
By bellejewles

10.7K 223 26

A Potter, a Granger-Weasley, and a Malfoy. Three unlikely friends that somehow made there way through all the... More



423 9 2
By bellejewles


The holidays were finally over. One more dinner and it was off to the Hogwarts Express with her sister and his bestfriends that were probably having the time of their lives with their big family in a not-so-big-but-still-cozy home. He envied the Weasleys. Not because of their gold. He knew for a fact they were not that wealthy before, his father had a knack of repeating it whenever he mentioned them. No. They had all the gold in the world. But they lacked something, something important. Love. That was the thing they lacked. The only thing they couldn't acquire with their riches. And it was the one thing the Weasleys were overflowing with. He envied this. He had it once, yes. But the love in this miserable 'home' died with his mother. So he was balled up in his king-sized bed. Green velvet hangings tied up in a fancy manner. His things all packed for Hogwarts for days. He was lonely, he hoped Serena would fill this void but she was in her room, isolating herself from everyone. He couldn't blame her.

The only thing keeping him going was the mere fact that he would see his two bestfriend's faces again, finally able to be in their presence and feel part of a group is more than enough. Also, he was wearing a grey sweater with a green 'S' in the center. He had been paralyzed when he realized he had been sent this. Because Mrs. Weasley could never have sent him a sweater. The only thing that supported this impossible truth is the letter he was clutching and reading over and over again every since he got it. It was a bit crumpled now because of the amount of times he held it and took with him around the house, but nonetheless, it was special. Because it made him feel visible, and that someone did care enough to bother to make such a nice warm sweater. He read the letter again, unable to control himself. He caressed the paper that warm hands wrote upon, and it was like hearing a lovely voice.

To Mr. Scorpius Malfoy,

I have heard the news that you have saved my granddaughter Rose Weasley from a terrible accident last Quidditch Match from Professor McGonagall herself.
I just can't express how thankful I am. I love each of my grandchildren too much I can't bear see them in such pain. And you acted noble that day, that I hope I can give you this sweater as a token of my gratitude.
Thank you again, and have a very Happy Christmas.

      Molly Weasley

There was a knock at the door. Without Scorpius's consent however, Serena burst in, looking at him from the doorway. Scorpius hastily put the letter away and sat straight. Serena walked towards him. "You're not still reading that are you?" She asked, sitting on his bed beside him. Scorpius looked at her and smiled. It felt weird. As if he hadn't done it in days. "Nice Sweater." Serena said. "Thanks." Scorpius replied. "We're leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow, can't wait." She said as she eyed Scorpius's room. Scorpius saw this and commented about her room. "You know the next time grandad visits and sees the inside of yours he's gonna have a fit." He said. Serena gave a hollow laugh. "Well he's not gonna be able to curse me will he?" She said calmly. It was true. Grandfather Lucius visits the Manor every Christmas if he chooses to under close supervision. An Auror will be assigned to watch over him during his stay. He will also be rid of his wand, and be tied in separate chains each hands that disables apparition, magic, and can only be taken out by the Auror assigned for him. The same holds true for the other prisoners, those of whom have families.

"Dinner!" Grandmother's voice called from downstairs. Scorpius and Serena walked downstairs together and into the kitchen where they continued another awkward and particularly silent dinner, the only sound of clanking pots and pans. "If I heard correctly, you saved a girl from a fall." His dad's voice said, after ten solid silent minutes. Scorpius stiffened and replied, "I did." calmly. "And this particular girl, is a Granger-Weasley." He said. He heard a loud clank of silverware as his grandmother choked on food and began gulping down a goblet of water. She maintained her poise and looked at Scorpius with her eyebrow raised. "A Granger-Weasley? That Mudblood and Blood-traitor's kid? Come now, Scorpius—"

"—Don't call her that." Scorpius accidentally blurted aloud. More angrily than he expected too. Narcissa Malfoy did not flinch. "Don't answer to your grandmother." His father added sternly. "Now, about that—"
"—Mum would be proud." Scorpius said savagely to himself, too loud than he intended it to be. His father stiffened and his face reddened. "Let's keep your mother out of this—"
"—Just because a person's mum is a muggle-born doesn't mean she has lesser rights than us. Not all of them are bad dad! And not all of us are good! Look at you! With your hideous mark up your left sleeve—" Scorpius said heatedly.
"—That's enough!" Draco cut in angrily, looking insulted, abashed and furious with him. Scorpius knew he had hit a nerve when he mentioned the dark mark; the mark that associated his dad with the Dark Lord. But he didn't care. He was on his feet, and was marching away from his so-called 'family'. Serena gave him a reproachful look, tears in her eyes. Scorpius tried to give her an apologetic look, but he could not bring himself to do it. He looked away from them and left the room. "Scorpius Hyperion, you come back here right now!" His father commanded. Scorpius didn't oblige and climbed up the steps, shutting his bedroom door shut behind him, and retiring at his bed, back to square one. Curling up in a ball as he let the night pass.


"You did what?!" Rose shrieked. Several people looked at her around the train. "Be quiet! Let's take this inside." Scorpius hissed at her. He had just finished reliving last nights events to his friends, who both arrived looking pleasurably flustered from their happy holidays, only to be disappointed at what Scorpius had to say. They found an empty compartment and locked the door. "What the bloody hell did you do that for?!" Rose continued her banter. "Don't say that word." Scorpius warned. "Why can't I?" Rose challenged, crossing her arms. "I haven't given you permission to." Scorpius said angrily. Rose scoffed. "You don't give me permission to do anything!" Rose retorted. "As a matter of fact I—"
"—Enough!" Albus had had it. He was sitting there, with Bubbles on his shoulder, wanting to know the whole story. Instead he watches his two bestfriends arguing like an old married couple like they always do. Scorpius's cheeks reddened and so did Rose's. "I want to know the whole story." Albus asked him. "Go on." He said.

Scorpius took a deep breath and continued. "They called your mother a mudblood, Rose." Scorpius admitted. Rose and Albus flinched at this. A mudblood is an insulting word you call muggle-borns, and have been known to be used by the Pure-bloods who think they're better than others. The Malfoy's included. "But Scorp, what you did didn't help either." Rose said shakily. Scorpius shook his head. "I dunno. The word kinda got to me. But I know mum wouldn't mind, would she?" Scorpius asked them anxiously. Rose looked uneasy as she looked at Albus for support. "If you ask me, she wouldn't have been pleased at you having shouted down your dad and grandmother." Albus said rather proudly. Rose shot him a dirty look that said can't-you-have-feelings-for-once.

"He doesn't mean that." Rose told Scorpius and took his hand in hers. Scorpius felt the same tingling sensation whenever their skin made contact, and hoped Rose wouldn't notice his pale face turn red. "Let's buy some stuff. Trolly witch must be coming this way." Albus added cheerfully, peering out their compartment. But Scorpius looked solemn still, pondering over Albus's words. Would her mother be proud of what he did last night, or would she be disappointed at his actions. "Anything from the Trolley, dears?" The trolley witch asked them.

The three of them ate the sweets they bought from the cart. They discarded any future conversations about Scorpius's actions, much to his relief. The train ride went on and on. The weather was indecisive this time, either raining for the first hour and sunny the next, and something in between. He listened in silence as his two bestfriends were talking about the gifts they received. Scorpius was given rich and valuable gifts himself, but none with meaning such as themselves. He pretended to be interested though, as they recounted it. Albus stopped mid-gift when he noticed Scorpius's face. The sun was shining brightly in the sky outside, and they were almost at School. "Anything wrong?" Albus asked cautiously. Rose looked at him apprehensively. Scorpius shook his head and gave a careless smile. "Nothing, you go on." But they did not. They now began talking about schoolwork, which did not make Scorpius feel any better than he did before, as he failed to do their take-home holiday homework's. "I was able to do everything last minute because my dad took all my things." Rose huffed. "Can't even manage a word last minute." Albus scoffed.

As Scorpius was about to state his opinion on the matter, their compartment door flew open. All three heads swiveled to it's direction and saw Polly Chapman standing in the doorway, looking so smug and proud. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Rose 'know-it-all' Weasley'." She said, leaning casually, already in her Slytherin Hogwarts Robes. "Professor Slughorn's told me to tell you two to change into your robes. We're about to stop." She said. "Oh, and Rose dear," She added to Rose pointing at her watch. "Your time is ticking. Tick Tock." She mocked. She then gave a shrill laugh and left. The three of them sat, stunned. "I-I, better go." Rose said, taking her things to change in another compartment. Albus and Scorpius changed into their's. "Man. Chapman really is onto her." Albus said exasperatedly. Scorpius shook his head. "She won't touch her. She wouldn't." He said seriously.


They were walking towards their Common Room, wanting to unpack right away. Scorpius whipped up a plan in his head. To confront Chapman and to know what she had in store for their bestfriend. They reached the Slytherin Common Room in the dungeons when their faces fell. "You haven't been told the password, have you?" Albus asked. "Nope." Scorpius answered, popping the 'p'. "Xmas." Polly Chapman's shrill voice said concrete wall in front of them opened, allowing them access to the Slytherin Common Room. "Hello, Scorpius. Had a nice Christmas?" She asked in a shrill voice that seemed to get in his nerves. Scorpius pretended not to hear and hurried inside, but as he climbed up the stairs towards the boys dormitories, he heard Polly's voice call, "Wouldn't have a choice after today Scorpius. You'll see." She said slyly. She looked satisfied at Scorpius's confused and troubled look. She gave another one of her shrill giggles and followed her smug looking friends to the girls dormitories.

"She doesn't mean it, does she?" Albus asked shakily as he sat down on his bed, their luggage magically there already. "I don't know, okay?" Scorpius answered a little too fiercely than he intended it too. His head was pounding and he could think of nothing but Rose and what Chapman would do to her. Albus pursed his lips. "Sorry, mate. I'm just..." He grabbed a fistful of his hair. Albus nodded serenely. "I know." He said quietly, not meeting his eyes. "I feel the same way." And he understood completely. They were cousins. They were bestfriends since childhood and spent more time together. Scorpius knew Albus wasn't onto Rose romantically, but rather in a brotherly fashion.

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