Not all promises can be kept...

Par nightwalker

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Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story) 2
Not all promises can be kept (3)
Friends.... No thanks
I want out
A whole new world

Not all promises can be kept (Ryder's story)

743 10 4
Par nightwalker

My mom has it all figured out her life is a neatly wrapped package. Everyone has their place and no one is felt forgotten. So how did somebody with such an exciting and organize life have a child as boring and unorganized as me is a mystery. Seeing my mom and her life, you'd think keeping a promise would be easy, but one promise leads to another and that promises will eventually lead to another and the cycle will keep repeating and sooner or later you'll forget a promise and slip up. That is if your unorganized like me.

"Ryder!" My dad yelled his voice booming and I had a good guess why. "If your late for school.." my dad yelled his empty threat, which all parents do till they realize it only works when the child is young. I hated my magical school, being the best at everything and being a heir is mostly why. I only go since Kayla has to go and I made a promise that I would protect her.

"No, today Ryder has to stay home, like all heirs do" my mom said her voice carrying through the house without her having to raise her voice and again I marveled at how she remember something that to any normal human being was insignificant.

For awhile now the whole government has been out of whack since the King of the entire kingdom died. He had no heir and in our law any heir's of other smaller King's and Queen's like vampires, shape shifters, and others, all have a chance to be King. I don't want to be King of the whole kingdom but every family has to enter a contestant and I will not let Isabella my little sister be dragged into this. The games are a fight to the death, plenty of families will lose someone and only one family will be able to cheer and even then they will be burden with sadness. At least I didn't have to worry about Kayla being in the competition since she was not of royalty.

The door bell rang as I made my way downstairs and I heard my mom politely greeting the people even though from her voice I could tell she wished she could destroy them. A talent I wish I gotten from her, being able to hide a emotion. Of course there are a few exceptions, like love ones can tell how you actually feel.

"Sorry about everything but were a little bit behind schedule." the guys informed. They were dressed in black suits and look like they should be working with the secret service. There were only three here but I was sure there were plenty more waiting outside. One of the three must have been a magician because with a snap of his fingers six bags appeared in front of us.

"Is this suppose to be impressive" my father asked, both he and I knew that my mother and I could do better than that. I think the guys knew how dangerous my mother could be because at all times one of them had their eyes trained on her and I'm guessing it's not because of her good looks.

"I've told you were running late, these kids and parents really make a hassle out of nothing"

Suspicion rose, but before we could piece it all together one of the three guys had a dart trained on my mother.

"Your not taking my child today!" She yelled clinging on to me, but the fear in her eyes showed me that she truly didn't think she could stop all of them. Flames surrounded us as my mother tried to make the guys go away, but ten guys came in all knowing some magic. A dart flew across the room and before my mom could divert it, the dart hit her. Instantly she became drowsy. Her flames were weakened and the other magic users contained it in a matter of minutes. Before I knew what to do, two guards had my parents at gun point.

"Give us a hassle and before your sent off you'll see your parents die" seeing as the only two options were being sent off and being sent off after seeing my parents executed, it was no wonder why I picked the first one. With no resistance I let them drag me to the limo which was followed by two other limos. I had a feeling we were in for a long ride, I looked back longingly to my house and then I was roughly shoved into the limo. The only thing I could think of was my mother crying and Kayla. My mom was going to think she was a failure while I was the one who didn't react soon enough. Kayla, was going to be pissed that I left her without a note or anything. I didn't say goodbye and I didn't tell her where I was going. So much for always protecting her. How could I? when I was the one who was going to be attacked by who knows how many royals.

Seeing my house fade away and the familiar roads become unfamiliar I only had one regret, and it was of never telling Kayla of the whole royal situation. Would she worry more knowing that I was going to get sent off to certain death, or that I was not responding to her and then finding out. I was only happy that I was not going to have to face her wrath when she found out. I pitied the poor soul who tells her.

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