I'm Slave of His Love (Ciel P...

By woojaeyoon_

209K 5.5K 4.2K

You were taken by Sebastian Michaelis into the Phantomhive Manor for you ran off upon knowing you are only ad... More

Slave (Ciel Phantomhive x Reader) [Kuroshitsuji FanFic]
Chapter 01: New Servant
Chapter 02: Visit
Chapter 02.5: Help
Chapter 03: Friends? Plan? Regret? Jealous?
Chapter 04: Dance with HIM
Chapter 05: Breaking Off The Engagement
Chapter 06: A Bad Dream
Chapter 07: Knowing Your Real Identity
Chapter 08: She Realized
Chapter 09: Meeting Your Half-Brother
Author's Note (Please Read!)

Chapter 10: Truth • Proposal • Planning To Take You Back

12.1K 316 551
By woojaeyoon_

-Third Person's POV-

They've got no choice but to ask the certain person who can give them a proof.

The Undertaker.

"But I don't wanna give a stupid joke just to pay him!" Ciel exclaimed.

"If you won't do it, then I'll tell (-your name-) that you don't love her." Sebastian teasingly said.

"Sebastian!" Ciel yelled and growled. He sighed in defeat. Sebastian chuckled.

"Okay, Fine. I'll do it." Ciel stated with his eyebrows twitched.

- - -

'The Undertaker' is the what placed above the funeral. They entered the dim parlor and saw nothing but Ciel slightly frightened when a skull rolled down the floor and hit his ankle. Undertaker suddenly emerged from one of the coffins with a creepy grin.

"Welcome, Earl. What brings you hereee---hihihi~" Undertaker said as he rested himself against the table, tapping Ciel's chin.

"I wish to get an information," Ciel said.

"You already know what I'm asking for before I give you info~hihihi~"

Ciel turned to Sebastian."Sebastian, don't ever dare to peek inside, just stay out there! That's an order!"

"Yes, my Lord." Sebastian turned away to go outside. Several hours passed and Undertaker suddenly bursted out a laughter that almost shake the entire funeral parlor.

Sebastian knew that Ciel successfully did it so he let himself go inside. As soon as he entered, he found Ciel in a messy state plus he's panting. He turned his gaze into Undertaker, laughing like forever.

"I never thought that Earl Phantomhive would go that far.---hihihi~" he continued laughing when Ciel started to say something. "Now show us the cinematic record of this demon." Ciel demanded, letting Undertaker see the photograph he's holding.

"Come on, follow me." Undertaker said trying to stop his remaining little laughs. He led them at the back of the parlor.

- - -

-Trancy Manor-

You went to your blonde haired brother's study and gave a knock onto the wooden door. "Come in," you heard him said. You gently opened the door seeing him in such a sloppy state. His hair was pretty messy, his eye bags were shown below his icy blue eyes and he seems sleepy. He gestured you to come near and you followed. "What is it you needed?" he lazily asked.

"Ah, Uhmm..." you stuttered.

"I... want to go back to Phantomhive Manor... can I?" you shyly said.

"You can go back anytime if you want to. But never forget that this is your home." you nodded as he replied. He ran his hand to pick up yours and pulled you into hug.

"And also, never leave me, (-your name-)." you felt tears dropping into your shoulder where his head was lying in.

You caressed his hair before saying, "Promise, I won't."

- - -

You had just arrived at Phantomhive Manor. The chauffeur opened the carriage's door and helped you get out.

You walk through the halls of the mansion. When you reached the door of Ciel's study, you opened the door gently and you glomped him. He hugged you back. "Alois said, he has officialized our engagement!" you stated in an overjoyed manner.

"Really?" he wondered. You nodded happily. "He can even do good things, huh?" Ciel muttered.

'Just make himself sure that it's true.' Ciel thought. 'Or else I will punch him right in his face though he's brother of my fiancée.'

- - -

You were happy about you are officially Earl Ciel Phantomhive's fiancée. You never thought he'd have fallen for you too in the first place.

Now that you know you're Lord Alois Trancy's sister, you would have to take his surname till your father come and show himself.

"Is this really needed, Ciel?" you asked. You call him 'Ciel' as he told you to. He thought isn't appropriate for his fiancée to call him as her master, which is really true.

"Yeah. We're already engaged so nothing matters about it if we share bed." he replied as he pushed you into the bed and he got himself on the top of you. You can feel his warm breath.

"Why? Don't you want?" every word he's saying, it tickles your lips causing you to want him to kiss you.

"Actually, I really do want." you said with a little smile. Your face is starting to heat up as he buried his face into your neck.

"Good." he said through your neck and it caused you to giggle.

Every lick he made in the crook of your neck, you're giving out a moan.

He went to your lips and bit lightly your lower lip, begging for entrance. You opened your mouth wide enough  and he inserted his tongue. He explored everything in your mouth. You pulled away to gasp for air and you panted.

Before you could open your mouth to say something, Ciel kissed you again. It lasted for minutes.

You pulled away from passionate kiss before it goes further. "I'm Sorry, Ciel." you said.

"I know. I'm not going further, yet. I know our limitations. I only want to kiss you." he said and laid next to you.

You felt your face heated up, good thing, the room is only lit up by the light of the moon, peeking through the windows so he cannot see.

"How's Elizabeth?" you changed the topic. He stared at you then, "She's okay," he simply answered.

"I've been worried about her." you mumbled as you laid your head onto his shoulder.

"No need to be worried about. Everything is okay." he whispered.

He pulled you closer to him and he embraced you in his arms. You finally drifted off into sleep with him.

- - -

Ciel was been woke up by his butler. They had set a plan today. Sebastian headed into the door of his master's room and opened it for him.

They went to his study and Sebastian asked the servants to come in. They shakingly came in front of their master.

"Young Master, are you sick of our idiocy; don't worry, the time will come for us to go away." Bard said dramatically.

"We don't have to wait for that time, Young Master is going to fire us now!" Meirin added. She and Bard hugged each other. Finny joined.

"Hey, stop that. Even though I'm sick of your idiocies, I'm not planning to do such thing and I'll never." Ciel said coldly yet they let out a sigh in relief.

"You three are going to help me."

"H-E-L-P?!" they said in chorus.


You woke up with no Ciel beside you. You rubbed your eyes and fixed your hair. You walked towards the door and opened it up.

You saw nothing. Back when you hear noise from idiotic servants, now, those noise were gone. You miss the moments when Meirin gets bumped into you, when you help Finny in the garden and also, when you go to kitchen you always find Sebastian scolding Bardroy for he used a flame thrower again.

You wandered the mansion but nothing you saw. Furthermore, it's a little bit dark. You felt some sort of sadness.

You tried to go downstairs and to your surprise, they are there; smiles were drawn on their faces even Ciel. Rose petals are scattered over the floor. They are dressed nicely. You wondered, 'what is this?'

Ciel walked towards you with a smile still on his lips. A genuine one.

He held your hand, slowly knelt down and pulled out a stuff in his pocket. Your free hand automatically covered your mouth in surprise. A wedding ring. He gently opened the small box and he looked directly with his sapphire blue orbs into your (-your eye color-) ones.

"Will you marry me?" four words that took your breath away. You felt he really does love you when you heard his sincere tone.

You squeezed your eyes close and as soon as you opened it, you stated the only word that every man wants to hear when asking for his girl's answer. "Yes!" he gently and slowly placed the ring in your wedding finger. He got up and embraced you lovingly. Your lips almost touched if only Sebastian didn't interrupted.

"Young Master, it'd be inappropriate if you do that in front of us. You can do that if your wedding day comes." said Sebastian with a teasing smile painted on his lips. You all laughed except Ciel. He growled with cold gaze directed into his demon butler.

There outside, in the forest, standing a man covered in white. "Poor demon, letting his prey to be tasteless,"

- - -

Meanwhile at Trancy Manor...

-Claude's POV-

Now that I knew who is my long lost daughter, I will take her back! I got betrayed by her mother. She deceived me. She deceived a demon. Once I take my daughter back, I'll bring her to her real home and she will take the throne of being princess! Princess of the Hell.

I don't really care about my stupid master, don't care even if he begs me not to take his sister back or not to leave him. It seems that his soul isn't that tasty. So, it's like I've just wasted my time here in human world. I've wasted my time serving a brat.

Hell awaits us there. They await the one who will take the power to rule over the hell and spread wickness.

So... what's in my mind now is... to take my one and only daughter back!

* * *

A/N: This is not yet done (obviously), there's still an epilogue!

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