
By bellejewles

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A Potter, a Granger-Weasley, and a Malfoy. Three unlikely friends that somehow made there way through all the... More



439 8 1
By bellejewles


Breakfast was a silent affair the next day. The sky was still cloudy and the snow was still melting. Owls swooped in, dropping notes and parcels at their receivers. Scorpius wasn't sent his usual bag of sweets. Albus made to ask why but pushed himself back as he somehow knew the answer. Scorpius didn't exactly look disgruntled about this and more disturbed by Polly. She was looking unusually happy today. Her shrill laughter rang throughout the long table, and she sat a good far distance away from them. Albus noticed him keep shooting furtive glances as Rose, who had her back on them and was talking to her friend Olivia Wood, whom she described to be temperamental oftentimes. Rose then made her usual visits at the Slytherin table just to greet Albus and Scorpius 'good mornings' and plopping in the bench between them. "Good Morning!" She said brightly. Albus and Scorpius looked at her as though they were attending a funeral and she was being buried. She shook her hands hysterically at their faces. "Wake up! What have you been doing last night?" She snapped at them, and they immediately jerked up. "Sorry, Rose." Albus said warily as he took a piece of toast. "Just worried about you." Scorpius blurted out offhandedly. This took Rose time to figure out and once she does, she scoffs. "Chapman!? Oh come on, guys. I'm not afraid of her, come hell or high water." She said confidently. "Told you not to say that word—"
"—Oh Scorpy, you are such a dork!" She said. But even as she said this in the confident voice of hers, Albus couldn't help noticing her cheeks growing slightly red. "It's Scorpy now, is it? Can I call you 'Rosie' then?" He asked her, wriggling his brows. Rose gave him a hard smack across the arms. "Only I can call you that. I and I alone. And no. You can't call me Rosie." She said in a tone of finality. "Oh that's great!" Scorpius said sarcastically, tickling Rose in the ribcage. She gave a high laugh. "Haven't given you permission to do that, haven't I, Scorpy?" She asked fake sweetly, batting her lashes. Scorpius blushed at this but recovered quickly. "Not fair! You don't even take any from me." He said, repeating the actions, and the two of them had a tickle match, both ending in fits of laughter.

Albus watched them. He was pleased that Scorpius and Rose were getting along. He couldn't stand their constant bickering and had learned to put up with it in the past year. He was glad the fighting slowly dissipated, and marveled at the sight of his two bestfriends having fun. But somehow it made him feel slightly lonely. He hadn't had time to ponder over it though. After another round of tickle bombs, they were interrupted by a high-voiced cough. The three of them looked up, Rose and Scorpius looking very red from laughing (or so you think). Polly Chapman was standing, her cronies standing behind her, sniggering while Chapman smiled sweetly. Somehow the smile didn't make her any more prettier than she already was not. "Hello 'Scorpy'. Hello 'Rosie'." She said in her same shrill voice. Scorpius looked ready to fight, while Albus listened apprehensively. "Just wanted to talk to little Rosie here." She said, looking at Rose with a smile and her eyes looking very cold. "Alone." She said narrowly, eyeing Albus and Scorpius. "Anything you have to say, you'll say to the three of us." Albus said fiercely, standing up. Scorpius stood up too. Polly didn't flinch, but gave another shrill laugh.

"How sweet. But I'm afraid this is a school matter. Professor McGonagall just wanted me to relay a message." She said, pulling out an official looking Hogwarts letter. "Speaking as a former President of the 'Organization Committee', before certain technical difficulties," Her eyes flashed dangerously towards Rose, who had her eyebrows raised, looking unfazed by all this. The Organization Committee was a club formed by the school. A club that's in charge of organizing certain programs that happens in Hogwarts. Polly became Junior President last year before Rose was handed the position personally by Professor McGonagall this year. "What does Professor want, Chapman?" Rose asked confidently. The ends of Chapman's lips twitched. "Oh, just some things to keep in mind as the new body president. She wants the old and experienced one to tell the new one tips about being one." She said shrilly. "Now, if you'll excuse us." She said to Albus and Scorpius. Both of whom didn't move. Albus and Scorpius both looked at Rose unsurely, who scoffed. "Honestly. You think I can't handle a girl like Chapman?" She said in a whisper. She then gave them both looks that said I'll-Be-Fine. Scorpius and Albus looked at her a few seconds longer, before reluctantly leaving the girls in the table. The two of them were talking quite normally, but Albus couldn't help but get the feeling there was something funny going on. "Hello, Albus Potter." They heard a male voice say. They turn round and spotted Cedric Chang walking towards them, looking perfectly groomed and more handsome than ever. Albus gave out a fake smile that he hoped would stay on, while he felt Scorpius stiffen and standing up straight. Cedric spotted Scorpius looking stern, and greeted him too. "Hello, Scorpius Malfoy. You're Serena's older brother. She tells me so much stuff about you." He said. Scorpius frowned. "I know I'm her brother." He said in a monotone voice. Cedric didn't spot the edge in this when Serena turned up. Albus looked almost shock at her. He never saw her up close that much, and he couldn't help but appreciate how beautiful she looked. "Hello, boys." She said to Albus and Scorpius. She then turned to Cedric. "Ced, aren't you off to Herbology first thing? Sprout'd drive nuts if her best student is late." She said and gave him a nudge on the shoulders. "I'm off to fetch my things, Scorp. I see you haven't received mail–"  She said, realizing this though, she seized up and blushed hard. "See you around, Scorpius. Albus." She said, not meeting any of their eyes and leaving the Great Hall as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry about what happened over at your place, Scorpius." Cedric said warmly at him. Scorpius glared at him. "How would you know what happened back there." He said, rather meanly. Cedric didn't seem to take the tone and replied casually, "Serena told me all about it." Scorpius gasped, but recovered. "Who are you, cozying up to my sister?" He said threateningly. Cedric still looked undisturbed as he replied, "We're best friends." Scorpius scoffed. "Best friends? I know you, Chang. Pretty boy playing pretty girls..." Cedric's face changed as he looked over Scorpius's shoulder, something of shock. Scorpius didn't notice this though and began ranting about how Cedric always gets perfect grades and people liking him all for good looks and how he doesn't even have a good heart. "And you're always the teachers favorite. Always! Especially Flitwick! And you're not even in Ravenclaw! Seriously I–"
"–Scorpius..." Cedric began slowly.
"–Shrieking all the time and tearing up and telling the class how good a student Cedric is, it's infuriating so–"
"–Scorpius..." He repeated.
"–Not even that good. If the professor hadn't squealed of delight, I would've done the charm perfectly too you know. And you know what–"
"–Scorpius look!" Cedric said loudly and more pronounced now, pointing over his shoulder.

Scorpius gave him a deadly glare as he and Albus turned to look. Albus nearly flipped as he saw it. Rose was splayed across the floor her eyes closed, and her arms and legs all in different directions. Scorpius gave a loud gasp. Albus made a run towards their friend and saw her completely knocked out. Scorpius followed right away, and they crouched down over Rose's frame. Scorpius began straightening her arms and legs and fixed her hair while Albus checked for the heart. It was still beating. And calmly too. He heaved a great sigh as he heard the calm beats of her heart, he felt like crying. It took a few more seconds before the whole school began looking at the commotion, and others gave resounding gasps. The Weasley clan marched right through the crowd and crouched down beside Albus, pushing Scorpius roughly aside at the side of their cousin's lifeless frame. "Is she alright? Albus, is she hurt?" Roxanne asked impatiently. Albus nodded. "Theres a heartbeat. And a pulse. She's fine." He assured them, but the rest weren't. James looked extremely disgruntled as he studied Rose. Dominique and Lily gave out dry sobs as Lucy tried to shake her awake. "Where's Fred?" Albus asked, scanning the crowd. "He, Hugo and Louis has gone to fetch Slughorn and McGonagall." James said. And instantly, the two professor's turned up, telling the crowd to go back to their usual business and that they had it all under control.

The two professor's eyes widened at the sight of Rose on the floor. Professor McGonagall kneeled onto her side and began running her hands through her chest and hands, undoubtedly checking for signs of life. She sighed as she felt the pulse. "What's wrong, Minerva?" Slughorn asked. "She's alive." She said in great relief. "Professor our cousin is not waking up. What's wrong with her? Will she be alright?" Lucy bombarded her with questions. "She will, Miss Weasley. Until we know what done it, we cannot find a cure." She said shakily. Albus felt his stomach drop. But they had to! They can't leave Rose like this! He felt his blood boiling and tears filling his eyes at the sight of his long-time bestfriend, laying there unconscious. "She was 'ere! Maybe she drank zis." Dominique said, holding out a goblet where Rose sat. "Horace..." Minerva said hopefully and Dominique handed it to Slughorn, who sniffed the drink. "It must have been spiked with poison!" Lily said exasperatedly, tears falling down her eyes. Albus made to comfort his little sister, who broke down completely. "Couldn't've been. She's breathing." Professor McGonagall said, though she sounded unsure herself. They all turned to Slughorn. Hopeful for answers. "Simply pumpkin juice." He said calmly. "But wait." He said sniffing it and shaking the cup steadily. He took a sniff again. Once he looked upon them, he had a grim expression on his face. "What is it Horace?" McGonagall asked cautiously. Slughorn hesitated, but answered slowly, "Draught Of Living Death."

They all gasped. "So the girl is simply... Sleeping?" McGonagall asked. Slughorn gave a curt nod. "But Horace, don't you have an antidote ready?" McGonagall asked him. Slughorn looked down. "Afraid not." He said. They all gaped at him. "Professor, our cousin is lifeless. Please save our cousin. Couldn't you whip something up?" James begged. It was the only time Albus ever saw his brother looking so weak. He was usually so strong, so confident, so... sure. Maybe family had an impact in his heart too. Slughorn nodded. "I could. But one of the crucial ingredients can only be found on a full moon. And it's not until tomorrow night." He said, full of sorrow. They all groaned. "It was her." They heard a voice say. All heads turned round and saw Scorpius in a corner, his grey eyes sharp rimmed with red. Tear tracks on his face. Albus never saw him cry. It was something you don't see everyday. What a morning!

"What? Who? Mr. Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall asked impatiently, looking at Scorpius. Scorpius looked up at her, he was shaking. "Polly Chapman." He said boldly and coldly. They all stopped and stared still. "Polly... Chapman?" Professor McGonagall repeated, sounding unsure. "But surely. There must be some proof..." She said. Scorpius shook his head. "I know it's her, Professor." Albus chipped in. "Albus, keep out. If it's not her, then this is a serious accusation." James said warningly. "Shove off, James! I know it's her! You only care about that reputation you hold, well guess what?! My bestfriend is asleep and the least that could make me sleep at night is to know that criminal's punished!" Albus lashed out at his older brother, who knew nothing of friendship, because he had his at bay, only when he needed them. James took a step closer. "You don't know what you're talking about." He breathed. Albus didn't flinch. "As if you've ever had true friends." He breathed back. James pushed him back hard. Their cousins gasped as Louis went between them, holding James back. "I care about Rose too, Albus! I do!" He roared. "Enough!" McGonagall exclaimed, and she stood up. She turned tenderly towards Scorpius. "You say it's Miss Chapman, we'll investigate it. In the meantime. You all better head back to your classes. We'll take care of Miss Weasley here." She said and with a flourish of her wand, Rose was transferred onto a stretcher. "I'll take her up to the Hospital Wing, and as for you two," She turned to Albus and Scorpius. "I'll be having a chat with you both on this matter." She then gave a nod and they all left the Great Hall. Going their separate ways, Albus and Scorpius's eyes never left Rose, until she was out of sight and they had to arrive late for Herbology and face the consequences. But that was the least of Albus's worries now. They had a sleeping friend in their minds to keep them busy.

But Albus and Scorpius couldn't be kept busy. Professor Sprout however, spared them the humiliation much to their relief. The rest of the day went on in a blur. The two friends couldn't focus much in their lessons. That's why during Charms Class, when asked to change the color of the red apple in front of them green, Albus's changed only into black. Scorpius couldn't even cast the charm. "Mr. Chang here had changed his from top to bottom extremely well." Professor Flitwick said happily as he acknowledged Cedric's Granny Smith Apple. Scorpius scowled deeply and glared at the Professor's direction but Albus couldn't care less. His thoughts wandered up at the hospital wing, where Rose was having a comfortable nap.

During lunch, the two agreed to visit Rose up after class, and they ate in silence, both pondering over their own thoughts. They were used to not having Rose between them all the time. During mealtimes she sat with the Gryffindors. She doesn't visit their common room often, their classes were mostly separate. But to know that she wouldn't show up tomorrow was tormenting.

The afternoon classes lasted in equal speed. Boring, unclear, and unfocused. The two remaining friends barely talked. And as they climbed the flight of stairs towards the hospital wing, they did it in complete silence. Their shoes stomping furiously with each step, eager to see their friend. But as they reached the doors, Madam Pomfrey stopped them. "The girl needs her sleep." She said. They both groaned. "She wouldn't be waking up anyway." Albus reasoned as Scorpius nodded vigorously. "Then why on earth would you want to visit her?" She pressed. "She's our friend." Scorpius said rather rudely at this. Madam Pomfrey eyed him narrowly, before stepping back to allow them entrance. Laying there, on the farthest bed, was Rose Weasley, sleeping peacefully, Professor McGonagall at her side. They both quickly ran towards them. "Professor-"
"-I have owled her parents and they should be here any moment now." She said. Albus pursed his lips. "May I know why you suspect Miss Chapman might have been the one that spiked Miss Weasley's drink with the draught? Does she have a grudge on her? Is there tension between them?" She asked them. The two boys fell silent and refused to speak, until Albus spoke up. "Maybe. We're not sure." He said. "They do seem quite competitive." Scorpius added helpfully. This wasn't entirely a lie. Polly just took such a liking to Scorpius it was frustrating her to see Scorpius like someone else... That probably liked him back too. Professor McGonagall's eyes met Albus's green ones in a strange way, and she nodded.

The doors suddenly flung open, and racing towards them were Albus's aunt and uncle Ron and Hermione, their son Hugo following suite. All of them panting and looking panic-stricken. They all caught their breath once they came at a halt, and their worried frowns deepened at the sight of their daughter sleeping peacefully on the bed, unable to wake up. "Oh, Rose!" Hermione groaned as she knelt down to examine her daughter, who was a redheaded miniature of herself. Ron looked horrified and began cupping her face gently, trying to somehow wake her up. "What happened to her?" Hermione asked shakily. "The Draught of Living Death. And a particularly good brew at that. Hard to believe a third year made such a thing as these two boys claim. But I have explained everything in the letter I sent—"
"–Professor, as soon as we got to the part that Rose was in the hospital wing we apparated to Hogsmeade immediately." Ron cut in. Hermione had tears in her eyes. She then turned to the two boys who sat opposite them. "Albus. D-do you know anything?" She asked. "They seem quite competitive, but that's all I know." Albus said, trying to sound innocent. She then looked at Scorpius. She flinched a little, but she then looked sincerely at him and held his hand with both of hers. Ron stiffened. "You saved our daughter's life months ago. How can I ever–?"
"–The question is how do we make sure he isn't the third year McGonagall mentioned?" Ron asked harshly. Hermione sighed impatiently. "We don't have time for this, Ronald." She hissed. "My daughter is asleep for who knows how long!" He exclaimed. "She's my daughter too, Ron! Please just listen to what they have to say!" Hermione retorted, tears falling.

There was complete silence. "They think it was Polly Chapman." Professor McGonagall confessed. Ron and Hermione looked at her questioningly. "How can we be–"
"–Mr. Malfoy here has said it." She said. They both looked at Scorpius.
"–Confirmed too, by Mr. Potter." She added. The two parents faces turned to Albus. "Scorpius. How can we be sure?" She asked him. Scorpius's cheeks were flushed with red, having been acknowledged in a first name basis with Hermione Granger. Albus nudged him in the ribs as he seemed to not be able to speak. Scorpius was snapped back to his senses and he cleared his throat. "Uh, well... Polly and Rose were... er– competitive when it came to academics. And er– the last thing Polly said before Rose was asleep was that they were discussing Rose's position as the committee's president. And Polly said Professor McGonagall told her to give Rose a starting boost." He explained shakily as Hermione's eyes honed in on him. Ron didn't look at him but listened intently. Hermione turned to Professor McGonagall, who looked harassed. "I don't remember telling Miss Chapman to give Rose 'advice'." She said unsurely. "Then it's obviously a ruse for an excuse to poison my daughter. Why is Rose even hanging out with this guy?" Ron said, referring to Scorpius. Scorpius looked politely shocked as Hermione scorned at her husband. Albus jerked awake and came to the rescue. "I-uh, Rose was visiting me." He said exasperatedly at his flaring uncle. He relaxed a little, but regained posture. "We have things to discuss. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley." McGonagall said, standing up. "Then you should leave." Ron said to Scorpius, as if he couldn't bear the fact that Scorpius and his daughter were alone without him. "Then we will." Albus said a little loudly for his uncle to hear. "Yes. I suppose." Said Professor McGonagall.

"He must really hate me still." Scorpius said sadly as they walked down the steps. "No." Albus said. Scorpius looked at him with a look of incredulity. "Have you seen the way he looked at me? Actually he didn't even. But his tone." Scorpius explained. Albus nodded, then shook his head. "Uncle Ron's not like that. You just saved his daughter's life. He's not about to lash out on you, even if it were grudgingly. He just didn't want to have a debt to a Malfoy." Albus said. Scorpius stiffened at this. Then silence. They reached the outside of their common room, and as Albus said the password, Scorpius asked, "We're going to be okay right? A day without her." "Maybe." He didn't want to think about it much. In fact, at this moment, he wanted to be under the Draught of Living Death too... Because, it's not life without Rose, it never will be. He wants to wake up together with her, the day passing by falling in deep slumber. Without a thought or care to the world.

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