She Came From the Forest (Jam...

By davidfoxrouse

20.6K 890 93

When I finally got to the cliff, where there was a clearing, I saw her. She was the most beautiful thing I ha... More



1.1K 51 10
By davidfoxrouse

It was around in the morning whenever I woke up. I was wet. Not because of anything obvious, like wet dreams or sweat. I literally woke up because I was wet. My older brother, Zane, was standing over me with a water bottle in his hand, and it was tilted over me. He stood smiling in his own amusement.

"Whoops, did I accidentally spill my water on you?" He asked, obviously knowing the answer. Zane was about 6'1, getting his height from Dad. He weighed about 250, mostly of muscle, mainly in his broad body. He was on the football team and he was, like, the third biggest guy in the high school. "Mom told me to wake you up, so get your ass up." He commanded before leaving out of my bedroom door.

I stood up, shaking my wet hands and changing out of my wet tee shirt and sweats. I pulled on some dark blue jeans with an old Nirvana shirt. I covered myself once more with a thick black hoodie. I slipped on some socks and went to my bathroom door and flipped the light switch so I could brush my teeth. After rinsing with mouthwash and brushing my shoulder-length dark brown hair, I took a good look at myself in the mirror.

I wasn't as tall or have as much physique as my brother. I was maybe 5'10 and, last I checked, I was 140. I had a lean body, since I enjoyed running the school's track every now and then. I had a sprint burst every now and then, either from the track or from my brother and his friends. They would try to chase me and attempt to beat me if I didn't do what they wanted, like their homework, or if they just felt like beating up on someone. The only way they could succeed in getting their hands on me is if they caught me off guard. I checked out the scar that Zane gave me a few years ago. It was a cut right over my brow. I had fell after Zane pushed me and I hit a rock. He made me lie and say I tripped.

I closed the bathroom door and headed downstairs for breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, Mom was at the stove scrambling some eggs. I sat down at my usual spot at the table where my plate, filled with eggs and bacon and grits, was waiting. Zane had been munching down before I even walked in. I started eating and had just finished my bacon when Dad walked in, kissed Mom on the cheek from behind, and sat down in front of me at his usual spot, his big plate filled with food waiting for him as well.

"Slow down when ya eat, Son." He told Zane. "Stuffing your face will screw your stomach up." Zane payed no attention to Dad, and Dad laughed when he knew how stubborn Zane was. He looked over to me and his face was suddenly blank, and he looked down and took a sip of coffee. "You eat too. You need it." He said dryly, coldly. That's all he said the rest of the silent breakfast.

Dad and Zane always managed to finish their food before me. Afterwards, Dad would kiss Mom on the cheek and give Zane a fist bump before leaving for work and Zane would walk out the kitchen door to the driveway where his truck was waiting. They would leave just me and Mom all alone. I had just finished my eggs when she sat down with her plate. She always felt guilty if she ate before her family. Mom was always so beautiful, her bright blue eyes just radiating a wonderful aura of pure happiness.

She looked at me with a smile that said a thousand words. I was always her favorite, while Zane was Dad's. Dad never had been proud of me. He wanted Zane and I both to grow up doing sports. Zane was always in football and had just recently switched to power lifting. Meanwhile, the only exercise I got was from the cardio I worked on when running. She enjoyed how kind and soft I was, and those very few reasons are why Dad hates me.

"James, Sweetie, you are beautiful the way you are." She said, reaching over and putting her soft hand over mine. "Don't let what your father tells you hurt you."

I sighed and got up. "Thanks Mom." I said. I walked around and kissed her on the cheek. "Tell Flower that my sheets are wet." Dancing Wildflower, our housekeeper, was a middle-aged Indian. I'm not sure what tribe she was from, but she was a sort of strict and caring lady. She loved us and disciplined us as if we were her family.

Mom sighed. "Water bottle?" She asked. I nodded, and she rolled her eyes. "Some day that boy is going to get hurt by someone a little worse than him."

I walked out the house and headed down the sidewalk towards the high school. Zane never would give me a ride since he was embarrassed to have me even as his brother. But I didn't care, because the walk always gave me time to think and to enjoy the scenery of the outdoors. Besides, the walk only took about 20 minutes before I got to school.

When I arrived, I had seen Zane at his red 2012 Chevy Silverado. It was newer than the one I had saw yesterday, but for some reason that one looked way better than my brother's. Zane had someone up against the side of the truck, and I realized it was Brooke, his girlfriend. She was one of the cool girls in the school, and one of the biggest bitches in the town.

I ignored them and headed inside and got to class early. I always liked getting to class before everyone else. The teacher, Mr. Cassidy, always gave me our morning work so that when the bell rang I'd be done early. He was the biology teacher, and he knew that I enjoyed science and animals. He knew how eager I was to follow my dreams as a zoologist, and he seemed to have so much pride in me for being so willing to learn.

When the bell rang, I had turned in the work and sat back down at my desk in the back of the class. Usually students who arrive early either chill out in the parking lot or in the cafeteria. Once my classmates started arriving, a voice that I recognized came through the door. Sage, the local guitarist, and the openly gay guy. He was about my size, and his hair was a little longer than mine, reaching a little past his shoulders. He had the rock style down, his ripped jeans and band tee of Metallica. He was a decent looking guy, and if I was gay, which I'm not, I'd probably fall for him. But he knew I was straight, and he respected me as his best friend. And I respected him and his interests, but I can't say the same for everyone, since a good bit of the school discriminates his sexuality.

"There's my boy." He called out loud, walking over with the brilliant smile he always kept. He walked behind my desk and put his arms around my neck from behind while singing Smells Like Teen Spirit on account of knowing what shirt I was wearing under my hoodie. The collar always had a certain tear in it that gave it away. He finally had sat down in his desk to my left.

I smiled. "You're in a good mood." I stated.

"Aren't I always?" He asked. "Hey, did you hear about the new family moving into town?"

I nodded. "Yeah. They passed by me yesterday on my way home. I didn't get a good look at them though." I think the windows were tinted, but I also thought of it as being rude when looking in somebody's vehicle.

"I wonder if we'll have a new student."

"Yeah, and maybe they'll get the same welcoming that I had." Said Kai, coming to sit at the desk in front of me. He was the new student two years ago during our freshman year. He came from Salem, which was ironic since at that time we were learning about the Salem Witch Trials. Everyone made it their joke to accuse him of being a witch, while others who are religious discriminated against him and believing he was actually someone who did magic. Sage and I were the only ones who accepted him into our group, which wasn't very big.

Sage laughed and reached to grab his arm. "Oh, now now, my dear Warlock, 'twas only a time of darkness." He mimicked.

Kai smacked his hand away and sighed. "Whatever. You know this town is nothing but dicks to outsiders. If there is a new kid, then they better learn to fit in quick."

Class had started and we all had to pay attention since today was the day that Mr. Cassidy decided to give us a pop quiz.

I wonder if there actually will be a new kid. Maybe they'll fit in quickly? Or maybe they'll get a bad name for themselves like 'rapist' or 'cousin-lover'. Maybe they'll become a part of our group.

But who knows? Maybe there isn't one at all.

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