Being The Only Girl

By DreamySha

51.2K 1.5K 151

Taylor grew up without knowing her mother ever since her mother died after giving birth to her. Taylor had to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

2.6K 77 10
By DreamySha

Taylor POV

The first day of school was okay.

We heard there's a new student in our school but he never came today.

I said my goodbyes with Iggy and Gillian before going out at the field to wait up for Sam. "Hey! You made it!" he exclaimed once he saw me walking up to the bleachers.

"Of course. It's not like I have a ride home or walk 30 minutes back home." I replied sarcastically.

Iggy and Gil lives 10 minutes away from school, so they usually walk home. I grumbled as I sat on the bleachers and took out my books so I could read it, obviously that's what you do when you had a book.

"Hey Taylor!" a voice called out.

I look up and see Cody walking up to me. I smile at him. Cody is Australian and he's a musician. "Hey codes." I greeted.

He sat beside me and sigh, "That's a long day. I've been searching for you all day." he said.

I look at him confused, "Why's that?"

"Ah I need help for the music this weekend and I was hoping you could help me." He said. I shrug, "Sure count me in." I told me.

"Great! Well why are we here?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "Sam had football practice and so I have to wait up for him." I answered.

"Oh, I can give you a ride." he stated. "Come on let's go." He grabbed my arm and pull me up to my feet. I groaned and grabbed my backpack and stuff my book inside and zip it up before following Cody down the bleachers.

"Sam! Hey Sam!" I called out.

But he couldn't hear me or maybe he ignore me. "Samuel Jamie Marty!" I shouted. Sam turn around and glare at me, "What did I say about fullnames in public?" he exclaimed as he stomp towards me. Cody snickered beside me.

Sam huff once he reached me, "What?"

I rolled my eyes at his attitude, "Well I'm going home. Hitch a ride from Cody here." I said as I pat Cody's shoulder. Sam look at Cody and narrowed his eyes, "Okay. You better take her home straight." he told him sternly.

"Don't worry mate, I'll protect her." he assured him.

I groaned and walk off, "See you at home Taylor!" I heard him called out. I just waved without looking back.

Cody jog to catch up with me and fall in step beside me. "Well that went well." he stated.

I snorted. "You don't say."

Cody is the only guy that Sam and Chad let me close to. Cody already had a girlfriend who is a year older than him. They've been going out for awhile now. We got in his car and turn on the radio, Drunk on a plane by Dierks Bentley came on. Its somehow like a country song.

Cody drummed the wheel as he look at the road. I sing along softly.

He glance at me and smile, "You have a beautiful voice." he told me.

I grinned, "Thank you. My brother's always said I had a horrible voice."

He chuckled, "They're just jealous." I laugh and nod my head in agreement. It was silence then, only the radio on the song that makes it less awkward or whatever. Few minutes later, Cody parked in my driveway.

I turn to him and smile, "Thank you for the ride." I said. He nod and hug me. I pull away and got out of the car. I close the door and he back away from the driveway and drive off, I waved. When he turn the corner and out of sight, I turn around and make my way to the porch.

Chad and dad probably will be home late. Chad is a busy college student while dad always busy with his business.

I unlock the door and got inside. My puppy and cat, Lacey and munchie greet me by my door.

I squat down and scratch their ears, "Hey buddy." I said and got up and went over upstairs.

I walk in my room and drop my backpack on the desk. I changed into my comfier clothes and walk back to my desk to do my homeworks which is math and geography.

I groaned. I haven't even start and it already bore me and pressure me.

It's even the first day of school!


"Taylor! Dinner's ready!" I heard Chad shouted.

Chad and Sam came home few hours ago when I'm almost done with my homework. "Yeah I'll be down in a minute!" I called back.

I write the last few words in my notebook and close it before walking out my room. I walk in the dining table and kiss dad's cheeks.

"Hey daddy."

Dad smile warmly at me. "Hi sweetie." he said. Sam gasped, "Oh so I'm not your sweetie anymore now huh daddy?" he cried out. "You broke my heart daddy, literally!" he cried out dramatically.

Dad rolled his eyes, "Give me a break. I had three children and all of you are so immature." he grumbled. Chad groaned, "I'm not immature I'm just whiny." he argued.

I groaned and went to take my sit beside Sam. "Can we just eat dinner now?" I grumbled.

They stop their bickering and look at me, shrugging. "Yeah sure. Say your prayers Sam." dad ordered.

Sam huffed and we hold each other hands and he start saying the prayers.

After dinner, I had to stay up in Sam's room to guide him in his homework. I sigh as he start to cuss.

"Sam please just do your homework!" I shouted.

He huff and do his homework quietly but would grumble every now and then. I flip to a new page from my journal and start writing my thoughts. It's not a diary. I would write my thoughts or highlights of the day and I would do it as a song on a new page. I love writing songs. But only my family and friends know it.

"Writing a new song?" Sam asked as he look at me from his desk.

I smile and nod, "Yeah."

He grinned, "When are you gonna let us hear it?" he asked. I chuckled and shook my head, "When it's done, duh." I said in a 'duh' tone.

He rolled his eyes, "You really are bitchy sometimes."

I grinned, "I got it from you." I sang and stood up and left his room since he done his homework.

I got in my room and put my journal in my first drawer on my desk and went over to the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and jump in the shower and wash my body and hair.

After the shower, I brushed my teeth and dry my body before changing into my snowmen pj's. I comb through my wet hair and walk out my room to get some snacks.

Chad is sitting on the couch with his legs up on the coffee table in front of him in the living room. He had his laptop rest on his belly as he munch on the chips.

I walk past him and grabbed an Apple and walk back up to my room. I jump on my bed and turn on my laptop.

My phone beeps, I reached out and opened it, it was Gillian left me a message.

'Omg girl I heard the new guy is a hottie. He got the whole package. Go on Facebook and search Jared McCrory. Have fun drooling over him.'

I rolled my eyes and went to Facebook and search him up. I click on the first name and look at his picture. And Gil is right, he is one hell of a goddess. He had dark hair and grey eyes, his eyes is so mysterious. He had a tattoo on his arm. He live in Amsterdam.

His wall was full of people posting, saying that they'll miss him or what so ever. So he's well-known.

I look to all of the post like some creepy stalker I am. Until the new one posted, a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, 'I'm gonna miss you so much babe. Stay in touch, love you.'

I chuckled, "There goes the chances for the girls at school to have him."

I close the laptop and put in on my nightstand and turn off the lights and snuggle with my pillow and close my eyes.


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