If Only for One Night (MxM Sh...

By ladydianna01

183K 5.9K 867

He is a Master Dominant, trained by one of the best Masters in the lifestyle. He's also a successful million... More



32.6K 1.1K 177
By ladydianna01

**Please enjoy the video by Nine Inch Nails, "Closer", warning it is the explicit version.**


Shots of adrenaline pumped through my veins with each step I took towards the center of the darkened platform. There was a dim glow coming from the bright overhead lights seeping through the folds of the heavy curtains blocking me from the view of the main room. I could hear the low murmurs of conversation filtering through the atmosphere from the club's patrons who were seated just a few feet away from where I was standing. No doubt they were anxiously awaiting the final demonstration of the evening.

As my eyes adjusted to the low light surrounding my immediate area, my breath hitched in my throat as I spied two sturdy steel pillars sticking up another raised dais located directly in the center of the stage. Soft leather cuffs where attached to several lengths of chain which in turn, connected to industrial O-rings located on both the upper and lower corners of the columns.

"Strip." The stern command was barked out from somewhere behind me and I spun around on my heels. I nearly swallowed my tongue at the sheer magnificence of Master Nolan's sculpted and very naked chest. The only adornments to those dinner plate size pecs were an array to skillfully done tattoos, and the drool worthy silver bars embedded through his nipples. The beaded ends of the jewelry merrily glittered away under the lights filtering through the curtains. Even his tattoos seemed have a life of their own. They rippled and moved with the man as he shamelessly flexed all those mouthwatering muscles for my viewing pleasure. Damn, Scottie was indeed a lucky, brave boy.

The synapses of my brain started firing once again and eventually my thought processes came back online. I quickly untied the sash holding the fluffy material together and Nolan stepped forward to take the garment from me. He indicated for me to spin around by turning one thick finger in a circular motion. I could feel my cheeks igniting in a fierce blush as I slowly complied with his request.

Nolan walked off to the side of the stage to hang my robe on a hook before returning to my side. "Your Master is going to be rendered speechless when he sets eyes on you, little one. He may not be able to remember his own name much or less what he's supposed to be doing to your enticing little body if yours tonight. This is going to me so much fucking fun. I've been waiting to knock that ice-cold bastard of his pedestal for years." Nolan chuckled darkly and the sound raised my hackles right along with his statement.

Immediately jumping to my man's defense. "I... I thank you for all you've done for me tonight, but I'm not sure I want your involvement anymore if this is some kind of method to play a childish prank my husband. I don't appreciate it at all." I snapped defiantly. I crossed my arms across my chest and my chin jutted out stubbornly.

"Hold on there little hellcat. Whew, sheath those claws, baby boy. Now I see why Mr. Iceman melts every time he lays eyes on you. A timid kitten on the outside, but fierce lion on the inside." Nolan held his hands up in surrender. "All joking aside, let me explain something to you. I'm not here to prank anyone or make light of your situation. I truly want to see both you and Marcus evolve and grow in your relationship together. I truly want you guys to connect deeply in the lifestyle and build upon what you obliviously both need and can only offer each other."

"I'm sure you know your husband better than even knows himself. But Marcus and I have an extensive history. I've tried my best over the years to help him see the world in shades of color, not just black and white. He holds himself to a grueling rigid standard, and expects those around him to reciprocate in the same unfeeling manner. He's only just started to let go some of that glacial stubbornness since he's met and married you. But he still holds the world, and the people around at an arm's length."

Nolan dropped his arms to his side and shook his head. An exasperated sigh left his lips. "I just want him to know that it's alright to let go sometimes. He takes the word serious to astronomical levels. He needs to allow his emotions to sweep him off his feet sometimes. It's okay to get carried away in the safe, sane, and consensual environment of his own making. He won't shatter if he feels something other than total control over of every facet of his life."

Huffing out a placated breath, I conceded. "You are right about Marcus to a certain extent. He is like that with most people, but with me, he is the complete opposite. I don't know all the details of his past. What his childhood was really like? I know enough and I don't care or want to know more if telling me is going to open up old wounds and cause him pain. My husband would happily lie down and die for me. He shows the world the man he needs to be to gain his level of success. For me, he is the man I need him to be."

"Fair enough little one. But it's still going to be a hell of a show when he lays his eyes on you. I want to be up front and center when he does. Now, just please go along with my plans, it's for his pleasure as well as yours. I will not touch you inappropriately, anything I do. It's to entice the well-guarded beast simmering under the surface of that ice-cold façade." He teased.

"Surely you want to experience the reason your man is revered as a Master of his craft. You've only touched the surface of his kinks, and I believe you want to dive into the deep end of that simmering pool. Don't you? You want to feel the burn of all that ice searing across every nerve ending of your delicious little body?" His deep voice seduced my already hyperaware senses.

"There is no reason to deny it. I know it and you know it. There is no shame in that. It's not welcomed here. Now, go stand directly the middle of those two columns centerstage and get into your present position. Do not make eye contact with your Master until I tell you to. I will be right behind you little lion, and I expect you to be fierce. Hold nothing back." Nolan whispered in my ear, and my heart fluttered with anticipation like it's about to take flight right out my chest.

The whole time the man had been talking, I fought to suppress the needy little moans from bubbling out of the back of my throat in reaction to his words. The man was a walking, talking, total mind fuck. My interest was definitely peeked, and my curiosity was threatening to get the better of me. His words ignited something within me. I wanted to know what the events in my Marcus' life with this man made the him who he is today. I've only garnered bit and pieces of the story, I know Marcus' father was a catalyst in his journey, but not the entire extent of the man's involvement.

The man had been a downright unfeeling self-absorbed bastard. I picked up that perception with the fiasco his half-brother created when he'd attempted to embezzle millions from Marcus' company and attempted to ruin his reputation and that of his club. I didn't have time to dwell on it anymore. I refocused on the situation at hand when I heard Paulie's booming timbre vibrated through the microphone system as he greeted our guests. Indicting to all that the show was moments away from starting.

Quickly scurrying over to the spot where Master Nolan had indicated for me to stand. I stood up tall with my head bowed, and my spine ramrod straight. Planting my feet slightly apart. My gaze firmly locked downwards onto the shiny wooden surface of the highly polished wood floor at my feet. My right hand clasped my left wrist behind my back. I felt rather than heard Nolan when stepped up right behind me. The heat radiating off his massive frame soothed my fraying nerves.

My reprieve didn't last only, only seconds in fact. What little air I had left in my lungs exploded out of my parted lips when I noticed the riding crop he held securely in his hand in my peripheral vision. His other snaked around my waist. I couldn't take my eyes off the red and black fronds of the instrument. My skin prickled and a shivered as he ran those fronds up the length of my leg, up my thigh, and stopped over the crest of my hip bone. Heat shimmered down the length of my spine as I recalled the delicious stinging sensations those knotted tips as they made contact against my skin the last time my Master's previously used the instrument on me during one of our private playtimes.

"Eyes down pretty baby. We are about to give these people a scene to remember." Nolan whispered against the outer shell of my ear. No sooner than I complied to his softly spoken order, the heavy curtains whooshed aside and revealed us to the applauding masses. The clapping of the audience came to an abrupt halt almost at once, it was if they had rehearsed it. Marcus' sculpted, bare back was facing towards us and the sudden silence of the spectators and their slack jaw response to the picture I'm sure I made presenting myself with Master Nolan towering behind me had my Master's head snapping up. Then, he quickly spun around on his heels and his awe-inspiring body froze right there on the spot.

Peeking up through the fringe of my lashes, I couldn't help the quiver of heated anticipation that racked my entire body as I spied Marcus' implement of choice perfectly coiled up in his right hand. From the length, color, and configuration of it. I easily recognized of one of his favorite toys. I'd say it was his custom made 4-foot, 12 plait single tail whip. I've never had the pleasure of experiencing that particular tail snapping across my body, but I've watched him practice with and over the years I've silently fantasized a million times about him wielding it with skill of a Master of his magnitude on poor unsuspecting me, in a situation just like this one. (Can I just say, "insert big, cheesy ass grin right here.")

Just the thought of the burn and the multiple lines of reddened welts that wicked piece of equipment could leave behind in my unblemished skin had me almost groaning out loud. Nolan's sexily dark chuckle rumbled through that massive chest behind me. The timbre and vibrations I felt, didn't allow over excited my body calm itself in the least. I would be fulfilling one of my deepest fantasies tonight if Marcus was intent on demonstrating his mastery of handling that whip.

Long gone were the days a simple cock ring could still have the ability to shock my senses anymore. I've seen too much and I've learned so much over the years from my Dom and my friends about the different methods of play in his lifestyle, for which I'm grateful. I've found a safe place, and a good man who has always have allowed me to flourish in the life I have chosen without judgement. Tonight, I was going to take that final step in embracing my needs and the needs of my Dom, my heart and soul. I've wasted so much time and energy secretly fearing, but none the less craving so much more of the lifestyle Marcus has introduced me to, and tonight I finally going to stop letting my fears take precedence over the bliss I should be sharing with the love of my life.

The yearning in my chest blossomed to an almost compulsive need, and a tremulous little whimper of pure desire escaped my lips. Nolan bent at his knees and leaned slightly forward, still the man towered over me, almost engulfing my smaller frame completely. He brought those luscious lips right to next to the outer curve of my ear, and the Master Dom began weaving a spell of wickedly whispered, filthy words. My body heated with the pictures he was painting with that sinfully deep cadence. My knees wobbled as his large palm rubbed enticingly slow, measures circles over my butterfly riddled abdomen.

Marcus stood absolutely motionless in front of us. He hadn't uttered one single word, and the only thing on him that was moving were those intense molten mercury eyes. His glittering gaze followed every minute movement of Nolan's fingers as the digits caressed a pattern of circles over my flushed skin. I barely noticed that the crowd were all leaning forward on the edges of their seat as if waiting on baited breath for whatever it was that was going to happen next. I could feel my own respirations picking up speed, and I had to fight my own body's reactions to regain my focus. I had to find my center before I spiraled right off this stage.

The pulsing rhythm of my leaking cock, and my heart accelerated when Marcus slowly prowled closer. He looked like a fierce predator who had set his sights on its helpless prey. With each step he took, my dick grew harder and strained against the leather cup of my indecent jock. The material barely managed to contain my straining shaft. My balls quivered and a fine sheen of sweat broke across the surface of my skin. My body shivered and I found myself lightheaded when the tips of those steel toe combat boots stopped in my line of vision as O kept my gaze on the floor of my Master's feet. The very air around us shivered with anticipation, expectation, and promises of decadence this night, this very scene could bring.

Master Nolan's softly spoken command barely penetrated my lust addled brain. I could already feel the endorphins in my body rearing up to have a hell of a party. My vision darkened around the edges, but I gritted my teeth and fought to hold on and witness my reality. "Raise those pretty baby blue eyes and acknowledge your Master, baby boy."

Oh God, this was it. This has to be one of the most defining moments in my life, the life I've shared thus far with this amazing man. I was going to lift my eyes to meet those of the man fate had designed solely for me. Was I going to see his approval? Is he going to be proud of me? The acid in my stomach churned. Was I going to disappoint him? The questions ate at me, but the glide of Nolan's pinky finger along the waist band mere centimeters of the tip of my wet cock had my thighs quivering and my head spinning.

My Master raised the hand holding his whip. The tip of the handle pressed gently against my chin and he raised my head. My gaze slowly traveled up the length of his body. I knew every inch of that chiseled frame better than I knew my own. Marcus was able to generously fill out those butter soft leather pants like no one else. Everyone else paled in comparison to him in my eyes. The muscles of his prominent six pack set my mouth to watering, my fingers tingles with the need to touch and reacquaint myself with the smooth texture of his skin. I wanted to rake my fingers through the trail of hair trickling into the waistline of his pants.

His pecs flexed for me, tempting me even more into the sensual haze Master Nolan continued to paint across the canvas of already depraved thoughts. I needed, all the nerves endings in my body had turned into one finely attuned instrument, only my Master know how to play and conquer. I found myself leaning forward, unconsciously seeking to get closer to the object of all my desires. But Master Nolan's hand kept me in place and I almost resented it, until my eyes met the man who effortlessly Mastered me, the only man to Master me, and who will forever take full command of me.

My Master's Husky voice had my eyelids fluttering close as the husky silkiness reverberated all the way to my soul. "My heart, is this what you truly want? You want to publicly show the perfection of your submission to me on this stage tonight?"

As his question wove its way into my barely cognizant senses. I held my breath for a minute before forming the words necessary to answer my Master with a surety generating from the bottom of my heart. Even Master Nolan's mind-numbing caresses and his shameless words instantly stopped as if he senses that I needed all my faculties intact without distractions to answer my Dom.

"Yes Sir. I am sure. I want to publicly submit to you." I clearly stated loud and proud for all to hear my words and understand there is nothing I wouldn't do or this man.

"So be it." My Dom proudly acknowledged and the look of pride mixed with the unadulterated lust burning in those shimmering silver orbs almost brought me to my knees. My cock jerked violently against the restrictive leather surrounding it. I swore if I wasn't wearing them, I would've spurted cum all over this stage like a garden sprinkler. The picture that formed in my head of me spinning in a half circle and jerking back in the other direction while spraying the audience with cum worked wonders for easing the intensity of the moment. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep a silly little, almost hysterical giggle from escaping.

All of my amusement fled, and lust roared to life like a wildfire being fed pure oxygen when my Master snapped out the command, "restrain him." to Master Nolan before turning to pace away from me, exactly two to three feet away. I had to swallow the lump of pure anxiety threatening to choke me when I calculated that my Dominant was standing at a perfect distance to wield his weapon of choice.

He'd placed himself within perfect striking distance of me, where I'll be able to feel the force and the sting without the instrument breaking skin or drawing blood. My Marcus knew that was one of my hard limits. My dick spurted out another copious amount of pre-ejaculate into my jock strap. I was surprised my fluids were leaking down my inner thighs at this point. I felt like I was dripping like a broken faucet ever since my foot touched the bottom step of the stairs leading up to the stage.

Master Nolan wasted no time with complying with my Dom's arrogant order. He quickly and efficiently had both my wrists and ankles secured in the soft cuffs. The chains rattled as he secured the measured length to the columns. My hands were loosely held away from my sides, and my feet were spread apart. I pictured myself resembling the anatomical figure of a man illustrated in many medical anatomy and physiology publications. Of course, I was the kinky version, not completely nude, but still scantily clad wearing nothing but a leather jock strap. My pale ass cheeks on display and majority of everything else except my rigid cock for all to see.

"Perfection." Master Nolan murmured in my ear before he stepped around me and made his way over to my Master. The audience had yet to make even an utterance of sound and the avidly watched the two powerhouse clasp hands in a show of respect to each other. My balls nearly exploded as Master Nolan reached out and forcefully snagged Marcus by the throat and jerked him forward.

The muscles in Master Nolan's thick biceps rippled and flexed with the sudden movement. My balls nearly exploded as the big man turned his head and whispered something that had my Dom's sexy lips curling into a wicked smile before he nodded and heartily patted the larger man on his back. Master Nolan released him and walked to the edge of the platform and effortlessly leapt down onto the main floor below the stage.

Several sets of eyes watched the esteemed Dominant as he made a beeline for his own blushing boy. Nolan unceremoniously lifted his little love's slight body right out of his plush seat. Nolan planted his large frame into the chair and settled Scottie firmly in the cradle of his lap. The hauntingly beautiful man's slender back was plastered against the wide muscled chest behind him. Scottie's smile eclipsed the sun on the brightest day as he shyly winked at me before snuggling even further into his husband's much larger body.

A few of the men surrounding them reached down and palmed what I was sure to be painfully rigid cocks at the feast they, like myself were fortunate to have just witnessed the brief but sexy as hell show of force Nolan exerted over Marcus when he reeled him in like he weighed absolutely nothing. Like the smaller stature Dom wasn't a force to be reckoned with in his own right. The power lying just under Nolan's tattooed skin was scary yet so fucking enticing all at the same time. But for me, no one could ever compete with my soul mate, my arrogantly adorable, loving husband.

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