Miitopia:Darkness Awakening

By GlamrockMoon117

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My Miitopia adventure ^w^ Miitopia is a peaceful place where Miis lived in harmony and do not worry... Or so... More

Revising and rewriting this story
(edited)Prologue and Chapter 1
(edited)Chapter 2
(edited)Chapter 3
(edited)Chapter 4
(edited)Chapter 5
(edited)Chapter 7
(edited)Chapter 8
(edited)Chapter 9
(edited)Chapter 10
(edited)Chapter 11
(edited)Chapter 12 and Epilogue

(edited)Chapter 6

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By GlamrockMoon117

After we woke up and put on our gear, we made our through the great pyramid

"So this is the Great Pyramid." Alphys asked

"Dark Lord Chara is here somewhere...?" I said

"Probably." She said

"And lots of monsters with the faces from town too..." I said sadden

"*gulp*Yeah..." She said

"Uh-oh..." I said

"Right, then. Let's go!" She said with a smile

"Yeah!" I said

We continue our journey. After a while we came across Noodle's singing up ahead, we found her face.

"Shallaranran...🎶" She said as her face fuses with a painting... Oh dear not again.

"Cheers!🎶" She said

We freed her face as her face returned to town. We continue exploring until we found Monika and Harry's faces

"Oh nooo!" Monika said

"What's going on?!" Harry said

Then Monika fused with blade and Harry fused with a shield, After Undyne finally stop sulking we beat the blade and shield freeing Their faces

"Ha!" Harry said before returning to town

"Yay!" Monika said before returning back to town.

We followed them back to town, once there we returned Noodle's face first

"Shallaranran... 🎶" She said

"Ahh, that's better! 🎶I missed this face! 🎶Here, I want you to have this!🎶" She said as she gave me the Neksdor jewel A, we then returned Monika and Harry's face

"Dad!" Monika said

"Monika!" Harry said

"Miss!" She said with a smile

"Cheers for that!" Harry said with a smile

"Thank you so, SO much, from the very bottom of my heart!" Monika said

"Just once- and only once- we'll give you one for free." Harry said as giving me Neksdor jewel B.

We quickly went back to the Great Pyramid to get the Genie's face back, after a while we found a door

"A dead end..." I said

"There are four slots in the wall." I continue saying

"Well, we know what goes here!" I said while putting the jewels in the slots then the door opened

"All right!" I said as we gone through them hoping Mettaton's face is somewhere here

"We've restored all of the villagers' faces!" I said

"We've only got the genie Mettaton's face to find now..." Galaxia said

"We're already a really long way inside... We must be close." I said to her

"... Ohmmm... You are near that which you seek..." She said with wisdom in her voice

"Again?!" I said

Is this something that happens with Pure born Celestial Angels?!... Oh did I forget to mention she's a Celestial Angel? Whoops sorry...

"Yes, it's like someone's whispering in my ear!" She said

"... I wish I could reach out to the cosmos too." I said to Nova

"The Dark Lord is also near..." She said

"Or maybe not." I said while I heard Nova laughing.

We continue walking until we came face to face with the Dark Lord

"Mwaa ha ha haaaaa! So we meet again! I thought I'd sealed away your powers... You're a glutton for punishment, aren't you? Pathetic. Arise, mask of the ancient King!" He said making a head and Mettaton's appear

"Whar...har?" Mettaton said

"This here fiend is one of my most powerful minions. Go! Smack them into next Tuesday!" He said laughing and leaves

"Sans! the Dark Lord Chara flew off east!" Nova said before we engaged the monster in a fight

After dealing with Undyne's anger towards Galaxia and pharaoh's curse we finally defeated the monster

"Wharharhar!" Mettaton's said before returning to town.

We followed him back to town, once we got back into the town we gave Mettaton his face back

"Wharharhar!" He said cheering

"Wharharhar!The G is back in action!You're a facesaver!"he said to me

"Aw, it's was nothing..." I said back

"Seriously though who steals a face? You just can't trust Dark Lords these days... But in all honesty... I've been thinking about the things I did to everyone. A lot. Now I know what it feels like to lose something important to you. So I've decided. I will steal no more! I'm going to be on the straight and narrow from now on!" He said as I smile

"Good luck with that!" I said as he smiles back

"Yes, ma'am! A thousand thank-you'd to you all!" He said

We left town to follow the Dark Lord but only to see it blocked by a pile of boulders

"Huh?" I said before I started thinking

"Hmm..." I hummed

"Leave that to me!" Mettaton said

"I'll sort this out Ina jiffy." He said as he blew the boulders away

"Now you can get by with no problem" He said with a smile as we wave at him and continue but during our journey we came across... King Asgore?!

"Om mom nom nom*munch munch munch*" He stops eating

"Oh, it's you! You look positively ravenous, my friend. Lucky for you, we just happen to have some grub to spare." He said as he gave us a Royal roast

"Don't eat to much now!" He warned us as we nod and said our goodbyes to him

Before continuing our journey. But once we got to a Inn and went to sleep my nightmare came back, my friends screamed

"Help!" They screamed 

before my vision became black and soon I woke up. I went were the others would wait for me, when I got there they were not there

"Wait... Where are the others?"I asked as I looked around

"Did the Dark Lord take them away?" I asked

"Ho ho! You are most perceptive, my child. Dark Lord Chara attacked in the night. Perhaps you were a little too relaxed after saving Neksdor. Now more of your friends are in the Dark Lord's clutches!" Nova said

"I'd better get going then!" I said but the moment I look at my gear I saw I was in my normal clothes again

"Ugh, again?!" I said

"Oh, and your power has been sealed away." Nova said.

Why didn't she tell me when she was still talking!

"Seriously? Come ON!" I said with sadness in my voice

"I'm afraid I'll just have to bestow another job upon you. Come, child. Select a job that you would like! I have some new ones for you to choose from as well." She said

I looked at the new jobs like Tank, Princess and Flower, I decided to try out Princess to see what it can do

"Now go forth, Sans the Princess! Ho ho!" She said while I smiled


Asriel, Papyrus and Frisk weren't doing so good

"It's boiling in here..." Asriel said

"Yeah..." Papyrus said

"Huh?" Frisk said as she saw three people.

They were shaking in fear until they noticed the three and walked over

"Hi." Galaxia said

"Where'd you come from?" Asriel asked

"It's that evil Dark Lord Chara..." Undyne said shaking

"He kidnapped us and brought us here." Alphys said

"I see..." Papyrus said with a nod

"Then you're in the same boat as us..." Frisk said with a sad look.

Then Galaxia realize who they are from what Sans had told her

"Wait. You guys... You're not friends with Sans, are you?" Galaxia asked Asriel, Papyrus and Frisk became shocked

"How'd you know?" Asriel asked

"Oh wow!" Undyne said with wide eyes

"We're friends with her too!" Alphys said making the three shocked

"I don't believe it!" Papyrus said shocked

"I guess that makes all six of us friends then." Frisk said

"I guess it does!" Galaxia said

"Sans must be working so hard..." Asriel said

"We can't just stand around like this" Papyrus said

"We have to try and find a way out of here!" Frisk said

"Right." Galaxia nodded

"We'll all need to work together, though." Undyne said

"Fine by me! Let's do this!" Alphys said.

Galaxia then noticed Asriel left the group while the rest are talking with each other, she walked away from the group without them noticing

"Asriel? Are you okay?" She asked

"I'm fine... It's just-" He said before being cut off

"Your in love with her aren't you?" Galaxia asked as Asriel started blushing even more

"H-how did y-" Asriel said before being cut off again

"Because when we mention her name you where crying and smiling. You also looked worried for her too, at first I thought it was because you two were just friends but I soon noticed it wasn't the case." She said

"... Yes I am in love with her... I'm just so worried about her... I-I just want her to be safe..." He said

"Don't worry Asriel, Sans will be okay... If I now her she will be able to save us, I just know it!" Galaxia said

"Your right..." Asriel said as the two returned back to the others.

*With Sans*

I continued my journey as I entered the Realm of the Fey alone, after my first day here I heard someone knocking at the door

"Ho ho! Sorry to have kept you waiting again. I know that traveling alone can be quite discouraging." Nova said

"..."I was silent because I didn't know what to say

"And so... I've arranged for a new traveler to join your party." She said while I nod

I open the door to let them in, He was a man wearing a tank

"Hello there! I'm Gmg. I'm ready for adventure! I'll fight really hard!" He said

*Gmg joined your party!

"Get to know Gmg well." Nova said

"No problem!"I said

"Two more adventurers will be along shortly. You'll need to combine all your powers to move forward. It's going to be fun! Ho ho!" Nova said.

We travel together when we came across Ben walking by, when he saw us walking towards us he stopped

"Oh! Hello, friend!" He said

"Hey, Ben." I said

"I hear you've been keeping yourself busy. You showed Mettaton the error of his ways! Not bad at all!" He said with a smile

"Heh heh." I said

"By the way... How goes your pursuit of the Dark Lord?" He asked

"Ulp! Well..." I trailed

I explained to him what happened but when I mention Galaxia's name he froze as a few tears start to fall and he pulled up a fake smile. What's going on with Ben when Galaxia is mention

"Well, that certainly puts a monkey in your wrench. I might know which way the Dark Lord has gone. Yonder, toward the Elven Retreat!" He said pointed towards a group of buildings in the distance

"Elven...?" I asked

"The elves are spirits of the forest. They are most gifted in the use of magic. They'll be no pushovers if the Dark Lord attacks. Until we meet again!" He said as he walks away.

We continue our journey to the Elven Retreat,by the time we got there we saw an injured elf: Farquaad, I kneel down in front of him

"Ugh... It's terrible! The D-Dark Lord... He's headed for the Retreat... But at least... We have our champions to protect us... Please... Lady Nep...*Gasp*" He said before he closed his eyes

I started panicking thinking he was gone but he started snoring. I sighed in relief before we headed in town we decided to talk with Scaredy-Cat: Zelda

"Yipes, Th-this is the Elven Retreat. Things have been a nit on edge since the Dark Lord came. So b-beat it, stranger!" She said

I walk towards Fab Fairies Fan 1: DanTDM

"Lady Nep FOREVEEEEER! I'm a big fan of the Fab Fairies trio. My favorite has to be the eldest, Lady Nep. She gives off such an air of glamour and sophistication. The Dark Lord couldn't even hope to measure up!" He said then I talk to Fab Fairies Fan 2: Deku

"Let's hear it for Lady Madoka! Lady Madoka, you're the best! So calm and kind and considerate... You're perfect! You can't lose against that nasty Dark Lord!" He said.

Then I talked to Fab Fairies Fan 3: Luigi

"An ode to Lady Leafa! Lady Leafa. You are the best Fab Fairy! Fickle, mischievous, full of vim. The very essence of a fairy! I'd like to see the Dark Lord do half as much mischief!" He said

I really want to meet the Fab Fairies now,I walk over to the Green-Eyed Lady: Lusamine

"Grrr. Everyone in this place loves those dumb Fab Fairies. It's so awful! They swan about with their magic powers... How can I beat that? I can be useful too... Right?" She asked.

Even though she reminds me a little of Flowey, I just nod so I wouldn't be mean to her

"Haha, right?! I knew you'd see." She said with a smile as I went to talk to the Lazybones: Dark Link

"Bleh. Ahhh, I can't be bothered. Whatever it is you're about to say, I can't be bothered. Just let me spend my life asleep... Huh? what's a 'Dark Lord'?"he asked.

I just walked away towards the Mischievous Witch: Isabel

"Tee hee! I'm a witch, don't you know! Begone, foul fiend! Hah!" She said before I was surrounded by magic and disappeared for a bit before returning again

"Hehehe, made you jump, didn't I?" She asked while I nod.

I continued but stop when I saw someone

"Hm?" I said confused

"Cheese and crackers! Somebody,anybody! This is awful!"She said

It was the Youngest Fab Fairy Leafa

"The D-D-D-Dark Lord! My sisters! Attacked! Taken! Gone! Words failing!" She said so fast I couldn't understand her

'Um Nova?' I asked

"Oh right! Dark Lord Chara attacked the Elven Retreat! Three powerful sisters faced him to protect the Retreat. After a fierce battle, the menace fled by the east gate. However... Just when the sisters' guard was lowered... Monsters came and spirited away with two elder sisters! I mean, that's what I managed to piece together..." Nova said

'Thanks Nova!' I said to her

"*huff puff*Whew! feeling a bit calmer now. Hey, you. Help me get my sister Madoka back." She said as I nod

"The right answer. Let's get going!" She said

*Leafa joined your party!

"OK, Madoka's being held in Citrus Cave. Let's do this!" She said.

We made our way to the Citrus Cave, we decided to take a quick rest that way we will have enough energy to save Madoka.

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