shopping. ||jack avery

By whore4cleor

173 5 3

Celia is ex- bestfriends with Jonah. this girl that absolutely hated Celia started dating Jonah to drive Celi... More



29 2 1
By whore4cleor

jack avery wasn't the type of person to get angry easily, but if two of his band members were acting out, he believed it would be best to be sent to the crazy house, that's what zach called it. if the boys will not stop.

between Zach, just having one of those days were he wants attention, and Daniel being pissed that he cant get his hair the way he wants it, they both were just complaining to jack, because jack was the only one to go to, Corbyn was off hiding in his room, playing league of legends, and Jonah off doing god know what.

by the time Zach was complaining he was hungry, and Daniel still being pissed saying, he didn't care what they ate he just didn't want people to look at him, jack was convince that he should just chain the two boys to their bed and just yell at the to 'go to sleep and starve'

jack just needed, time to relax, time to himself. so with both members acting like complete children jack ordered pizza, waited for it to come, then once it arrived he payed the guy, then threw the pizza at the two children on the couch, watching Teletubbies. he told them to behave and Jonah will be home shortly. sending the third  '911' text to Jonah, this week, jack was off to the mall. going to hot topic was his one happy quiet place away from the boys.

celia, postponing her shopping trip to that day was the best decision on her life, she was happy that she fell asleep early and got some sleep, but the rest of the day was her total hell. so when it was around 3, she rushed out of the little library, begging her new best friend/ employee to lock up for the day when all the costumers left.

celia was now in her little old car she had  sense she first passed her drivers license, which was in sophomore year. celia was in need of a new car, but she was also in need of a relaxing day, fighting the breakdown that was threatening to break lose, celia made her was to the mall.

jack making him self comfortable, he went to Wetzel pretzel, to get two pretzels, telling himself he earned it for not kills Daniel or Zach yet, and he ordered a little slushy, making his way to hot topic with one pretzel in hand and the slushy in the other, and then his other pretzel locked away in his over chest bag, he made his way to hot topic just walking around looking at the clothes

celia, just wanting something sweet she made her was to the little cookie stand in the mall. looking at the little sign that says 20 mini cookies for 10 dollars, Celia's eyes light up with joy, she asked for the deal, getting half chocolate chip the other half  macadamia cookies. the girl made her way to her favorite store hot topic.

jacks eyes looked up seeing a beautiful girl walking into the store with a cookie bag in her hand, jack couldn't help but feel embarrass, he was a stressed out man, he is not a boy he claimed, in hot topic with a half eaten pretzel an a slushy in hand, he turned around so she wouldn't see him and hide behind a wall, looking at the shirts and trying his best to eat his pretzel fast with out looking like a pig

celia was on the other side of the store looking at some of the stranger things merch, and jack was glad she didn't see him yet, crumbling up his trash from his pretzel he put it in his over chest bag, feeling better know with only a drink in is hand, he continued to walk around the store

"hey, your jack avery from why dont we huh?" celia asked trying not to lose her cool, jack smiled at the girl not only was she beautiful, but she new who he was

"yeah, are you a fan" he asked happily, all the stress and anger from the boys were completely gone

"I guess you can say that, Jonah is my ex-best friend" she said slowly, walking closer to the boy -sorry, 'man'

"really whats your name" jack asked hopping the girl wasn't lying

"celia, we were literally born into a friend ship" the women said, a smile placed on her face now, that was the first time she smiled in front of jack, and know jack was obsessed with it, that smile never leaving his mind

"when we first got together for the band, he would talk about how he has the best friend home, and how he messed up" jack said, the two were know walking around the store together, stopping if one stopped to look at a piece of merch.

"really, things were really complicated when we, you know stopped  talking and hanging out with each other" she said looking at a shirt

"what happened, between you to, if you dont mind me asking" to boy looked at the girl studying her face, her nose was curved, she had black hair, her outfit was edgy , much like jack, it looked like they had the same style, while stopping and looking at shirts, she picked up shirts that jack would usually stop and look at

"not at all, to keep it short, I was rivals with this girl jade, I forgot how it started but it was their, she had all the boys in her trap, dating then then cheating on them, I tried warning Jonah about her but it was to late, he was in to deep, for no reason jade just wanted me gone and away from Jonah, so when they started dating, she would always pick fights with me, I got tired of it and just stopped talking to Jonah, but it was kind of hard because our mothers are best friends since elementary school, so they were over at our house twenty-four-seven, then he moved to la  and is know a big pop star with you guys, and a little while ago I moved here, and a couple of days ago I opened up my own library, Jonah stumbled across it some how, but we made up and know we are just trying to get over the pass, and go back to being bestfriend before jade" celia said to the curly haired boy, it was a lot to take in for jack, it was evil of jade to do, if they were still best friends, celia might have moved in with the boys, celia and jack would have been friends and maybe much more

"she sounds evil, I mean I didn't know this side of the story, but I knew she cheated on Jonah" jack spoke

"yeah, I just dont understand why she wanted to get rid of me, why did she want me away for Jonah if she was just going to break his heart" celia asked

"perhaps, she was jealous she didn't have a friendship like you and Jonah had, she didn't have a shoulder to cry on or someone she can trust, like you and Jonah" jack spoke his words hitting the girl

"I never though about it like that" celia spoke, turning her head to a shirt with jacks face on it

"hey, isn't that your guys shirt" celia spoke, walking up to a new shirt

"yeah, holy shit, sorry, this is so cool" jack says grabbing the shirt from the girls hands

"lets take a video, I'm going put 8 letters on and you act like its a party, and dance with the shirt" jack says taking his phone out, celia laughed and waited for the flash on his phone to come one, the girl started acting foolish doing stupid dance moves as, jack zoomed in and out. She was to caught up with the stupid dances she didn't notice his flash go off and go back on . He took an other video of just the  shirt moving in and out only getting the girls laugh before the video stopped. posting that video and keep the other video of the girl dancing to himself, and only posting that video of the shirt so Jonah would not ask, how jack knows celia

he may have just meet the girl, but jack wanted to keep her to himself, he didn't want to tell the boys, because then he would have to let the boys now her, he just wanted her to himself. something the boys didn't have, minus jonah.

"hey lets go pay for our clothes and get something to eat and the food court" jack said to the girl, who happily nodded her head, not wanting to turn down the offer she had just got.

celia picked out her size for the why dont we shirt, and they walked to the cash register to pay, jack smiled as he waited for the girl, seeing that she had gotten their shirt, that smiles couldn't leave his face, it was also the fact that he had asked the girl to go with him to eat, and she said yes.

as they walk out the store they both picked to eat at panda, jack sneaking around and paid for both of their food, it turn into a little argument as they both sat down talking and eating, it was only a matter of time were they said their good byes , after they exchanged number.

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