appreciated :)

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving

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