Not So Simple

By scales7twist

721 34 0

At age seven April-Mae Stewart, lost her famous father when his plane blew up, Her mother was pregnant at the... More

Not So Simple
Chapter 1: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 2: I Promise
Chapter 3: Three Musketeers and Their Wing-Lady
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: Wuv You Mummy
Chapter 6: So Does
Chapter 7: I Think You're Busted
Chapter 8: Channel Star
Chapter 9: Well that's not supposed to Happen
Chapter 10: Told Ya So
Chapter 11: Dancing Around Back Stage
Chapter 13: *Insert Smirk Here*
Chapter 14: Unless you're Offering
Chapter 15: Not So Sweet Dreams
Chapter 16: +Positive

Chapter 12: Say Goodbye

26 2 0
By scales7twist

Not So Simple

Chapter 12: Say Goodbye

I cry, yes I cry. I can’t believe this is true. I shake my head “your lying” I say standing up.

Chase grabs my hand, trying to calm me down. “Mummy, are okway” Conner, ask. I nod.

“I’m sorry” my mum says walking away.  I sit back down; I can’t believe this, I why would they keep something so big away from me;

“What’s going on” I ask, while my mum stares at me, in horror than she begins to cry. “Mum” I ask, watching Aunt Kay trying to calm her down

“April, I’m so sorry” she cries. I stare at her, wanting her to continue “I should have told you, but…” she sobs.

“Spit it out mum” I say, making her sob “Aunt Kay” I ask, watching my mum jester for her to go on.

“April, we have something, to tell you about…uh… family life, but you have to promise not to get angry.” Aunt Kay says while I nod. “April when me and Lisa left three years ago, we didn’t leave by choice, I am not saying that we hated it, I mean it was a great experiences, but it was because we had to keep a close eye on your brother, your Half-Brother” I stare at them in shock.

“Is this a sick joke” I ask, Aunt Kay shakes her head.

“I was six-sixteen” I look over at my mum, who is still sobbing “My parents had gone away, for the weekend, I mean how awesome would it be to throw a party. Of course Kay, didn’t want me to she is older after all and I should of listen to her, but I didn’t and threw the party anyway.” She sobs, looking down “I trusted my best-friend, way too much and well I practically told HIM everything, until that night. That night I would be scared for life.” She swallows

“He kept touching me, but he was my bestfriend and things got out of hand, he took my virginity and left me with a little boy. His name is Alec, but I wasn’t ready for a baby, I was sixteen, I know April, I know you had twins at 16 and I am so very proud of you, and how you looked after them. But I wasn’t ready; my mamma wouldn’t let me keep him anyway. Alec got put up for adoption. Three years ago he came and found me. He was my past, and why would I want him to meet my present.” She sobs, looking up at me.

The tears keep falling; half of me am hoping she is lying while the other half is happy. Chase still had hold of my hand, Conner is still, staring at me, and my mum is in the kitchen, I get up with Chase on my tail, probably so I don’t pounce on her. I may be still a little angry from Ms. Hastings house. “I don’t understand why you are telling me now.” I ask, making her turn around.

 “April, when you told me about your ‘friend’ harassing you it made me think how hard this is, that I shouldn’t of kept something like this away from you, I’m so sorry. I called Kay, because I need help, I need you to believe when I say I don’t love you any less” She sobs, I nod.

“I just can’t believe it mum, I need time” I say turning around, I can’t believe I have a brother, an older brother. I thought I was the oldest. It might take a while to get used to. But right now I think I need to leave.

“What does she mean when your friend harassed you April” I look at Chase, shaking my head.

“Don’t worry about it” I say turning around, “Boys lets go” I yell.

“April, please wait” My mum says, I glance at her.

“Now” I say walking out the door. “April, Please” My mum yells again, but I keep walking to the car, opening the back door watching the boys get in. Chace comes over buckling Conner in, while I do Brodie. When we were all in the car, Chase drives away, back to our house.

“Are you going to tell me, what Prick touched you now” I hear Chase growl, trying to stay calm. I felt the tears beginning to fall again, so I just stare out the window, as the tears roll down my face. I try to stay quite but a sob, erupts. “April” He asks, but I don’t turn around. “I’m sorry, but I need to know this, April, I need you to talk to me please” He asks, I sob again.

“Co-Coby” I try to say threw the sob.

“Coby, as in Coby” He ask, his grip tighten around the steering wheel. I nod, making him angrier. I feel the car spin around making me look up. I look at Chase who has this cold evil looking in his eye. I turn around looking at the boys, both asleep.

“What are you doing” I ask, He doesn’t look at me, He doesn’t answer he just keeps driving. Suddenly we park, watching him jump out, running up to the house, in front of us, he bangs on the door. I wouldn’t be surprised if he put a hole through the door.

I watch the door, open seeing Coby standing there smirking. Watching Chase go flying through the door, I realize that should be my queue to stop him, but I didn’t anyway I knew he could kill him if he wanted, but I didn’t do anything, I just sat there, and stared at the fight breaking out.

I hear a loud ear piecing bang, I look back seeing blood on the ground, I didn’t even think of what I was doing. I threw open the car door, running over to them, “Chase” I yell, seeing blood everywhere, and Coby staring at me, smirking.

“Hello, princess having fun” he laughs, walking over to me “say goodbye April, Chase can’t have you, Uncle Clark can’t have Ms. Hasting, and you can’t have your kids” he smirk, grabbing my head turning me around, I stare as a car crashes into my, and it goes flying.

I get out of Coby’s grip running to the car. I realize my kid’s aren’t there. Where are they, did they take them “Where are they” I scream, He smirks.

“When you give me what I want, you can have what you want” He says putting the gun in his waist band, walking to the car. I run as it drives off with my kids, with my life.

“Please stop” I cry falling to the ground on my knees. “Please” I beg, but the car keeps driving in the distance.

I hear sirens but I just say on the ground sobbing, I hear footsteps running to the house, I feel hands wrap around me. I smell fire and I stare into the distance, praying it was dream, and my baby’s will run up to me, any minute, With Conner saying his cereal is cold, or Brodie having trouble putting on his PJ top.

But it wasn’t, they were gone. My life was gone, my lover is dying and my kids are with some psycho, I have an older brother I didn’t know was alive.  Ms. Hasting hates me (not that I really are). My daddy’s dead.  But my children are gone.

I want them back, “please” I scream, as I get lifted up and put in the back of an ambulance “Please” I beg, than I realize there was no point in begging, they were gone.

Thanks for Reading

Question: Where do you think the kids are? How will this end for Chase?

Next Update: Hopefully very soon, I had a lot of trouble writing this Chapter I hope you like it please tell me what you think.

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