Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

By TruthorDare

1.6K 24 8

Saturn- or Sadie- is graced with the art of lying. She can tell if people are lying or telling the truth, alo... More

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: 2
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

366 6 0
By TruthorDare

So, I'm new to this and I'm not sure how you guys will like this...I'm not that great of a writer, but I try. Anyways, this is something completely new to me and not really my style. But I thought "What the hell" and went with it.

This story IS a romance, but it has a greater plot other than a-girl-falls-in-love-with-this-guy-and-all-I'm-going-to-write-is-how-they-like-kissing-and-crap. No, it's not that kind of romance. Instead, this is a romance AND adventure. Hope you enjoy.

ݤ Chapter One ݤ


I can detect lies. I know when someone is lying to me, or telling the truth. I can also make people think I'm telling the truth when I'm really lying. It's a beautiful gift - in my opinion - and I use it for both good, and sometimes, maybe even evil.

If you don't exactly understand what I'm talking about, let me break it down for you. Let's say, for instance, someone told me they kissed the hottest guy in school, but it was a lie. I would instantly know that they were lying because...well, I don't know exactly HOW, but something inside me just 'goes off.' I get this weird feeling and it lets me know things.

Now, let's say I wanted to lie but I didn't want to get caught (who doesn't?). I could stand in front of someone, say I have red hair (when I really have chocolate brown hair), and they would completely believe me- no questions asked.

Let me clear up something else- I rarely get in trouble. I could probably say I've NEVER gotten in trouble, in which you would believe me, but I want to be completely truthful with you. There was one incident that I got in a whole heap of trouble, but I won't get into that right now...


That was, sadly, my sister. She is this overbearing, chaotic control freak and she hates that I never seem to get in trouble. So, since she doesn't know why I can always weasel myself out of sticky situations, she doesn't know of my 'powers' or 'talents'. Actually, no one outside of Mazor High School knows about any of our powers. And yes, I said our and I will explain that later.

"Coming!" I yelled from my room. I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder, grabbing my favorite gray sweater in the process. There is nothing like your favorite sweater to make you feel better...

I trotted down the stairs, just to see Ashley folded in the arms of Mr. Perfect. I don't like him, personally, but she's practically head over heels for him. And I think they are actually the perfect couple. Both are model material, both have their heads stuck up their asses, and both are considered the most popular people in high school as well as our neighborhood. Understand why I hate them?

Ashley flipped her long blonde hair (which is really bleached) in an attempt at flirting. She laughed her annoying giggle and somehow, Chad found it adorable. He kissed her on the lips and I instantly rolled my eyes.

"Why yell at me to come down when all you were going to do was make me watch you guys coddle each other?" I was completely irritated, almost to a physical point, but I stayed calm. The thought, 'why don't I just make him think he doesn't like her' passed in my head, but I shook it away. It didn't seem fair, even on my terms- who am I to judge?

"Will you shut up?" Ashley spat.

I almost went back on what I previously thought, but instead I just shot them daggers. "We should go."

Ashley just looked at me before grabbing onto Chad's arm, leading him to our car. She was the only one with the driver's license out of our siblings, and Chad...well I guess he just felt like tagging along this morning. It was either that or he was too damn lazy to just drive his own car and have to pay for the gas. Ashley was too blinded to refuse him, too.

I followed them to her car and reluctantly sat in the back seat. It took forever to get to the 'normal' high school in Elmer County, but finally we were pulling into the parking lot. Kids were already rushing around, talking with their friends, or secretly doing homework in their cars. I laughed slightly to myself, but then I caught sight of the one thing that made me want to barf.

Travis was exchanging spit with Olivia.

Don't get me wrong- I understand that people, who are in a relationship, reserve the right to show PDA. But when I had to watch the guy I hate most making out with such a trashy was horrific. I quickly looked away.

Without a goodbye to Ashley, I jumped out of the car and raced to the side of the building. I was already late and I didn't want to make Kathy any later.

When I got the far side of the building, Kathy stood with her arms crossed and her body leaning against her red Porsche. I ran even faster when I caught sight of her, and as soon as I was buckled in her car, she sped down the road.

"You're a little late this morning," Kathy laughed at me. She was one of my best friends, the one person I knew I could trust. And I mean that literally.

I chuckled to myself. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I got up late and had to rush around. Then Chashley had a make out session in front of me. It was SUCH a great way to begin my day..."

One more thing I need to clear up- Chashley is Kathy and I's nickname for Ashley and Chad.

"Awe, I'm sorry! I know how they get on your nerves." Kathy turned a sharp corner, pressing on the gas only harder. Her special talent is that she can never miss. She can do anything and never mess up- whether it be driving crazy, yet staying on the road, or playing football and throwing precisely every time. She's always the athletic star.

"Eh, it's alright I guess. I'm just grateful I don't have to go to that retched school anymore." Ah, the beauty of being a Graced.

(N/A: I know that there is a book called Graceling where people who are born with special talents are called Gracelings. I couldn't think of a good word to 'call them' so I kind of used that...Sorry if irks anyone or anything! If you think you have a good name, tell me!!!!!)

* ݤ *

I closed my locker with a definite slam. I turned around sharply, only to meet a pair of crystal clear blue eyes. This was not happening!

"Good morning," Bastard-Boston smirked.

I didn't have time, or the patience, for him today. "Jerk off," I snapped.

"Only for you," he sneered. I wanted to slap him.

"Say one more word and I kick you where the sun don't shine."

"Who says the sun doesn't shine there?" That familiar, perverted gleam in his eye sent chills down my spine.

"You need to go 'cause coach is yelling for you to get your ass to class." I stared intently at Boston and he suddenly turned away. He began running to class.

Now, his coach didn't really yell at him. I just made him BELIEVE that his coach was. Aren't I a genius?

"Someone's having a tough morning," Marcus laughed next to me. Finally someone I actually liked was with me, minus Kathy.

"You bet 'cha! How's your Friday starting off?" I playfully shoved him in the arm and he chuckled along with me. He was my other best friend, as much as a guy can be.

"Pretty good actually!" Then he stopped in front of me, causing me to stumble forward. I hadn't known he was going to do that. "What is your opinion on me asking Kathy out?"

Now that was something I had TOTALLY seen coming. "Humor me, Marcus. You should know that I know very well that you like Kathy! You know you can't keep secrets from me!" At that he rolled his eyes in a friendly way. "As for what I think: I know you guys are practically perfect for each other."

Marcus gave me a quick, happy smile before running to his class- the bell had already rung. And at Mazor High, if the bell rings, you better book it.

* ݤ *

"Care to finally join us, Mr. Jones?"

I looked up from my paper to see Alex walking into class. His head hung low and I couldn't help but snort. This kid always seemed to be late, but since I liked him, I decided to say something this time.

"He isn't late, Mr. Kramer. Ms. Berks just asked him to do her a favor and being the nice guy he is, he couldn't refuse her." I winked at Alex and he smiled back (my power only works on the person I'm speaking directly to).

"Oh," Mr. Kramer smiled, "well in that case, I guess you DON'T have a detention today. Take a seat anywhere you like."

Naturally, Alex took the seat in front of me.

"You know, I really need to stop saving your ass," I whispered to Alex. I was smiling so he knew I was kidding.

"I would be lost without you, Sadie!" We laughed, the joke only between the two of us.

* ݤ *

My normal academic classes finally ended, the classes seeming to drag on more than usual. I groaned with relief, happy to be going to 'Talent Exploration.' I always had fun in that class.

Marcus took the seat next to me. The blue chairs were placed in a circle, as they usually were, and it was this way so everyone could see everyone. I was enveloped in small talk with Chloe, but as Marcus sat down, I turned my attention to him.

"Have you been practicing?" I asked with pure interest.

"Yes." I didn't get a weird feeling. "But I'm not really good at it still."

I looked him dead in the eyes. "You need to focus more- that's your problem. All you have to do is focus, let your talent envelope you completely. Soon, you won't have to do that because it'll come so naturally."

"I know, I know," he sighed. He didn't get to say anything else for the teacher came in with her usual smile.

Marcus is a very, very unique guy. His talent seems to change every time he begins to finally learn the previous one. This week it seems he's having trouble reading minds; he says it's really confusing him. Last week he could turn lights on and off, and the week before that, he could solve any math problem thrown at him. I was very jealous of him that week...

I focused back on Ms. Austin just as she finished instructing us on a new exercise. Most Graces don't know they're talents very well and so this class helps them to do so. We practice with our powers all the time, and it's in this class that I can just sit back and relax. I've known my talent for years now.

The exercise consisted of meditating, focusing purely on yourself. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, liking this exercise to its full extent. Some people were becoming frustrated, I could hear them, but I ignored them. I focused on just me...just me...just me...

"Open your eyes," Ms. Austin breathed. Everyone lifted their heads, my own eyes droopy. My eye lids felt so heavy...

* ݤ *

We continued to do little things throughout class- partnering up, trying our talents, and helping others learn their own powers. I mainly focused on Marcus the whole period, working with him on concentrating. My own brain was drained by the end.

I walked with Kathy back to her car; she would be driving me back to Normal High. It wasn't really called Normal High, but the name was too complicated to learn. So that's what I call it.

The car ride over was silent. I always enjoyed her company, one of the reasons being because she didn't always need to talk. It was comfortable between the two of us, each of us already knowing what could have been said.

"We're still on for the beach tomorrow, right?" Kathy asked me before I got out.

"Sure thing," I smiled to her. I shut the door and she pulled off, taking that beautiful car with her.

I groggily walked to Ashley's car. I had to hide the fact that I went to a different school than her so I always went to school with her, then rode home with her. Almost every mortal had no idea about us Graced and I wasn't about to change that. My talent really comes in handy in these areas.

"I didn't see you in the halls," Ashley said just to strike up conversation. Poor Chad wasn't riding with us.

"I was there," I said nonchalantly. "I guess we were just ahead or behind one another." I had to say something along those lines every day, but since she was a weak, spineless mortal, she believed me without any question.

"Yeah, I guess so. How was your day?" She was surprisingly being nice, which only meant she wanted something.

"Good. So what do you want?" I cocked an eyebrow and looked at her expectantly.

She huffed, but I knew she wasn't going to deny my accusation. "Chad wants to come over, but...well, you know."

Yes, I did know. Mom and dad absolutely HATE Chad. He only came over in the mornings because my parents left before the sun rose, the only time he really got to see Ashley outside of school. I thought it was stupid that he would come so early, but I never said anything. But now that our parents are going on a little vacation this weekend, naturally he wants to come over. All they have to do is make sure I won't say anything.

"Yeah, OK. Just please don't let his little brother come!" Ashley stayed quiet. "Ashley?"


Ugh, I hate when she uses my full name. "He isn't coming, right?" Again, she said nothing. "Why?!" I screeched.

"I don't know, OK! I think Travis just likes to come so he can pick on you...But Chad won't come if Travis can't."

I groaned out loud. Ever since they started dating, Travis wouldn't get out of my hair. He seemed to always be conveniently around, a snarky comeback always coming out of his mouth. I was sick and tired of that jerk, and that was an understatement.

"When?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Tonight. Chad is going to spend the night, but I don't know about Travis. I think their parents aren't going to be there or something, and so Chad has to babysit. I'm sorry, OK?"

Ashley was apologizing? That seriously threw me off. "A-alright. But if I find out that you're pregnant after tonight, I am NOT covering your ass!"

Ashley chuckled to herself. I was caught off guard again, but I decided I liked her new, easy going attitude.

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