Oh Child!

By beee_harmony

39.3K 1.6K 324

Life always has unexpected changes that come and go, they impact you in many possible ways. What will those c... More

Woah Child... 1
First Night... 2
The Cops... 3
Crybabies... 4
Studio... 5
No Sleep... 6
iPhone... 7
Home... 8
Pregnancy Had Me Like...10
Crutches.. 11
What Now?...13
Walking... 14
The Flight...16
Exploring Italy... 17
Blessings ... 18
Rome... 19
Gift From Virgo... 20
Engagment... 22
Carter's Mom... 23
Story of Our Love... 24
Family Adventures... 25
A Place A Time... 27
the Park...28
Killing It ... 29
Girls Trip.. 30
Returning Home... 34
Babies... 35
Luna De Miel... 37
LOVE... 38
Brazil... 39
Real Life... 40
Arabella... 41
Interviews... 42
Double Vision... 43
Changes... 45
You and I...46
Is It Over...47
My Loves...48
Twins Meet World...49
The End

Packing... 15

1K 34 18
By beee_harmony

"Tomorrow is the day we go to Italy", I said to Blue as she woke up.

"Yayy", she sais as I helped her get ready for the day.

I was going to work today and our day was all going to be like the usual excpet we planned to get home earlier. I had to still pack up everything but it wasn't hard be cause I had already prepared the outfits. We just need them to be put in a suitcase I need to buy, that was going to be done after work. Today I had to make sure all the employees knew what to do when we were gone and get all settled.

Italy was going to be so fun we planned to be at the beach quite often whether on boats or just at beach. We were going to be stay is really nice place with a room for Blue, it was for our space as well. I can't wait to explore all over Italy and maybe we go to France for a few day from there. I hope so I love going to France especially Paris and I haven't been in a while we just have to see how it goes.

Shawn showed up as I made some breakfast like usual, today he brought donuts and coffee along with a chocolate milk for Blue. We decided to eat that instead of making a huge meal that we would have to clean up. After that we all left like usual Blue to DayCare and then today was a bit different I was only going to the office for about an hour. Then, I was going to be at the studio to record and meet up with some producers it was exciting.

"Hey last day before vacation what we doing in Italy?", Dinah asked as I walked in.

"You know exploring, a lot of eating, swimming, and spending time together. I also might go to France", I said setting down my things.

"Sounds nice we'll miss you but girl you've been working for so long go enjoy that vacation, everything is schedule and if anything doesn't work out I will call.", she said.

"Hey so why you got such a fancy killer outfit here", I asked excitedly.

"I got a date tonight and we could only manage it if I prepare here my house is a little far so I have to get ready here", she said.

"YESSSS GIRLLLL you get it", I said and she laughed.

"Normal bosses don't hype their girls up, I like that it reminds me I got the best boss", Dinah said.

"Aww how sweet it better be that way or else", I said and we laughed.

"Nah but for real my previous bosses were horrible most of the times, but I have never had that with you", she said.

"Aww so sweet I am touched well looking at the time I have to get going", I said.

"Have fun kill it in the studio and enjoy your break", she said as I grabbed my stuff.

"Thanks I'll bring you back something Dinah if anything goes on call me", I said and she nodded.

I walked out of my office to get to the elevater and leave here, Jay was waiting for me outside thankfully and the studio wasn't far from here. I made my way in the car setting my things down thankfully it was not a lot at the studio the most needed is pencil and paper.

"What are you recording today collabs or just you?", Jay asked.

"I want to see if Frank Ocean is there yet so we can record a song together he had a cool idea", I said.

"Cool yeah he's in there I just heard his new song it is amazing maybe he plays it for you", he said teasing me.

"Haha but who's collaborating with him", I said as he parked.

"Whatever Chanel Orange it's gonna be good", he said.

"I bet now let's go and kill it before our vacation", I said.

We got off the car and walked into the studio, we both went into this huge studio made for big collabs or big groups. They didn't always happen because everyone was different usually Jay and I would invite a lot of celebries and we would create different songs. We actually created this song that will be released about being Drunk In Love and that is what we called it there is nothing better besides surfboard.

"Hey Jayy and Beyoncééé", Frank said waving as he entered the room.

"Heyyy Frankkkkk, what's up man", I said giving him a light hug.

"What's up Frank", Jay said.

"Just doing a lot of writing and preparing to release an album soon, I heard you liked my idea for the unnamed love song", he said.

"Yeah I love the idea of and I created a few ideas for this song I want to add", I said pulling out my notebook.

"Alright Jay can you pull the track please it is labeled Song With yoncé", he said.

"Here you go head in the booth", Jay said and we entered it.

The first thing we did was here the track and what we had, it wasn't much it was just like added vocals as to be the background. I thought about my relationship with Jay that even though we had been split, how never stopped loving each other and everyone knew it.

"I thought the world would move on,with out us." I sang that and it felt nice saying it.

"Hey what about being with that person like you know you can't live without them but you thought that", Frank added.

"Oh thats true", I said, "I thought I could live without you cause nothing I know can break us down"

"This song sounds beautiful never thought something like this would come out", he said.

"Yeah hopefully we can finish another day because I gotta go pick up my baby", I said.

"Yeah when you come back we can finish this song", he said.

"For sure alright have a good day", I said exiting the booth.

"You ready to go", he asked.

"Yes I can't wait to see my baby Blue and then go to Italy", I said.

We left the building and as we walked out Rihanna was there walking in with TJ, I wanted to laugh knowing how he acts like a baby. They were acring all cute together but Jay and I didn't care we went our way to our car.

"Y'all could never handle PDA", Rihanna yelled from the entrance.

We got in the car not caring about how redundant that was, who needed PDA anyways we do what we want. You think it would make you nervous but reality was we have always talked our relationship out.

"Who needs PDA that hard though oh those who ain't getting attention", Jay said and I laughed.

"Poor them I feel bad especially for Rihanna her voice is struggling, you can just hear it", I said.

"Oh damn shots fired", Jay said and I laughed, "but I got to change some policies here I see almost anyone can enter my studio"

"Is the Shawn Carter being petty?", I asked sarcastically.

"Oh yeah I thought it be funny to pull a Pettyonce", he said.

"Why mee?", I asked yelling.

"You've always been petty especially in are arguements", he said.

"Haha that's why you lost all of them", I said.

We drove to Blue and we picked her up, now we were headed to the store to buy suitcases. Blue was telling about Italy and how her friends thought it was cool we were going. We went to mall to see which store had the suitcases and turns out Macy's had some we looked through all the options until we finally picked 1 for each. After that we went to eat because we were too lazy took cook for ourselves and I just planned on packing then leaving to Shawn's place.

"Alright Yoncé go and pack", Shawn said.

"Okay I will keep my child distracted", I said as we entered my place.

"Who playing with me?", Blue asked.

"I am come on what are we playing today", Shawn said.

I walked to my room and I packed all of our stuff nicely and neatly, there were a few matching outfits we had they were adorable. There were also some extra ones for when we went out together on a date night away from Blue. My mom was going to join us in this trip at some point so we could go on a few dates and she wanted to go to Paris again. 

"We are all packed now what do we do?", I asked.

"Come play", Blue said.

"Come on you know you love to play games", Shawn said and I was about too laugh but Blue was there.

"Okay what are we playing", I asked.

"Barbie dolls this yours", Blue said handing me a Barbie doll.

"Now will Beyoncé be the bad barbie or is it still me", Shawn asked. 

"No mommy the queen", Blue said.

"Can I make the king be daddy?", I asked.

"Only if you kiss", she said.

I kisses him in front of her and when I turned to look at her she was covering her eyes gagging, she is definitely Jay's child.

"Barbiesss not lips", she said.

"Ooohhh sorry baby", Jay said giving me another kiss. 

"No more kisses", she said covering eyes.

We began showering her with kisses and it was adorable because she didn't like it at first. In the end we were all on the floor in the end because Jay doesn't know how to keep balance.

"Jay you dropped us", I whined.

"Girl that aint my fault", he said.

"Bad daddy time out", Blue said, we began dying of laughter that was so cute and hilarious.

"Okay but I think we should be leaving now it's gonna get late and you haven't had your bath child", Jay said looking at Blue.

"No not true", she responded.

"Yes you need a bath unless you don't want to go to Italy", I said.

"Let's go", she said getting up.

We laughed then Jay told helped me carry the suitcases we had packed, then we got in the car and drove to Jay's apartment.

"I wanna hear daddy song", Blue said.

"Should we let her here it?", Jay asked.

"She wants too let her hear it", I said.

Shawn Carter

Beyoncé put the track I made for my baby Blue, I had only recently wrote this song in the studio and released it. The first person to hear it was Beyoncé and she loved it, it was a releif because she is the mother of my child. Now it was Blue's turn and I was kimd of nervous to see what she would think about it.

"Glory , glory", I looked back and it was Blue singing.

"My heart and I am one to never say that", I said.

"Aww she loves your song it's adorable she's singing it", Beyoncé said putying her hand on my face.

"Don't start with that cheesy stuff you know I don't like it", I said.

"Says one of the worlds cheesiest guys", she responded.

"Daddy cheesy", Blue said.

"You two are like a tag team man this ain't fair I need a boy to back me up", I said.

"Maybe one day maybe not", Beyoncé teased.

"You pregnant?", I asked and she laughed.

"Nooo nooo but in the future I don't know", she responded, "why would you think that"

"Cause you said maybe", I said.

"Wow", she said laughing.

"Don't judge I don't fully speak girl language", I responded.

"I want a brother", Blue said interrupting Beyoncé before she could say anything.

"One day Blue but that ain't not yet", Beyoncé said.

"No fair I want brother", she said crossing her arms.

"Very fair a baby is a lot of work and we have to really talk it out"

"Lot of talking with the lips", I said looking at Bey.

"Ewww no more"

"Yeah I agree with Blue", Beyoncé said.

I just laughed before ariving to my apartments parking lot, this drive wasn't that bad. We walked into the apartment before TyTy and Izzy showed up like five minutes later randomly as always.

"Heyy mannn whats up", TyTy said getting comfortable on the couch.

"Not much we just got home", I said getting a few beers put my fridge.

"Hey guys it's been a while since we saw each other", Beyoncé said taking a seat on the couch.

"Yeah I know we just decided to pop up and see if y'all were home or what", Izzy responded.

"Cool you got as perfect timing", I said passing everyone a bottle.

"Who's driving home?", Beyoncé asked.

"Uber", TyTy responded.

"Just making sure let's avoid an accident, I am sorry but I gotta go get this girl in bed before tomorrow becomes impossible to leave", she said.

"No I wanna stay up", Blue said.

"But then you won't go to Italy you'll be too sleepy", Beyoncé said.

"Yeah Blue go with mommy she knows what is best, you'll realise tomorrow plus ypu can see TyTy and Izzy later", I said.

"Okay", she said.

"Say goodnight Blue", Beyoncé said picking her up.

"Good Night", she waved and they went upstairs.

"Shoot y'all going to Italy tomorrow?", TyTy asked.

"Yeah we wanted a vacation now that Beyoncé can walk around again, we wanted to have some family time", I said.

"Aww how cute", Izzy said.

"You aren't gonna drink some beer?", I asked.

"No I am good for the night", she said, that through me off that girl alqays like her beer.

"Y'all hiding something from us cause we all know Izzy likes beer", I said and Ty's face gave it away.

"We were supposed to say it when Beyoncé was with you, don't say more she got a little reveal planned", TyTy said.

"All right man congratulations it's gonna be a cool experience", I said.

Beyoncé came back downstairs and she joined us on the couch while I tried to keep my face straight. It was interesting to be keeping it from her, but Izzy gave us the little bag to open up.

"Congratulations you gonna have a baby", I said going through.

"Oh my goodness finally y'all having a baby aww that's so cute, how far are you?", Beyoncé said.

"About a month, I might be showing at the wedding in three weeks", Izzy said.

"That's when we are going to reveal it to everyone so don't go around saying it", TyTy said.

"Got it not a word", we said.

"So y'all living in together yet?", Izzy asked.

"Nope we haven't really discussed that", I said.

"Yeah but for sure I imagine us living all together it be easier", Beyoncé said.

"Cool so how you leg after the break?", TyTy asked.

"It's good not as it once was but it is a bit more flexible weirdly, I learned a few thing after it", she said.

"That sounds wrong", I said laughing.

"You have a dirty mind Jay, I meant this trick", she said, showed us how her foot could dislocate so easily it looked nasty.

"Alright sorry baby", I said giving her a kiss.

"Y'all too cute to be just dating I don't get you guys", TyTy said and we laughed.

"It's on him and when the time is right we'll be ready, it ain't easy as get back together and marry instantly or maybe it is we'll find out", Beyoncé said.

"Yeah I ain't saying much or everything might just come out", I said.

"Ooh text me the details and all man I gotta know being your bestfriend and best man", TyTy said and I laughed.

"When it is time Mr. I am bestman"  I responded and we laughed.

"Baby we got to get going the traffic is about to get bad", Izzy said.

"Yeah alright guys we'll see you after y'all get back", TyTy said and we said our goodbyes before they left.

Finally it was just Beyoncé and I, alone together.


"I can't believe they are going to have a baby finally after a long time coming", I said.

"Yeah Izzy finally said yes that's cool, they're gonna be good parents I already see it", Jay said as we settle back down into the couch.

"So what dp you think about you and I having another?", I asked.

"Well you haven't shown no symptons so I imagine you are not unless you need a test", he said sarcastically.

"Your dumb but for reals do you want another one like maybe a boy for you?", I asked.

"Yeah but we don't have to rush it we got time girl and if Blue is still a baby", he said.

"Cool and I want to see if we get married before that, maybe do it right the second time around", I said, we began laughing realizing how twisted our relationship was.

"Yeah oh man our relationship is in some sort of order, I promise you baby we can do that. Do you think I have proven myself to you?", he asked out of nowhere.

"0 to 100 real quick with these questions, but thinking about it you really have unless you hiding something from me dealing eith any other woman", I said.

"No you are my girl no other one can replace you, I wouldn't make the mistake I made before", he said.

"Can I borrow a t-shirt I left my PJs in the suitcase", I asked him.

"Yeah let me go get you something to wear I'll be right back", he said.

I waited for a while on my phone looking through twitter and instagram were everyone was taking about Jay for some reason. I didn't want to get involved but then I saw who wrote it and brought all three of us into this mess. Jay came back down and gave me his shirt, I went to the bathroom and I got out of the clothes I had on to be in the t-shirt. 

"Thank you Jay you might not see this shirt again though", I saaid and he laughed.

"I know enjoy it what yours is mine and what mine is yours", he said getting closer to me.

"Guess who opened her mouth again", I asked.

"Rihanna I imagine she wasn't just gonna be done with the studio incident, she want us to get mad", he said.

"I say we were gonna let her talk on then when she us in Italy together she gonna get it", I said.

"Yes she can say what she wants we know what we know what we got doesn't just fly away with a few words", he said.

"Yeah you're right"

Who cares what everyone else thinks we have each other.

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