Marriage Law

By harrypotter987

104K 2.8K 279

this story is about hermione granger had to get married to severus snape he has other lovers that are not hap... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 22 Breaking in the marriage bed

Marriage Law

9.1K 149 14
By harrypotter987



Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to JKR. All situations are mine. No $$$ is being made from this fanfic.


Chapter 1 ~ An Unwanted Engagement

The Marriage Law had to be the stupidest idea the Ministry had come out with in many a year. Professor Snape was not thrilled when Albus cornered him and informed him he would have to make yet another sacrifice for the greater good and marry Hermione Granger to keep her out of the Dark Lord’s clutches. She was still seventeen, but her eighteenth birthday was fast coming up and every single petition for her hand was made by known deatheaters.

“But Albus, for all intents and purposes I am a deatheater too, so my marrying Miss Granger won’t afford her any more protection than if she were to marry a loyal deatheater,” Severus said, frowning at the Headmaster.

“Not so, Severus. Since you work for me, the Dark Lord will find it best that she be left alone in order to keep your cover. He knows if anything happens to Miss Granger, you will become suspect. As much as he would like to get his hands on her, your place at Hogwarts is much more important,” the Headmaster said.

The Potions Master scowled. He did not want to do this, but knew arguing with the Headmaster would get him nowhere. Once Albus had a plan in mind, it was cemented in place.

“Of course this is meant to be a marriage in name only, Albus, correct?” Severus asked. He had no interest in bedding little Miss Know-It-All. He already had several women who visited him regularly, all of whom would not be pleased with this development.

“Yes, Severus,” Albus replied, “If that’s the way you and Miss Granger want it.” The Headmaster’s eyes twinkled merrily. Severus didn’t like that twinkle at all.

“Of course, she will have to stay in your domicile, Severus. I will add several rooms so you can live in comfort and relative privacy from each other. Another bedroom, bathroom and small kitchen for Miss Gra…I mean Mrs. Snape,” Albus said.

“A kitchen?” Severus said, frowning. Even he didn’t have a kitchen. He had to count on meals prepared by house elves. He was quite a good cook. Hmm. Well, since she was going to use his name, he was going to use her kitchen. At least that was one small benefit.

“Yes, Miss Granger likes to cook. I feel it might make the transition easier,” the Headmaster said, drumming his fingers on his desk. He looked at the Potions Master. “I don’t believe you will have to stay married to Miss Granger for long, Severus. Already protests are happening all over the wizarding world. The Ministry has gone too far. The Marriage Law will be overturned shortly, then the marriages can be dissolved if both parties agree.”

“I guarantee you, Headmaster, Miss Granger and I will be the first couple on the Ministry steps when that day comes,” Severus replied.

Albus raised his eyebrows.

“As you say, Severus,” the Headmaster responded, a slight smirk on his face.

“How does Miss Granger feel about the upcoming nuptials?” the Potions Master asked.

“Er…well…I don’t rightly know, Severus. I haven’t told her yet,” Albus admitted, playing with the sleeve of his robe.

“You haven’t told her yet?” Severus said, looking at the Headmaster incredulously. “Gods, Albus…you are making all these plans for her and the girl doesn’t know?”

“She doesn’t really have a choice, Severus,” Albus said, “She is required by law to accept a petition. You are the only option.”

Severus pinched his nose. Miss Granger was not going to take this well.

“As her husband, I have a right to beat her, don’t I?” Severus asked.

The Headmaster scowled at him. Severus smirked.

“You can discipline her within reason, Severus. Remember, Miss Granger is not one of your…paramours. Very likely she won’t welcome physical punishment,” the Headmaster said, his eyes narrowed. “I think it best if you two just live as separate lives as possible. Just tell her your rules. She is a smart girl. There should be no reason for you to put your hands on her, Severus. Hopefully this situation will not last long.”

Severus rose from his chair.

“Very well, Headmaster. When will we be tying the proverbial knot?” the Potions Master asked.

“Saturday afternoon,” the Headmaster replied.

Damn. Catherine was coming over Saturday night to spend some quality time with him. He hoped she wouldn’t take his marriage to Hermione too badly. No one could give head like that witch. He’d hate to lose her talents just because of a little thing like a wife. He sighed.

“Couldn’t we do it Sunday?” the Professor asked.

“No,” Albus said firmly.

“Very well,” Severus said, heading for the floo.

“Thank you for not fighting me on this, Severus,” the Headmaster said. The Potions Master turned to look at him, his black eyes glittering.

“Albus, I could have raged about this the entire time I was in your presence, and the outcome would have been the same. The fact is, you have me at a disadvantage, and have since I first agreed to serve the Order. I know my duty, sir. Whether or not I like it is of no consequence. So there is no need to thank me. My whole life is lived under duress.”

With his trademark billow of robes, the Potions Master stepped through the floo and into his private rooms. He immediately walked over to his liquor cabinet and poured himself a stiff drink. Sipping it, he walked around his study musingly, trying to imagine the changes that would be made to it to accommodate his bride. He realized that her rooms would have to be hidden, because certainly Lucius Malfoy would be coming to pay him a visit to see how married life is treating him, and to carry word back to the Dark Lord. They would have to appear to be happy newlyweds. Severus shuddered. Knowing Malfoy, he’d try to get a little piece of the Gryffindor himself, since he was a ‘brother”. He could easily back him off because of Dumbledore. But this was still more trouble than it was worth. He hoped Miss Granger appreciated what he was doing for her.


”What? Professor Snape? Oh, my gods, Headmaster…isn’t there anyone else? Lupin? Even Flitwick?” Hermione asked, horrified.

“Lupin’s pureblood, but a werewolf, so that cuts him off. Flitwick is already married. Besides, neither could offer you the protection Severus can, Miss Granger. I am afraid you will have to marry him,” Albus said.

Hermione dropped her head in her hand for a moment. Professor Snape for a husband. Then her head snapped up.

“Headmaster, I wouldn’t have to…” she started to ask him.

“No, my dear. You don’t have to consummate the marriage, although the Ministry expects you to bear a child within three years of the nuptials. Most likely, the Marriage Law will be repealed by then. So you don’t have to worry about that unless you and Severus are married more than two years. Which I highly doubt,” Albus said kindly.

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t imagine letting the Professor fuck her. He was such a cold, unfeeling man. Sex with him would probably be equally as cold and unfeeling. He’d probably need to beat her first or something to warm up. She shuddered.

“Would I be able to have my friends come visit me?” she asked the Headmaster.

Albus looked at her evenly.

“You will have to discuss that with Severus. He is not very social, Hermione, but you will have your own rooms. I suppose I could add a small sitting room for visitors,” Albus mused.

“Can I have my own private entrance? That would make it easier. He might not complain if they didn’t have to enter through his office and study,” Hermione stated. Albus looked thoughtful.

“Yes, that is a good idea, Miss Granger. Out of sight, out of mind,” the Headmaster said. “And if you should become too lonely, you could always visit Gryffindor Tower. Your life doesn’t have to stop because you are Mrs. Snape,” Albus said, thinking that Severus had no intention on stopping his life because of his marriage. The Headmaster looked at Hermione and decided he had better let her know about the Professor’s women.

“Miss Granger, you realize that this is a marriage of convenience only,” he said to her.

“Yes, Headmaster,” Hermione replied.

“So neither you or Severus are required to be ‘true’ to each other. Which means you can see anyone you wish on a personal level without repercussions,” the Headmaster said. “Severus has several women he associates with, and has made it clear he does not intend to stop seeing them because of his marriage to you. I hope this doesn’t cause you any distress.”

“Why should it?” Hermione asked him. If the Professor had other women to screw, then she would feel a whole lot safer being in the rooms with him. Though she was rather surprised. She didn’t imagine the snarky Potions Master even had a sex life. Most of the students believed he was so mean because he hadn’t been laid in years. Several women? Obviously, he had quite an active sex life. Now Hermione was curious. She’d like to see what kind of women the Professor liked to bed. This promised to be interesting.

“I’m glad the Professor has something other than ruining students’ lives to occupy his time,” Hermione said.

The Headmaster chuckled.

“Well, the wedding will occur on Saturday afternoon, here in my office. You can invite four guests. I’ve already begun construction of your rooms in the dungeons. Is there anything you need or want to know?” he asked.

Hermione shook her head. “Nothing I can think of, Headmaster. If I do have any other questions, I will get back to you,” she said, rising from her chair.

Albus rose also.

“Very well my dear. I am glad you are mature enough to understand why things must be the way they must be,” he said.

“Yes sir. The Professor is the lesser of a number of evils, I suppose, though not much less,” Hermione replied.

Albus walked out from behind his desk, and escorted her to the door.

“You might find out he’s really not that bad,” the Headmaster said, smiling down at her.

Hermione snorted.

“I’ll probably find out he’s worse than I ever imagined,” she responded. “Goodbye, Headmaster.”

“Goodbye, Miss Granger,” he said.

He watched as she took the spiral staircase down to the corridor, his blue eyes twinkling.


Hermione didn’t show it, but her calm conversation with the Headmaster had taken on a surreal quality. She felt as if she were in some kind of dream as she walked through the corridors. She came to the shifting stairwells and was about to walk down the closest one when she saw a black-robed figure ascending the stairwell coming toward the ledge she was on. Oh, gods. Not yet. She wasn’t ready to see him yet. But it seemed fate had other plans.

Severus Snape walked up the stairwell, his black eyes somber as he looked upon the small, Gryffindor witch standing on the landing, clasping her hands together nervously. She had never seemed so young. Yet, as he drew closer, the Potions Master could see that physically, she wasn’t as young as she appeared. Her curves beneath her robes were definitely womanly. Funny he had never noticed that before.

He stepped off the stairwell and looked down at her imperiously.

“Miss Granger,” he said, nodding his head at her curtly.

“Professor,” Hermione replied, a little quaver in her voice as she looked up at him. She hadn’t realized how tall the Professor was before. She barely reached his throat.

“I suppose Albus has told you of our upcoming nuptials,” the Potions Master said, watching her closely for her reaction.

“Yes sir,” Hermione replied, “I suppose I should thank you for helping me.”

He looked at her.

“No thanks are necessary, Miss Granger, because it is not my doing or my idea. To be honest, I would rather not marry you. I would rather not have my privacy infringed on. I would rather not have to explain to my lovers what a little virgin is doing sleeping in my rooms mere meters from my own bedroom,” he said, his black eyes hard.

Hermione scowled at him. This wasn’t her ideal situation either. And she hated the way he was talking down to her, like she didn’t know anything about anything.

“How do you know that I’m a virgin? You don’t know anything about me other than I’m your student, Professor. For all you know I have a rather active love life myself, and might have some explaining to do as well,” she said haughtily.

The Professor looked at her, amused. An active love life? He almost burst out laughing at the idea.

“More like an active imagination, Miss Granger,” he replied silkily.

Hermione turned red with rage. The Potions Master grinned inwardly. She was a little spitfire, that was for sure.

“You’ll see how active an imagination I have when I move into my rooms,” she seethed. “You won’t be the only one with visitors.”

“Yes, I’m sure Potter and Weasley will count among your many paramours,” Severus said, goading her.

“Harry and Ron are not the only men in my life,” Hermione said, scowling at him. Actually, they pretty much were. But if she had to add a few wizards, she would…just to spite him.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it,” he replied coolly, beginning to walk away. “Just remember, I will not allow you to disturb the peace of my domain too much, Miss Granger. You may be my wife legally, but you will be a guest in my rooms until such time as we can dissolve this mockery of a marriage, and you will conduct yourself as such.”

The Potions Master scowled at her a moment as if daring her to respond. When she didn’t, he reached in his robes pocket and took something out of it.

“Here, take this and put it on,” he said, passing the object in his hand to her. Hermione looked at it. It was a ring. A very nice ring, a small diamond in a platinum setting.

“And don’t lose it. I’ll be expecting it back when this is all over,” the Potions Master said, watching as she slipped it on her small finger. It was a perfect fit. Hermione looked at it, then up at the dark wizard. Now her situation was all too real.

“We are officially engaged. Now go celebrate with your friends,” he said smirking. He knew that celebration would have all the joy of a wake.

Then, without another word Severus turned, glided up the hall and out of sight.

Hermione was furious.

“Not disturb the peace of his domain, eh? Well, we’ll see about that,” she growled to herself, heading for Gryffindor Tower. She had to break the news to Harry and Ron about her impending marriage.

She wasn’t looking forward to that at all.

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