We Found Love

By xNekorux

281K 5.4K 7.6K

Love has always been her favorite toy, but when a certain rapper becomes the root of such delicate emotion, t... More

ACT 10
ACT 12
ACT 13
ACT 14
ACT 15
ACT 16
ACT 17
ACT 18
ACT 19
ACT 20
ACT 21
ACT 22
ACT 23
ACT 24
ACT 25
ACT 26

ACT 11

11.5K 200 410
By xNekorux

ACT 11

Cheek nestled against a pillow, body clad and tangled in nothing but sheets and honey gold eyes aimlessly gazing at the window overlooking countless buildings reflecting the rays of the sun, the leader of K/DA felt completely blissful. More so than she already was when the person with her in bed draped their body over her back.

Her lips, which had some of the pink tint smudged around the corners, morphed into a smile the moment she felt another woman's warmth fuse with her own. It was four o'clock in the afternoon and the blonde was supposed to be having a little meeting with their group's manager. The latter had cancelled it though due to matters that seemed to be more important than their appointment.

Of course Ahri, always being an opportunist, took this as her chance to drop by at a certain someone's house. It was hard for her and this described individual to spend time with one another. Their moments with one another were always calculated. They couldn't just allow their secret affair to be discovered by the paparazzi or any of the people around them. If word gets out about their hidden relationship, then they'll be having their hands full with all the attention it'll surely receive.

Attention was the last thing they wanted. The little privacy they have left in their celebrity lives was the only thing keeping them away from the public's eye. It was their bubble, one that they wished would never be popped by anything or anyone.

"I missed you, too, Sona." Ahri murmured on reply towards the wordless gesture of the mute woman, chuckling quietly to herself as she slightly widened her smile. It was the results of the feeling of a soft pair of lips brushing over her cheek.

Sona, the same one dubbed as one of the most successful solo artist in the music industry and also the same woman that was once part of the iconic Pentakill band, simpered ever so quietly as she nuzzled her cheek against Ahri's.

Shifting until her back was laid onto the mattress, Ahri reached up with her hands and cupped the face of her lover, who merely smiled back at her. A soft sigh of adoration left her before lifting her head up in the slightest bit and kissing the mute woman on those lovely light pink lips.

"Mmm," Ahri hummed in content through the kiss, rolling the two of them until she was on top of the quiet female. "it's been too long ever since we did this."

Sona nodded and wound her arms around Ahri, right hand trailing down and caressing one of the model's buttocks. The blonde giggled once she felt a hand stroking at her rear, knowing it belongs to no other person but the one she was pinning down underneath her.

"Good to know the feeling's mutual."

Offering a smile of forfeit, Sona clasped one leg around her waist before her delicate lips started acting more aggressive than the usual. In return, Ahri decided to let her lover win the duel between their tongues, wanting to feel the assertive side of the silent musician. Things were just beginning to heat up between the pair once again when the ringtone of a certain someone's phone filled the room.

Ahri groaned audibly, while Sona pulled back and mutely tittered. The turquoise-haired artist knew that ringtone. It was one that her girlfriend had set for one of their friends, specifically one of the members of K/DA. Sona glanced at the direction of where the phone can be found, the simple act itself telling Ahri that she should answer the call and to not even think about letting it ring and pass.

Evelynn's name can be heard being cursed under the breath of the honey-eyed singer, who reluctantly pushed herself off the naked DJ and made her way to the edge of the bed. Ahri picked up her denim shorts on the floor and withdrew her phone out from one of its pockets. The green phone icon was swiped to the right before the gadget was placed against her right ear.

"This better be good, Eve." She muttered into the phone, letting her displeasure become evident in her voice and not even bothering to properly greet her friend.

"Aww, am I interrupting something?" Evelynn responded back, skipping her part of the greeting.

"Just tell me why you called."

"We're leaving the mall in a couple of minutes, do you have anything you might want us to get?"

Ahri rubbed one of her hands over half of her face. "You called just to ask me that?"

Instead of answering the irked question, Evelynn mockingly chortled and said, "You must have been having the time of your life. Did I cockblock you or something?"

"Bye, Eve." Ahri sarcastically bid before hanging up, and even though she had ended the call, she can still hear the diva's smug laughter echoing in her head.

Rolling onto her back again, Ahri turned her head to Sona, who started making a couple of signs to ask her a question. Once the gestures were done, Ahri found herself being offered an invitation.

"You want me to stay the night?" Ahri sounded excited and hopeful. Sona wasn't really one to extend such luxury to her, especially since the said woman was always busy with the schedule she has. That, and the paparazzi never did take themselves out of their list of concerns.

Sona nodded, adding a couple of more to her reply.

Ahri's face brightened even more. "You'd cancel everything for me?"

'If it makes you happy.' Sona thought as she relayed her thoughts with her hands, the eternally quiet giggle she always managed to make causing Ahri's heart to warm up.

"I'd love that."

Annoyed she might be towards her friend, Ahri knew it was time for her to send Evelynn a little text.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

The rest of the K/DA was back home and had already finished their evening meal, which left them with their own preparations for bed. After Evelynn had received a text from Ahri about staying the night with a person she refused to name, Kai'Sa and Akali 'celebrated' by busting out one of the the rapper's gaming consoles from the diva's closet and setting it up at the living room.

By busting out, they meant they nicely asked Evelynn to let them stay up later than Ahri allowed them. They loved their leader, but the two younger women came to an agreement that the FOXY model was too strict when it comes to their curfews. Of course Ahri was only like that because she didn't really want any of them to walk around with dark bags under their eyes.

It wasn't even midnight yet when Evelynn left her room to check on the pair, coming only halfway down the stairs and peeking over the railing to call out the names of the two girls.

"Aren't you two going to sleep yet?"

"Just a sec, Eve!" Kai'Sa called back as she and Akali mashed the buttons of the controllers they had in hand. "I'm just gonna kick Kali's ass here!"

"I'm not the one who's being juggled in the air, Bokkie!" Akali snapped back with an arrogantly smug tone.

"K.O.!" Came the in-game announcement.


"Dammit!" Kai'Sa narrowed her eyes at Akali, holding back the urge to throw her controller at the rapper. "No fair! You didn't even let me stand again after that kick!"

"It's called strategy, Kai."

"No, I call that 'cowardice'."

"It's literally part of the game. I used combos on you."

"I call bullshit."

"Alright, alright, that's enough." Evelynn spoke up before Akali and Kai'Sa's debate turns into another round of button-mashing. "It's ten minutes before midnight and you two need to go to bed."

"But, Eve!" The two whined in chorus.

"Are you two actually whining?"

"Oh come on, Eve!" Kai'Sa protested, while Akali tried putting on a cute pout, an expression Evelynn swiftly avoided with her gaze.

To prevent her resolve from crumbling, Evelynn chose to disregard Akali's attempts in prolonging their gaming session and turned her focus on the other female. "If I recall correctly, Bokkie, didn't you say that Sivir moved your date early in the morning?"




"Shit! I forgot!" Kai'Sa quickly vacated the bean bag she was on and abandoned the game controller on the floor. She rushed towards the stairs, words Evelynn and Akali couldn't understand pouring out of her lips.

Evelynn was sure she heard not only the language of Afrikaans, but she also heard Korean, Japanese and a couple of more from Kai'Sa's rapid murmurs to herself. The last thing the siren and the freestyler heard that was coherent was Kai'Sa's hasty bid of "Good night!" before everything was engulfed with the silence that followed after the loud slam of the dancer's bedroom door.

Akali glanced between the space Kai'Sa was settled at earlier and the controller that was abandoned before she turned her gaze to the woman that was still idling at the staircase. Evelynn raised an eyebrow at her once their gazes connected.

"Well? Aren't you going to shut that down?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, yeah."

It took less than five minutes for Akali to turn everything off and start climbing up the stairs. She hadn't even reached Evelynn when the mentioned female proceeded back to the second floor and began walking towards her chambers. Akali stopped at the entrance of the hall once she found Evelynn twisting the knob of her own bedroom. Clearly, the diva intended to sleep in her bed and nowhere else.

But that didn't stop Akali from trying.

"Hey, Eve?"

Movements halting and head turning, Evelynn once again raised an eyebrow at the freestyle expert. "Hmm?"






"Nothing." Akali sheepishly laughed as she continued down the hall and began to pass Evelynn. "Oyasumi."

Regardless of the thought being dismissed, Evelynn still had her eyes fixated on the rapper, following the latter with her gaze until the blue-eyed female was standing at the doorway of her quarters. She nodded her head as she responded back with, "To you as well, darling."

The last thing the siren saw was Akali's somewhat silly smile.

Inside the quarters of the maknae of K/DA, Akali can be found muttering insults towards herself as she pulled the duvet cover down to the foot of the bed. She should have just asked Evelynn if they could cuddle tonight, but she ended up chickening out. A part of her was afraid her request would get rejected, so it took control of her and chose to drop the matter entirely.

Thanks to hers and Kai'Sa's heated matches in Tekken, Akali was still feeling the hotness gaming always inflicted on her. Every time she got absorbed into a game, she had this tendency to overheat like some sort of machine being overused. Whenever she finished intense rounds of her games, she always took a quick shower to cool off her body, but she was feeling too lazy to do such thing right now.

Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she pulled the clothing over her head and tossed it on one side of the bed. A sigh left her lips once everything above her waist was exposed to the air. The air conditioning machine was still starting up, so it wasn't cold yet. She'll probably just slip her shirt back on if ever the room temperature gets too cold for comfort, but for now, she's planning on going to bed in nothing but a pair of jogging shorts she usually used as her sleepwear.

Akali interlocked her fingers with one another before stretching her arm up in the air, the satisfying click of her bones sounding at the same time the bedroom door clicked open behind her. Coincidentally, the loud and pleased sigh she released as soon as one of her hands grabbed at her hair tie and pulled her tresses out of its ponytail covered the noise of the door clicking close.

"Good, you're ready for bed."

Akali yelped at the same time her hands instantly moved to cover her breasts, entire body turning around to face the visitor she kept on getting.


Said woman's eyebrows shot up once she found herself surveying Akali's nude torso, which was unfortunately being concealed by a pair of hands she deemed a nuisance in that moment.

"Last time I checked, you're not one to sleep naked."

Akali honestly couldn't believe how Evelynn always seemed to be so composed in such flustering moments. "I-I'm not!"

"Then, where's your shirt?"

"It was hot, alright? I needed to cool off!"

As if her words were an invitation itself, the mischievous smirk invading the diva's lips said it all. "Would you like some help with that?"

Instead of trying to speak and end up sputtering words, Akali inched towards her bed and snatched her discarded shirt, hugging the fabric in front of her chest as she finally asked the million dollar question.

"What are you doing here, Eve?"

If the roles were reversed, Akali knew she would have blushed and wouldn't even be in the room to be able to answer the blatant question. Like always, Evelynn remained calm and answered back like how a diva like her would.

"Ah, well," Evelynn let her smirk fade as she began her stride towards the left side of the bed, a cool expression replacing the previous one. "I came here to cuddle."

"Cuddle?" Akali blinked owlishly at the older woman, who she now noticed was wearing an extremely provocative purple negligée. It was so provocative that she can even see the matching panties underneath the revealing outfit, which were as skimpy as the former. Everything about Evelynn's attire absolutely did not scream wholesome.

"Is that not the reason why you called for my attention earlier?" Evelynn asked with a knowing gleam in her amber eyes, one hand already holding up the blanket of the bed for her to slip under.

'What is she, some sort of mind reader?'

Even though she didn't really say anything about her intentions earlier, Akali was finding it somewhat difficult to process that Evelynn had easily figured out what she wanted. Was she that much of an open book to the older artist?

"So," Evelynn slid herself underneath the blanket, plopping a pillow before returning her eyes back to the owner of the bed. "are you going to join me or do you want me to leave?"

Akali, who was still holding her shirt against herself, was momentarily frozen, not really sure if Evelynn was serious about that or not. Judging by the look she was getting, the vocalist was not attempting to coax a laugh out of her.

Evelynn actually wanted to cuddle!

In all honesty, Akali felt like performing a celebratory backflip. This wouldn't be like the last time they slept together on Evelynn's bed. No, this would have a much deeper and more intimate meaning than just two friends sleeping beside one another. Not wanting to waste any more time, she made a move to turn away for her to put her shirt on, only to be stopped by the voice of her guest.

"Leave it off." Came Evelynn's firm order. "I'll keep you warm if ever you feel cold."

"That's... a little unfair, don't you think so?"

"Is that what you want?"

Akali's eyes widened and would have probably popped out of their sockets the moment Evelynn took hold of the hem of her negligée and decisively tugged it over her head, openly exhibiting her chest to the younger woman, who didn't even had a chance to utter a single syllable. The thin clothing was tossed towards the foot of the bed before Evelynn refocused her attention back to the wide-eyed rapper.

"What else would you like me to remove?"

"N-No!" Akali shook her head frantically. "That's...! That's more than enough! Trust me!"

Evelynn smirked, obviously knowing the effects her words inflicted towards the freestyler. "Join me, then."

It's not that Akali didn't like the view. Believe her, she loves it. She was only acting like this because she had never been with anyone in bed with Evelynn's current state of dress. It was truly flustering for her. With clear hesitance, Akali leisurely occupied the other side of the bed, eyes trying its hardest to avoid looking at the breasts of the diva, which were honestly breathtaking and massively tempting. Evelynn clicked her tongue as she eyed the shirt Akali was still using as a cover for her own chest.

"I'm starting to think this was just some sort of ploy to have me strip."

"It isn't!" Akali replied immediately, blushing profusely.

"Then come near, darling."

When Akali dared to look at Evelynn's direction, she found the magenta-haired woman beckoning her to come closer with a finger. Despite feeling like she was so close in fainting, Akali pushed through her wracked nerves and scooted closer to her bedmate. Thankfully, Evelynn met her halfway.

A breath was audibly sucked in once Akali felt Evelynn wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close, their hips gently colliding with one another. Akali lowered her head, while Evelynn nestled her face against her left cheek, humming lowly.

"Discard that shirt, darling," Evelynn murmured in her ear. "or else these panties of mine come off instead."

The 'negotiations' weren't really in Evelynn's favor if someone looked at it in a different perspective, but her being naked seemed to be flustering Akali more and more. This wasn't really the siren's original plan for their cuddling, but she certainly did not mind it.

"Fine..." The described clothing was finally let down and once it revealed what it was covering, a husky chuckle left the diva, which sent a jolt of arousal within the rapper.

Even though Akali was somehow in the same level of Evelynn's nudity, the latter didn't let her eyes roam around the azure-eyed female's unclad torso. No, she was too busy nuzzling and humming in Akali's ear. Despite being occupied with such tasks, Evelynn stole the shirt with ease and threw it until it was nothing but a pile beside her discarded nightwear.

"If ever you're uncomfortable with this, just say the word and I'll stop." Evelynn knew she was testing hers and Akali's self-control with the situation she had put them both in. She was too excited to think as rationally as she usually did.

Why was she excited?

Well, not only were they both half-naked already, but they surely had no one to interrupt them. Ahri was away and won't be back until after lunch tomorrow, while Kai'Sa was probably sleeping, if not trying to, in her own room. Therefore, Evelynn and Akali could do anything they desired and would have nothing and no one to interrupt them.

That, and Akali was the one to blame, if Evelynn were to be asked. The brown-haired female wanted to cuddle, didn't she? She was just too shy to ask. Why should Evelynn act so dense if she already knew what Akali wanted?

Of course that was just an excuse for the diva to take action.

"Keep going." Was the only thing Akali murmured, shoulders relaxing as Evelynn began stroking her hair to expose more skin.

Unlike their brief time in the shower, Evelynn had time to thoroughly explore Akali's body now. In fact, Evelynn was too absorbed into their make-out that time that she didn't even notice such a huge detail about Akali.

"What do we have here?"

Until now.

Akali pursed her lips when she realized what Evelynn had found. Even when she pulled the other woman into the shower with her a couple of hours ago, she knew they were both too focused in their lip-locking for the goddess to notice what marked her back.

Fingertips caressed the back of her shoulders as another hand brushed all of her hair aside and over her right shoulder, prompting her in unleashing a shaky breath, lips trembling once she heard Evelynn take in a breath of awe.

"You're like an endless gift, aren't you?" Evelynn lowly uttered, her smirk ringing through her words. "Each layer I remove, I find myself unveiling even more delightful surprises."

Akali bit her lip the second she felt Evelynn trace the body outline of the character drawn permanently over her back. The mythical creature etched on her skin was green with pinkish purple gleams on its scales, dark blue clouds shrouding around it and a couple of trails of smoke designing over it. Its purple eyes may not be glowing, but it surely was eye-capturing.

"A dragon tattoo..." Evelynn whispered, admiration evident in her voice. A chuckle left her as she inspected the colorful ink. "How on Earth did I miss this?"

"It's not your type?" Akali questioned a bit anxiously.

Instead of directly answering the query, Evelynn smiled and gave Akali's left shoulder a kiss while she ran her hands over the younger female's arms, sending soothing waves of comfort to wash over the freestyler.

"It suits you, darling." Evelynn said as she started to gently rain kisses on the vulnerable shoulder of the freestyler. "I love it."

"You do?"

Fighting back her nerves and pushing aside her embarrassment, Akali turned her head to face the woman beside her, their eyes clashing with an invisible yet fiery spark. Their foreheads touched when Evelynn halted her kissing and gently leaned in, breath brushing over Akali's blush-dusted cheeks.

"Mm-hm," Evelynn hummed, the corners of her lips quirking up a bit. "and because of it, I'll be the big spoon tonight."

Tattoo being accepted and a guarantee of Evelynn embracing her throughout the night, what more could Akali ask for? The thought of hugging Evelynn is really great and all, but it's always nice to be the coddled one between them. Although, Akali had always been pampered by the diva, so this would be new, and at the same time not, for the rapper.

Akali nodded and began to make herself comfortable underneath the blanket. Beside her, Evelynn copied her actions and no sooner than she expected, Akali was laying on her right side, hair mostly tucked to the other side, while the goddess with her was spooned behind her. Her cheeks warmed up yet again once she felt Evelynn's chest mash against her bare back. Based from the low chuckle she heard, the vocalist was somewhat aware of her reaction.

"You're so warm, Rogue." Evelynn couldn't help but comment, her cooler skin contradicting with Akali's.

"I'll become warmer if you keep this up." Akali muttered, squirming in the diva's embrace, only for her to regret it a moment later. Apparently, the friction between her back and the breasts pressed against her was enough to provoke a quiet whimper-like noise from Evelynn. "Did... Did you just...-"

"Continue that thought and I swear, Akali, I will...-"

"Shutting up." Akali immediately said, pursing her lips before Evelynn could finish her little threat. In spite of backing down in a heartbeat, Akali still couldn't take her mind off the delicate sound that left the siren's perfect lips. Hearing those kinds of vocal reactions from Evelynn was absolutely arousing, but Akali chose not to push her luck for now. She wouldn't want to bite more than she could chew.

But who knew Evelynn would be so sensitive?

"Good night, Rogue."

That's probably something Akali will explore once they get further into their relationship.


xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Waking up with a tantalizing beauty embracing her was already considered a heart-stopper for Akali, but waking up with her face buried into said beauty's ravishing cleavage was just suicide for her poor little heart. She had woken up around nine o'clock in the morning and she's fully sure that Kai'Sa had already left for her date with Sivir.

If Akali remembers correctly, Kai'Sa said that she and Sivir will be having breakfast together and would most probably spend the entire day going around either the park or the mall.

This also gave her the chance to realize that her face has been pressed against Evelynn's chest for maybe an hour now. After all, based from her mental counting, it's almost going to be a full hour ever since she had awakened from her slumber and found herself in a pretty sweet yet embarrassing situation.

Akali was hesitant to pull away, afraid that she might wake the diva up from her own sleep. It might also prompt Evelynn in asking her how long had it been ever since she woke up with their position like that, and with her being a not so good liar when it comes to the siren, then she'll probably just end up into a blushing and stuttering mess.

Every now and then, Evelynn would shift her hold around the rapper but never did she release her. It would either tighten or it would loosen, but other than those two, nothing else. It looks like the older artist had intentions in sleeping in, but this was only because the usual buzzing of her alarm clock was not there to rouse her out of her sleep like the usual.

Evelynn's arms loosened around Akali and instead of attempting to leave, the freestyler slipped her hand in between her and the other woman, finger curiously tracing over the cleavage a few inches away from her face. As expected, the skin her fingertips came in contact with was smooth and sent an tiny electrifying sensation to shoot through her hand. After one long and experimental stroke, Akali looked up to the calm face of the slumbering female.

Still asleep.

She continued and stroked further downward, only to stop after three seconds and look back up.

Calm breathing, lips slightly parted and eyes remaining closed, Evelynn was still lost in dreamland.

Seeing that Evelynn was proving to be fully consumed by sleep, Akali gathered enough strength and courage to start doing what her thumping heart was desiring to do. She gave one last and a much longer stare towards Evelynn's face, thinking about all the times this ravishing vixen had teased and toyed with her.

Akali always had a naturally gentle attitude and personality when it came to the people around her, but God only knows how much such detail can be abused until she would break. She hasn't snapped yet, but she was getting there. Even if it was just done within a brief moment of silent contemplation, Akali realized that this was her opportunity.

It was her turn to hold the reins, not Evelynn.

With a burst of newfound confidence, Akali snuck her arms around Evelynn and held the woman close to her, lips making quick work of all the exposed skin before it. If Akali was wearing lipstick, then she would have probably left dozens of kiss marks all over Evelynn's upper torso. As anticipated, Evelynn began to stir out of her unconscious state, which motioned Akali to move to the next step before the diva could wake up and take control of the situation.

"Hah..." A soft gasp left Evelynn while her amber eyes finally showed itself to the world, her left hand instantly shooting down to grasp Akali's shoulder. Unfortunately for her, her bedmate had her other arm pinned under her body, rendering her somewhat helpless to the 'assault' she was experiencing.

Akali had moved herself up and went for Evelynn's neck like a beast about to rip its prey's throat out. Unlike such murderous creature though, Akali harmlessly latched her lips over Evelynn's pulse, tongue licking at the skin oh so messily with each short break she took from every firm suck she performed.

Evelynn took in a breath, eyes blinking her drowsy state away and brain half-laggardly registering the current predicament she seemed to be in. This was certainly not what she expected when she was suddenly reeled out of her dreams.

"Ak-Akali?" Evelynn managed to utter, making no attempt in pushing the younger female away.

"Mmm..." Akali acknowledge back with a hum, lips relentlessly sucking at the diva's neck.

"What are you..." Evelynn took another breath, not wanting to stumble with her speech again. "What are you doing?"

Her eyes squeezed shut when Akali increased the pressure onto her skin, teeth scraping ever so lightly and traces of saliva slowly running over her. Evelynn was so sure she'll be sporting a hickey thanks to this hungry little freestyler practically devouring her neck.

"Sucking your neck," Akali grunted against the singer's skin. "what else?"

A scoff-like laugh left Evelynn's lips, feeling rather amused at Akali's brazen manner of reply. This was easy for Evelynn to get out of though. She's used to swiping the control back to her clutches, so all she needed to do was get a firm grip on Akali and roll them around the bed until she was on top.

Super easy, right?

Evelynn's hands made a move in doing what she planned in her head, but much to her utter surprise, she found herself laid flat against the sheets and pillows, wrists pinned down on either side of her head and body being straddled by none other than...

"Akali..." Evelynn breathed out the rapper's name, genuinely caught off-guard by the sudden dominance of the younger woman.

"No." Was the only thing Akali said, an unreadable look in those piercing azure crystals.


"This is my turn." Akali told her in a low volume. "I'm tired of the teasing and the mind games you always do to me."

Evelynn chuckled, somewhat unfazed of her disadvantage. "I told you, I'll stop whenever you want me to. Just say the word."

"That's exactly my point." Akali leaned down, internally smirking when Evelynn twitched ever so slightly as their nipples grazed against one another. "I don't want you to stop, but you still do."

In all honesty she possessed in that very moment, Evelynn actually felt extremely aroused by the shift in Akali's usual demeanor. The dominance, the aggressive behavior, and that piercing gaze... Oh, Evelynn didn't want to hold back anymore.

"Aww, do you want me that badly, darling?" Evelynn cooed rather mockingly, head leaning a tad bit forward.




"...I do."

Evelynn grinned, her mischievous look clashing with Akali's darkening gaze. This was it. This was the very moment they'll ditch the training wheels and every other stages of their growing relationship and skip to the most exciting part.

"Well, if that's what you want, then...-"


Unfortunately, someone up in the Heavens seemed to love toying with their sexual frustrations for one another.

Feeling the strong sense of déjà vu, the two females on the bed became as still as a statue, their breaths stilling and their bodies freezing. The lust on Akali's face had vanished, while the grin on Evelynn's face became nonexistent. Their entire world had halted for exactly one moment until realization shattered through the stillness.

"Akali? Eve?" The voice of K/DA's beloved leader echoed throughout the practically deserted penthouse. Ahri's voice may be muffled and somewhat hard to understand, but the pair in bed heard their names and the following words with crystal clarity. "You two awake? Hello?"

Mood ruined and dominance gone, Akali yelped when Evelynn abruptly pushed her back before rolling them around the bed. Due to her haste, the diva ended up causing the two of them to fall off the bed, causing a loud thud! to echo and travel down the hall and into Ahri's hearing.

"Akali?" The blonde called out, accurately tracing the ruckus to the rapper's room.

Akali pushed herself up and gave Evelynn, who ended up being the bottom and the absorber of the impact on the floor, a panicked look. The amber-eyed female released a groan of pain, not at all liking the abrupt beating her back was given. Well, she had no one to blame but herself, since it was her that became frantic first between the two of them.

"It's Ahri!"

"I know!" Evelynn grunted, shooing Akali off of her.

The rapper hurriedly removed herself from on top of her, hastily helping her up afterwards. Ahri's footsteps were getting louder and after the sequential thuds that came after their fall, it meant their leader had already climbed up the stairs and was heading towards their current location. It also meant Evelynn had no time to dash towards the bathroom, which resulted in Akali yanking her walk-in closet's door open and ushering the diva to go inside.

Evelynn gave her a look of incredulity. Were they seriously acting like a pair of hormonal teenagers about to get caught doing the naughty by their parents? Even if they weren't, they sure were acting like it.

"You need to hide!" Akali was this close in squeaking out her words, looking absolutely worried.

"I'm not getting in your closet!" Evelynn said in a hushed manner, not wanting to risk Ahri hearing her voice.

"But, Eve!"

"If Ahri's going to find out about this now, then let her! After all, this doesn't...-"

"I'm not ready!" Akali blurted out all of a sudden. "I'm not ready to come out to her or any of our friends! I'm...! I'm still confused!"

"Confused?" The disbelief on Evelynn's face was as obvious as how wild Akali's hair usually is. "Confused about what?"

"About my sexuality!"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Akali?" Ahri was literally just outside her door, either waiting to be granted permission to enter or about to walk into the room without an invite.

"Please, Eve!" Akali clasped her hands together in front of her and pleadingly looked back at the diva, who groaned lowly and shook her head before rushing into the closet and pulling the door with her. She didn't close it completely though, so the panel sustained a tiny crack, which allowed Evelynn to clearly hear whatever it was that'll happen in the bedroom.

Akali had just dove back under sheets when Ahri opened the door and surveyed the room with a quick sweep of her eyes. Those honey-tinted orbs locked with azure eyes that were trying its hardest to not show any anxiety through its gaze.

"Hey!" Ahri greeted with a wave and a smile.

"Hey, Ahri." Akali returned a tad bit meekly, internally forcing herself not to appear visibly nervous and to not glance over to the where the closet entrance can be found.

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Wait," Ahri pointed a finger at Akali's bare shoulder, which were as exposed as the arms that held her blanket against her chest. "are you naked?"

"W-What? No! No!" Akali nervously laughed as she scratched the back of her head. "I'm wearing shorts."

"Where's your shirt?"

Akali casted her gaze to the side, more of her anxious laughter leaving her lips. While she tried thinking about an excuse, she wasn't able to notice Ahri, who scanned the bed with her eyes for any possible discarded clothing, become momentarily but absolutely still from her place.

"Oh, uh, my shirt? It's... Umm...-"

"You know what, nevermind that." Ahri chuckled, sounding a bit on the edge all of a sudden. Since Akali was too focused in trying her hardest not to appear guilty of a couple of things she shouldn't be doing, she failed to catch the shift in Ahri's tone and posture. "I'll go prepare you some breakfast and um, maybe you can wake Eve up?"

"Wake Eve? Yeah, yeah! I can do that!" Akali nodded quickly. Too quickly for Ahri to consider normal. The gesture itself was confirming the thought in the singer's head much to the latter's mute denial. The FOXY model forced herself to appear casual and offer a little smile before she nodded and excused herself, closing the door behind her.

"Alright then, I'll go cook some eggs."






The low, almost soundless, creak of the closet door captured Akali's attention, her head instantly turning to face to face the woman that walked out and back in her sights. She lowered her gaze, feeling a bit small once she felt Evelynn direct a glare at her.

"Listen, Eve, I'm...-"

"Save your breath." Evelynn cut off, stalking towards the foot of the bed and picking up the negligée hanging off the edge. Akali hunched her shoulders as she silently watched Evelynn slip the lace nightwear over her head. "Come find me once you're sure about this."

"What?" Akali's eyes widened, staring at the other who didn't bother looking her way as they spoke with one another. "Sure about what?"

Evelynn tossed her hair back, looked over her shoulder and said, "Us."

Completely speechless, Akali watched as Evelynn stalked out of her room, slamming the door close with more force than necessary. The rapper winced at the echoing slam, flinching slightly once she recalled how hers and Evelynn's talk went, mainly the one they had before she had the diva take shelter in her closet.

It wasn't her greatest idea and moment, but she couldn't help but panic. It was only Ahri and Evelynn seemed to be prepared to explain everything going on between them. Akali just couldn't help but let her nerves and fears take over her, especially since she didn't know how Ahri would react.

If it were Kai'Sa, then she probably would've handled the situation far better than she had handled this one. The dancer was already pursuing a fellow woman for a possible serious relationship, so it would be much easier to break the news to her.

But Ahri?

No, no, no. She and Evelynn had always been included in the Top 50 sexiest female celebrities in the whole world and had a reputation of being as straight as every woman is expected to be. Heck, if Evelynn hadn't expressed her penchant for Akali, then the latter wouldn't have even discovered that the striking diva was interested in women.

Based from their past conversations though, Evelynn still preferred men over women, but she considered Akali as an exception. She was Evelynn's only exception and she honestly felt flattered. Who wouldn't be?

A bewitching beauty like Evelynn admitted that she's attracted to someone like her?

Unlike how their fans saw her, Akali felt like she was too... plain for someone as extraordinary as Evelynn. But of course the older female would gladly correct her opinion of herself, but currently, the siren was nowhere to be found in the room.

Akali gave herself a little punch on the head. "Baka."

If Akali really was having second thoughts about her and Evelynn due to her uncertainty towards her sexual orientation, then it would probably be much better and a greater help if she gave her cousins a call.

Meanwhile, downstairs...

Ahri's entire body was working on full autopilot, while her head was being rampaged by thousands of thoughts concerning what she had seen in Akali's bedroom and what she may have stumbled upon by accident. The lead vocalist was laggardly chopping the onions she had peeled for the scrambled eggs she was going to make for her friends, eyes dazedly staring at the ingredient on the wooden chopping board.

What did she just see?

Was it really what her brain had deciphered?

The signs were all there. The sheets were messier than usual, Akali was missing her shirt and when Ahri tried looking for the mentioned piece of clothing, she found...

Ahri gulped.

Evelynn's negligée.

"Aigo..." Ahri would have scratched her head out of stress if she wasn't handling onions in that moment.

Just when she thought all of her worries and stress were soothed away with the delightful hours she had spent with her secret girlfriend, she ended up garnering more of the two the moment she returned to the penthouse.

"Aish!" Ahri stomped one of her foot on the floor a moment after she finished cutting the onions.

The tears caused by the vegetable she was mincing started leaking out of her eyes and Ahri quickly tried wiping them away with her forehand. At the back of her mind, she was thankful she didn't bother wearing any make-up other than some loose powder when she left Sona's apartment or else the onion-caused tears would have only ruined them.

"What are you crying about?"

Pulling her forehand away from her eyes and turning her gaze directly to the abrupt speaker and breaker of silence, Ahri's honey gold eyes met with a pair of bright ambers she's well-acquainted with. Her lips automatically turned into an assuring smile, while her other hand came up and gave a small dismissive wave.

"Oh, Eve! It's just the onions and..." Against her conscious decision, Ahri's throat constricted ever so suddenly, cutting off her speech once she caught sight of the same negligée she spotted in Akali's room.

That, and the red mark on Evelynn's neck...

"Yah!" Ahri practically shoved the knife she was holding at Evelynn, who had just walked through main open entryway of the kitchen.

Evelynn hesitated with her next step, not really wanting to come near someone who was pointing a knife at her. She raised her hands up in front of her, wordlessly telling her friend she meant no harm and that she was also hoping same can be said from her part. "What did I do?"

Honeslty, the older singer was prepared to convince Ahri not to do anything life-threatening with the kitchen utensil she was grasping. Almost immediately though, Ahri deflated like a human balloon, which ended up with Evelynn storing her plans of convincing at the back of her mind. Ahri knew she was overreacting and that she couldn't help herself in doing so. The knife was abandoned on the board with a sigh, the K/DA founder turning away and washing her hands in the sink as she exhaled.


"What?" Evelynn raised an eyebrow at her, not realizing what Ahri had seen and completely forgetting about the mark Akali had given her. This oblivious state of hers were unintentionally making it worse for Ahri, who felt like everything that happened between Evelynn and Akali was just nothing but a couple of casual and mere lust-sating romps.

If only Ahri knew that there wasn't even a single so called 'romp' that had transpired between the pair.

Was Ahri going to bring it up now though?

The things she had took notice at Akali's room a few minutes ago, was she going to discuss it with Evelynn right there?

Better now than later, right?




"Were you gentle with her?"

That wasn't really the way Ahri wanted to open that topic, but she had already asked the question. All that's left for her to do now is stick to what she started and hope it doesn't turn out as awkward as she was anticipating.

She had asked the question she's been dreading to vocalize ever since it was composed by her brain. Ahri knew her hunch about Akali sleeping with Evelynn in the first place was too spot-on to be considered untrue. Evelynn just had her believe the 'lie' she was told, which was actually considered the truth back then.

After all, Evelynn didn't really predict that she'd pursue the feelings she had developed for Akali, so she wasn't actually lying to Ahri when they had their talk the other day about the live vlog incident.

Though what Ahri got in advance was a heads up. Evelynn did make it clear she thought she was straight until Akali came into the picture. That was a conversation Ahri would never forget. Despite that 'warning', she was still soaking it all up and letting it settle in her mind that two of her bandmates may have been screwing each other for quite a long while now.

As with Evelynn though, the diva was looking at her friend with an unfathomable expression. Truthfully, the older female didn't know how she should respond to the question.

Was Ahri legitimately serious about it or was her friend just trying to catch her red-handed? Evelynn wasn't slow when it came to these kinds of things, so it only took her a couple of brief moments before she connected all the dots and succeeded in acquiring the reason behind the query.

Ahri had seen her negligée in Akali's bedroom...

Evelynn reached up and stroked the spot the rapper had sucked on.

'Oh, right...' Evelynn internally sighed, scolding herself for not being too conscious with her surroundings and her state of appearance. Due to her unaware self, she failed to notice one of the most obvious aspects she presently possessed.

She was sporting a hickey given to her by none other than Akali herself.

"Eve," Ahri's voice brought Evelynn out of her silent musing. "were you gentle with her?"

Oh, so Ahri was actually serious with her question.

Evelynn hummed in contemplation before asking in return, "What do you think?"

"Yah!" Ahri spun around and stomped a foot on the floor again, appearing more like a petulant child rather than a responsible leader of a band. The nonchalant tone the diva had used did nothing but trigger Ahri in some way. "What the hell did you do with our maknae!?"

"Do you not see the mark on my skin?" Evelynn asked with a small gesture towards her neck, lightheartedly scoffing. "Shouldn't you be asking what she did to me?"

"She gave that to you!?" Now Ahri looked and sounded horrified. It was rather hard for the model to imagine the 'innocent' nineteen year old member of K/DA had done something so... indecent.

Evelynn crossed her arms and said, "I don't need to hear a lecture about who I can or cannot bed, especially from you."

"Excuse me?" Ahri's expression quickly morphed into an appalled one. "What does that that supposed to mean?"

"Don't act so innocent, Ahri. I know you slept with Sona yesterday, and not the way most people would think." Instead of appearing she's accusing Ahri, Evelynn wore a smug look on her face. The diva honestly looked quite proud with her response.

"W-What!?" Ahri's cheeks reddened significantly. "H-How...-!"

"Call it a friend's intuition, so don't deny."

"T-This...! This...! This is not about me right now!" Well, Ahri had no chance in hiding. It looks like Evelynn already knew about her secret affair with Sona, so denying would probably bring her nowhere. That didn't mean she'd admit to it and claim it immediately of course, but it was immensely relieving for her to know that Evelynn isn't the type to sell her out to the media in exchange for whatever.

"Then what's this about?"

"Please, please, please," Ahri clapped her hands together in front of her, making a pleading gesture as she said, "tell me you you were at least gentle with Akali. I'm pretty sure you were her first."

"What? You actually think...-"

"I don't think, Eve. I know. You've slept with her, haven't you? And when you did, you were nice and gentle with her, right?"

Evelynn deeply sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Nothing happened, Ahri."


"If you don't count the make-outs we've had, then yes, nothing."

"You two make-out on a daily basis!?"

"Recently, I suppose." Evelynn shrugged, not at all seeing this as a big deal. This was Ahri she's talking to, one of the few people she genuinely trusts. "But other than that, nothing else happened."

"Why was your clothes in her room, then? And her shirt? Why was she shirtless?"

"We slept together."

"But you said...-"

"Literally, Ahri." Evelynn cut off, clarifying her point. "We literally just slept together in bed."

"Did you really have to?"

"She wanted to cuddle."

"I thought you hated cuddles!"

"Akali will and forever be an exception."

"Then why was she half-naked?" Ahri narrowed her eyes a bit. "And you were too, I'm sure."

Evelynn rolled those beautiful amber eyes of hers. "Yes, we were half-naked. No, we didn't do anything sexual."

"I doubt it."

"Feel free to do so. I can't really force to believe me."

"Wait a minute," Ahri was abruptly stuck with a thought, prompting her to walk around the kitchen island and stand directly in front of the diva. "this thing with you and her, is it...?"



Evelynn shrugged, looking somewhat nonchalant. "Hopefully."

"Hopefully?" Ahri honestly found that answer irritating. What was it supposed to mean?

"She suddenly became unsure of everything." Evelynn then stroked her chin with a finger. "Specifically towards her sexuality."

"What about you?" Ahri briefly pointed a finger at her. "Are you sure about all of this? Or is this just some sort of experiment? A way to entertain yourself probably?"

The way Evelynn's face changed into a much serious expression, Ahri instantly got her answer. If Evelynn were to turn and walk away without giving a verbal reply, Ahri would let it go and still wouldn't be left unanswered.

Was Akali aware of this side of Evelynn? It sure made Ahri wonder if the rapper knew about it or not.

"She is not a plaything." Was the curt response Evelynn provided.

Ahri nodded, taking half a step back. "Alright, alright, just making sure."

"Is this the part where you tell me to stay away from her?"

"Hah? Uhh..."

Ahri knew if Sona was there, the mute would look at her disapprovingly, especially if she does do what Evelynn was implying. Allowing her two bandmates to date sure was a risky thing to do, but who was she to get in the way of two people who seemed to be evolving their relationship in a much deeper and more serious level?

Scratching the back of her head, Ahri sighed and turned away to walk back to where the onions are. She didn't really need to take any more time in making a decision. Prohibiting the attraction between Evelynn and Akali from blooming was a hypocritical move on her part and she knew it. Ahri was no hypocrite.

"Do what you want." She murmured, suppressing another sigh. "If you're serious with her...-"

"I'm quite positive what I feel for her is different from the others." Evelynn decided to admit, maintaining that dead serious look on her face. The expression contradicted with the softness that showed in her eyes when she thought about the rapper of K/DA, unconsciously showing how genuine her feelings really are.

Ahri offered a small smile, telling her friend that she trusted her and believed the words she said. "Then I'll allow it."

Evelynn, seemingly unconvinced, quirked an eyebrow, a skeptical gleam in her eyes. "That easily?"

"What do you mean?"

"You'll just approve of it? No other questions or so?"

"It's not everyday I see you wear the face that you made earlier. In fact, this is the first time I've seen you so... focused in this particular aspect."

Her words didn't sound much, but it did bring up a couple of things for Evelynn to think about. The siren trailed her gaze away and to one side of the room, seemingly deep in thought about what the FOXY model had mentioned.

"I guess the only thing I want to say is that..." Ahri's cheeks lightly reddened once she realized what she was going to say. "Don't be too harsh on her in bed? I mean, at least make things sweet at first and...-"

A hand was raised at her, which wordlessly silenced her. Ahri certainly did not mind being stopped since she felt like she was making everything completely awkward between her and her friend. She was actually thankful Evelynn decided to spare her from the embarrassment.

"No need to continue, Gumiho. I'm sure you'll faint before you even finish explaining your point."

It looks like Evelynn does have mercy in her veins whenever it came to a selected number of people involved in her life. A relieved sigh left the blonde's lips, grateful that the older woman chose to take pity on her awkward way of handling the conversation.

Between the two of them, Ahri was pretty sure Evelynn has the most experience when it came to the bedroom, so she didn't really need to give her input about what she should and what she should not do with Akali. Although, Ahri was internally wondering if Akali will be the first woman Evelynn will ever be intimate with?

With or without experience about such predicament, Ahri was still sure Evelynn would somehow know what to do and how she should treat Akali in the bedroom. She certainly preferred not conversing about such an awkward topic.

"So," Ahri started another subject for their talk while she was holding one of the fridge doors open, withdrawing three eggs from its tray. She placed the eggs on the marble island before lifting her gaze back up to the woman standing across her. "she's confused, huh?"

Evelynn sighed and shook her head, approaching the kitchen island and occupying one of the two stools stored under the counter. She perched her right elbow on the cool surface, chin situated above her palm as she tapped her left hand's fingers on the marble.

"You're Korean, which makes you Asian."

"An understatement, but yes." Ahri answered back with a resigned look.

"How was it for you?" Evelynn asked ever so casually, fingertips silently colliding with the top of the counter over and over again.

"How was what for me?"

"Coming to terms with your sexuality."

"Ah..." Ahri stuck her eyes to the egg she was cracking into a small bowl, continuing. "It wasn't really the easiest."

"Do your parents know?"

"Do my parents know?" Ahri gave a light scoff. "No, they don't."

"Why don't you tell them? What's stopping you?"

"Honestly? Just my paranoia, probably. I'm pretty sure my Eomma accepts me for who I am, but as for my Appa... Well, I'm not really sure. He supports my career in music and modeling, but he's also expecting me to get married. Hopefully sooner rather than later is what he says."

"You think he won't accept you?" Evelynn asked after a moment of contemplation. "Is that why you haven't come out to the public yet?"

"Ah." Ahri nodded, eyes still focused on the white fragile thing she was handling. "That, and I don't really want the paparazzi to be all over me and Sona."

Raising her head, Ahri gave Evelynn an encouraging smile. The diva raised her eyebrows a little, silently asking the honey-eyed female what the encouragement was for. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

"If Akali is as serious as you seem to be with her, then there's honestly nothing I can say to you but to wait for her." Ahri told the magenta-haired artist, who nodded once in a somewhat slow manner. "I know what she feels and what she's going through. That's what I went through a couple of years ago, but you know what Sona did? She waited for me. Look at us now."

Evelynn indeed looked at her, as if the stare she gave her would help her understand Akali's concerns about her sexuality. Once again, Evelynn nodded in a slightly delayed way. "Is it all worth it?"

"What is?"

"Hiding what you have with Sona as long as it means you two could stay together."

It only took a second before Ahri's lips shaped into one of the most heartwarming smile she had ever showed Evelynn. "It is."


"All the moments we steal, the kisses we share, the short but warm embraces that we give each other, the times we've spent laying beside one another..." Ahri sighed with a hint of dreaminess as she stared off in space, recalling everything she and Sona had done ever since they got together and secretly labeled themselves an official couple. "It's all of that. It somehow made us value one another much more than we already did. It's as if we have an endless competition. Who will fall harder in love with the other, me or her?"

Evelynn couldn't help but let a smile occupy her own lips. Ahri looked like she was on top of the world. It's as if nothing Evelynn could say could bring her down, not that the diva had anything negative to say in the first place.

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long do you think Akali needs?" Evelynn exhaled quietly, gaze lowering to the counter top.


"It's not that I'm impatient, alright?" Evelynn quickly clarified, her cheeks being dusted by a light shade of red. "I merely want to know."

"Eve, don't worry. She'll come around."

"And when she doesn't? If she were to tell me she regrets everything we had done together, then I would let her loose without question." Evelynn's face then became a mix of horror and realization. Eyes filling with disbelief, while her lips parted slightly in conprehension. "I would let her go and..."

It was a shocking sight for the blonde-haired model. Evelynn looked absolutely frightened all of a sudden, which was a first for Ahri. It's as if something was out to get her or something alarming was going to happen to her.


"...and I'll do nothing." Evelynn lifted her head back up and made eye contact with Ahri, her fear gleaming visibly in those amber orbs she owned. "Especially if that's what she really wants."

"Eve, don't think like that."


The scoff that left the diva was sarcastic. It was full of disbelief. She couldn't come to terms with what she was feeling and she was about to say. She was already expecting this unfamiliar development with her emotions, but she never thought she'd feel so affected and powerless at the same time.

"I... I'm actually afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

Her response merely consisted five words and took her only the briefest moments to think about, yet Evelynn felt like she had recalled every single memory she had made with Akali. It was swift and it caused her heart to start thundering in her chest.

The feeling of Akali's warmth, of her delicate lips, of her embrace, of her smile, all being given to and caused by Evelynn, she didn't want any of those to disappear. She wanted to feel and see them over and over again, her entire being confident that she would never diminish her fondness over all of them.

A hand of hers had to be stopped by its twin when she felt it make a motion in touching her chest. The beating organ can still be found within her ribs and under the protection of her skin, yet her very own heart was not in her grasp anymore. Such realization could only cause nothing but for her to utter the words that left her lips.

"I'm afraid of losing her."

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Akali paced in front of the telephone positioned near the wall window found in the living room, still undecided if she should call her cousins or not to finally talk about her unsure sexuality.

In order for her to reach Kai, the cousin that got disowned, then she needed to either call the former's older brother Zelos or his older sister, Irelia to ask for his whereabouts. Between Zelos and Irelia, the sister was a much better bet than the brother.

Zelos had always been as strict and uptight about these kinds of things. Even though he took no one's side when Kai was kicked out of the family, he was more affected with it than Irelia was. The latter was actually the only person from the family that voiced out her immense disapproval in the disownment of their youngest brother.

Irelia wholeheartedly accepted Kai's sexuality when he admitted to his family that his lover was a fellow male, so Akali was sincerely hoping the said cousin of hers would accept her as well and maybe help her track down where Kai is, so she could talk to him about this issue of hers concerning her sexual orientation.

Akali told herself she needed to do this. When she and Evelynn had finally kissed the other night, she told the singer that she'd brave through all the pressure and comments of other people and that includes her family. She wasn't ready to open up to her parents yet, but talking about this with someone from the family like Irelia or Kai would surely be refreshing, especially if they react positively about this.

Not only those reasons, but Evelynn has been avoiding her as if she was a murderous plague. It was a painful thing to feel and experience. Unlike her, the diva was much better in appearing casual and unfazed even if they're alone in one area together.

It was honestly causing her heart to ache for the siren's physical affections. Even if it was just a simple pat on the back, Akali would gladly take it. Unfortunately, Evelynn wasn't feeling all 'huggy-kissy' like she had always been.

Currently, the mentioned artist can be found settled at the living room, reading one of the fashion magazines taken from underneath the coffee table. Occupying most of the L-shaped couch, Evelynn silently read the articles and inspected the images found in each page. Ahri was taking a shower upstairs, which of course left the two together. Akali was too nervous to notice one detail though.

Evelynn always reads her magazines in her room and usually stayed in her quarters. She only goes to the living room if all four of them were there or if she was called downstairs. What Akali didn't know was that Evelynn was only there because of her.

Even though they weren't talking, Evelynn was enjoying Akali's company. The rapper's presence alone was enough to calm and satisfy her little heart, but only the diva herself knew such thing.

With her body too tense to be considered normal, Akali took a deep breath as an attempt to calm herself before finally reaching for the wireless telephone perched on the receiver.


Akali nearly jumped when the landline suddenly started ringing. She stared at the ringing machine, momentarily too startled to answer the call and see who it was that's calling. For a moment, her mind thought it was one of her cousins. It was a thought that was dispelled the second she spared a look towards Evelynn, who was apparently staring at her with an expression that clearly yet wordlessly asked her, "Aren't you going to pick that up?"

Clearing her throat and briefly shaking most of her nerves away, Akali finally took the wireless telephone and brought it up to her right ear to greet whoever it was that thought this was the perfect time to call the landline of the K/DA household.


"Hello there, darling~" Came a purr-like greeting from the other line. Akali honestly felt like the caller was aiming to seduce someone with that voice of hers. "Is Eve there?"

"Eve? Uhh..."

Akali turned her head to face the mentioned woman, who apparently was heading towards her and had already abandoned the magazine she was reading earlier. Without uttering anything else, Akali placed the phone on Evelynn's awaiting palm. While she took a step back and idled behind the diva, the latter took her previous place and stood close to the receiver on the table.

"Evelynn speaking."

The reason was unclear, but Akali felt a bit... off. The way the caller had spoken and how naturally enchanting that voice was, it's as if it could charm any man that would hear such vocals. Akali honestly felt envious and conscious about her own voice. Was her voice appealing enough for Evelynn? The freestyler hadn't even answered her own question when a chuckle-like scoff left the siren.

"A lunch date?" Evelynn asked the caller, which prompted Akali in inching closer to Evelynn, only to pick up a little chuckle from the other line. "Today, Elise?"

Akali's eyes widened. 'A lunch date!? With this Elise person?'

Evelynn sighed lightheartedly, a little smile taking place on her face. "Alright, I'll see you in a few. And yes, fine, it'll be my treat."

Akali heard the excited tone of the other female's reply before the two finally bid goodbye to one another. Evelynn placed the phone back to its perch on the receiver before turning around, nearly bumping into Akali due to the almost nonexistent space between them. Instead of ignoring Akali like she had originally intended to, Evelynn swiftly leaned in and gave Akali a kiss on the forehead.

Somewhat expectedly, the blue-eyed artist became frozen at the unforeseen gesture. Akali thought Evelynn was angry with her, especially because of what happened earlier in her room, so what was this kiss about? Where was it coming from?

Before Akali could ask about the warm act, Evelynn had walked around her and started towards the stairs without a single word. The kiss was the only thing Evelynn had given her. No sighs, groans or any word that could serve as an additional form of movement or affection.

While the rapper stared after the back of the diva, Evelynn herself was keeping her entire body from acting on its own. The resistance she was putting up towards the urge to return to Akali and pull the freestyler in for a full-blown make-out was absolutely agonizing and it was wholly disappointing for the two of them. It left them both wanting for more, a craving in which they could only sate once Akali vanquishes the self-issue she was currently battling within her.

'She still needs time to think. I need to wait until she's sure about herself.' Evelynn thought to herself as she forced each step she took that brought her farther away from the person occupying her head.

Maybe a lunch date with one of her longtime friends would also help her cope with this waiting game she was playing for Akali's sake. And while Evelynn was thinking of going out with her friend, Akali was internally panicking...

'Who the hell is this Elise woman!?'

...and hurriedly dialing Irelia's number.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Author's Note: Happy New Year, everyone! I hope all of you enjoyed this new year treat of mine! ^u^ (For those who don't know where my Christmas present is, it can be found in League of Legends: One-shots)

Due to popular demand, I gave Akali a tattoo. It's a good thing I didn't let Evelynn explore Akali's body in the shower, since she was too focused on their kissing. Yes, apparently, Akali having a dragon tattoo isn't considered a 'dragon overload', so there you readers go! :P

So, there's been a headcanon going around that Irelia is supposedly Akali's sister. Instead of making her that, I made her Akali's cousin here, mainly after I did some research about the most headcanon theories about Varus' origin and read Irelia's League lore, before and after the rework they both got. :3 (which explains Zelos, Kai and in the future, Valmar)

Now, for those who've been dying for the K/DA and Pentakill meeting, yes, yes, it'll happen. (Mainly thanks to Sona and Ahri) As soon as Akali finishes tackling this issue of her concerning her sexuality, then that moment will come and she and Evelynn will be able to move much further in their relationship. ^^

Oh, and for those wondering what Elise (and Zyra, who will possibly also make an appearance in the next chapter), these two will be possessing their SKT T1 skins as their physical appearance in this story. :3

Till my next update~ ^u^

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