Give Me Love - A One Directio...

By allourmemories

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Amanda is a troubled girl with no direction in her life. When she found out that her best friend was cheating... More

Chapter 1 - I Wanna Be Drunk When I Wake Up
Chapter 2 - Burnt Lungs, Sour Taste
Chapter 4 - Replace It With The Elephant In The Room
Chapter 5 - I'm Falling For Your Eyes
Chapter 6 - If I Fall For You, Would You Fall Too?
Chapter 7 - Sew Your Heart To My Sleeve
Chapter 8 - She's Like Cold Coffee in the Morning
Chapter 9 - We're Resembling Cutlery
Chapter 10 - I Hold You Tight, Tight Enough to Know, That You Are Mine
Chapter 11 - I'll Hold You Tightly, And Give You Nothing But Truth
Chapter 12 - Your Mind Is My New Best Friend
Chapter 13 - Strange As It Seems, She's Endless To Me
Chapter 14 - When I Feel Cold you Keep Me Warm
Chapter 15 - Then We'll Crash, Crash, Right Down Again
Chapter 16 - And You're Miles Away and Yesterday You Were Here With Me
Chapter 17 - I Was Told to Put My Job in Front of You

Chapter 3 - Take This Bird In, With It's Broken Leg

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By allourmemories


Amanda's Perspective

I made my way out into the master bedroom and found Zayn laying quietly on the bed with his arm across his face. I got the feeling that he didn't want me there, and I came to realize that I was not a stranger to this feeling. "Um, Zayn?" I mumbled loud enough so that he could hear me. His head shot up and he took in my appearance. I had put my dress on from last night and consciously tugged the hem down, angry at myself for picking such a skimpy dress. "Do you want some tracks or anything?" he offered when he saw me fiddling with my dress. "Um, yes, that would be great." He went over to a draw and pulled out pink sweats and a white tee. "Why do you-?" I began but he silenced me with a hand. "Don't judge, I have three sisters." he replied, throwing me the clothes. I thanked him and went to get changed, instantly feeling better in the comfortable clothes.

I wandered into the lounge room and found Zayn packing my stuff in a backpack. "What are you doing?" I asked him suspiciously, taking my stuff from his hands. "I'm packing your things, what does it look like?" he snapped. I dropped the bag in shock and dropped onto the couch. "No, don't get upset. It's just that I think you should make your way home. I'm a busy guy, I have things to do." he hurried. I looked up at him with teary eyes and gave him a half smile. He took a double take at my tears and stared wide eyed.

"You're crying? Geez, you're lucky I let you stay the night!" he yelled, throwing the bag at me. I caught it in my lap and looked at him angrily. "No! I'm NOT crying because you're kicking me out." I screamed back. "I'm CRYING because I don't have anywhere TO go!" I sobbed into a pillow as my shoulders shook. "What do you mean, you don't have anywhere to go? Where have you been living?" he ordered, pulling the pillow away from my face. "With my boyf- I mean EX-boyfriend. I can't go back there since I caught him screwing my best friend last night." I quietly explained, hugging the bag tightly. I looked up at his gorgeous hazel eyes and was met with sympathy. "I-I didn't know." he stammered. I gave him a small smile. "I can go, if you like. I'll fine somewhere to stay for a bit, get myself sorted." I offered. "No, it's okay, you can stay here for a while so you can get back on your feet."

Suddenly "Stand Up" started blaring from the backpack and I face palmed, instantly embarrassed. "So you DO know who I am?" he asked with a small smirk. I blushed and fished for my phone. I stared at the screen and decided to push the end button. It was better to be safe than sorry. "Who was that?" Zayn asked, furrowing his brow. "My ex." I managed, throwing my phone back into the bag. I sighed and stood up, Zayn following suit. "I could take you to your place to grab a few stuff if you like..." he trailed off. I gave him a weak smile. His sudden transformation baffled me. From what I could remember from last night, all he wanted was to get in my pants and now here he was, shy and kind, offering for me to stay at his place. "I would love that." I finally replied with a nervous grin.

As we made our way out I had a sudden second thought. "If he's there, I don't want to go in." I informed him, looking down at my hands. "We'll see." Was all he said as we headed off. When we did get to the apartment, I noticed that Dan's car was outside. I panicked and clutched the seat as we came to a stop. "It's okay babe, I'll take care of it." he reassured me, getting out of the car before opening my own door. We slowly made our way to my front door and Zayn rapped on it.

Krystal, my ex-best friend, answered the door in noting but underwear and a mans t-shirt. "Hey Amanda." she said in a threatening tone. I went to turn and leave but Zayn grabbed my arm firmly and addressed Krystal. "We're just here to pick up a few things for Amanda. Is that okay with you?" he asked sternly. I pushed a stray hair behind my ear and stared at the ground, with Zayn still holding onto my arm. As soon as Krystal noticed who I was with she stared at me with huge eyes. "Um-er-yes, come on in." she stammered, stepping back and letting us in. Zayn gently led me in and Krystal informed us that Dan wasn't home. I felt slightly relieved but still nervous around her in her barely-there clothes. The slut. She didn't even seem sorry about what she had done. "Amanda, let's go to your room to get your things." Zayn whispered in my ear. I led him to the room that I shared with Dan and sat on the bed, feeling out of place in my old room. Zayn went over and packed some stuff into my bag and before long, we were heading out a without as much as a wave at Krystal.

We got back into the car and drove back to Zayn's place. I started wondering why he was doing this for me and why he insisted that I stay when he could do much better than a broken girl. "Zayn, why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him quietly, fiddling with my nail beds. He quickly glanced over at me and gave me a small smirk. "'Cause I can't see a pretty girl like you living out on the streets." he replied matter-of-factly. "Oh." I looked out onto the road. "Thanks, I guess." I mumbled.

It was so weird to say but I felt safe around him, even though I had only known him for a day. There was something there. Something that I would come out of my dark hole to inspect a bit further. Something that shone brightly and made me giddy inside.

Zayn's Perspective

I found it funny to think that, just last night, I was only going after Amanda because of her looks where now I liked her for different reasons. Her cute half smile, the way she pushed her hair behind her ear even the way she bit her lip. She was so cute and ugh! Wait, what? Did I just at that I liked her? And that she was cute? No. I couldn't like her. I wasn't looking for a relationship, I didn't need one right now.

I looked over at her and saw that she was crying. I hesitantly leant over to her and placed my hand on her knee, slowly rubbing it so she knew I was trying to sooth her. She looked up at me with her big green eyes and smiled weakly. "I'm fine, don't worry." she murmured. "Just watch the road." she gestured to my driving and I quickly looked back to the road before me.

We returned to my house and let ourselves in with her big bag. I dumped it on my bed and cleared out a few draws for her clothes. "You don't have to do that." she exclaimed, trying to stop me. I only continued to clear. "It's fine babe, don't sweat it." I packed her stuff away as she silently sat on my bed. I then went over to her and sat next to her. I looked at her hunched figure and sullen face. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into me. "Do you know what I think would make you really happy right now?" I asked her. She giggled and looked up at me. "What would that be?" she asked.

I was about to answer her but I lost my train of thought. Being this close to her made my heart flutter and I had the urge to kiss her. And even though we had made out the night before, I got the feeling that, for some reason, this would be out first...if she wanted to. Without thinking, I leant in so that our lips were just a breath apart. I looked up into her eyes and saw that they were were already half closed. I could feel her warm breath tickling my lips and I couldn't help but smile. I leant in the rest of the way and...

Amanda's Perspective

As I saw Zayn leaning in, I didnt hesitate to close my eyes but I pulled away at the last minute, realizing that I didn't want it. I looked up at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. "No Zayn. It's not that I didn't want to kiss you. It's just that I don't want to kiss you like THIS." I gestured at me, my mascara-stained cheeks and my baggy clothes. "I understand, babe." was all he said, running his thumb across my cheek. I smiled weakly and looked away.

"So um, what did you think would make me happy?" I asked him, trying to change the subject. He looked at me cheekily and pulled me up. "We can watch a horror movie." he stated. "Oh no, I hate scary movies, I can't sleep for days!" I exclaimed, shaking my head vigorously. "That's the whole point!" he only countered, pulling me into the lounge room. "Come on, I promise you'll like it." he winked and put a DVD in the player. "PARANORMAL ACTIVITY!" I yelped, abruptly standing. "Don't worry babe, it's all cool." he grinned, pulling me onto the couch and pressing play. "You ready?" he murmered, pulling me close. I could practically feel his smile in the dark. "No." I replied with a giggle. "Too bad." Was all he said.

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