Beyond 5 Dreams

By DorothyFidler

328 16 9

This is where I'll be putting my dreams and imagines for the next couple months. They are dreams I have about... More

In the Cold ... (¥)
In the Cold ...(¥)
Finally home!
Sweet dreams ... (Part 2 of Finally Home)

At a fireside (¥)

125 4 0
By DorothyFidler

Jan, Jaimie, and I have been excited to go to this fireside for a few weeks! It's in Mrysa's stake, but she couldn't make it because she's in Montana at college. I sure wish she could have come though. We would have had a ball!

(A/N i really really wish you could be there, Mrysa! I hope the boys come up to Montana sometime soon!)

We got to the church and sat down and waited for the fireside to start.

After the fireside, everybody migrated to the gym and had refreshments. Except me. I didn't want to have cookie breath while talking to the boys. I just had some water for now.

I saw Patch walk in with Scout, who was protectively holding onto his leg while girls walked up to him and hugged him. I walked up to them, then crouched down to talk to her.

"Hi, Scout, how are you?" I said with a smile. She hid her face behind Patch and then peeked at me from behind him.

"Is it weird when strange women hug your older brother?" I say, scrunching my face and raising my eyebrows. He chuckled. She just stared at me from behind him and nodded her head quickly.

I laughed and said, "well, is it okay if I hug him?" She just shook her head quickly.

"No??" I said with mock surprise and just laughed, then stood up and hugged him anyway. "How are you?"

"Pretty good." Patch replied with a smile. We talked a little about me going on my mission, then I said,

"So I have a question ..."

"What's that?" He replied.

"Back at the Ogden fireside, you let me touch your hair. But every other girl I have talked to that has asked said that you told them no. So why did you let me touch your hair?"

"Oh, well, you just seem like a very gentle person." He said smiling at me.

"Yeah," I laughed, "I am! I mean it's not like I'm gonna squish your hair! I asked to touch it, not restyle it!"

He laughed and said, "exactly!" we both just stood there and laughed. Then it was silent ...

"Soooo..." I started, "can I touch your hair again?" I asked with a guilty, expectant smile on my face.

"Yeah, sure!" He replied.

"Okay, but you get to touch my hair, too, this time!" I said, pointing and looking at him with a sarcastic reprimanding look on my face, then smiled as he laughed and said,

"Oookaaaaay." faking disappointment. So I reached up with both of my hands and gently felt his hair, barely even touching it. I touched all of his hair, having him look down so I could see the "flow" of his hair and follow it.

"Okay, I'm done." I said and laughed.

"Ah, so I guess it's my turn." he said with a smile. He looked at me and brought his hands up over my shoulders and started touching my hair. It gave me goosebumps. "Wow, Dorothy. Your hair is so soft!"

I laughed and said, "thanks, Patch!" He just kept touching my hair. Then he went around to my back and ran his fingers through and picked it up and let it slip through his fingers! Like, I got some serious chills, but not the bad kind!

Then I saw Tanner coming over to us from my left, looking at Patch like he was crazy.

"Patch, what are you doing??" he asked.

"Feel her hair! it's so soft!" Patch said, then I felt another hand in my hair.

"Patch, move outta the way!" Tanner said, pushing Patch over and playing with my hair himself. He stood there for a couple minutes, just feeling and touching and loving my hair! Then he called across the gym, "Zac! Come here!"

So Zac walks over and Tanner said, "Zac, Dorothy's hair is so soft! I could just touch it all day!" So Zac takes a turn.

"Wooooooowww!" Zac marvels as he begins to run his hands through my hair. Through all this, I'm just standing there, completely enjoying the attention I'm receiving from the boys, all the touch and their compliments for my soft hair. Next thing I know, Zac called Ammon And TJ over to feel my outrageously soft hair!

"Wow, what do you use?" Ammon asked after he and TJ got there.

"I use dōTERRA's Salon essentials shampoo and conditioner and their Healthy Hold Glaze, which is light hold gel." I said, then added, "It's all natural and all the ingredients are plant-based."

"Wow," Patch said. "I'll have to try some."

"Yeah. I like it a lot." I smiled.

Jan came over with Jaimie after they finally noticed that the boys were meddling with my hair and we took a regular picture and then a funny one of them each holding a small lock of my hair and me just standing there looking completely weirded out.

After we hugged as said goodbye, we went out, got in the car, and fangirled all the way home.


It's not all mushy or anything, but not everything I imagine with the guys is. So this is a taste of my not mushy imagination. It's super cheesy though. Hahahahahahahaha!

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