tempo ยป baekhyun โœ“

By xxbyunhyun

109K 6.1K 5.1K

โ The bigger the risk, the bigger the rush. โž She was given a proposition that she couldn't refuse: stay in p... More

playlist & aesthetics
the motorcycles
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 13

4.2K 265 221
By xxbyunhyun

and she's not aware yet, but she's yours


'' You're freaking out, aren't you? ''

'' A little bit. ''

'' A little bit? You are pretty much cutting off the blood circulation to my arm, Riri, '' the sound of Baekhyun's half mocking and half concerned voice, made me snap out of my thoughts and glance down towards his arm. I grabbed his wrist to make it easier for me to navigate through the crowded bar and I didn't even realise how tight I was holding it. I couldn't help it but to be on edge though. My heart was racing in my chest and every louder sound made me flinch. I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Something in my head was telling me that it was only a matter of time before something would go wrong, before someone would come and get me, get us.

The only question was, who?

The drug lord Kim Haejin and his men?

Someone that the angry Kim Junmyeon would send after us?

Detective Jackson and some other cop?

Not only were Baekhyun and I back in Seoul. I was also carrying a backpack, in which I had a brick sized block that was half cocaine and half smuggled gold. I couldn't help it but to wonder what would happen if a cop would catch me with that. Would I even get prison time or would I be sent straight to execution?

'' Stop looking around like that. '' Baekhyun leaned closer to me and I heard his hushed voice murmur in my ear. His face seemed calm, but his dark eyes were careful. I knew that he was secretly carefully watching our surroundings too. '' You are being too obvious. You might as well write 'I am hiding something' on your forehead. And you are making me nervous too. Can't we go one day without panicking from the moment we wake up and to the second that we go to sleep? It's not like we don't already know how shitty our situation is. I don't need you reminding me about it every few seconds. ''

'' What are we even doing here? '' I hissed back at him and looked around the bar. The tables were all crowded with people that were grilling meat and drinking soju. Everyone seemed happy and they were almost screaming at each other because of the loud band that was performing in the corner of the dark space.

Baekhyun lead me to one of the more private booths and I was surprised to see Hwasa sitting there. Her long dark hair was tied in a messy bun, but she still managed to look pretty, even if we caught her in the middle of stuffing grilled meat in her mouth. She mumbled something incomprehensible before she downed it with some soju and said: '' You two were taking your sweet time getting here, so I took the liberty to order myself some dinner. ''

I glanced down at the food and placed a hand on my stomach. My lips formed a pout and I thought about the cheap gas station ramen that I had this morning. It was the only thing that I ate that day and it was already late at night. '' You couldn't have gotten a bigger portion of meat to grill? ''

Hwasa sheepishly smiled and explained: '' I did, but then I ate it. I swear I didn't mean to, but I am going through a tiny tiny hangover. The gang was celebrating another succesful job yesterday. Well, almost completely succesful. Even if some people were also celebrating you being gone, Baekhyun... What happened to you two, anyway? You two look like shit. And that says a lot coming from me, since I'm pretty sure I drank my entire body weight in soju last night. ''

'' Were you also celebrating the fact that I'm on the boss's kill list now or was it something else? '' Baekhyun asked with a hint of amusement and grabbed two pairs of chopsticks. He held one in my direction, I grabbed it and quickly started eating. Hwasa merely smirked, poured us drinks and pushed them in our direction. Baekhyun took a sip of his and continued: '' You can help us, right? We need a place where we can hide while we try to get out of this mess. ''

The girl rested her chin against her hand and sighed. '' Are you sure about this? Taking down Kim Haejin...? Sounds difficult. Sounds like it's more likely that you two'll die trying than succeed. Can't you two just run away together and save yourselves the trouble? ''

I choked on my food at the sound of her suggestion, while Baekhyun rolled his eyes. He was about to open his mouth and say something, when his voice got covered by the sounds of cheering. The live band that was performing in the corner of the crammed bar, just announced a special guest. The curtains behind them got pushed open and a familiar figure strolled forward. I recognised her as soon as I caught a glimpse of the black combat boots that she matched with a sparkly white dress. Her eyes were glimmering and her red lips were curved in an alluring smile. She was seductively swaying her hips and twirling a strand of her dark hair around her finger. She blew a kiss in our direction and winked before she spun and began to sing.

Baekhyun's eyes were wide with surprise and his face was serious when he looked at Hwasa. '' What is she doing here? Did you invite her? ''

I stared at the charming girl with a dumbfounded expression on my face. '' How does she even do that? ''

Hwasa cluelessly shrugged and Baekhyun elbowed me and asked: '' Are you sure that she didn't put a tracking device on you? ''

'' How does she look so fucking- '' I continued to mumble and stare at Kang Seulgi with a dazed expression on my face, but I managed to snap out of my thoughts before I finished my sentence. I took my gaze off the girl that was spinning around the tables, covering some old rock and roll song and having fun. I looked at Hwasa and Baekhyun and murmured: '' To be honest, this is probably the least worrying thing that she does when she's bored with her life. ''

In that moment Seulgi reached our table, did another spin and sat down on my lap. I froze with surprise when I felt her bare thighs touch mine and I caught the familiar scent of her perfume. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and sang a little more before the guitarist of the band broke in to a solo and she lowered the cheap microphone from her lips. Her eyes were shining and her cheeks were reddened in excitement. '' Seriously? You two secretly meet up with Hwasa and not me? I'm offended. How will I ever get over my heartbreak? ''

'' Stop messing around, '' Baekhyun sternly answered and narrowed his dark eyes in warning. '' You know that we didn't really steal the drugs like Junmyeon thinks that we did. You aren't getting any money. ''

Seulgi lightly pulled on a strand of my hair and let out a quiet chuckle. '' Maybe I am not really here because of the money. ''

Viper's heart was always cold and untouchable. She was the one that played with people, not the other way around. She juggled their hearts and used them any way that she pleased. No one was ever able to touch hers.

Or was she just pretending all along?

To me, it was impossible to tell, even when she finished her singing performance and she pushed me to the side, so that she could fit in our booth. That way there were three of us crowding on one side, while Hwasa was sitting by herself on the other side of the table. Seulgi put one of her legs over mine and purposely ignored the warning glare that Baekhyun shot in her direction. I felt a shiver down my spine when she began to play with my hair and a teasing smile formed on her lips. It was almost like she was trying to challenge Baekhyun. '' What? Do you really think that I will call the boss on you? ''

'' How do I know that you aren't the one that boss sent after us in the first place? '' he shot back and raised his eyebrows. She stared at him and continued smiling in silence. He frowned, realising that if she was, she would surely already be holding a knife in her hand and pointing it at us. '' Why aren't you calling him? You know that you should. ''

'' I should, '' she agreed and let out a quiet laugh. '' But I won't. I might change my mind though if you don't stop moving your hand towards your gun. ''

Baekhyun cringed when she noticed that he was trying to grab his gun, while I looked towards Seulgi and asked: '' Why are you on our side? ''

Something shifted in her gaze when we stared in to each other's eyes. Then she smiled, rested her head on my shoulder and raised her hand. I looked at the tattoos of ace cards that she had on her fingers. '' Us Aces, we're supposed to be a family. Family members do sometimes want to kill each other, but when things get tough, they stand together. That's what I promised when I became a member of the gang and I am not going to step back from it. ''

Hwasa smirked at the sound of her response and agreed: '' You're right. We really are a family. Junmyeon is definitely that mother that gets worked up way too fast and panics about everything. ''

I kept staring at Seulgi in silence before I raised my hand and put it over hers. Her eyes slightly widened with surprise and my lips stretched in to a weak smile. I didn't say anything, but I felt extremely grateful that she was there. That Hwasa was there. I already had Baekhyun, but it felt great knowing that it wasn't just us against the world.

Hwasa knew of a place where the two of us could hide until we would figure out what to do. '' It'll be safe... Well, in theory. I mean, definitely safer than anywhere else in Seoul, but still... You are going to hate this. ''

Baekhyun raised his eyebrow in doubt. '' I'm going to hate it? Don't you think that I already do? Out of all the people in this world, I am stuck with her. ''

I glared at him and opened my mouth to snap something back, but then I changed my mind. I cringed, rolled my eyes and murmured: '' I would say something about you being mean, but I totally get it. I'd rather be stuck with Kyungsoo or some other smart, cool and collected person too. ''

Hwasa and Seulgi exchanged a look before the first one asked: '' Did something happen between the two of you? Besides the obvious. ''

I tried to think of a way to defend myself, but I was beaten by Baekhyun, who crossed his arms on his chest and seriously muttered: '' It's a long way back from Busan when you are stuck on a motorcycle with someone who wants to listen to shitty music for the whole ride or either spends every five minutes complaining about how her ass hurts from sitting down for so long. ''

I nervously laughed and scratched the back of my head. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't really blame Baekhyun for being a little bit annoyed with me. I was on edge because of everything that was going on and I took it out on him every chance that I had. He on the other hand kept it all inside and only muttered something passive aggressive every now and then. '' Maybe I really should just leave Seoul, give up on bikes and get in to cars instead. ''

'' Like I'd ever let you do that, '' Baekhyun snapped and took a sip of his drink. '' You're already dangerous enough on a motorcycle. There's no way that I'm letting you sit in a car and drive it. Let alone race it. ''

There were only two directions from which to go after the shit that went down in Busan. I could either go to Daegu, hide there and wait for Baekhyun to come back. Or I could return to Seoul and fight together with him. Our paths were never supposed to split, at least not forever.

'' By the way, you have like five minutes before Junmyeon's people enter this place, '' Seulgi suddenly murmured and eyed the entrance. Her dark eyes followed a figure that just stepped outside. '' Make that two. ''

The three of us instantly turned our heads towards her. '' You didn't think about mentioning that as soon as you noticed it? ''

'' I wasn't sure if they were ours or the drug lord's guys at first. '' She carelessly shrugged and flipped her dark hair over her shoulder. A knife appeared in her hand and she spun it around with boredom. '' Relax. I was planning to stall them for you since the very beginning. You're welcome. ''

Hwasa was quick to pull a surgical mask on her face in hopes that it would hide her identity from the other members of our gang. I was trying to stuff as much grilled meat in my mouth as I could, before Baekhyun grabbed my hand and dragged me after him. The three of us rushed through the crowded bar and I was still chewing on my food when we stumbled outside and almost bumped in to two guys in leather jackets. I immediately recognised one of Junmyeon's bodyguards, who smirked at Baekhyun and clenched his fingers in to fists. '' You have no idea how long I waited for a moment to punch your face, Crow. ''

The guy swung his fist towards Baekhyun and the bikers quickly began to fight. The other man was about to attack me, but he stopped when I choked on the grilled meat that I was still trying to chew and raised my hand in front of me. I signalled him to wait, while I began coughing like there was no tomorrow and he was too stunned by my actions to even do anything, until I suddenly stumbled forward, stepped on his foot and punched him in the stomach. My lips stretched in a triumphant smirk. '' Got ya'! I was just pretending! That amount of food is nothing for me! I can stuff my entire fist in my mouth! ''

'' Seriously, Riri?! We need to work on your trash talking! Can't you just punch someone, say 'fuck you' like a normal person and go? '' Baekhyun snapped and threw the other biker over his shoulder.

I smirked and dodged my guy's attack before I hit him again. We didn't know what the situation was on the other side of the bar where Seulgi was trying to hold off the others, but we had no choice but to trust her that she'll be okay. Baekhyun and I got on his motorcycle, while Hwasa climbed on her purple one and we quickly sped off in to the night. She told us that she'll lead us to the safe space that she knew in Seoul. She wasn't able to tell us where that was while we were still in the bar, but I instantly realised what she was thinking about when we headed towards an unfamiliar part of town.

We left the territory that belonged to the Aces and rode our motorcycles in to the Angels's land.

Our gang's headquarters were at the Ace of spades club, while theirs were at a race track. I felt my heart beat faster and my grip on Baekhyun's shoulders tightened when we rode in to the giant building that was next to it. The numerous doors of the half garage, half bar were all open, but the looks of the bikers were far from inviting. Some of them were sitting at the tables, drinking beer and playing cards, while others were working on their motorcycles. Some even seemed to be racing at the track against the members of some other smaller gang.

I was worried that a fight would break out or something like that, but Hwasa managed to hold the bikers back. She was friends with Yoongi and some other members of their gang and she convinced them to take us to their boss. Kim Namjoon was completely different from the often frightening Junmyeon and the aura that he gave off was a lot more friendly, but he still came dangerously close to shooting both Baekhyun and I. He decided to give us a place where to stay only after we told him the full story about what happened.

I was quite surprised to see him change his mind like that. '' Seriously? You want to help us? But this is the perfect chance for you to completely destroy Junmyeon and our gang- ''

I stopped in the middle of my sentence when Baekhyun covered my mouth with his hand and hissed in warning: '' Don't give him any ideas. ''

I mumbled something in his hand and he forced me to bow to Namjoon to thank him. The biker gang leader chuckled at our antics and said: '' I could figure out a way to use the knowledge about Kim Haejin to destroy the Aces, but that would be too easy. Us Angels can do that another, more honest way. Like during a race for example. ''

Now it was Baekhyun's turn to roll his eyes and mumble: '' Sure, that's why you didn't do that until now... You can totally destroy us Aces, you are just waiting for the perfect moment, chance and moon position and- ''

He stopped talking when I sunk my teeth in to his hand. He quickly pulled it away from my mouth and shot a warning glare in my direction. I stared back at him with irritation and tried to signal him that he was pissing off Namjoon now instead. His eyes slightly widened with realisation and the two of us forced ourselves to smile before we bowed at the biker gang leader again.

We were still getting hateful looks from the Angels when we joined them in their half bar, half garage, but we ignored them. We both knew very well that we would do the same if we were in their position. We were too busy with other things anyway. We still had to figure out how to get rid of Kim Haejin.

The two of us were sitting at one of the tables when Baekhyun brought it up again. I was leaning forward and resting my elbows against my knees, while he was tapping his hands on his chair, clearly itching to smoke a cigarette. '' How do we take down a gold smuggler, Riri? Come on, your head is usually always full of wild ideas and that is exactly what we need right now. Didn't you meet any gold smuggler in prison? ''

'' Drug lords yes, but none of them did gold smuggling too. '' I pursed my lips in thought. I was trying to come up with a plan, anything at all, but I was completely lost. I never encountered anything like this before. '' First we should try to figure out where the gold comes from or at least where it goes. Kim Haejin can't be hiding it in his strip club. And then we'll go from there. ''

Baekhyun leaned forward on his chair and raised an eyebrow in doubt. '' How are we going to do that? ''

I smirked and my eyes shined in the bright lights of the large garage. '' We are going to need help and I know just the right guy for the job. ''

He narrowed his eyes and moved even closer. '' Guy? ''

My smile faded away and now I was frowning too. '' That's right. I know other guys besides you. Does that bother you? ''

He got strangely possessive sometimes and he knew that I didn't like it. That was why I purposely tried to challenge him and he could tell. The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement at my pitiful attempt to get a reaction out of him. '' To be honest, I am more worried about Seulgi. ''

We continued leaning forward on our chairs and moving closer towards each other. It was like something uncontrollable was pulling me to him. I couldn't help it but to wonder if it was the same for him too, even if I did notice the way his eyes darkened when I put my hand on his knee, smirked and said: '' To be honest... You should be. ''

'' Okay, Hwasa did say that you two are special, but I thought that she was exaggerating. ''

Baekhyun and I instantly jumped apart at the sound of someone's amused voice. I pushed my chair away from him, leaned back and nervously smiled at the duo that was standing by our table. My cheeks were still a little red and Baekhyun was clearly annoyed that they interrupted us.

I recognised one of them from Wonderland, the old building where we went to race a while ago. He had blue hair, his name was Yoongi and I knew that he was friends with Hwasa. His frown reminded me a lot of Baekhyun's and he clearly wanted to be anywhere else but there. The other guy on the other hand was smiling politely and he even handed us two beers before he sat down and introduced himself as Hoseok. I instantly took a liking in his friendly attitude and soon the two of us were joking around and laughing, while Baekhyun and Yoongi continued to grumpily sip their drinks and mumble something to each other every now and then. Hoseok even convinced me to take part of the races that were going on at the track that night.

I looked at Baekhyun with wide eyes, but he simply shrugged and lowly responded: '' You know what I'm going to say. ''

'' We need a bike, don't we? '' I eagerly asked and started pulling on his arm. My eyes were wide and I was pleadingly looking towards him, in hopes that I would be able to convince him.

He poked my forehead and bluntly responded: '' We do, but not enough to bet and risk losing the one that we do have. ''

Hoseok dismissively waved with his hand and said: '' You can just borrow one of our bikes. ''

I gasped and clapped in enthusiasm, but Baekhyun was quick to protest. His face stayed serious and voice quiet when he warned me: '' You know what this means, Riri. You know what will happen if you'll loose one of Namjoon's bikes. If you loose, he'll own you. ''

He was trying to talk me out of it, but it was too late. I missed racing and I desperately wanted to do something that would take my mind off all the other bad things that were going on. It was true that I wasn't experienced with race tracks, but I didn't care. I longed for the excitement, the rush. I longed for those rare moments when it was just me, a motorcycle and I was completely free.

I was about to rush away with Hoseok, when I caught a glimpse of Yoongi and heard what he said to Baekhyun. His dark eyes were carefully watching me laugh with his friend and he didn't get involved our the conversation earlier, but now that I was walking away, he leaned towards Baekhyun, teasingly smirked and mockingly told him: '' Dude, I think she owns you already. ''

The sound of his words made me stop and slowly look over my shoulder. My gaze met with Baekhyun's dark eyes and the two of us stared at each other in silence. Then my cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment and I almost run after Hoseok.

Baekhyun continued watching me at first, his dark eyes seeing straight through me and right in to my soul. Then he grunted something in irritation, tiredly lifted himself on his feet and stalked after Hoseok and I. The bike that I was given, was quite similar to the one that I used to ride, so I wasn't too worried about the race. I listened to Hoseok's tips before Baekhyun pulled me to the side again and lowly asked: '' Do you know what you're doing? ''

'' Do I ever? '' I looked up towards him and my eyes innocently glimmered. '' Somehow it still always ends up working out though. ''

He stared at me for a few moments before he frowned and murmured: '' You know, that spell is going to wear off one day. ''

I quietly laughed and winked at him. '' Well, let's hope that it won't be today, then. ''

I joined the fifth race of that night and at first it really did look like Baekhyun jinxed it. I missed the start and fell behind at the very beginning. Races where you could win or loose a motorcycle were bloody. Bikers were prepared to do anything just so that they wouldn't lose and be forced to give up their ride. Once I managed to get to the front, one of them tried to kick me off my bike and I barely managed to stop him by covering his helmet with my hands and making him loose his sense of direction.

The small crowd erupted in to cheers when he hit the breaks of his motorcycle and I passed the finishing line. I took off my helmet, raised it in the air and let out a loud scream before I ran towards Baekhyun. He was standing at the very back of the crowd of bikers that were watching and participating in the short races. He seemed just as stunned as I was over my victory, but then his lips also curved in to a triumphant smile.

In the spur of the moment, I almost jumped in to his arms, before I realised what I was doing and quickly stopped running towards him. My cheeks slightly reddened in embarrassment and his eyes also slightly widened when he saw what I almost did. I took the last few steps towards him, awkwardly raised my hand and asked: '' Victory high five? ''

His triumphant smile was gone and he burst in to laughter instead. I was still blushing when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and ruffled my hair. '' You can be such an idiot, but it's one of the reasons why I like you. ''

Baekhyun and I weren't planning to drink together with Hoseok and some of his other friends, but he was the type of person that you just couldn't say no to. I ended up getting a little bit too drunk and at one point I lifted myself on one of the tables of the garage and started screaming about how one day I am going to become the best biker in South Korea. Baekhyun barely managed to catch me when I fell of it. My cheeks were red and I was half slurring my speech, while his voice was stern: '' I think you had enough. ''

'' It was enough at least three beers ago, '' I mumbled and let him carry me in the direction of the stairs that lead to the second floor of the large building. That was where the gang had rooms that the members could use to live in, just like we did at the Ace of spades.

'' That's why I didn't drink too much, so that I'll be able to carry your sorry ass to a bed, '' he replied and shook his head in disapproval. '' You earned it though. ''

'' But you did too. You earned the whole world and yet you are holding yourself back because you think that you don't deserve it, or you are afraid that it's going to hurt you, '' I protested.

He frowned and glanced down towards me. '' We are not having this conversation right now. ''

'' But it's true! You are holding yourself back right now too! ''

'' I'm trying to protect you. ''

'' What do you want, Baekhyun? What is it that I can't give you? '' I drunkenly asked and almost fell out of his arms. He stepped in to the room that we were given by the boss Namjoon and closed the door behind us with a strong kick. I began to struggle in his arms, but he didn't let go of me until he reached the bed. He dropped me on it and turned his back to me. I watched him stroll to the sofa that was on the other side of the room and sit down on it. He was clearly trying to avoid the conversation again, but I wasn't going to let him do it.

He was sitting on the sofa and leaning his head back. His eyes were closed, but they instantly snapped open when he felt my hands on his shoulders. I was leaning forward and slightly swaying on my feet because of the alcohol. I purposely got so close that our noses were touching.

'' What do you want from me? ''

He stayed completely immobile and stared back at me with wide eyes. His dark brown hair was swept back from his forehead and there was an old scratch on the side of his cheek. Bandages were covering a wound on his arm and I couldn't help it but to wonder how much pain he was hiding from me.

His eyes darkened and there was a certain kind of craving and desire that sparked in them. He slowly raised his hand and his fingers traced the side of my cheek before he buried them in my hair and leaned closer. His lips almost touched mine before he lifted himself up and whispered something in to my ear.

'' Everything. ''

There was a hint of a smirk on Baekhyun's lips when he suddenly roughly grabbed my ear and started dragging me back towards the bed. '' You should stop throwing yourself at guys when you're drunk, Riri. It's taking more and more self control for me to stop myself from taking advantage of you. ''

I rolled around on the bed in protest and he turned around again. He was going to head back to the couch, but I quickly grabbed his wrist and stopped him. His face was serious when he glanced back towards me and I couldn't bring myself to look at him. '' Can you stay with me? Please? I... I feel safer when you are close. ''

I was half expecting him to tell me to man up, but he didn't. He already realised that I was having nightmares the past couple of days. I was being haunted by images of all the people that were chasing us and Baekhyun's presence was the only thing that made me feel a little less alone.

I crawled under the bed covers and he laid by my side. He stayed there until I fell asleep, but when I woke up in the morning, he was back on the sofa. Eyes closed, heart distant.

The two of us had no experience with gold smuggling, but I knew that my friend Lee Taeyong would be able to help us. He went in to hiding after the police got a little too close to him for his liking, but after asking around, we were able to find out that he was in Incheon. I knew that he had a yacht there, parked on a pier of a poor area and hidden between sinking fishing boats, old nets and half collapsed shanties. We decided that it was our best bet to head there, with the drugs and the gold safely hidden in my backpack. I was excited to see my friend again, but my happiness didn't last for long.

We were riding for hours and I got distracted watching the grey sky above Incheon until Baekhyun stopped his bike all of the sudden and gestured towards the water. His face was serious and I stretched my neck to see over his shoulder. My eyes widened with shock at the sight of the yacht, racing through the grey river and trying to reach the ocean. It was chased by a speed boat that appeared out of nowhere and caught it hiding in the poor area of the port town before we did.

I tapped Baekhyun's shoulders in panic and he lowly asked: '' How important is that friend of yours? Can he really help us? ''

The people on the speed boat prepared their guns and started shooting at Taeyong's yacht. My breath got caught in my throat before I hit Baekhyun's shoulder again and yelled: '' Come on! What are you still waiting for?! ''

He revved up the engine of his motorcycle and mumbled: '' I'll take that as a yes. Hold on. ''

I wrapped my arms around him when we suddenly sped forward again. A road followed the river that lead to the ocean, but we couldn't get much closer to the two boats than that. People were shooting at Taeyong's yacht and I was terrified of one of the bullets hitting the wrong part of it and making it explode. I cursed myself for not warning my friend about how Kim Haejin could send someone after him. The drug lord used to work with Taeyong and he knew that we were friends after all.

We kept speeding by the river and trying to keep up with the two boats. We were getting closer to the ocean, but even then, Taeyong had nowhere to escape. I thought that we had no way to reach him or the other boat either, but I was wrong. Baekhyun already spotted a rising bridge and got an idea. He headed straight towards it and continued speeding as much as he could. My heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to explode when he passed the cars that were stopped in front of the bridge and waiting for it to come down again. '' Baekhyun! ''

He tightened his grip on the handlebars and speed up even more. We started going up one of the sides of the rising bridge and I could feel myself slipping back on the seat. I tightened my grip on him to make sure that I wouldn't fall off and he screamed: '' Trust me! ''

'' I do, but bikes can't fly and we can't either! ''

'' Then you might want to close your eyes! ''

In that moment we reached the end of the rising bridge and jumped. My scream echoed through the air and it was almost like time slowed down. Instead of aiming to land on the other side of the bridge, Baekhyun turned his motorcycle towards the water. I was trying to keep holding on to him, but I got thrown off the back and found myself flying through the air. He pushed himself off the seat too and the motorcycle crashed in to the speedboat that was chasing Taeyong's yacht. I saw the explosion a moment before I landed in the ice cold water.

The force of the impact knocked the air out of my lungs and I started sinking. The strong currents of the river were pulling me deeper and deeper under the surface. I tried to get back up, but I wasn't strong enough and I was quickly running out of air.

The last thing that I saw, was a familiar figure, swimming down and reaching out with his hands towards me. His eyes were dark and I couldn't help it but to wonder what he was thinking.

Take my hand, idiot?

You thought I'd let you die?

Stay with me?

I weakly raised my arms and tried to swim back up towards him. My fingers brushed against his.


I felt his hand grab mine, then everything turned dark and I slipped in to unconsciousness.

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ใ€๐ƒ๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ฎ๐ž๐ใ€‘ โI love this gang, since I joined and we all experienced a lot of stuffโž ยคโ”โ”โ”ยคโ˜ ๏ธŽยคโ”โ”โ”ยคโ˜ ๏ธŽยคโ”โ”โ”ยคโ˜ ๏ธŽยคโ”โ”โ”ยค ๐ผ๐‘ก ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘™ ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ก...
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I knew I would never win against Seungmin, so I got dressed. Putting on a hoodie then my Norte Dame sweater, "You know he will say how it isn't his l...
5.3K 267 19
"๐’€๐’๐’– ๐’˜๐’†๐’“๐’† ๐’‹๐’–๐’”๐’• ๐’‚ ๐’ˆ๐’–๐’š ๐’…๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐‘ป๐’‚๐’•๐’•๐’๐’๐’” ๐’ƒ๐’–๐’• ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’•๐’” ๐’˜๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’…๐’† ๐’Ž๐’† ๐’๐’๐’—๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’–." The best motorcycle racer in...