The Shy Guy (ON HOLD)

By deleted__forever

252 5 4

Hey guys....this is my new story. I have read a lot of falling for bad boy stories so I'm making one but with... More

Chapter One, Getting To Know Hailey
Chapter Two, More Than Friends Already?
Chapter Three, A Cute Turn
Chapter Five, An Awkward Talk

Chapter Four, A Forced Event

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By deleted__forever

When my parents got home, I ran to the frount door and told them I had a friend over because his parents were out. I apoligized to them for not giving them and earlier notice.

At our fifth grade promotion, Damien was all excited to introduce me to his parents. I was kinda excited but at the same time I was worried. My parents were talking to our princible after we got promoted. So Damien took my hand in his and ran to his parents with me. When we got to them, his mom staired at me and frowned. His dad looked up from his camera and smiled.

"Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend Hailey." He told his parents. "Oh, honey!" His mom said. "Cant you do better? I mean her ugly brown hair is deffinatly fake and her blue eyes are contacts. Honey, she's ugly." I kind of agreed with her. I did feel ugly sometimes but she really had her nerve. I mean im suprised shes not Damien's grandmah she's so old. But of course, I didnt tell her that. I looked down at my feet while tears ran down my face. His dad stood up and gave me a huge hug before Damien could.

"Dont listen to her Miss. Hailey! Your gorgeous! My wife is just very honest and will say whatever she's thinking. I'm like that to. See, my honesty is that you really are gorgeous." Damiens mom pulled her husband off of me and told me to not hurt Damien. "Miss, I would never hurt Damien. I do love him." She seemed shocked at the fact I said love. She looked at Damein and told him that even my voice was awful. I started to cry even more. Damien turned to me and hugged me.

"You know what mom, your really going to hate me after this but I guess I have to." Damien pulled away and grabbed my cheek. He slowly kissed me. He did it with such passion. He pulled back to see my reaction. He smiled as I took a few steps back. I was blushing like crazy. I mean even though im going into sixth grade, it wasnt bad. Damiens mom stormed off while Damiens dad just jumped up and smiled. His dad took Damiens hands and wrapped them around me.

My parents came running over to me. "Hailey, who's your friend?" They asked me. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Damien. They smiled as they told me they approved of him. Damiens dad jumped up and hugged me again and told me he aproves of me even if his wife doesnt. Damien smiled. My mom invited his parents to go eat dinner with us. We were palnning togo somewhere fancy since i'm there only child graduating.

"Thank you for inviting us. We would be glad to attend. Let me go get my wife and we will meet you there. We also have to go pick up Damies sister's. "Ok see you there!" My parents told them. Damien hugged me goodbye and we left.


Hey guys! Sorry i havent updated the story in a while, i was out of town. I tried to make it more exciting sice I havent updated in a while. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!


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