By Inspireskook

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Head of the police department and S.W.A.T. team, Soojin was forced to be upon the most dangerous case of all... More



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By Inspireskook

The office was busier than usual. Maybe its because of the holidays coming up. There seems to be more people getting in jail or people killed on holidays. This world is crazy.

I walked around observing my team and their researches. It was already 10pm, but more and more arrests were more intense than usual. I have no idea, but my instinct was the best.

It has to have something to do with 'Bangtan'. I just know it. Why?

Half of the people on jail are vampires  and I can either see it, or sense it. There is no in between. .

I walked to Jun and rest my elbow on his desk. He noticed my presence and starts speaking right away.

"How's your day goin?"

I scoffed.

"Well." I said monotonesly.

"Same answer as always." He chuckled.

"Why do you keep on asking then?" I asked.

"In hopes that it will change." He smiled.

He turns around to face me and his smile dropped. His eyes catch my empty, tired eyes. My face was just like every other day. Emotionless.

I don't show smiles, I don't cry. I keep everything to myself and things that involves me, I don't ever tell. My past, I never bring up. I'm 'emotionless', they call me.

Jun scratched the back of his neck before turning back to his computer.

"So, have you done the research I asked for?" I asked.

"Yep. December 1st, the murder took place at 2783 Freeway Stone. The decease had two holes in on the side of her neck. There was two witness at the scene, but one died just after and one had escape, however just two days after the murder, the last witness died with the same holes on her neck."

"We have the murderer. But the death of the two witnesses we don't have." I said.

"Dan and jihoo is still working on that." He said

I nodded, taking the information in. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"We all know the witnesses always dies either later or at the time. The places of other murders are spread out all over the globe. It means they are worldwide. This case have been on a run for the longest time ever and I want it to end." I rubbed my neck and closed my eyes to calm myself.

"You have to keep on going." He told me.

"I know."

"The last person in charge of this case was torn open and had his heart taken out. His limbs twisted outwards and his eyes were scooped out." He said to me with a hint of worry in his tone.

"He was human."

"Yeah. But I'm just afraid that it will happen to one of our officers again. It might not happen to you, but we are down to have limited officers." He said.

"We won't lose anymore. Our team will be successful in this case. We are close to be encountering them. We just need time." I said rubbing my temples.

"Maam." I heard behind me.


He showed me a file and I nodded.

"I'll be there in two minutes."

He nodded and left.

I turn to Jun and he pat my shoulder before turning back to do his work.

I got up and walked towards the soundproof room. Our station was one of the biggest station in korea. We had one of the biggest advantages.

I walked into the room after reading the files. I see the mam sitting in the other room through the see through mirror.

"Turn it on." I say.

David turned on the glass as I went in there alone. I looked back to see the mirror close behind me completely.

I turn to the man who had a crooked smirk on his face. His eyes shining bright red after the mirror had closed.

"Ohhh. Look what they gave me..." he sniffed the air.

I walked to the chair across from him and sat down as I flipped through his file.

"A snack..." he licked his lip as he started at me.

"Oh. And what is this? A vampire proof room?" He added.

"It is actually, it tells me what kind of level vampire are you." I said still looking down.

"Oh? And a stupid police officer like you can identify me?" He chuckles.

I shot my eyes upon him and he immediately froze in place.

"Can I?" I say with shards of frozen knives in my voice.

"You're eyes..... t-their pitch black." He tries to back out of the chair that he was trapped in.

"If I was you, I'd listen and answer the answers truthfully." I say and he gulped.

"Y-yes." He stuttered.

I looked down to his file again.

"Mr. Kim. Tell me what happened on December 1st at 9pm." I said staring into his eyes.

He seemed speechless. He gulped as sweat starts to appear on his head.

"N-nothing h-happe-"

"A young girl, in her twenties, had died in her own house with two witnesses at the scene. She had two holes in her neck with her body harassed and sexually abused." I said standing up making him even more nervous.

He held his hand shakily.

"I-I don't know anything." He stuttered shaking.

"But you do. You were there." I said and his breath hitched.

"Fingerprints, and DNA tested that it was you who harrassed her and killed her." I went towards the wall and pushed it.

Soon it opened up an opening with all the materials I needed inside.

"I know who you are under." I say.

"No you don't." He protested, afraid.

"But, I do." I said pulling out a long metal stick with two sharp edges.

He went quiet.

"Bangtan." I said and he looked at me with such desperation in his eyes.

"Stop. Stop! " he shouts.

"What?" I asked with no expression.

"Is it that fact that they will kill you once you get out, after being captured by me. You know they won't except you." I say and he looks down to his lap.

"Tell me everything you know. Or else." I say as I lean in front of him.

"Or else what? Your going to stab me with that?" He chuckles looking at what I had.

"No. I'm going to hit you. Knowing that you are under-class, you will feel pain and you group of vampires don't heal as fast." I said.

He looks at me with sweat dropping down his forehead. His hand scratching at his arms and his head tweaking here and there.

"No. I-I c-can't!" He shouts and push back, trying to escape.

With no hesitation I flipped the metal bar and smash the tip down on his arm hearing the bone break and his tendons rip.

He screamed in agonizing pain as he held his arm that was clearly broken with blood leaking out.

"AGH!! You bitch!!" He screamed.

"I know." I say before putting the metal bar down.

I went over to his side and grabbed his shirt. I pulled his head to look at me.

"The truth. Or... I will hit your chest next." I said.

His red eyes showed such fear, even if he, himself was to be feared.

His eyes peered down. His form telling me that he was close to breaking.

"T-they will kill m-me." He spoke in such a hopeless voice.

"Either way." I say.

He looks at me, then at the table.

"T-they are here." He spoke in a weak voice.

I sat down in front of him.

Watching his figure slump down in defeat. His fingers was fiddling no more. He was tired, maybe mentally and physically.

"I have-"

"A mark. That symbolizes their group's trust." I finished his sentence.

He looks at me with wide eyes.

"H-how d-did yo-"

"I know." I sighed.

I glared at him.

"Tell me some thing I don't know." I say with a bored tone.

He hesitantly nodded as he gulps.

"T-they are going to attend the Valts at the dome. Tomorrow night." He says.

"Valts? At the dome? Why?" I asked.

"They said that they had business there." He looked down at his arm that was starting to heal.

"His men will be there....." I spoke to myself....

"You won't stand a chance against them. They have-"

"Seven. I know." I growled.

I stood up.

"You'll get killed!" He shout.

"And when did you care about me?" I looked at him.

"I don't care about you! But I thought being an officer, it will be better to have vampires protect you, in and out of the Valt." He spoke.

I scoffed.

"So what you're trying to say is that I should try to turn these locked-up vampires around so they can be on my side when we go inside the dome?" I looked at him with a dark, cold sensation from my eyes.

"Yeah, you can-" before he finish, the metal pole still my hand smashes against his chest, breaking most if his ribs as he coughed out blood non-stop.

His eyes widen in shock and fear as wrapped his arm around his waist and chest,he cough blood out.

"I know. You will betray me in the end because all of you guys have the same mark, and having the same mark means that you guys have been under their control, therefore, you guys will betray me due to the amount of fear you have." I spoke harshly at him.

I grabbed his chin and made him look at me.

"Don't suggest ideas, you low-lives don't have anything coming at you, but death." I growled as I pushed his face away from mine.

I turned around and looked at the camera at the corner. I nod to give a signal. The walls opened and I walked out as two men walk past me to get the prisoner.

I threw the file on the side and walked out loosening my shirt. I walked down the halls as Jun and Dan walked by my side.

"Call the team to meet in 20 minutes." I said.

"Yes ma'am" Dan says as he walk off.

"Call the S.W.A.T. team to tell them about the meeting."

"Yes ma'am" he bowed and left.

I walked to my office and sighed as I sat down. I closed my eyes and ruffled my hair with my hands.

'So many things can go wrong....'

I shook my head. This plan will work, and they will know.....

My words will be clear and clean, no mistakes or the whole team will be in danger.

I glared at the picture that was caught not too long ago of a male. His eyes pitch black as his brown hair covers some of it.

His face was pale and his structures were sharp. His body was toned and his intentions were on.

"Two can play at this....."

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