Worst Case Scenario

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AN: Chapter 8!

Disclaimer: I do not own TVD or TO... Yet...

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving

Worst Case Scenario

"So, what's our plan of action? We can't very well have werewolves able to shift at will." Kol looked at Elijah for guidance. "We must have allies, and I have just the people in mind..." Klaus had a feeling he knew who his older brother was speaking of, but thought it would be a terrible idea. "No. He wouldn't help us anyways, he'd happily watch us die." Klaus fumed. "He is under just as much an attack as we are. He will help us if it benefits himself. Rebekah, I want you and Elena to show up at Marcel's club. Kol you will be escorting them, and making sure they don't screw up." Elijah gave the girls a pointed look. Rebekah's eyes lit up as she dragged Elena toward her room.

Two hours later Rebekah and Elena were finally ready. As they descended the stairs they noticed Klaus, Kol, and Elijah fixated on the two beauties making their way down the staircase.

"My eyes are up here ya know." Elena strutted up to Klaus lifting his chin with her pointer finger. Kol held

His arm out for her, which she accepted. Rebekah was on his other arm. "Now remember you are on a mission. Do not get side tracked. Elena I am depending on you to keep those two in line." Elijah stared directly at his younger siblings. "Awe, what happened to family? No trust, I swear!" Kol threw his hands into the air mockingly. "If I know anything about my siblings, and I have a thousand years experience, it's that they tend to get easily... distracted..." Elijah opened the front door as Kol lead the two out the door. "Feelin' the love, Elijah." Rebekah said begrudgingly, sending a glare over her shoulder.

"Worst case scenario You guys are are compromised. Be careful and stick together. I want each of you back here by no later than two a.m. no later or I will send hybrids for you." Elijah gave the three of them a serious look, meaning he was all business.

The club was rolling with vampires and werewolves. Strobe lights glittered many colors as loud, pulsating music echoed throughout the club. The club itself smelled of alcohol and sweat. People sat around the bar guzzling back alcohol like there's no tomorrow, others were on the dance floor grinding against each other in a lusty haze. Elena rolled her eyes before Kol let her arm go, she found a place at the bar. A brown haired, green eyed bartender stood in front of me, trying to catch my eye. I looked into his eyes, starting the strain contest of compulsion. "You will get me a bourbon on the rocks." He started to leave to get my drink, but my hand shot out and grabbed his shoulder, making him look at me once again. "Oh, and it'll be on the house." He smiled before leaving to get my drink.

"You don't strike me as the kinda person to revel in being a vampire." A blond guy said sitting on a stool to my left. He was okay, with hazel eyes that seemed to bore into your very soul. He was well muscled but not ripped. Tall, dark, and mysterious. "I'm not a vampire." He looks confused for a moment, eyebrows cocked in confusion. "Y-You compelled t-the bartender." He looked slightly scared. I decided to mess with him. I let the blood rush into my face as I allowed my eyes to beam a bright gold color and canines descend. Now he was down right terrified. "No run along, nothing to see here." Kol compelled the vampire who merely nodded before leaving the club. "Darling, you really need to be more discrete about the whole... hybrid thing," Kol lowered his voice at the mention of hybrid, looking around to make sure we wouldn't be overheard. "Oh just leave me be, Kol." Elena waved him off, but he didn't budge from his spot beside her.

Seconds later the bartender set her bourbon down on the counter. Elena slowly sipped at it, nursing the drink. Kol had went off, but no sooner did he leave Elena felt a presence behind her, a semi familiar presence. "Hello, Marcel." Elena said in a bored tone sending a quick glance over her shoulder before throwing the rest I her drink back. She made to get up, but before she even got out of her seat he put a forceful hand on her shoulder. "We need to have a little chat." Marcel sat down in the same seat Kol was seated in only moments ago. Elena looked around trying to catch either Kol or Rebekah's attention, but didn't see them at all.

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