
By bellejewles

10.7K 223 26

A Potter, a Granger-Weasley, and a Malfoy. Three unlikely friends that somehow made there way through all the... More



482 16 2
By bellejewles


A week had passed since the match. Rose's fall had spread throughout the school, and Scorpius became an immediate success. The Gryffindors, although rather stony towards him, formed a rather soft spot for it, especially the Weasleys, though only mildly. It was a cold October day, and it was also a Hogsmeade weekend, so the third years and above were all wearing thick scarves, gloves, hats, and sweaters. Rose walked alongside Olivia Wood, her Gryffindor girl best friend, and sat beside her in the Gryffindor House table in the great hall, where they helped themselves to hot cocoa and chocolate soufflé. "Want to go to Zonko's with us?" Olivia offered, munching on a cinnamon roll. Rose smiled apologetically. "Can't, Liv. I said I'd meet Al and Scorp." She said. Olivia nodded sadly, but she understood.

The students lined up in front of Filch, who was checking their Hogsmeade Permission Forms, before permitting them to go to the village. Scorpius, Albus, and Rose lined up together. After giving their forms and finally stepping out into the cold little village of Hogsmeade. "I'm freezing. Let's go to the Three Broomsticks first." Albus suggested, leading the way to a small pub. Once they entered, warmth enveloped them. The bar lady, Madam Rosmerta, was a very pretty lady that charmed the male costumers she served. Even Scorpius began brushing his hair with his hands, and his cheeks were rather pink. Albus gave him a little nudge as Rose chuckled lightly. They ordered three butterbeers and took a seat nearest the fireplace. "Three butterbeers, please." Albus ordered, and Madam Rosmerta gave them three tankards full of sizzling goodness. "Did I ever tell you the joke about a pig, a hag, and a hippogriff that went to a bar together and—"
"—Oh, come on!" Rose screeched, laughing herself. Scorpius frowned at her.

The three of them sat in one of the tables nearest the fireplace, where they drank their butterbeer. "You think we'd get drunk, drinking this?" Albus asked, examining the honey-colored liquid. "It's not strong that stuff." Rose assured as she took a swig. "Many people do go here." Albus added, eyeing the bar, which was slowly filling up with people. "I wonder why?" Scorpius said sarcastically, eyeing Madam Rosmerta. "What's gotten into you?" Albus demanded, a hint of humor in his voice. "Scorpius is disappointed Madam Rosmerta didn't laugh at his joke about a pig, a hag, and a hippogriff." Rose replied, looking at Scorpius's stony expression with glee. He returned the favor by glaring at her. Rose smacked him hard in the shoulders. "Your amazing sometimes, d'you know that?" She said. "Meaning?" Scorpius demanded, although his voice sounded half cold and half amused.

Rose didn't reply. feeling her cheeks grow hot, she ignored this, hiding behind her red locks, hoping that her face blended in them. Why did she find him amusing? What did he have that amazed her in a way nobody else does? "Oi!" Scorpius shrieked. Rose accidentally spilt butterbeer down his front, lost in her train of thought. She realized this and apologized straight away. "Oh, I'm so sorry. So sorry." She said. She then fumbled with her pockets and withdrawn her wand and pointed it at his front robes and muttered the hot-air charm. His damp robes were now dry and warm from his expression, which softened. "Thanks." He mumbled. Then, the two of them looked at each other.

Albus then gave a hacking cough. The two looked at him. He stared back apologetically. "Sorry. Ehem, burned in my throat, ehem!" He made the most pronounced cough yet. "Burned?" Rose mumbled breaking tension and motioned for his tankard. Albus passed her his and Rose examined it and a look of comprehension dawned in her face. "It's firewhiskey." She said. Scorpius took it. "I'll get you a new one." He said, looking at Madam Rosmerta, and she left. Albus looked over at Scorpius, as if waiting until he was out of earshot, and turned to look at Rose accusingly. "He's upset, y'know?" He said. Rose's eyes widened in shock. "Because of me?" She questioned. Albus shrugged. "Something like that. Remember the day he saved you?" He said. "Go on..." Rose ushered, listening intently. "Well, our cousins... They didn't really acknowledge it did they?" He said in a try-hard-to-be casual tone. Rose knew where this was going, and smiled sadly. "Albus, you know full well I can't do anything about it. I tried to bring his name up in conversations but they either ignore it or change the topics abruptly." She said in a whisper. They put their heads together. "I just, you know, wondered." Albus said, Rose nodded serenely.

"What are you two talking about?" Scorpius now approached them, clutching a brand new butterbeer tankard in his hand, plopping down in his seat. He looked slightly crestfallen at the sight of them talking in hushed voices. The two of them sat up straighter, and looked as though nothing happened. "Just about the holidays." Albus assured, he then turned to look at Rose. "Are you coming to grandma's and grandpa's this Christmas?" He asked her. "What—?"
"—Rose." Albus pushed. "O-of course!" Rose stammered. Scorpius looked unconvinced at the both of them, and sat in silence, drinking their butterbeers, while watching Scorpius casting them confused looks. Rose whipped up a plan and turned towards Albus.

"Don't you want to spend Christmas with your Muggle family?" She asked him. Scorpius looked mildly interested at this, but Albus shuddered. "The last time we spent the holidays there was horrendous." He said. Scorpius looked at Rose. "Aren't your grandparents Muggles?" He asked her. Rose nodded. "My maternal grandparents yes." She said. Scorpius nodded curtly. "Where to next?" Albus chimed in. The pair looked at him. "Come on. You didn't expect to stay here all day." He said, and he led the way out of the bar, and into the chilly grounds of Hogsmeade. "Zonko's or Honeydukes?" Scorpius wondered aloud. "Zonko's. Our uncle George put some of their products in there." Albus said, and they entered a rather colorful shop.

Once they stepped inside, their vision was exploded with colors, there were funny sounds everywhere and the products were stacked mountain high. The three of them grinned as they flitted around the joke shop. To their surprise, their uncle George Weasley was there, helping costumers. "Uncle George!?" Albus and Rose exclaimed at the same time. George's head turned and a grin spread on his face at the sight of them. "Hello there." He said as he approached them. "What are you doing here? I thought you were managing the Diagon Alley branch?" Rose asked him. George chuckled. "Left it to our secretary. The breeding of Pygmy Puffs are getting extremely low here, I had to make a move on. Bestsellers, these little beasts are." He said, referring to a cage full of little fur balls that are actually alive. Albus shuddered again. "Good riddance. Arnold, my mums Pygmy Puff, literally bounces around the house all day. I don't think it's normal for a Pygmy Puff to do that much, or mum feeds it too much sugar." Albus said. Rose looked, dewy eyed at the purple and pink Pygmy Puffs around the cage. "Ah, well, you get nutters in a few breeds." George assured. "Want one?" He added to Rose, who was now caressing them with her finger. Rose looked delighted. "Of course!" She shrieked. "Nine galleons." He said. Rose looked crestfallen. "Oh, bother! I left my galleons up at the castle!" She cried. George shrugged. "I could always forward Ron about it." He said.

"I don't think dad would want that in the house. Crookshanks is enough for him, he says." Rose said. George shrugged, and was interrogated by other costumers. "Mr. Weasley!" They heard Scorpius call out. George looked down and his eyes landed on Scorpius Malfoy. "Er, yes?" He asked in a bright voice. Scorpius handed out nine gold galleons. Realizing what was happening, Rose rushed forward. "I don't think so." She snapped. Scorpius shrugged her off. "One pygmy puff, in the color of her choice." He said sternly, a tone of finality in his voice.

Rose cut between the two. "I'm not letting you spend nine galleons on me." She screeched. Scorpius looked at her. "I know you'd want this anyway. Consider it an early Christmas Present." He said, and handed George the handful of gold coins. "Scorp–"

"—Shut up." He said quietly, "and choose. " He urged. Rose gave him a look of thanks and stepped forward, looking at the tiny little fur balls all waiting to be chosen. In the end, she chose a pink one that was so keen to be with her. "What'll be it's name?" George asked brightly behind them. Rose thought for a moment. "Bubbles." She said suddenly, eyeing it's bubble large eyes that were so cute.

George laughed. "Okay." He said and moved on to entertain more costumers. They were once more, out on the grounds. Albus was holding the tiny little Pygmy Puff on his hands for warmth, and began playing with it, while Rose sidled next to Scorpius. "Thanks, Scorpius." She said silently. It was unclear, but she was sure a faintest trace of a blush flitted across his pale face. "No problem." He said casually, flicking hair out of his eyes.

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