Who Am I? || Bts Hogwarts AU

By zdksoo

17K 475 183

A girl was born from an unknown family.She was clueless about her identity and at the same time, she didn't k... More

Beginning: Introducing
s n e a k p e e k 🐍
1: 'Dreams'
3: Houses
4: Dorms
5: classes
6: classes [pt.2]
7: Potion Class
8: The dungeon
9: Books
10: Gone
The Door That Only I Can See
11: Hospital
12: A Toad
13: Teeth
14: The 'Feast'
15: Narcolepsy
16: No one!
17: Detention!
18: 'She'?

2: Diagon Alley

1.3K 32 20
By zdksoo

"This is our way to Diagon Alley---", Said Hagrid


We entered the... cafe? pub? she had never been there before

"and this is Leaky Cauldron--- wait for a while", Hagrid said and went to meet his friend.

It was a dark place. Not really dark but, it seemed to be because it was darker than her house. People who were there looking at her weirdly. Really weird, they stopped doing their things and even stared at her. She felt very uncomfortable. So she had to sit with one of them.

The old man looked at her from the head down to her toes, "Oh, sorry-- You may sit here", he patted the seat for Aurobella.

"Vipera, the descendant of the king--- Such an unfortunate day meeting you!", the old man said and cried.


"But, it was before and now all of you are a betrayer!", he hit the table.

"He is a betrayer, and you don't deserve to live!!", he yelled and strangled Aurobella.

"Help!", she gasped.

"Mr Pinsky, get away from her!", Hagrid came and push that old man away.

"She's not the one!!", Hagrid yelled to the guy.

"She has nothing to do with everything that happens in our place now!", he continued and looked angrily toward that old man. The old man did nothing but stay silent and sharply stared at Aurobella.

Hagrid brought Aurobella out of the place through the back door.

"Next time, if you're out of Hogwarts, never took out the scarf", Hagrid said to her.

"Why?", Aurobella asked. He continued knock his pink umbrella on the wall.

"See, Bella... World of wizardry, yer should know your own risk... Witches and wizards may be mistaken yer", he continued very confidently.

"Okay then... Hagrid", she replied.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake, the wall started to crack in a half.

And the wall separated, "Yer must see this!", Hagrid said and walked through the wall.

"wow!!", Her eyes got sparkly once he saw that busy place.

It was a place with a lot of shops. Even if she lived in a wizarding world, she had never went to Diagon Alley before.

"Arabella, this is Diagon Alley--- If yer never been here before", Hagrid said.

"Actually, Hagrid. I think you're right. I don't really remember. I think I once went here before. It was just during the time, this place was not this bright and I was just a little. My memory is blurred", Aurobella said and walked around along with Hagrid.

"If that so... Welcome to Diagon Alley-- Again!", he said.

"They sell many things here, Bella... Things that you'll need in Hogwarts", he continued.

"A-ha! You may bring your own pet there, Bella!-- Just choose", he said once they passed by a shop that sold owls.

"Owls", Aurobella looked over the brown owl.

"Yup Owl is one of the options", Hagrid interrupted.

"Besides, they're helpful too..", she said.

"Yeah, you want it?", Hagrid asked.

"Why not?", she said and entered the 'Eeylops Owl Emporium'.

Amazingly, all of the owls were afraid of her until the worker said that she's not good for his shop. She almost got kicked but luckily, a white owl with ashy grey stripes flew to her shoulder. It was a really rare-coloured owl and also rare thing ever happened to the customers while choosing for their owls.

"I think that one suits you--- How much is it?", Hagrid said to the worker.

"I do not own that.. but, based on the uniqueness-- It might be 30 Galleons", he replied and touch the owl.

"It wasn't yours.. So..I guess we don't have to pay-- Goodbye", Aurobella said and leave the shop.

"Bella, I think I gotta leave you here. These are your things, please be careful", Hagrid said to her.

"Okay Hagrid", She replied. He left her at Diagon Alley.

She went to the Ollivanders. But before that, she saw a wanted poster.


(Sorry it's Brendon Urie lol)

Approach with extreme caution!
Do not attempt to use magic on this man!❌
10000 Galleons

"Hrmm... Huh? How awful?", She mumbled to herself, crossed her arm and tapped her toes on the floor.

She stunned for a while because that was what she always did. She stared at the poster for a long time. Maybe she was thinking about the guy's fate.

"You know what, unknown wizard?! Whatever crime you did, 10000 galleons is never enough!-- I need to buy a lot of things today..", she said with a full emotional toward the non-living poster even if it moved.

"Are you mental?", A guy walked in toward her and leaned his hand on the moving poster.

"It moved but surely, it doesn't have any feelings. Such a waste if you talk with it", he continued. Aurobella then turned around and moved a little away from him.

"Uh-huh.. S-s-sorry, do you k-know that guy on the poster?", She asked shyly and look at the guy.

"Not really. Heard his name once. People say he ran away from Azkaban", he replied.

"Azkaban?-- the prison?", She asked.

"Yup! Exactly. It has dementors around it. Nobody can ever escape. But, he did--- Amazingly!", He said.

"Dementors?", She asked curiously and took out her notebook to jot it down.

"You looks like the 'Daily Prophet' kinds of stuff.. If you're one of them then I guess I need to go", he said and slowly walked away backwards.

"Wait! I'm not.. I'm just new to Diagon Alley and don't really know much about wizarding things", she stopped the guy.

"Really?.. okay then. Dementors are those ghost-like creatures, they fly, and if you come nearer to them, they'll suck the happy memories in you. Also your soul. You'll be soulless-- which is cool", he replied.

"Happy memories? Soulless? Will we die because of it?" She asked again but this time that guy got annoyed.

" No, not die... w-wait! Huh? Who are you? Muggle? So many things that you don't know!", He moved his lower lip inward and walked away.

"B-b-but I-I-I!", She yelled. That guy turned around and smirked at her then, he walked away.

"Hey! Waitt! Where is the Ollivanders?!", She yelled. But, he just walked away without any sign.

"I guess I have to go there myself!", She mumbled.

She went all over around and asked where the 'Ollivander' was. But every time she asked, no one wanted to tell her because they thought that she was a Muggle-born. Ollivanders was a very popular place in Diagon Alley. That's the reason.

"Excuse me, sir... Where's the Ollivanders?", She asked. Actually, that guy was the seventh guy that she asked. That guy was all black and he turned around.

"Ollivanders? You must be a... Mud-Blood, it seems. A Muggle-born!", He glared toward Aurobella while rubbing his chin.

"Hrmm... Sir, actually",

"being a Mud-blood is better than being a person who can't read... Isn't it pathetic?", He interrupted.

"Yes, father!", Suddenly, a boy came out of nowhere from the back.

"I-I-l'm Sorry", she claimed.

"Ollivanders is just in front of you. Can't you just read the sign?", The silver-haired boy said.

"Oh, thanks", she said and went to the Ollivander. Both of them walk, glared at her and walked away.

"Let's go", the guy said to his son.

Ollivanders was a place to choose your wand. Not really, the wand itself will choose you. She entered the shop. The shop looked untidy, narrow, shabby and dusty. An absolutely haunted-like place. Just imagine that you're in a haunted room that full with boxes then, that's exactly how Ollivanders looked like.

It was very silent. She went near the boxes on the shelf and touched one of them. She thought that choose wand was just like how you choose to buy shoes. She took the box and opened it. Suddenly, it fell to the ground. Once it felt, she fell to the ground. A really bright light showed up and brought her to a memory journey.

"She's lovely... Just like you", a guy said.

"Hopefully.. brave just like you", she replied while holding a baby.

They looked like a married couple.

"Let's name her after your name-- It would be....",

"That's nice a nice name, Reynold",

"Oh, what was that?!", She mumbled and move away from the wand.

"No, no, no, not that wand--- Surely!", She yelled.

"I guess you already got your wand", an old man showed up from the counter.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand", Aurobella replied. The old man approached her and picked up the wand.

"The wand chose you. But, it is not impossible since it has...",

"But, don't you are the one who supposed to choose it for me?", She interrupted.

"No, that would be impossible-- why don't you try to give it a flick", he replied and give her the wand.

"Okay.. I'll try.", she said and give it a flick. Once she moved the wand, a super bright light illuminated the shop by her wand.

"Fascinating!-- It is now officially yours", the old man said.

"Hrmm... What can I call you, sir?", she asked.

"Oh, just call me Ollivander", he replied.

"Mr Ollivander, how much is it?", she asked.

"Hahaha-- 9 galleons. But it's very interesting", he replied.

"Interesting, sir?", she said.

"Yeah, little lovely miss...",

"Rex," she said.

"Yeah, little lovely Miss Rex, that wand is 9 1/2inch, made out of blackthorn and phoenix feather core", he said.

"What does it mean?", she asked.

"Oh, it was nothing it just every wand suit their owners very well but, yours seems pretty interesting", he replied.

"I'm sure that I should use it properly", she said.

"Surely!", he said. She paid for the wand and went out of the shop.

"Wait, Miss Rex--- I guess you need to go to the 'Florish and Blotts' after this", he yelled.

"Yeah, of course", she replied.

"Safe journey!",

"Hehehe.. I thought that I need to go to King's Cross station straight away", she mumbled and looked at her ticket.

"Florish and Blotts, Florish and Blotts, Florish and Blotts-- Where are you?", she mumbled like a crazy girl.

"If only I can try to find that place with this wand!", she sighed and sat at the bench nearby.

"Ehem!!", a guy coughed. He held a chocolate packet, and it seemed to be a chocolate frog.

Suddenly, he cried and said "I want it to be Professor Dumbledore!!!",

Aurobella just sat there and doing nothing besides feeling guilty, whether she wanted to pursue that guy or just let him be. Besides, that guy was about her age as well. He acted childishly.

"Hey, you! Look at this card!", he cried while he ate the chocolate and pointed toward Aurobella who was sat on the bench innocently.

"Me?!", she whispered and pointed to herself.

"Yes, you!", the guy said arrogantly.

"You see this? You see this? You know who this is?", he asked with his chocolatey dirty mouth. "I d-d-don't know", she stammered.

"you come here, you!-- Can't you see this properly?!", he showed the card exactly in front of her face and again she shook her head and said "no, I don't know",

"Hey, really?-- This is Professor Snape! I don't want this card! He is not nice!", he pointed his index finger to the card firmly.

"I surely think that someone says my name, am I mistaken or am I not?", a resonant voice came after the childish guy's grouch.
Both of them slowly tilted their head up and saw a long black-haired middle-aged guy with a straight face glowered toward the guy.

"N-n-no s-s-sir", the guy stammered.

"He is Professor Snape, he'll be one of the professors in Hogwarts", he whispered to Aurobella's ears and got up from the bench.

Aurobella also stood up and tidied up her clothes looking at 'Professor Snape' while gulped her saliva.

"You better take this card, say it yours", say the guy and ran away as fast as lightning.

He went just like that, littered around with the chocolate's packaging that he just ate. Now 'Professor Snape' had his eyes toward Aurobella. Not going to lie, his eyes are pissing her off. Scary and made her wanna run away too but her legs were trembling.

"I saw you were wandering around and said 'Florish and Blotts' thousands of times... I believe you need help-- Don't you?", he said and put his hands inside his flowing robes' pockets.

His long greasy hair made Aurobella's mouth shook, unspeakable because of her fears of him even by the first time.

"I. Eat. Rice. just like you and I. Don't. Eat. Humans", he continued. This time with an impatient-toned voice.

"I'm sorry.. You were right-- I am looking for Florish and Blotts Bookshop", she said and lowered down her head.

"Huh? sorry, you were-- Just go around the North side of this place, it somewhere there", he said and raised his right eyebrow up.

Aurobella nodded her head but with eyes that express the emptiness of her mind, didn't understand what he said.

"You. May. Follow. Me", he said with his slow, low-toned voice.

In a crowded place, he just let her pushed her trolley that full with a heap of many schooling stuffs.

"You're so slow, that place is not far from here", he complained.

He turned around looked at Aurobella with cold eyes even if he didn't help with any of the stuffs.

"Huhuhu.. It is good enough that would he shows me the way to Florish and Blotts. Bonus, he can help me to buy books that I need-- He is one of the professors", she giggled to herself while she struggled to push the trolley.

"Stop giggling, I can hear you", he said to her and stopped instantly in front of a shop.

The trolley that she pushed suddenly hit him a little. He tilted his head slowly and glared at Aurobella again. I believe that you don't want the third glare, or otherwise, you'll get what you deserve.

"This is Florish and Blotts Bookshop, get your books now!", he purposely emphasized the word 'now'.

Aurobella then entered the shop hurriedly.

"What book should I buy? Magical Me by Gilderoy Lockhart?", she mumbled and held a thick book.

"I don't think that that's a great book, you can see by the cover-- not that interesting, isn't it?", Professor Snape suddenly appeared behind her.

Aurobella startled, "Oh my God, can he just appears in a proper way?", she whispered to herself.

He took the book from her hand and put it back on the shelf.

"Let's go to that shelf", he pointed at the shelf on the right side.

"Let's see... ", he continued.

They walked on the other side and look for more suitable textbooks for the school.

"A History of Magic-- is a must buy!", he took the book and gave it the Aurobella firmly.

"This one, that one.. Oh, Book of Potions-- Take this", as he passed the book to her.

"And-- Done, that's it! Eight textbooks and you! What are you looking at?", he said and looked at Aurobella who was holding a book.

"Oh, nothing... I like this b-book, if you don't mind?", she asked timidly.

"Why should I? It's your money...", he replied and went to the counter with the books.

"And one more thing, short girl... Don't wander around Diagon Alley after this, go straight away to the King's Cross Station, understand?", he said right in front of her face.

She kept silent and didn't say anything. Her body trembled really bad.

"I get that as you really understand what I said", he said and walked away, slammed the door firmly.

Aurobella could feel the wind as he rushed to left her.

"I once went to King's Cross Station, maybe platform 9 3/4 is not that far away... I guess", she said and pushed her trolley to the place.

As soon as she arrived there, she looked everywhere for the platform. But, no... She couldn't find it. Almost half an hour she wandered around but still the same, she found platform 9 but not 9 3/4.

"Excuse me, Sir. Where is platform 9 3/4", she asked politely.

"I'm sorry, young girl. We don't have platform 9 3/4 in here", he replied.

"But, sir it says platform 9 3/4 is in here", she said. "No, young girl.. We don't have it here", he replied with the same answer.

She went all around with her trolley that is two times bigger than her. She looks like a little girl that lost from her mom. She started her finding again from the first platform until the last platform again and again. But at last, no result. No platform 9 3/4 around.

"Sir, it says here 'platform 9 3/4' but, where is it.. I've been looking for it an hour", she asked.

"How many times should I tell you? Are you mad? Impossible to have platform 9 3/4 in here! Just go find it on the other station, if you could!", he yelled and pushed her trolley towards a wall.

The guy went away and ignored her. She admitted that it was a very stupid thing to do to ask him about the stupid question three times. She chased after the trolley and....

The trolley went inside the wall.

"Ahhhh!!!", she yelled.

At that moment, she thought that she will crash to the wall and die but no, it was much worse. She fell after the trolley on the other side of the wall and the wall was at the middle of the platform 9 and platform 10.

"Wait... Wait... Did I just? Or not?", she got up and poked her finger to the wall. But, the wall was frozen.

"Why can't I get through this wall again? It's not working!!", she mumbled.

"Hey, you should hurry. Get inside now!", a guard said and waved at her.

"Before the train will be full-- Here!", he continued.

"Yes, sir!", she said carried all of her stuff inside the train.

She went to one of the carts inside the train. And guess what? The cart was big! It can fit into four people. She was an hour early so she went to the other carts wandered around inside the train.

Not until she saw a group of guys. There were three of them, one of them wore a mask, black robes and in short, he was all black. The other two was all looking scared, one of the two had scar on his right eye.

"How did you know? Who was the child?", she heard a conversation.

She hid behind the wall and kept on listening.

"Stop asking! Just wait! I'll find the child myself!", said the other guy as he slammed the door and walked away.

Aurobella was shocked to death but, that guy was all black and wore a hoodie. She can't really see his face. Before he got out of the train, he stopped in front of Aurobella for a while but didn't look at her. He lowered his head. Then, he continued walked out of the train.

Aurobella followed him but a brown-haired guy suddenly hit her shoulder and a card that she held fell on the floor. That guy took it back from the floor.

"Uhuh? Prof. Snape?", he smirked and gave her back the card.

"He's not really friendly overall", he continued.

"Wait, who are you?", she asked.

"Should I tell you my name? or should I not?", he said.

"Should I give a care? Or should I not", she said and walked away to her sitting room.

The guy followed her along her way and she admitted that it felt really uncomfortable. She turned around and still... That guy was behind her. She took a deep breath and opened the door and guess what? That guy also went into the room.

She took a deep breath again and.. "bef...",

"I sat here, and those are my things. You think that this big room is only for you? You wish!", he grunted.

"Is that so?.. I guess you can sit on that side..This side has its owner", she pointed on the other seat.

"Why should I?",he replied shadily.

"I arrived first so, it deserves to be mine!", she said and stroke his leg on the floor firmly.

"No, it doesn't. When I came, no one was here!", he yelled.

They argued about the trivial topic for 10 minutes straight until a guy entered the room. Both of them stopped arguing and looked at the guy who was neatly sat on the seat innocently.

"What?", That guy asked and looked at the two.

"That seat is mine!", Said the brown-haired guy.

"IT IS MINE!", Aurobella interrupted.

"Hrmmm... I guess both of you should sit because we will move around... Not so soon", the guy grinned.

"Shhhh!", Both the brown-haired guy and Aurobella said to the innocent guy that didn't know anything.

Choo-Choo~ the train suddenly moved and Aurobella and the brown-haired guy fell on the floor. Their heads knocked on each other and also bruised both of their heads. They stood up and tidied up their clothes.

Then, the 'innocent' guy wanted to warn them...

"So, I wanna--",

"Shhhhh!", Both Aurobella and the brown-haired guy interrupted again.

As soon as they were about to continue arguing, once again, their heads knocked to each other's.

"See? Haven't I told you? Can't both of you just sit on the seats? Instead of getting hurt of falling? Better not falling in love, hehe", the guy giggled.

"Okay! Fine! I'll seat here!", said Aurobella and quickly sat on the empty seat.

It was a seat for two. So, the brown-haired guy had no choice. Plus, the seat on the left one was full. Full with suitcases, belonged to the guy who was 'innocently' sat on the seat.

"And now what?", she asked the brown-haired guy. Without even said anything he sat on the seat and didn't ask for permission.

"How rude!", she mumbled.

"By the way, is this your first time in the wizarding world? Because it's really cool in here", the 'innocent' guy said.

"Yeah, I know", she replied and smiled excitedly. She was amazed by the beautiful scenery through the window.

The brown-haired guy just stared at them two.


"Why are you looking at us like that?", Aurobella asked.

"Yeah, he's creepy!", said the guy.

"Both of you are!", he replied and distanced away his seat and faced the window.

"Don't mind him, by the way, I'm Jin. We better go and change into robes.. We're going to arrive soon", the guy said to Aurobella and shook their hands.

They stood up and went to the changing room and left the weird brown-haired guy alone.

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