w a l l f l o w e r

By oatmeal_and_granola

5.3K 236 331

She met him out of chance. And a few wine glasses later, they were at a local pub with locals ogling her, and... More

Chapter 1: Winter Ball
t h r e e | mr wine
f o u r | talk

t w o | midoyagi

1.3K 51 76
By oatmeal_and_granola



Enjoy da chapter. Sorry, but I kinda forgot about my book 'Rain'. Expect a chapter on that soon.

Disclaimer: ME NO OWN MHA/BNHA.

Chapter 2: Midoyagi

I'm curious.

There's a very good-looking guy by himself at a party I was invited to and I can't use my quirks on him.

Who wouldn't be? I don't know, but what I do know is that its anyone but me because I approach him, ignoring a few fleeting whispers.

I'm just surprised some girl hasn't snatched him already. If I'd have noticed sooner, I would have.

Soon, I'm right in front of him at a reasonable distance. Condensing my thumping heartbeat by gently swirling the wine inside my glass by slowly moving my wine glass in small circles, I steady my voice and start with a traditional evening greeting. I can work my way up from there.

We can go through the traditional royal formalities after that, with delicate small talk and hopefully a new phone number in my pocket.

Well, that's what they taught us in school anyway for the formalities. Not the phone number thing.

That was my doing.


"Good evening," I start with a shallow curtsey," May I request your name and kingdom rank," I asked in my lightest and melodic voice.

He just continued muttering like he didn't even notice me.

He probably didn't.

So, I tap him on his shoulder. His crisp black tuxedo and white dress shirt soften under my fingertip and I feel an urge to lay my entire palm on his side to smooth out the distinct crinkle on his right hip.


I decided my fingers been on his shoulder a bit too long and hastily join it with my other hand behind me.

He stops doing that weird muttering thing and shifts his gaze from the small plant in the corner to me. His jaw clenches for a second but then releases but he didn't blush like all the others.

Not even a light graze. He straightens his tux, noticing the slight crinkle.

I search for any pinkish tint in his cheeks and notice some freckles sprinkling his cheeks instead of a blush demonstrating my effect on men.

This guy's definitely different.

"Good evening," I do another quick curtsey," May I request your name and kingdom rank," I ask again.

"Call me Izuku," He stated casually," You don't have to use formalities around me. I know your history," He whispered, his emerald green eyes intensely focusing on mine as he took my hand in his and gently kissed it. It sent shivers up my spine and gave me goosebumps on my arm.

That's only used in very formal meetings, but it doesn't look like I'm complaining.

The more important part is the fact that he says he knows my 'history'. Most likely meaning my adoption and reputation.

Nothing special.

But something about that made me feel more relaxed that I didn't have to behave like I wore a monocle and a posh mustache with a golden stopwatch in my pocket.

I grin," That's a relief. I don't know how much longer I could say 'may I'"

We share a quick laugh, but even after, a sincere smile remains on his face.

"So, tell me about yourself 'n I'll do the same, "I say, leaning against the wall next to him, letting my accent come out a little bit.

So far so good.

"Let's see here," He started, placing a hand on his chin," You already know my name, my hair is naturally green, and I turned nineteen in July"

"Wow I turn nineteen next week," I say trying to sound interested but as I realize it came out extremely cheesy. I blush a bit from embarrassment.

He chuckles with amusement," Sounded better in your head didn't it," He teased with a sly grin that made me want to kiss him and slap him at the same time.

Damn this guy.

"Anyway, are you planning anything for your birthday?" He asked creating conversation, his smile still there as he took a big gulp of his glass of red wine. Looks like we've got something in common.

"Yup, I've already decided the theme of 'Gold' but I'm struggling to work out the details," I explain, anxiety from the stress of planning something by myself in such a short amount of time getting to me.

My procrastination skills are unbeatable.

Frustration, thick in my once light and cheerful voice takes control and I start to sway like when I'm nervous.

My hands start heating up and I rub the one not holding my drink on my dress for comfort. I can feel the condensation form the cold wine in my hand and it tingles but I'm careful not to spill my drink.

It's good wine.

I take a bigger swig of my glass.

My face must be tinting pink because he seems to know I'm silently having a mini mental breakdown: He must be trying to comfort me when he grabs my non-occupied hand and wraps it with his own. A faded scar paints across his palm and I wince at the pain it must have caused him.

If he notices, he doesn't show it.

"Relax," He squeezes my small hand in his bigger one and gives me a heart-warming smile that duplicates on my face," I can always help you plan. My schedule's always open for you if you need anything"

"Anything," He repeats, this time whispering into my ear as I fight down a furious blush.

"Thanks," I whisper back, looking at his shiny black leather shoes.

He slightly tilts my face up so I'm looking at him and I smile.

This guy...

"I could use a new perspective," I continue.

Might actually be the death of me.

A quick silence looms before I start up another conversation.

"Great. So, speaking of new: I don't recall seeing you anywhere. You new here?" I asked, still gripping his hand making it clear I don't want to let go.

He squeezed my hand again, silently communicating that he'd keep my holding my hand. I smiled slightly.

I am so damn stupid. I look at him for a quick second.

Some people are worth being stupid for.

"I guess you could say that. I'm from the village, like you," He said, grinning a little obviously anticipating my surprised outburst.

"Really?" I ask incredulously.

He nods.

"I never would have guessed! I mean like, look at you," I slip my hand out of his and gesture to him in his perfectly fitted tuxedo and clean undercut that adds o the effect of him being perfect without even trying.

He smiles and gestures to me with his free hand," Well, I could say the same for you, Miss Ochako"

"Please, call me Ochako"

"Sure," He grins," But y'know what's interesting?" He asked seriously as if he'd been thinking about whatever the new topic is a lot.

He probably had.


"All the kids- well young adults that come up to the palaces from the villages have multiple quirks. Well, except me of course," He finishes like he's the obvious exception.

I open my mouth to ask who, but he beats me to it like he's the one reading my mind now.

"Well, there's you, Todoroki, umm. That's it but still," He blushes the tiniest bit from the embarrassment of only having two examples. Or maybe it's from knowing my quirks. Possibly both.

"I guess you're right," I consider. It's true. This topic isn't really getting anywhere so I'll steer it in a different direction. There are some questions I'm pretty much dying to ask.

"Sorry, but I never did get to 'request' your full name," I mock myself from earlier for a laugh.

He smiles once again, making me smile as he answers," Izuku Midor-Yagi.

"Midoyagi?" I ask. Never heard that name before.

"No no that was a mistake on my part. Izuku Yagi. Yes, Yagi," he corrects himself, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's a nice name, Izuku," I say, slipping my hand into his once again, squeezing it gently," So that was your name before royalty?" I ask, finishing the last of my wine.

"Yup. Midoriya," he says with a sad smile.

I swear I've heard that surname before.

I got to keep my last name because why not?

"So, if you don't mind me asking... what level palace are you from now?"

I hope he says Gold because girls can only marry on their level or above, it's pretty much treason if you don't. I've only met him for a short amount of time but if I have to marry anyone in the next year. I want it to be him.

He gives me a small smile," Platinum"

My mind goes blank.

Is it bad that I expected him to say Copper?

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