What about us? Jerrie

By JustAWriter4u

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What about us
Chapter 2- Why can't you see
Chapter 3 A year Later
Chapter 4- You should have told us
Chapter 5- Recovery
Chapter 6- Hospital Visits
Chapter 7- The Car Crash
Chapter 8- Time to play detective
Chapter 10- Don't leave me
Chapter 11- The unexpected Chapter

Chapter 9- Real detectives this time.

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By JustAWriter4u

Jade P.O.V

As I hear the door slam I feel tears on my cheeks. "What have we done? This is why she will never love me, she can't trust me now!" I say hysterically. "Jade, calm down. I will go and talk to her, you just need to explain yourself and that you were nervous and scared for her. You were looking out for and the way we did it was wrong. We should have talked to her and confessed how we felt. I will go and see her now, just don't hope that she will be all happy and friendly so soon" Jesy tells me, I nod and wipe the tears away. Jesy pats my back lightly and walks upstairs quietly whilst me and Leigh sit on the sofa and watch the blank TV screen nervously waiting for the outcome.

Jesy P.O.V

I knock on Perrie's door and hear a sigh, "Go away, I don't want to talk to anyone" she says. "Perrie, it's Jesy. Look we are sorry for what we did but we didn't know why you are upset and you wouldn't tell us, you are acting suspicious and this was the only way to find out. We love you Perrie and we know now that this was not the best way to find out" I say, the door opens and I notice Perrie has bags under her eyes and they were more red. I walk in and sit on her bed, "We know about the crash, were you the driver?" I ask her delicately. She nods slowly, "It wasn't your fault, you are not to blame, Perrie. The other driver was drunk and it would be hard to get past another car. He was at fault for your friends death, not you" I tell her. "You weren't there, you didn't get left with the mess or guilt. You don't know how it feels. Everyone that day hated me as they thought I should have done something more, maybe I should have and now I am still getting punished" she says sitting next to me. "Is that why you are always on your phone? Does someone text you from the crash? Do they want revenge?" I ask, she stares at me wide eyed. "Leave" she says. "What? I am trying to help, Perrie. How can I help if you won't let anyone in!" I say desperately. She shakes her head, "You should have thought about that before you went and lost my trust with the others, just go away Jessica" she sighs. I nod and stand up, "Remember we are all here for you, Perrie. You may be hurting and getting punished but we want to help and we can't if you keep blocking us out. One day you will realize that all we are trying to do is help you" I say and walk out, closing the door and joining the others downstairs. 

"Any luck?" Leigh asks nervously, I shake my head. "It went okay, I think she is annoyed more than angry with us" I sigh. I hear a knock at the door so walk to it and open it only to reveal Charlotte smiling at us. "I want to talk to my girlfriend" she says. "Perrie isn't your girlfriend, well she shouldn't be anyway after all the times you hurt her" I say, "Don't you mean you lot. That is what she believes anyway. You hate her and horrible to her before her incident. Don't you remember?" she asks me. "You are feeding her lies, you selfish bitch. She is upstairs but won't come out" I say. "And why is that?" she asks, "We, um, upset her" I say scratching the back of my neck. She laughs and walks up the stairs pushing past me.

I walk back into the lounge and see Leigh is staring at me confused and Jade is looking as anxious as ever. "Charlotte's here to see Perrie. She has changed all the accidents to make it seem like we caused them and not her. She is her girlfriend and the thing is, she can manipulate her however she wants" I say. Jade sighs and shakes her head, "I think it is time to give up, she will never love me. There done and dusted, she hates me and well, what can I do that Charlotte can't. She even looks better than me!" Jade says crying. "Or Charlotte is in this for the money still, whoever is paying her is obviously the one out to get Perrie for revenge, we need to find out who is paying her then get that person to stop harassing Perrie!" Leigh says. "Maybe he was there with Charlotte when they visited Perrie in hospital that day" Jade says drying her eyes. "Yes, she probably was. One of us should stay here so we can make sure Perrie is okay and the other two can go to the hospital and ask about it" I conclude. "I will stay here, you two J's will go to the hospital and get the information we need" Leigh tells us. Jade and I run out the house and get in the car, I start the car and get out the drive way and start driving to the hospital.

Perrie P.O.V

"Why are you here?" I ask Charlotte trying not to be rude, "Just checking on my girl, is there a problem. Yes I know I was angry with you the other day but well, I had to come back for you. You seem to be doing well at getting yourself better for me. Luke is still annoyed at you, has something big planned for you. Will be a shame when it ends, I rather liked you" she tells me. "What has he planned?" I ask nervously. "Wait and see, it won't be a surprise if I tell you now, would it? Any way it will be tonight. Are you excited?" she asks me, I shake my head nervously. "So what shall we do today? I feel like sitting in bed and watching a movie, or do you want to use the bed for something else?" she asks in a slightly joking manner. "We could go out and I will buy us lunch" I suggest. "Fine, but I want to go to that fancy one in the city the centre" she says, "Yes, okay" I sigh. She laughs and hits my arm playfully, "Don't sigh at me, it's rude" she says and pushes me to get changed into better clothing.

Jade P.O.V

We walk up to reception and see a lady there, we explain what is happening and how worried we are about Perrie. "I see, well you aren't really allowed to look at the CCTV or register book that everyone should sign when they come in. It's a breach of privacy and can lead to heavy punishment like a fine or arrest" she says. "But this could be serious, our friend it most likely being blackmailed, you could be the one that helps anything more dangerous to happen to her" I say, she sighs and leads us to a room full of TV's and filing cabinets. "There are dates on big folders in the cabinets, look for the date and there will be a register for that month and a disc for every day on the cameras that you can put into the DVD player and watch" she explains, "Thank you" Jesy says. "It's okay but hurry up, I don't want my boss finding out, he will kill me" she sighs walking out back to her desk.

We look in the cabinets and finally spot the one with the correct date and see a disc with a book. We get both out and put the disc in while Jesy searches through the book for names. I fast forward the footage and see Charlotte with a lad next to her, "Could it be him, is there any male names near Charlotte's, Jesy?" I ask. "Hang on, haven't found her name yet" she says. I keep watching and see the guy walk into Perrie's room with Charlotte and looks to be clutching his fists annoyed. Most probably is him then, why would a guy want to hurt a vulnerable girl so much? Was someone really special in that car? "Luke, Anthony and Rodger" Jesy says, "What?" I ask her. "The closest male names to her" she tells me. "What names are below and above hers?" I ask Jesy. "Anthony is above and Luke is below" she replies. "Well let's rewind and see who signed first, Charlotte or the guy" I say and rewind the footage. We watch and see the lad sign after her, "It must be Luke then, does he have a surname" I ask, "Yeah, but it's hard to see" she says, I look at it and frown. "Luke Reese, he was in the car crash. I saw that name, apparently his girlfriend died on impact. Oh my god, he is out for revenge, he wants to hurt Perrie because he thinks it's her fault the girl died. We need to go and check on Perrie!" I say, Jesy nods and we put all the things back and run out the room and thank the receptionist whilst we run past her and out the door to Jesy's car where she drives us home as fast as possible.

Leigh P.O.V

The door slams open and Jesy runs in with Jade, "Where is Perrie?" Jade asks scared and anxious. "Not sure, she left with Charlotte and didn't say anything to me, they walked so they can't be that far out of town. I think they are getting food as they both haven't had lunch, why?" I ask. "She is in danger I think. The guy who is sending her those messages and is paying Charlotte is Luke Reese, his girlfriend was in the crash as well as him and she died on impact with the other car. .He wants his revenge and well, Perrie is going to get hurt" Jesy explains to me quickly. "Get your phones and coat, we are going to get them and call the police if anything drastic happens, hopefully it won't" I say.


Sorry for the late update, I will be finishing this story on the next chapter and start a Pesy one. Would anyone read it if I started writing one? :)

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