Love is Like a Flower (KatsuD...

By ShikiSB

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Love is like a flower. It blooms and withers away like a flower. Sometimes even in full bloom the flower star... More

Chapter. 1 The Winter Storm
Chapter 2. Unwanted Life
Chapter 3. New Employees
Chapter 4. First Date
Chapter 5. Unwanted Guests

Chapter 6. The Melting Snow

315 14 5
By ShikiSB

Third Person POV

It was January. The cafe was full of customers, and all five of the employees are in high spirits. After the Christmas party neither Izuku or Katsuki have seen Uraraka or Todoroki. The police found Uraraka a few days after the party and she was place under arrest. Izuku still has some minor panic attacks here and there, and refuses to leave the apartment alone. Right now, though, he couldn't be happier. The five of them have decided to close the cafe for the weekend, and head to a festival held at a nearby town.

Today was Friday, so they were heading for the festival this evening. Katsuki was a little worried about his little green bean. That's his nickname for the greenette, that he uses when they are alone. Izuku is embarrassed about it, and doesn't want the others to hear it.

"Deku, you feeling alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah Kacchan. I'm getting better."

Katsuki ruffles the green beans hair, before continuing the cleaning. The last of the costumers finally left, and they finished cleaning. Eijiro and Denki are jumping up and down all over the place. They are the ones who suggested the trip in the first place, and now they can't wait.

"Guys! Calm down! You might brake something!"

While Shiki tries to calm the duo down, Katsuki sits at a nearby table, looking through his phone, with Izuku sitting on his lap.

"You sure that you'r up for the trip? The attack wasn't that long ago. I can stay here with you."

"No. I already told you Kacchan, I'm fine. I can't wait for the festival, and you don't have to worry either. I promise that I'll be by your side the entire trip."

Katsuki still wasn't too sure about this, but he knew that Izuku was persistent when he decides something, and there's no way he can change his mind. He gives in, but has no intentions of letting the greenette to leave his sight on the trip.

After closing the cafe, the five friends go their separate ways, and plan to meet up at the train station. Ones Shiki and Izuku make it home they start to pack. They make sure that they have everything packed, and ones that's done they look at the clock.

"We still have about an hour before we have to leave. Wanna watch something?", Shiki asks.

Izuku thinks for a minute, before answering: "No. I think I'm going for a walk."

"You sure. I can come with you."

"No. I want to go by myself. I have to try and get over my fear."

"Alright, but you call or text me if anything happens."

Izuku agrees and heads out.

Izuku POV

I walk around our neighborhood and then decide to head to a nearby store. Inside the store I have the feeling of someone watching me. I try to ignore it, thinking that it just my imagination. I buy something to eat while heading back. When I walk outside the feeling of being watched doesn't leave me. I walk for a few minutes, then hear someone walking behind me. Now I really now that the feeling isn't my imagination. I start running and took my phone out, but then the person starts running at me.

I take off running down the road, while calling Shiki.

"Izu? Something wrong?"

"Shi-chan! Someone is chasing me! I don't now what to do!"

"What!? Just run back to the apartment! I'm heading out now! Don't look back and just keep running! I'm going to meet you on the way back!"

Shiki then ends the call. I follow his plan and just keep running. I was about half way from the apartment, when my pursuer catches up to me. They grab my by the arm and throw me down an alley. I quickly get back on my feet and turn to face my attacker. Even whit a hood on I recognize the person as Todoroki. My panic rises when I see that he's carrying a knife.

Before I can say anything, he attacks. I raise my arms up to shield myself. I get some cuts on my arms, before he grabs my arm again and throws me at the wall. He places one of his hands on my neck, and whit the other stabs me on my abdomen. I scream in pain. Before he can stab me again, someone pulls him off me. I slid down the wall, while holding my wound.

Shiki POV

Just after Izuku's call for hep

I run out the apartment at full speed. Izu didn't tell me where he was, but I was sure that he went to the local store. He usually goes there when he's out for a walk. I run down the road when I call Katsuki. Luckily he wasn't far, as he was out for a walk as well. We soon meet up, and continue running to the store. Half way there we hear Izu screaming.

"It came from that  alley! Come on!"

The alley was quite dark, but you could still see if someone was there. We quickly see Izu pressed against the wall by someone. Katsuki is the first one to run at them. He pulls Izu's attacker off him and slams him to the opposite wall. I make a run for Izu, who by now was on the ground holding his stomach. I can see blood tripping from the wound that he has. I kneel down next to him and place my hands over his, applying more pressure on the wound.

"It's alright Izu. Just take calm breaths. Everything is fine."

While trying to keep Izu calm, I turn my head to look how Katsuki is doing. He has managed to pull the attackers hood down, and both of our eyes widen in shock when we see that it's Todoroki. After some more struggling Katsuki finally makes Todoroki drop the knife. Without a weapon, he takes off to the opposite end of the alley.

"Get back here, you bastard!"

Katsuki tries to run after him, but a shout back at him: "Katsuki, get back here! We don't have time to run after him! I need you to call for an ambulance, and then the police!"

I can here him cursing, but runs back and calls for help.

Katsuki POV

Fuck! I can't believe that bastard tried to kill Deku! He's lucky that Shiki was there to call me back. After calling the ambulance and the police, I held Deku in my arms, while Shiki keeps pressing on the wound. Soon we can call the ambulance.

"Hear that Deku? We'll soon get you to a hospital. Just hold on a little longer."

"I'll.. try... Kacchan."

His voice is so weak and quite. God dammit! Where the hell is that ambulance?! Then the ambulance stops right in front of the alley, and the paramedics run to us. When they get Deku on the ambulance, the police arrive. They wanted us to hive them our statements, but the paramedics needed one of us to come with them to the hospital. Shiki told me to get on the ambulance.

"Izu will want you to be there when he wakes up. I'll stay here and tell the police what happened. I'll meet you at the hospital."

I just give him a quick nod and climb to the back of the ambulance. I hold Deku's hand and talk to him. He tries to stay awake, but soon his blood loss takes it toll, and falls asleep. The paramedic with me at the back tell the driver to  drive faster.

"Hold on Deku. Just hold on."

Time Skip

Deku has been in the operating room for 20 minutes. Shiki arrived about 10 minutes ago and Shitty hair and Dunce face have yet to arrive. I called them as soon as Deku was taken to the operation room, but they must have been caught in traffic, or something. After a couple more minutes the two idiots finally arrive.

"Katsuki! Shiki! What happened?! You only told us to get here as soon as possible!"

After calming them down, we explain how Deku went for a walk, how Todoroki attacked him, his SOS for Shiki, and the rest of it. After the explanation we waited for another 10 minutes, before a nurse came through the door.

"Good news. The surgery was a success. His wounds weren't as bad as we first thought. If you would follow me."

We follow the nurse, and ended up in front of a door.

"He's awake, but he's very weak. He should meet only one person today. We'll see tomorrow if he's in a better shape to meet more people."

"Can the person stay the night with him?", I asks the nurse.

"Normally no, but because this was a stressful situation I think it would be for the better if someone stays with him."

I turn to the rest, only to for them to stare back at me.


"Well, we all think that it would be best if you stay with Izu, Katsuki. With you he feels safe. We'll come by tomorrow, but you better stay the night."

Before I can say anything, they leave with the nurse. I'm left in front if Deku's door, alone. I take a few deep breaths before walking in. Deku was sleeping on the bed. I take a chair and place it next to his bed. I take his hand in mine, and give it a tiny squeeze.

"I'm so sorry Deku. I should have been there. If I was this would never have happened."

I can feel tears fall down my cheeks, but make no attempt to wipe them away. I close my eyes, but soon feel a small hand on my cheek, wiping my tears away. When I open my eyes, green eyes stare into my red ones.

"Why are you crying Kacchan?"

"I just thought that I lost you. I'm so sorry Deku. I should have been there with you! If I was, this..."

Deku shushes me, and pulls me into a hug. We hug for a few minutes. Ones we let go Deku falls back asleep. I keep holding his hand, and lay my head on the bed. Soon I too fall sleep.

Third Person POV¨

Izuku was in the hospital for a couple of weeks. After his release, they had a party at the cafe. Many who came wore longtime customers. They all came with gifts for him, but the bast gift Izuku was given was from Katsuki. He showed it to him after the party, along with Shiki. It was a house that Katsuki had bought for the two of them. The greennette burst into tears, and hugged Katsuki as tight as he could. He then turned to Shiki, who told him that he found a smaller apartment close by, so he could come over more easily.

Months after the attack Izuku still couldn't walk anywhere alone, or stay at the house alone. He didn't get panic attacks, but alone he would shut down, and lock himself in some random room. Only Katsuki or Shiki would be able to get him out, but with help from his friends, Izuku was able to get over the incident.

Todoroki was caught at his house a few days after the attack. He was arrested while packing. He was sentenced for live in prison for his crimes.

A year and a half after the attack, Katsuki took Izuku back to the hill where they started their relationship. It was a similar night, with a full moon and no clouds. After talking and sharing couple of kisses, Katsuki stepped away from Izuku. He kneels on one knee in front of the greenette, and takes out a small box. Izuku gasps in shock when he sees the beautiful diamond ring. Then Kastuki asks the question.

"Izuku Midoriya, will you marry me?"

Izuku gives the only logical answer back.

"Yes! Of course, you idiot!"

They shared one passionate kiss, and hold each other for the rest of the night.

The ceremony is a small one. Only some friends, costumers, and their parents attend it. It's held at Kaneshon Valley, the cafe that brought the two of them together, and will always have a special place in their hearts.

The End


There! My first Wattpad story has come to an end. Sorry that the last part of this story took sometime to get out. I was busy with school, and with other stories. I hope you liked this KatsuDeku story.

The next book will Be a KatsuDeku One Shot book. I'm not sure when it will be out, but it shouldn't take more than a month or two. I would like to get it out sooner, but school takes priority.

Hope you have a pleasant 2019. Bye!

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