The Daughter's Mistake

Door thenextstevenmoffat

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"Why don't I just end it all now?" I choke. "You've got something holding you back." "Remind me what that is... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3!

Chapter 15

426 15 8
Door thenextstevenmoffat

AUTHORS NOTE: Today is my birthday. Whoop whoop! <3


A shadow stands in the doorway. "Hello, sweetheart. How are you on this fine morning?" he asks, his accent is thick. Why would Crowley be standing in my bedroom?


I stand there in awe, I was there when Castiel burnt his bones and he turned to a pile of ash. Crowley moves out of the shadows. Instead of his usual scruff, he's growing a full beard and looks like a wreck. He's sporting his usual smirk and all black clothing.

"Surprised to see me?" he asks. I back up and he moves closer towards me. I keep moving backwards until he has up against my window.

" were a pile of ashes right at my feet. How?" I stutter.

"I'm the king of Hell. How could I not come back to life?" He takes a seat on my bed but I continue to stare at him. I have to be dreaming right now, this is another vision and this time Crowley is going to warn me about something. "I couldn't help but hear of your situation."

"Situation? What situation?"

"Oh, don't be daft. We've got the same blood type now. How exciting!" Crowley says cheerfully. My eyes widen, I blink a few times to make sure that I'm actually awake and that this is actually happening right now.

"How could could you possibly know that?" I ask in surprise.

"I've got eyes and ears hiding in places you wouldn't expect. Now," he gets up from the bed and stands in front of me, "you want to get rid of this little problem, don't you?"

I start shaking my head, "No. No freaking way. You're the last person I would ask for help, no matter what it was. Even if it was a matter of life or death, I still wouldn't ask you for help. Get out. Get out before I bring the Moose up here, and I'll make sure the Squirrel is here too." Crowley chuckles and reaches for my hand but I pull away. "Don't you dare touch me," I spit at him.

"Alright, so you don't want my help, but don't you want to hear what I've got to say? Don't you want to hear how I can help you?"

"'Help', don't make me laugh. Your 'help' is either gonna turn me into your slave or kill me. So, how about you go screw yourself and get out of my room before I tear you limb from limb."

"I love it when you talk to me like that, makes me feel all tingly inside." I roll my eyes at him in disgust. "Talk dirty to me some more."

"Get out. If Moose comes up here, I promise he would love to see your insides as much as I would."

He rolls his eyes and paces around the room. "You keep threatening me with those two. What's the worst they're going to do? I'll be gone before they're even able to get up here. Even if you tell them I'm up here, they're going to think you're mad. So how about we just leave this conversation between us? Cause let's be honest, who is going to believe you?"

"Castiel would."

"Don't be so sure about that, sweetheart."

"You have no right to say that. You don't truly know him."

"He's distant family. I've met him on quite a few occasions."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Stuff for me to know, and things that Castiel will have to tell you about. Now, we're getting off topic here. You want to get rid of the demon blood and I have something that might be able to help you."

"I don't want it. It doesn't matter how many times I have to say it, but I don't want your help."

"Don't you want to hear what it is before you shut me down?"

I hesitate, my curiosity is getting the best of me, "If it involves selling my soul, then you can go ahead and count me out."

He shakes his head, "It's not so much selling your soul. It's more signing a contract. You could work alongside one of my best employees."

"So, you think you're going to have me working for you again? I never really worked for you in the first place, but--"

"Of course you did. You can tell yourself you didn't, but then you would be lying to yourself. Hate to cut the conversation short, but I've got to head out. Think about it, and you can get back to me. It would be best if you don't mention this to the meat-heads. Goodbye, sweetheart. I look forward to our next meeting." He's gone within the blink of an eye and I'm left in my room, there's nothing but silence. I can vaguely hear Sam and Dean outside. I draw back the curtains and see Dean working on the Impala and Sam standing there having a beer.

I decide to take a shower, brush my teeth, and then I head downstairs. I didn't realize how late I slept in until I look at the clock and see it's almost one in the afternoon. "She wakes up! Would you look at that!" my dad says and it startles me. I turn around and see him sitting at his desk, flipping through the pages of the flesh-cover book.

"I offered to wake you up a little bit ago when Sam came downstairs, but Sam said to let you sleep. He said you had a bit of a rough time on this last case." A rough time? I think. Well, having to see an innocent girl get killed is not easy on anyone, but I guess I've taken it a lot harder than Sam and Dean have. But then you have to take into consideration that they deal with that a lot more than most people.

"Oh. Do you know where Sam and Dean are?" I ask, even though I really do know where they are.

"Out in the car lot. Dean's trying to fix up his car before you guys head out again. He said it would take about a day and a half, at most." I nod my head, slip on my shoes, and head out to the car lot. Sam sees me walking toward them and goes to get a beer out of the cooler. He hands it to me but I shake my head.

He sticks it back in the cooler and stands there with me. My mind is still reeling after seeing someone I thought to be dead standing in my bedroom. I lean against Sam, the breeze feels good on my face. He kisses the top of my head, I look up to him, and plant my lips on his.

"You two are gross," Dean says.

"You did this with Lisa, I don't understand what's so gross about it," I reply. Dean looks at me with this cold glare and I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't mention her again," he growls and goes to back to working on the car. I roll my eyes at him and Sam nudges me. "What?" I mouth to him.

"Let him cool down," Sam mouths back. Silence fills the air, except for the sound of Dean and his tools. "So, any new dreams of the future?" Sam asks.

"Nope. Bu--" I start and then I stop myself. "It would be best if you didn't mention this to the meat-heads."

"But what?" Dean asks and Sam giggles. "What? What's so funny?"

"You said 'But what?' It sounded funny," Sam says.

"You're such a child," Dean replies then he turns his attention back to me, "What happened?"

"Nothing," I lie, I just had Crowley show up, that's all.

"You hesitated. What's going on?" Dean asks, he stops working on the Impala and stands there with his arms crossed.

"Just because I hesitated doesn't mean there's anything going on. If I say that nothing happened, then that means nothing happened. Can you just drop this?"

"No, I'm not going to. You've been known to hide things from both of us." I roll my eyes and start walking toward the house. I hear footsteps behind me, but no one is trying to stop me. "I'm waiting for you to tell me."

"There's nothing for me to tell you."

"Dean!" Sam calls out, "Just leave it! She's obviously not gonna tell you anything!"

"Because there's nothing to tell! Just leave me alone!" I yell loud enough so Sam can hear too. The sound of Dean's footsteps don't stop nor do they grow fainter. I storm in the house, sprint up the stairs, and lock myself in my room before Dean can reach the top of the second floor. I sigh and rub my temple.

"Olivia!" Dean screams from the other side of the door. He pounds on the door so hard I can feel it as I stand against it. Dean jiggles the door knob a little then gets frustrated and walks off. I can hear his footsteps as he stomps down the steps.

"You're such a child sometimes," I say, talking about Dean. I realize that I left my phone on my bedside table. I pick it up and look at the time, only 2:30. I've been up for an hour and a half and have already managed to get into an argument with Dean.

I walk over to the curtains and draw them back then decide to grab a book off of my bookshelf. I sit on my bed with my back against the headboard. I'm nearly finished with the book when I hear Sam call out from the other side of the door, "Babe. Can I come in?"

"Depends. Is Dean with you?" I reply loud enough for him to hear from outside in the hallway.

"No. Just me."

"Then fine, I guess I'll allow you to come in my room." The door opens and Sam stands there with two bottles of beer. I scoot over and he sits next to me on the bed. I lay my head on his shoulder and take sips out of my beer.

"Did he ever come back to work on the car?" I ask.


"He was talking bad about me, wasn't he?"

"He was just complaining how he doesn't know what's going on with you."

"I don't even know what's going on with me. How does he expect me to tell him anything if I don't know anything either?"

Sam kisses the top of my head, "Don't worry about it. Let's just figure out what's going on first then we'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"'We'll cross that bridge when we get there,'" I say mimicking Sam. I sit my beer bottle on the ground and he does the same. He wraps

his arm around my waist and brings his lips to mine. "What was that for?"

"I do not sound like that."

"So you decide to kiss me? Usually normal people would make fun of the other person as revenge or something like that."

"Well then fine," Sam pokes my side and I nearly jump out of my skin, Sam just laughs at me. I can't help that I'm extremely ticklish, it's a curse that I'm forced to live with until the day I die. With my lifestyle, the day I die is probably not that far away from now. I punch Sam's arm and he continues poking my side.

I decide to grab his hand before he pokes me and I bend his finger back. I bend his finger back so far he starts yelling, "Ow! Quit that!" while still laughing.

"Then you quit poking me," I reply with this devious smile.

"Fine! Uncle! Uncle!" he yells. I let go of his finger then I lace my fingers in his. I kiss the back of his hand.

"Now say you're sorry."

"You're gonna have to make me," Sam and I look at each other and a smirk appears on his face.

"You are just asking for it."

"That's the point." Sam winks at me and I laugh at him. "Deep down you know it's not going to work with Sam..." Those words echo through my mind, but I manage to keep a smile plastered on my face -- I don't need Sam asking me if something is wrong.

"How about we go out for dinner tonight?" Sam suggests. I give him a quizzical look.


"Dead serious. I wanna actually

take you out for dinner."

"Like...a date?"

"A date. Yes, a date."

"I don't know about that," I say and flash him a smirk.

"Why not? It sounds like a really great idea. Please, I would like to take you on a date at least once."

I sigh and straddle Sam's lap, holding his face in my hands. "Why can't us being alone be considered a date? Does going on a date have to involve spending money on me?"

"Yes, it does. Just please, the only time I will ask this of you, let me take you on a date. We'll get some dinner at an actual restaurant. Maybe after that we can have a little bit more fun," Sam says and winks at me. I playfully slap him and start laughing.

"You could've made that really cute but you went and ruined it with your perverted mind." Sam kisses me and I get up off of his lap. He walks for the door and turns right before his hand reaches the door knob.

"Be ready by five."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out." I roll my eyes and get out of bed as Sam shuts the door behind him.




It's fifteen minutes until five. I stand in my room in front of the mirror, checking to make sure that I look okay. Instead of a messy ponytail, I decide to straighten my hair; instead of combat boots, I go for a nicer pair of sneakers; instead of my usual tomboy look, I'm wearing a sleeveless white dress with a jean jacket. "You look very nice," Castiel says and I nearly jump out of my skin.

I turn around and see him sitting on my bed, just like Crowley was when I found him in my room only a few hours before. I flatten out my skirt, feeling self-conscious of how I look. Castiel stands and walks toward me. The thought of what Crowley said earlier about, "Stuff for me to know and things for Castiel to tell me about," runs through my mind as I see Castiel here right now.

"Why are you all dressed up?" he asks.

"Sam is taking me to dinner," I reply hesitantly. You've got to ask him about it, Olivia. Who knows when you'll get another chance.

"I hope you have a nice time. I didn't mean to interrupt. I should probably--"

"Wait," I interrupt, "I...I need to, um, talk to you about something. It's something important."

"Another dream?" he asks.

I shake my head and stare down at the ground. "Crowley talked to me," I pause, trying to think of how to finish this sentence, "He knows about the demon blood, he offered to help me but I turned him down, and he also mentioned something."

Castiel has a neutral expression, I figured he would be surprised to hear that Crowley isn't actually dead. "What?" he asks -- out of all things he could've said in reply to that, he chooses to say "What?"

"He mentioned meeting with you on different occasions. Why would he say that? More importantly, why would you meet with him?" I ask, I feel like I'm giving an inquisition.

"You're talking to Crowley. He's been known to lie in the past, and he's a demon so how do you know he's even telling the truth?"

"Can you just answer the question?"

"Answer mine."

"I asked first." We both turn our attention to the door, Sam walks in and has a confused look on his face.

"Who were you talking to?" he asks. I whip my head around and find Castiel is gone. I turn my attention back to Sam and let out a quick sigh.

"No one. Is it five already?" I take my phone out of my pocket but Sam picks my head up and plants his lips on mine.

"I showed up a little bit early. Let's get going while Bobby and Dean are asleep. They'll never have to know," Sam replies. He takes my hand and we quietly

walk down the stairs and out to my truck. Since I have no clue where we're going for dinner, I trust Sam to drive my truck. He takes a cloth out of his pocket and covers my eyes with it.

"I don't understand why you're doing this," I say while laughing.

"It's a surprise," Sam replies. I sit there for what feels like hours until Sam stops the truck and helps me out. He takes the blindfold off and I stand in the parking lot of a restaurant I used to come to when I was younger. When I lived with my grandparents, coming here was a birthday tradition.

It didn't matter whose birthday it was, we always came here for dinner every year. The last time I ate here was the year of my eighteenth birthday. It was a couple months before I graduated high school and got into hunting. The conversation at dinner that night consisted of my plans after high school, I gave the usual, "I'll probably go to college and start a family," knowing that wasn't my plan.

Hunting was my plan since I was old enough to know what it was. I felt bad lying to my grandparents, but that false sense of security lasted them long enough to get to my high school graduation. By the time they died, I was old enough to make my own decisions and live on my own. So, being the stupid eighteen year old that I was, I headed straight to my dad's house.

The moment hunting came up in the conversation, he started yelling. He started talking about wanting a future for me. How he wanted me to go to school, get a real job, and have a life that didn't consist of hunting demons. But I ignored him, here I am about five years later back at my dad's house and right at this very moment I'm standing in the middle of this parking lot.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah," I reply and take a deep breath to keep tears from falling, "This place just brings back a lot of memories." Sam takes my hand and we walk inside. The dinner goes well, no arguments or anything, we just sit there and enjoy the alone time. Just because we're both in a really good mood, we bring some leftovers home for Dean and my dad.

When we walk in, the two sit on the couch watching tv. Dean turns his head and sees me standing there, his eyes widen. "Wow. Never seen you in a dress before," he says. Dad turns to look at Sam and I and he smiles at us.

"First time I've seen you wear a dress in years," dad says. I blush as everyone's eyes are on me. It's like I'm entirely different person they're meeting for the first time and it's all because I put on a dress. I smile and start for the steps when I hear footsteps behind me.

Sam follows me to my bedroom door. "It's only right for me to walk you to the door," he says and smiles. I roll my eyes and kiss him right on the mouth. His arms wrap around my waist and he picks me up off the ground.

He puts me back down and we lock eyes for a moment. "I had an amazing time. Thank you. I really needed this." I stand on my tiptoes and place a kiss on Sam's cheek. I step inside my room

and close the door behind me, listening as Sam walks down the steps.

I sigh and all I can do is smile. I turn on the light and then it immediately turns back off. That's when I hear a large booming noise outside, the sound of thunder. The power is out and I still haven't changed out of this dress.

I walk blindly through my room, feeling my way to my dresser. I pick out the first pair of skinny jeans that I touch and a random tee shirt. I change into these clothes, leave the shoes on, and find that the shirt is really big on me. It must be one of Sam's shirts, I can definitely smell the cologne.

I walk over to the bed and sit down. I listen to the rain as it pounds on the window and the roof. I take my phone out of my pocket, it's close to dying and there's no way that I can charge it. It's about fifteen minutes until nine.

Then the power comes back on. I walk downstairs and find everyon in the living working, well everyone but my dad and Sam. "Where's Sam?" I ask. Just then, Sam walks in holding an armful of books.

"Where's Bobby?" Sam asks.

"He went on a supply run. We're out of alcohol," Dean replies as he tries pouring the tiny drops of scotch into his glass. I take one of the books out of Sam's arms and sit down on the couch.

"He's going out in this weather?" Sam asks. Thunder sounds as if on cue.

"That man is a hero," Dean says and drinks the tiny drops out of his glass. Then wind blows throughout the room and I see Balthazar standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Hi, boys," he says and he looks at me, "Hello, beautiful. It's good to see you all again." He walks over to the desk and I see him put a large bowl that dad usually uses for rituals and things. It already has some ingredients in it, he reaches for the box of salt that my dad has on his bookshelf.

"Hey!" Dean yells. Balthazar ignores him and carries on pouring salt into the bowl and blabbering on about something that no one but him understands. "I said hey!" Dean yells and Blathazar smiles at him.

"Yes, you did. Blood of Lamb, have you got any of that?" he asks and then he disappears, only to reappear in front of the fridge. He holds out a jar of lamb's blood that my dad had been saving just in case he needed it. Blathazar comes back to the desk and starts pouring the contents of the jar into the bowl.

Then he takes out a drawer and dumps its contents into the floor, then rips the back of it off to find a small bag of bones. He crushes the bones in his hand and drops it into the bowl. "I don't understand, why are you here?" Sam asks.

"Where is Cas?" Dean asks.

"Cassie is far underground. Raphael has put out a wanted list for him and anyone that has helped him, that includes you two, the girl, and myself," Balthazar replies. He walks over to the window and starts drawing a symbol on it. He puts the bowl down, hands something to Sam and Dean, then he flies back hitting the bookshelf.

"What are we supposed to do with this?" Sam asks.

"You run with it!" Balthazar yells. Arms wrap around me, there's the sound of yelling and glass shattering, then I'm not even at my dad's house anymore. I stand in the middle of a mansion, a taller, older man wearing a long black coat keeps my hands restrained.

"Okay, Virgil, let her sit down," a woman says. He pushes more toward a chair where he has me sit down and cuffs my hands behind me. A woman walks in, she has dark skin, shoulder-length black hair, and she wears a suit.

"Who are you? What's going on?" I ask.

"Don't you recognize me? Oh, of course you wouldn't, the last time you saw me, I was turned into a pile of salt," the woman says. I hesitate for a moment, trying to think of where I could've seen her. She interrupts my thoughts by asking me, "Where is Castiel?"

The pieces start clicking together, the man kidnapping me, the house, the only person that would ask me where Castiel is would be Raphael. I widen my eyes in surprise, I decide to be a little sarcastic. "Raph, did you do something with your hair? I just can't seem to put my finger on what's different about you? Oh, I'm sure I'll get it eventually. As for Castiel, I can't tell you anything. Well it's more a question of will I tell you anything? Cause if you asked me that, I could give you an answer."

"Then let's hope you choose the right answer," Raphael replies.

"The answer is, I won't tell you where he is. I have reasons of course. One, I have no idea where he is. Two, we both know the reason you want me dead and that's because I'm helping him. Three, it's none of your damn business. So, how about you let me go and we don't have to talk about this ever again?" I smile and Raphael's expression stays neutral.

"It's a shame. I was hoping you would tell me. You see, I have a bit of a score to settle with your lover."

"Not my lover."

"He was at one point, I know that to be a fact."

"This has nothing to do with anything at this point. I think you're just jealous of me." Raphael slowly walks over to my chair and gets down in my face.

"I could snap my fingers and you would dead before you even knew it happened."

"Then go ahead. I've got nothing to lose. But let me just say, you do that and you'll make a few people very upset. Let's just say that they'll come looking for you, and they won't stop looking until you're good as dead."

She raises her fingers, "I'm going to need to borrow her for a moment," she's startled by him, but I never thought I would be so happy to hear that accent in my life. Crowley strolls into the room with this smug look on his face. "I've already got a bit of a deal with this beautiful woman right here," he snaps his fingers and my handcuffs come off, "So how about you let me get her out of your hair?" he asks. He walks right by Raphael and takes my handcuffs off.

"Nice seeing you," he says, then he takes me by the arm and now I'm standing in an abandoned warehouse. "You could say thank you considering I just saved your life and everything."

"If you think I'm gonna agree to this deal or whatever it is you've got planned then you're wrong. I still don't want your help."

"Oh, it was a worth a shot. Just kidding, I only came and saved you because an employee said to." That doesn't make sense. An employee of Crowley, a demon, wanted Crowley to come and save me from Raphael.

"An employee? What would one of your employees want with me? Did they want the chance to kill me before Raphael could?" I ask. Crowley laughs and sticks his hands in his pockets. "I'm being serious. Why would one of your employees need you to come and get me?"

He sighs, "I wish I could say, but I'm not at liberty to."

"You're the boss. I'm pretty sure you've got as much right to tell me than this employee does."

"Made a deal with him. He goes and hunts me an alpha, I come and get you. He should be back soon if you want to wait around a while."

I shake my head, "Take me home. I don't care what he wants, I want to go home."

"Sorry but I can't do that. I'm afraid I have to insist that you stay here."

"You're not gonna take me? I guess I'll walk then. Tell this employee of yours thanks, but no thanks." I start walking for the nearest doorway when Crowley starts laughing.

"Good luck finding your way out. I've been told it's like a maze in here." I stop and take a deep breath. I turn around to face him, Crowley's expression is smug like it always is.

"Fine. I'll stay, but I have some conditions."

"I may or may not approve of them."

"Take me home to grab some

things. I'll come back with you if you take me home for a minute." Crowley walks over, takes hold of my arm, and I stand in my dad's living room. I don't see my dad anywhere, so I start up the stairs to my bedroom. I grab my phone charger and the book I've been reading and head back downstairs.

I hear the door open and slam shut. My dad's heavy footsteps echo through the house. Crowley grabs my arm, and my dad sees us at the last second. We show up where we were right after I escaped from Raphael.

"Follow me," Crowley says. He leads me through many dark hallways and many different turns. We come to a stop in front of a door at the end of one of these many hallways. The door opens and light floods through the darkness.

I'm forced to squint my eyes because I've been in the dark for so long. Crowley motions for me to move forward so I do. I walk in, hear the door shut behind me, and find myself alone in this room Crowley has lead me to. I run to the door, desperately trying to open it only to find it has been locked.

"Crowley!" I scream, pounding my fist on the steel door. I give up and find myself out of breath. I look around at my surroundings, this room is nice compared to the other rooms I've seen. It has light, a bed, even an outlet on the opposite side of the bed.

I walk over to the outlet and plug my phone in then I take a seat on the bed to start reading my book. My phone starts ringing so I put the book down. I walk over, pick up my phone, and see my dad's name on the screen. I hit decline and I stare at the screen thinking about whether or not I should try to call Sam or Dean.

So I decide to dial Sam's number, but it goes straight to voicemail. I try calling a few more times and leave a couple messages before I give up and go back to reading. I'm almost to the end of the book when the door starts to open. I put the book down and stand in front of the bed, not sure of who I'm going to see.

The door opens all the way and see Crowley standing there with Castiel. Castiel, the one who Balthazar told me was hiding underground. Unless...but he couldn't be...there's no way that he would work for Crowley. Is this what Crowley meant when he said he had met with Castiel on quite a few occasions?

I stand there absolutely speechless. Castiel looks guilty. Crowley looks smug, of course. "Meet the reason you're not dead right now," Crowley says.

I can't say anything, because I don't know what to say. Crowley looks between us, "I can see you two have things to talk about. If you'll excuse me, I have an alpha to deal with," he says then he leaves the room. Suddenly I feel this hot rage and start towards Castiel. I shove him and he barely moves.

"I understand you're angry," he starts.

"Angry would be an understatement," I say in a low growl. Angry would be an understatement, I don't think I could find a large enough word to describe my feelings. I slap him, but it doesn't seem to cause him any pain. If I wasn't so focused on being angry, I would be probably cringing in pain because of how badly my hand hurts now.


"Don't think you can talk yourself out of this one. You think that you'll give me some ridiculous excuse, use those freaking puppy eyes, and I'll just melt. Not this time. This is low, especially for you. An angel, that's what you told me you were."

"Listen!" Castiel shouts. He catches me by surprise and the small room goes silent. "I have reasons to do what I'm doing."

"Like what? I'm not going anywhere and I don't think you are either, so you might as well tell me."

"If I help Crowley, Crowley will help me."

"What does that mean?"

"Your blood. If I help him, he can help me fix it."

"Oh, he must've forgotten to tell me that when he showed up in my bedroom this afternoon!" I yell. "Anything else that might've been useful information?"

"I'm doing this for your safety. Well, not just yours but Sam and Dean's as well. Please, you have to understand."

"Working for a demon? Working for Crowley? I...I have no words. I just," I stop myself and take a deep breath. "I don't know who you are."

"Don't say that."

"That's the truth, though. I have no clue who you really are. Please, just leave."

"Don't you want rid of the demon blood?"

"I'm starting to think it's not such a bad thing. How about you just go? I'm sure Crowley wants you to work another job for him."

"Don't be like that."

"Wish I didn't have to, but it looks like it has to be this way." I turn away from him and stare at the wall.

"Can you promise me something?" Castiel asks. I don't turn to face him, I don't say anything, I just stand there. "Don't say anything to the Winchesters." That's the final straw for me.

"Are you kidding me?! Do you seriously expect me to keep something like this from them?! You think that's okay?! I can't believe you! Whatever Crowley has on you, I hope it's worth it! I--" Castiel puts two fingers to my forehead and I black out.




I lay in bed unable to move. Sam stands on the other side of the room, then he slowly makes his way toward me. Another one, another dream. "You're doubting me. I'm in your thoughts constantly, I know what you think about every second of the day. You may be angry with him now, but trust me, the tables will be turned soon enough."

"Why me?" I ask.

"Because Azazel chose you. You have a purpose. You think the demon blood is starting to be a good thing, even though it scares you half to death. You will come

to realize how bad it truly is. You should've taken Crowley's deal."


"Yes," Sam laughs, "You are smart enough to know that it's not going to end well for you."


"This story. Your story. I see nothing but sadness and pain in your future. You have no idea why Castiel is really helping Crowley, and let's just say you would be angrier if you knew. It all starts when the angel falls." My vision grows blurry and Sam sounds so far away. I open my eyes to find myself still in this room Crowley led me to. I sit up, Sam's voice still echoing, "It all starts when the angel falls."

The door is still shut, and I have no clue what time it is. My phone still sits where I left it -- on the floor where it's charging. The time is about one in the afternoon the next day, about the same time I got up the day before. Who knows how long I'm going to be here, maybe Crowley won't let me leave until I take his deal.

But then again, he wasn't very descriptive on what his deal was. I walk over to the door and start pounding. "Crowley! Hey! Let me out! I wanna talk about this deal!" I yell. I stop pounding to hear nothing, it's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

I groan and kick the door out of anger. I turn around and am startled by seeing Crowley, sitting on the bed, reading my book. "Put that down," I say firmly.

He closes the book and he looks at me. "A little touchy now, are we?" he replies. He gets up off of the bed and stands in the middle

of the room, I stand right in front of the door.

"What is this deal? You said I would get to work alongside your best employee."

"It's simple. You work alongside Castiel and you two go catch alphas for me."

"And I don't have to sell my soul?"

"Now that's optional, but no, it's not mandatory."

"Another thing, what would it take to let me go home? Let me guess, I have to start working for you."

"That's if you want me to help you get out of here, that includes getting past the hellhounds and finding your way through the halls. But if you turn down my deal, you're on your own. That's quite a journey too, and it looks as if you have no weapons or means of self-defense. That would make things quite difficult."

"You son of a--" I start but Crowley holds up a finger.

"Ah, let's watch our tongue. I'm being merciful here. I could just force you into it, but I'm giving you a choice. Either take my help or die trying to escape here."

I'm torn. I turn down the help and most likely die, or take the help and be considered a hypocrite. I hesitate, both options seem so tempting. "How would I work for you if I'm with the Winchesters?"

"Oh, you just tell them of course. They'll be working for me too, I mean, they're going to be driving you around."

"I can't work for you. I'm turning down your deal." I grab my phone, the charger, and my book and open the door.

"I'll be seeing you soon then," I start walking down the hallway when Crowley yells out, "There's no way you're going to make it past the hellhounds!"

He's right. I don't have a weapon that could kill a hellhound, or any weapons for that matter. I keep a hand on the wall. As my hand drags along the wall, it sort of guides me through these dark hallways. I make a few turns and start to see some things that I recognize from before: scratches on the walls, blood stains, writing.

Then I see light coming from another hallway. I walk slowly, watching carefully for other demons that might be walking through here and listening carefully for hellhounds. I turn the corner and this hallway is the place where Castiel kissed Meg right in front of me. This was also the hallway where Meg fought off those hellhounds.

There's the sound of growling, it sounds like there's multiple hellhounds behind me. I would say two or three at least. Where was Meg when you needed her? I'm almost to the door, I know I'm close because I remember how we got here the last time.

Running past the demons outside would be easy, but the hellhounds are a different story. I look out of the corner of my eye and see nothing of course. I take off in a sprint and the sound of hellhounds barking is deafening. I can hear them getting closer to me, I can see the last corner right there.

I push off the wall as I turn the corner and see the door at the end of the hallway. Then I fall face first into the floor and I can feel claws digging into my flesh. I scream in excruciating pain -- I'm sure by now Crowley is laughing so hard that tears are streaming down his face. Large tears form in my clothes and the claws dig into my chest.

I see flashes of light, part of that might be from the fact that I'm dying. I see my mother like I did the last time. "It's okay, sweetie. It'll be over soon. I promise," she says. I start crawling towards the door slowly.

I've come this far, I need to get out of here. I need to find Sam and Dean. I reach the door, it's hard to breathe and I'm sure there's a trail of blood and even some of my insides behind me. The door opens and I see feet for a split second, then nothing.




"So, sweetheart, what's your plans after school?" my grandma asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'll go to college, meet someone, start a family," I replied. I look at my grandparents sitting on the opposite side of the table, they're holding hands. I always liked when they did that. My grandparents were one of those elderly couples that were madly in love with each other, unlike most elderly couples who don't really show any type of affection by that point in their lives.

I hated talking about this, about my future and what I wanted to do with my life. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to hunt with my dad. Everything about it seemed so exciting, like every second of the day was a pure adrenaline rush.

I look over to the other side of the restaurant and see a man in a dirty trench coat stained with blood. It also looks like he's been crying, but I'm not sure why. "Olivia," he calls out. I can't say where I know this guy, and I don't remember this ever happening.

"Everything okay, dear?" my grandma asked, now that I remember.

"Do you not see that guy over there?" I reply.

She laughs and says, "There's no need to be scared. You have a very bright future ahead of you."

"This is only a memory," the man in the dirty trench coat says to me. I get up from the table and see them smiling at the empty chair across from them. I have this feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach. I see my mom walking towards me, but Castiel can't see her because she's behind him.

"It's time to go, sweetie. Come on," she says. Castiel turns around then looks back at me, tears streaming down his face.

"I don't understand what's going on," I say, my voice breaking.

"You were killed by a hellhound," the man replies.

"Wha- what? No, I can't be dead. I have a bright future ahead of me. I'm gonna start hunting. I'm going to be with my dad again, I can't be dead!" I plead. My grandparents get up from the table and I can hear them talking. The things that they're saying are the things I remember them saying to me. Telling me the story of how they met for about the hundredth time.

"I'm sorry but you are dead. You did start hunting and that's the reason you died. But it's not too late, I am able to save you," this man tells me.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Time is running out, sweetie. You have to choose," my mom says.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who you are!" I yell as I start crying.

"I'm Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord. I'm here to save you," he replies. I can see that his cheeks are still stained with tears. Why would an angel be crying? "I was the one that found you. They were my feet that you saw before you let out your last breath."

"Choose," my mother says like it's an urgent matter, "Either come with me and you'll be alright, or go with Castiel and have a second chance."

"Why?" I ask.

"The answer is unclear, but no matter what decision you make, I'll be sure to watch over you and your father," she replies. I look from my mother to Castiel. It seems like things are getting darker here, like things are fading and it's becoming hard to remember anything about this place. One last thing that I see before I take Castiel's hand is a man, a tall man with brown hair, he's wearing a suit and for a moment I thought I could see myself with him.




"Olivia?" Castiel's voice sounds so far off, and I can feel hands cupping my face. My eyes flutter open and I see Castiel right there. He looks just like he did in my dream, the tear stained cheeks and the dirty trench coat. He lets out a sigh of relief and presses his forehead against mine.

The pain is gone, but there's still blood stains on me and my torn clothes. Castiel helps me up, and I find that I'm able to walk just fine. "We need to go," Castiel says to me and he takes my hand. We walk out of the building, Castiel keeping a firm grip on my wrist as a sign to the demons outside that I'm being protected.

The sky is getting darker then suddenly it's night time when I find myself standing in a motel parking lot. A window is broken, I see Sam, Dean, Balthazar, and Raphael. "Leave him alone, Raphael," Castiel calls out. Raphael turns and sees Castiel and I standing there.

"I have the weapons," Castiel adds. Lightning flashes and I can see Castiel's wings as a shadow on the building behind him.

"Give them to me," Raphael says.

"If you want to live, I suggest you to back off," Castiel replies. Raphael disappears then Balthazar starts chuckling softly.

"Thank you, Castiel. I owe you one. Now if you don't mind, I need to go. Nice seeing you, boys," Balthazar says then he disappears. Sam and Dean take notice of my appearance and fear becomes apparent on their faces. Castiel takes my hand, grabs Sam and Dean's shoulders and we end up in my dad's home again. He's not here, but he's probably out looking for me.

The window is still broken and it's still storming outside. The storm has made it cold in the house, I start to shiver and the fact my clothes are basically strips of cloth now isn't really helping. "You were in on this?!" Dean yells.

"You don't understand, Dean. If Raphael wins, we all die," Castiel replies.

"But you were okay with using us as a diversion?!" Dean yells.

"We had to do something to keep the weapons safe. Goodbye," Castiel replies and he disappears. Dean sighs and Sam continues to stare at me.

"What happened to you?" Sam asks.

"Not now. I just got back, let me have a few minutes before you start asking me questions," I reply. Sam still looks scared. He walks over to the other side of the room and smacks the wooden archway a few times.

"It's real," he says. I give him a confused look but he's looking right at Dean. "We're back."

"Yep. Smelly, mildewey, termitey, home sweet home," Dean replies. I don't know whether I should be asking them questions first or telling them my story. I feel like there's something else that I should be telling them, but for some reason I just can't remember what it is.

"Are you two okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, but the downside is that we're broke again," Dean replies.

"But hey, at least we're still talking," Sam replies and chuckles. Sam comes over to me and wraps his arms around me. I still shiver, but his warmth helps a little. I feel angry, I feel scared. I have no idea why.

End of Episode 15

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