Transformers Herald of Remnant

By Prime987

15.3K 154 206

After sacrificing himself to save Cybertron, Primus gave Megatron a second chance of life, in exchange he is... More

Megatron's Bio
Soundwave/Soundblaster's Bio
Blitzwing bio
Chapter 1 - A world in Need
Chapter 2 - Megatron becomes a student/an unexpected reunion
Chapter 3 - Megatron meets the gang
Chapter 5 - Initiation chaos (part 1)
Thundercracker's Bio
I need help........... again
A/N: important
A/N: More Info = Confirmed Decepticon #1

Chapter 4 - Con's Initiation

1.2K 17 5
By Prime987

Slowly opening his eyes, Megatron stretched out his limbs and gave a small yawn. Rubbing his messy bed hair, he noticed that everyone was still asleep and the sun was rising, well everyone except the other Decepticons, Soundwave or Don as ruby called him was nowhere to be seen and Blitzwing had just left. He swiftly pack his sleeping bag in order to head out of the ballroom. Wasting no time, he took a shower, got dressed in his causal outfit, and headed to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. The meal that the chiefs had a couple pieces of toast, eggs, and an orange. For a drink, Megatron decided to have a simple glass of milk. He greatly enjoy the exquisite taste of the meal. Back in his old form, eating Energon was very bland and it was the only thing that Cybertronians eat. So having this average meal was like heaven.

"Good morning, Megatron", a voice called to him after he finish chewing a piece of toast.

He turned to see the owner's of the voice who was wielding a cane, "Morning Headmaster Ozpin."

Ozpin chuckled a little before taking a sip of his coffee, "You know can just call me Ozpin."

Megatron: "Whatever."

Ozpin: "So what do you think of your future classmates?"

Megatron: "Each of them have potential of becoming a great warriors, but they have a lot more to learn about what being a Huntsman really is."

"Care to explain?", Ozpin asked curiously. He enjoys these conversations with the gladiator. Despite his young age, he was smart beyond his age and view things differently than most people. It was interesting to hear his responses because his answers were ones that a young man wouldn't normally say. Still he questions why Megatron have this kind of view for someone so young.

Megatron: "In your speech, you mention that knowledge will only carry you so far, which is true. In any battle, you also need power, courage, and friends to help you win. There may be some who can handle things by themselves, but there are some things where you need help to win. We are stronger together than by ourselves."

Ozpin: "Your analogy is impressive as always. You are the first to figure out the meaning of my speech this quickly."

Megatron nodded thanks to him before delivering a serious stare, "I have to ask, why did you give them that? Your speech is more suited for soldiers than Huntsmen."

Ozpin gently rest his mug on the table and placing his empty hand over his cane along with his other hand, "While it is true my speech is better suited for soldiers, but they needed to hear it. Many of them believes Huntsmen and Huntresses are powerful and invincible... This way of thinking will lead many of them to their downfall... Huntsmen and Huntresses can fall like anybody else and die just the same. Giving that speech will show them that being a Huntsman or Huntress is more than just slaying Grimm."

"hmp, that's understandable", Megatron said.

Ozpin: "Megatron... I am here to give you warning. You must keep your ability a secret. If words get out about your unique ability many will try to recruit you to their cause or try to kill you."

Megatron narrowed his eyes at the Headmaster, "Sounds like that you already know who will be coming to kill me."

Ozpin narrowed his eyes at the young man, he was smart he'll give him that, "I have an idea... For now train and learn what you can here... You will never know when the enemy will strike."

Megatron watch Ozpin pick up his mug and headed out of the cafeteria, ' Iknow Ozpin... I know...'

A little time passed and Megatron was about to leave when a familiar voice spoke to him, "Morning."

He lifted his head to see who it was, "Oh, morning Miss Belladonna."

Blake sat across from him with a tray carrying a similar breakfast meal he recently finish, "I'm surprise to see you up this early."

Megatron: "I tend to wake up right before the break of dawn, Miss Belladonna. What about you?"

"Same." She raise an eyebrow when she heard the miss comment for a second time, "Why are you calling me miss?"

Megatron: "I figure it would be best to call you that instead of saying your first since we just met. I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't want to sound too causal that it would make you feel uncomfortable."

She simply just blinked in surprise before smirking, "You're quite a gentleman, you know that?"

"I wasn't always like this," he answered.

Blake simply chuckled, "You can simply call me Blake. I don't mind."

"Alright Blake." Megatron noticed the book next to her tray, "You're a fan of reading?"

Blake: "Yes, you too?"

Megatron: "Sometimes."

Blake: "Really, you don't look like the reading type."

"I get that a lot, too." His comment caused the raven hair to chuckle a little more causing a small smirk to appear on his face, "May I ask what it is about?"

Blake "It's about a man with two souls."

Megatron: "A man with two souls..."

Blake noticed the change of tone, "You read it?"

Megatron: "No... But it is similar to tale I know..."

Blake: "Really, how?"

"I don't know what kind of souls the man in your book have, but the tale I know have a man fighting against the soul of the God of Chaos. The Chaos Bringer wanted the man to slay his allies; however, the man resisted his control. Stating that he will never take orders from him and he told the God of Chaos he take orders from no one." Flashes of when Unicron tried to posses him using the matrix's of chaos.

Blake: "Resisting the control of a God... He must strong."

'You have no idea...,' Megatron got up and lifted his tray, "I'll take my leave now. I have feeling you want to continue reading your book and I have to take care of something. Good luck in the initiation, Blake."

Blake "You too, Megatron."

Once he left the cafeteria and walk down the hallway for a bit, he came to a halt. He turned his head to the window and stared into the distance. During the conversation with Blake, something click in his head when he remember the confrontation with Unicron. 'Could the Grimm be connected to him... It can't be... Unicron was destroyed, but why is it that these creatures remind me of him? Unless...'

Megatron took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment, "I won't know for certain until I fight them again. Primus help us all if I am right.

Later on, Megatron was in the locker room ready to grab his gear for the initiation. As he entered he saw a hyperactive orange hair girl talking to a boy who had black hair was wearing a green shirt. Megatron simply ignored them to his locker where Weiss and someone he doesn't recognize were standing in front of it. The stranger had red waist length hair that was tied in a ponytail and green eyes. Her outfit resembles much of a Spartan, but minus the helmet with a tiara. Things got pretty strange because Weiss started to give a sinister/devious smile and dark thunderous clouds surround her.

He nervously chuckled before walking over to her. She was broke out of her trance when Megatron spoke, "Excuse me, Miss Schnee?"

She turned only to smile, "Oh morning, Megatron."

"Morning to you too. Sorry for interrupting your conversation, but can I ask you to step to the side for a moment? I need to get to my locker."

"Of course", she answered before stepping aside.

"You two are acquaintances?", the red head asked.

"Yes we are. Pyrrha this Megatron."

"Hello", she waved to him.

"Please to meet you, Pyrrha."

Weiss raise an eyebrow because how causal Megatron addresses her, "Excuse me, Megatron, do you have any idea who you are talking to?"

"Not really, is she famous or something?"

The two eyes widen with shock at Megatron's response. By the look in his eyes, he wasn't joking either. "How could you not know of the Pyrrha Nikos!? The four time champion of Mistral Regional Tournament!?"

'Impressive... ,' Megatron commented before giving an explanation, "I was raise on an island that is far from the Four Kingdoms and we had no interaction with them either. Also, my childhood was drastically different from any other"

"Really?", Pyrrha asked curiously.


"How could your home have no connections to the kingdom?", Weiss asked with her arms crossed.

Megatron began to open his locker as he came up with an answer that should convince the young heiress, "The people of my home strongly believed that each land should handle their own problems by themselves and should only focus on what is happening in our land not the land of others. So we isolate ourselves from the Kingdoms leaving them to deal with their problem while we deal with ours."

The two were surprised that there was an island out there that wasn't part of the Kingdoms. Most islands rely on the mainland's to help them survive and sort out difficult problems. Like lacking the man power and strength to deal with Grimm for example. Hearing such a place exist was unheard of.

"What brought you here to Beacon?", Weiss asked curiously with Pyrrha giving the same curious look.

Before he give an answer, Jaune barged into the conversation and began to flirt with Snow Angel, which was Weiss. Megatron thanked Primus that Jaune came when he did because he did not want them to get involve in his mission. He continued to put on his armor as Weiss began to introduce Pyrrha to Jaune who had no idea who she was. It wasn't until she mention a certain cereal brand that Jaune instantly recognized her. Megatron couldn't help, but chuckle at Jaune's response.

He was about to put on his helmet when a cheerful voice spoke to him, "Morning Megatron."

He along with the other three turned to see that it was none other than Ruby, Yang and Soundwave who had his cassetteacons with him. The sisters and Weiss stared at each other for a moment before pointing, """Not you again!"""

Megatron quickly intervene before this could escalate, "Morning Ruby, may I help you?"

Ruby turned to him and played with her fingers symbolizing that she was nervous, "Well... You see... I was wondering... if you could... show us your weapon?"

Megatron tilted his head a little, "May I ask why?"

Before the little red riding hood could answer, Yang wrapped an arm around Ruby's neck, "My sister here is a weapon freak and she is dying to see what kind of weapon you have Megs." This caused Megatron to look at her weirdly as she simply smirked. Not because of what she said about Ruby, but the nickname she gave him.

"YANG!", Ruby shouted after getting out of her grasp.

"A weapon freak...", Megatron repeated before chuckling causing everyone to stare at him.

"What's so funny?", Jaune asked.

"I had an old friend who was a weapon freak as well... And whenever he caught glimpse of a new weapon he wants to know what it can do", he answered causing everyone except Ruby, who was a little embarrass, to laugh a little. An image of his old friend, Impactor, appeared in mind causing Megatron to smile and remember the times before the war when Impactor tried out a new weapon and the damage he caused.

"I hope it is not too much trouble...", Ruby asked in a low tone.

He simply smiled, "I don't mind."

A smile spread across her face as she shriek with joy, "Thank you!"

Megatron nodded and handed Ruby his helmet, "Could you hold on to this for me, Ruby, and could you all take a few steps back? I don't want to hurt anyone."

Ruby nodded to the gladiator and grabbed hold of his helmet before stepping back like the others. Once everyone was at a safe distance, Megatron activated his bracers transforming them into its gauntlet mode before attaching his trade mark fusion cannon to his right gauntlet. Yang was more impressed than everybody else because she was a brawler too. Seeing another just pique her interest for the gladiator as a fighter and she want to know how skill he is. Before anyone could speak, Megatron activated his gauntlets, flail modes then to its Mace mode. (While training with Blitzwing and Goodwitch he discovered that both gauntlets have collapsible maces and both have flail modes)

After Megatron called off his weapons, he turned to see the jaw open group with eyes wide as saucers. He was about ask what is wrong when suddenly Ruby appeared before him. For some reason, her form changed into what he could make out was a Chibi form while her pupils were replace with yellow stars. He learned about Chibis from Skywarp because he was a huge fan of them. How she did was a mystery for him, but was more of a mystery was how she manage to turn his helmet into a Chibi.

She appeared and reappeared all around him as she examined his bracers, "OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh! SO COOL! A triple changer weapon and two of them! A blaster and sword mode along with a gauntlet mode, awesome! Where did you get it!? Did you build it!? Who gave you the blueprints!? Do you have the blueprints!? Can I see it!? Please! Please! Please! Please!"

"Eh...", Megatron muttered because he had no idea what she was saying. She was speaking so fast he couldn't make it out. Ruby was broke out of her Chibi mode when Soundwave grabbed her hood and drag her back to her side.

Soundwave: "Sorry about that, Megatron. She tends to do that when she see an awesome weapon."

"Don! How could not be excited to see a triple changer weapon!? They're like impossible to find!", Ruby shouted.

"She has a point. This is my first seeing one, too", Pyrrha said while crossing her arms.

Weiss nodded in agreement, "Same here. I hate to admit it, but I do share the dolt's fascination on where you got those weapons."

"Hey!", Ruby retorted before giving Megatron's helmet back.

Megatron placed his helmet near his side, "They were given to me during my time in the pits of Kaon."

Before anyone could ask even further, the intercom came on and Professor Goodwitch's voice echoed through the room, "Would all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately."

"The time has come", Megatron said before putting his helmet on and headed towards the cliff with Ruby and the others.

On the cliff overseeing a large forest that was call Emerald forest, Ozpin and Glynda were standing before the first year students who were standing on metal platforms. The sky was clear and a gentle breath softly touch the students face as they stood in the direction of it. Megatron stood at the end of the row near Blitzwing and Jaune who look extremely nervous and confuse while Blitzwing was smirking showing that he felt confident. Also, he noticed their was an odd amount of first year instead of an even amount. Everyone remain silent as Ozpin gave a speech.

"For years you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest."

"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... Today."

"What?", Ruby said in a scared tone.

"These teammates will be the with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well." This caused Ruby to make another scared face, sadly it was going to get worst for her. "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years."

Ruby eyes became wide as saucers and pupil less as her her world shatter around her like glass, "WHAT!?"

Megatron crossed his arms, "But there is an odd amount of students here... What are you planning Ozpin?"

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die. You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our instructor will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are they any questions?"

"Yeah, um, sir...", Jaune attempted to ask, but Ozpin simply ignore it.

"Good! Now, take your positions."

Every student took out their weapons and prepared themselves except for Jaune who asked his question again. Little did he know people were already being launch and it won't be long until it was his turn. Megatron heard a whistle from the side to see it was Yang who gave him a wink before putting on a pair of sunglasses. Where she got them from was mystery?

Megatron watched Jaune being launch before turning to Ozpin with a neutral expression, "You enjoy being devious, don't you?" he was then launch into the air as the two adults simply watch.

Ozpin took a sip of his coffee, "A little..."

Glynda turned to him with a serious expression, "You are looking forward to seeing his potential, aren't you?"

"Yes and this way we will determine to see if he will be the one to turn the tide against the Grimm." The air became a little colder around them as they wonder what the future may hold for the seasoned gladiator.

For his landing strategy it wasn't anything flashy. Megatron concentrate his Aura into his gauntlets and arms because he was about to hit a tree. He broke right through it snapping it in half. This was follow by flipping his body to have his feet be the first thing that touch the ground. Quickly channeling his Aura into his legs, he slid for a bit causing the land to be cleave a little. Once he stop, he turned to see the dirt path he created and simply sigh.

"Thank Primus I have this Aura. If it wasn't for it, I would be pretty bang up right now. I have to be extra careful with this body. It does not have the durability of a metal body." Megatron turned his attention the sky, 'I wonder how everyone is doing?'

Meanwhile with Ruby, she easily manage to land on the ground safely without difficulties. Despite hitting a bird along the way she was completely fine. She bolted away with only one thing her mind.

"Gotta find Yang and Don! Gotta find Yang and Don gotta find..." She then screamed for her siblings names a couple of times, but she received no response.

"Ugh this is bad, this is really bad! What if I can't find either of them? What if someone finds them first?" Her thoughts form a white cloud above her which display her and the people she met in drawn forms, "There's always Jaune... he's nice. He's funny! I don't think he's very good in a fight, though. Oh! What about Blake? So mysterious, so calm. Plus she like books! Well, then again, I'm not sure I'd be able to hold a conversation with her. Also, there's Megatron. He's nice and he didn't laugh at me for obsession for weapons. Still I can't help, but feel that he's hiding something."

Shaking her head to get rid of the cloud, "Ugh! Okay... who else do I know in this school? There's Yang, Don, Jaune, Blake, Megatron, and..."

Ruby soon came to a halt when she spotted a familiar white hair girl. The two just simply stared at each other for a moment. A smile creep on Ruby's face while Weiss narrowed her eyes at her. A moment passed and Weiss just march off leaving Ruby behind.

"Wait! Where are you going? We're supposed to be teammates..."

At the same time, Yang was walking around aimlessly hoping to run into someone. She was getting really bored that no one had heard her yet and wonder how her sister was doing. Though she wanted Ruby to find someone else to be her partner, she hoped she didn't find Megatron first. The reason why is because she wanted him to be her partner. He was the first man that didn't fall for her natural charm. Numerous times in the past, men became fluster at sight of her especially her chest and she knew instantly that they just wanted her for her looks. This and the fact he was a complete hot shot only fuel her interest in the gladiator.

A rustling noise appeared from behind the bush and decided to investigate. "Ruby is that you?", a snarling sound appeared causing her to look up, "Nope."

A Grimm appeared that had the appearance of a bear with spikes called Ursa attacked her. Yang rolled to the side and activated her gauntlets, but she had to back flip to dodge another Ursa's attack. Yang went on the offensive by punching an Ursa in the guts the delivering an uppercut and kick to the second. Her strikes emitted fire each time she land a blow causing the Grimm to feel burning pain.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood would you?" For an answer, the Ursas growled while Yang commented that they could have said no. She back flipped once again to dodge an attack. She was about to make a comment when a strand of hair fell to the ground caught her attention.

"You...", she softly said while her lilac eyes turned red, "YOU MONSTER!"

Flames ignited around for a brief moment before she dashed towards an Ursa. She delivered an onslaught of punches at the Grimm. Her last blow was so powerful that she sent it flying through the forest breaking a lot of trees along the way. She was ready to take on the another one, but it soon fell to ground. The one responsible was none other than Blake who killed it with a kusarigama.

Yang look at her seeing a smirk on her face, "I could have taken him."

Megatron was traveling for some time, but no Grimm had yet to attack him. This caused him to be a little on edge because he worried that his new friends may be in grave danger. But they were train for this so he shouldn't be too worried. Also, he has yet to find anyone to be his partner. He came to the conclusion that everyone else was paired up already leaving him alone. He wasn't too surprise by this after all the Decepticons luck is usually unpredictable.

He was crossing a small pond when a voice echoed the air, "Megatron..."

Recognizing the voice, Megatron turned to his reflection in the pond only to see it was changing to a face of someone else, "Vector..."

"I am calling you to see how you doing and don't worry about talking to me. I created a barrier preventing anyone to see us and hear us."

Easing his worries, Megatron nodded to him and prepare to give his report, "I have came in contact with the locals of this world and earn the trust of a few. I am currently taking part in an initiation of becoming a Huntsman at school call Beacon Academy. Also, I felt a strange power deep below there. A power that seems to hold a strong connection to this world. I do not know what it is, but I am planning to find out."

"You're making good progress, Megatron, but be careful. There are dark challenges ahead, you must prepare yourself."

"I will Vector. There is something that I must speak with you about."

"What is it?"

"These Grimm... for some reason I feel the presence of Unicron within them and I could sense they want to kill. Is Unicron capable of spawning dark creatures?"

"Hmm... Not that I am aware of. The only one who knows Unicron better than myself and the Primes currently reside in the realm is Prima. He went after Unicron for a time to ensure that Unicron was light years away. On his journey, he encounter many worlds that were different than Cybertron."

"There is chance that this world is one of the worlds he encounter?"

"It's a high probability. Unfortunately, Prima is now one with the AllSpark so we cannot ask him about this. Still this is disturbing news. Megatron you must search for this world for any clues that Prima left behind. There might be something that will help you find a way to destroy the Grimm once and for all."

"I will."

Vector nodded to the Gladiator before disappearing. All the sudden, he felt blood lust all around him. He stood up and saw multiple red eyes all around him all glaring at him. A few Grimm emerge from the woods consisting of Beowolves and Ursas. More and more came out as more red eyes started to appear. Megatron could tell he was severely outnumbered and there was no escape from this battle. He wished he still had his jetpack with it he could easily escape. Left with one option he have no choice, but to fight.

"Wellllllll....... shit."

And that's done. the final member of Megatron's team will come in at the end of the next chapter. also, sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while. this is prime987 signing off.

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