
By Ficteon

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Lance a upcoming pro surfer loves the waves. He loves to show off his moves, he loves the freedom, he loves h... More

Chapter 1: Waves to catch
Chapter 2: Spilled Coffee
Chapter 3: Friends argue sometimes.
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: The perfect date.
Chapter 7: Trust me.
Chapter 8: Countdown.
Chapter 9: No problem bro.
Chapter 10: Good change, bad change.
Chapter 11: Meeting.
Chapter 12: Perfect for him.
Chapter 13: It was bound to happen.
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 15: I know.
Chapter 16: How Yorak felt.
Chapter 17: Explaining.
Chapter 18 Together at last.
Chapter 19: The end.

Chapter 4: Slow improvements.

418 17 5
By Ficteon

Shiro is worried.. but also happy and curious. He is wondering why Keith seems to be happier in such short amount of time.. but it worries him because Keith hasn't told him yet what ever happened to make him act more like his past self.

What happened? Shiro really wants to know. Doesn't Keith want him to know?

But anyway he is glad though. A couple weeks ago Keith wasn't doing much in his life. Now he is going out more... he even smiled once. Yes I know, wow..

So something is going on.. and Shiro will find out what.

The reason Keith hasn't told Shiro yet about the new people he met is.. he was afraid the three would leave him. It would've been so stupid if he would've told Shiro he had friends and then the day after they wouldn't talk to him anymore. Knowing himself that is highly possible to happen.

He had some 'friends' in the past.. they didn't last long. They where out for the person people saw him as.. it wasn't because of his personality.

Only Shiro and Later Adam stuck with him.. and he is thankful for that.. very thankful.

It has been a couple weeks now since he first hung out with his new friends.. and they haven't left him yet. So he thinks it would be save now to tell Shiro.

He hopes it is.

Shiro already tried a few times to get the truth out of Keith. But he didn't tell him then.

But now Keith wants to tell him.

Keith has invited both Shiro and Adam over for dinner... he only did this as his old self in the past.. so Shiro and Adam already think this is weird. Most of the time they just walk in here or force Keith to come to their house instead.. but they didn't get invited in years.

It isn't like Keith made a whole meal or something.. he just ordered pizza. Keith never cooks so that is normal.

Keith hands them their chosen pizza and then sits down to eat his own. Adam looks at Shiro and pokes him. He then mouthes the words 'ask him'.

Shiro coughs to get Keith's attention. "So.. you invited us. That hasn't happened for a while."

"Oh yeah.. It has been hasn't it?" Keith replies thinking about how long it must have been.

"And.. is there any reason? Did something happen? Do we need to be worried?"

Adam continues what Shiro wants to say. "Cause most of the time we need to be worried about you."

Keith rolls with his eyes. "You don't have to be worried about me.."

"Yes we do.. Keith you haven't been yourself for years.. you're not the Keith we got to know all those years ago." Adam says.

"Well maybe that me was a fake me huh! I'm definitely myself!" Keith is a bit offended.. he hasn't changed that much at all right?

"I'm sorry Keith.. but I have to be on Adam's side with this. Your passion is gone.. you used to be 24/7 on the beach or in the gym.. you loved that."

He sighs and answers. "I know Shiro..."

"And you where happier.. you loved to be with your other friends." Adam says.

"They weren't even real friends.. Look guys I know.. and I'm trying I swear."

"You are?" Both ask Keith.

"Yeah.. I wasn't a couple weeks ago.. I know. But I'm trying to get out there again. I actually did invite the both of you to say I have found some people I realy like. They all surf not that great for me but you two would like them."

"What really?" Shiro says.

"That is good to hear Keith.." Adam smiles at Keith "How did you meet them?"

"Well there is this one jerk.. Lance.."

"Jerk! What did he do to you?" Shiro's dad mode just went on. "When people aren't nice to you you shouldn't be friends with them! We don't want them to leave you like the others did."

"Shiro.. calm down. These people only know me as me.. Keith. And.. that jerk isn't that bad. He really is great.. sometimes.. only sometimes. His name is Lance. I met him first when he spilled coffee all over me, we got pretty angry at each other and had a fight.. but he said sorry and he kept bugging me.. someday later I was hanging out with him and his friends Pidge and Hunk."

Keith tells them the story.. and Adam looks at Keith with a smirk. He then whispers so only Shiro can hear him. "Sounds like the beginning of a romance novel.."

Shiro chuckles.. yeah it would be great if Keith found someone special to him like a lover.. but well, you can't force these things. Shiro wouldn't even think it is weird if Keith never got a boyfriend. Keith doesn't seem like he is searching for one.. he never has been. But Shiro thinks Keith may need someone special.. someone he can trust.. it would be good for him to have someone he can trust.

"Pidge is a total nerd... and Hunk is the sweetest guy I've met so far.. he is like a angel. Lance.. he is irritating, obnoxious, loud actually total opposite of me... but, I have the feeling I can trust him kind of. He's passionate, loyal... still a jerk though.. biggest jerk of all."

"Hey Keith.." Adam still has that smirk. "Did you know opposites attract?"

Keith doesn't understand it... but then after a few seconds it clicks.
"Shut up Adam!"

Adam shrugs his shoulders. "Just a fact.."

Keith rolls with his eyes. "I've invited you two and I would not hesitate to throw you both out."

"Okay okay.. We won't talk anymore about your crush on the Lance kid."

"Adam." Keith says with a groan.
"I'll just ignore you now then." Adam sticks his tongue out and Keith does the same thing. "As I was saying.. before Adam was getting weird ideas. I think hanging out with these people will help me."

"Are you going to try swimming?" Shiro asks.

"No! Never.." Keith frowns. Shiro knows he isn't so why does he keep insisting.

"Okay okay.. that is fine, and it is your choice. I just thought maybe you would try it.."

Keith knows Shiro just cares about him.. and getting angry will not help anybody. "I know.. sorry for shouting."

Adam and Shiro look at each other again... Keith who says sorry.. how did that suddenly happen. Maybe these new friends really are good for him."


Lance and Hunk are just hanging out in Lance's apartment. Just talking about somethings not important. Like when they where kids still in middle school. First crushes.. you know that kind of stuff.

They also talked about when the two had a college dorm room together, good times.. good times. Hunk and Lance just always have been friends. And later Pidge joined their group. They always thought that they where complete after that.

But they really like that Keith joined.

"He can be moody sometimes.. but he has something to him." Hunk says. "Like you can tell him evergthing kind of."

"Exactly I know what you mean. Keith just seems... special you know. I think he just needs his time right now."

"Why do you think he doesn't swim with us?" Hunk asks.

Lance shrugs. "I don't know buddy.. I mean we wouldn't judge if he would just swim in his underwear if he forgets his swimwear.. but well he doesn't want that." Lance thinks of how Keith would just stare at them when he and his two other friends are in the water having fun. It's like he doesn't even want to watch but still.. does. "Hunk.. did you know he is friends with the Takashi Shirogane like what!"

"He is! That is awesome!" Hunk replies.

"I know right.. but he doesn't like surfing that much.. like how can he not like it. He's all like eh it sooo dangerous.." Lance whines. "But we will show him how fun it is.. maybe he even wants to try? Of course when he would learn surfing from me he would be a pro in like a day.."

"Why that?"

"Cause I am a great teacher Hunk.."

"Sure buddy you are.."

"You know it was so sweet of him to pay for my dinner. But still he really didn't have to.. I mean he wanted me to stop paying for his drinks and all.. but like I did spill that coffee all over him. But okay if that is what he wants."

Lance could for some reason keep talking about Keith with Hunk.. But Hunk changes the subject. "Hey Lance.. speaking about dinner and stuff. Would be nice to take Allurs out for dinner right? Did you two already plan a date for the date?"

"Eh no not yet." Lance looks a bit sad. "She is really busy all the time.. so to have a day she isn't or at school or at work or already doing something else important.. is really hard. But she already told me she does not want to cancel it cause she told me she was really excited for it.. so that is very good." The last part Lance says smiling.

"It is! I hope this girl is the one for you Lance."

"Well she is everything I ever wanted. So how could she not. Beautiful, likes the same food, likes the same music, kind and she seems to really like me.."

"Seems like you two already talked a lot on the phone."

"Yeah we did. She also has such a beautiful accent.. she really is my dream girl Hunk.. just so perfect.."

"Well if she is everything you ever wanted.. I think you're really lucky." Hunk says with a smile.

Lance grabs his phone.. and he changes the subject again. "So maybe we could invite Keith? Pidge is busy now so she can't come.. but I think Keith has time now. It will be fun to see him right?"

"Eh.. yeah. Invite him." Hunk is a bit confused that the topic of conversation changed so fast.. but hey okay then. "Ask him to bring snacks though.. like I'm not letting him go through the door without."

"I know Hunk.. I will ask."

"Say he needs to blame you for it.. cause you never have nice snacks.."

"Not my fault you don't like the snacks I buy.." Lance shrugs with hus shoulder.

"You only eat dark chocolate.. it's so bitter.." Hunk pouts.

"I have more snacks than that." Lance says.

"But I want chocolate."

Lance smiles. Juwp Hunk loves chocolate.. just not dark chocolate bars. He says dark chocolate is only for baking or something. Well he just doesn't understand.

Hey Mullet. Do you have time to hang out right now with Hunk and I? We're just chilling at my home and if you wanna come I'll send you my address. But you will need to buy snacks though, Hunk's orders.

Why does Hunk want the snacks?

Cause he doesn't like the snacks I have at my house. Just bring milk chocolate and he will be happy.

Well okay I'll bring milk chocolate. I have time to hang out. See you soon.

I'll send you my address.


See you soon!

Lance puts away his phone. "He's bringing snacks."

"Yes! Good Chocolate?"

"I think so.."

"Hell yes!" Hunk cheers.


Keith rings the doorbell of Lances apartement. He waits sometime before he can walk into the building towards the stairs..

Lance said he lived on the 5th floor... Keith groans. All these stairs! He's sorry for Lance if he needs to do this all the time.

And now he has to walk all these stairs with all these snacks in his hands. Great just great.

Juwp now he regrets not going to the gym in years now. Why didn't he? Maybe because he couldn't for sometime.. he indeed does miss it.. Maybe Shiro is right, he changed alot since then..

At least he does realize it now and doesn't ignore it.

Maybe he will go soon. He is not loving his body anymore as well, so going can't hurt anybody. He will need to build up a lot.. he lost all his routine, but in a few months he could have his old body back.

And these stairs work for that as well. Keith is exhausted when he finaly gets on the right floor.
Yuwp.. he needs to work out.

Lance is already standing in the doorway and looks confused. He then laughs and says. "Keith why didn't you take the elevator?"

Keith has to take that in for a moment. "There is a elevator?"

"Yeah duh.. do you think I chose a apartement where I would have to walk the stairs everyday? Of course not. The elevator is pretty noticeable as well, how did you miss it?"

Lance starts laughing but Keith just thinks.. Whyyyyyy
"Not funny Lance.."

"Nope not funny, it is hillarious." Lance says while laughing. They walk inside Lance's apartment and Lance immediately calls for Hunk. "Hunk Keith took the stair cause he didn't know there was a elevator!"

Hunk now as well is laughing his ass off. "How did you miss the elevator!?"

"I just did okay.. can we quit it.."
Keith says with a cute pout.. at least Lance thought it was cute. Hunk was laughing so hard he didn't even notice.

"Ah Keith." Lance throws his arm around Keith. "Doesn't matter we all make mistakes."

"Just some mistakes will forever haunt you just like this one, cause now we will forever bring it up." Hunk says.

"Great.." Keith tries to get out of Lance's grip.. but he isn't letting go of him. He likes it too much that Keith is irritated by it. "Lance can you let go of me.."


Keith looked at Hunk the only sain person of his new friend. "Tell your friend here to back off.."

"Why? I like to see the both of you irritate each other." Hunk looks at the pleading face of Keith. "Alright fine. Lance.. can you stop touching Keith. He clearly doesn't want you touching."

"Can't do and he does want me to touch.." Lance sticks out his tongue to Keith.

Hunk shrugs his shoulders. "Well I tried my best."

Keith just gave up.


"So what did the two of you do before I got here?" Keith asks.

"Oh we where just talking a bit.. and we also played some games, but that is it." Lance replies as he walks towards his gameconsole and shows some games he has and Hunk and him played. "We did some shootergames. Do you play some?"

Keith chuckles.. he has been in bed and like almost only inside for some time right now.. so yeah he has played some games. He isn't like always buying the newest games or doing it a lot, he would choose to do something else most of the time instead. But they are fun totally if you're bored or being with friends. "Sometimes yes. I've done some with Shiro and Adam sometimes."

"Wait you also know Adam West? How do you know all these awesome surfers!" Lance asks enthusiastic.

"Well the two are together.. so well it isn't that weird that if you know one of them you know the other." Keith replies.

"Yeah okay but still it is awesome."

"Well.. they are very irritating most of the time. So I don't know about the awesome part. But they are good friends."

Lance smiles at Keith. "Good to hear.."

"Hey Keith." Hunk seems to have a idea he really likes because he gets enthusiastic all the sudden. "Maybe could give us their autograph. We all really look up to them, so we would really like it."

"Yes Keith please!" Lance rushes towards Keith. "Can you do that!"

Keith looks at the hopeful faces of Lance and Hunk.. "Well.. you could also just meet them. I mean.."

"We could!" Both say, it looks like their eyes are twinkling so excited are they.

"Yeah.. If you two really want too." Keith says with a smile.

"Yes!" They both reply.

Lance starts to act really excited. "I would want to ask Shiro so much. Like I want to know all his moves! But.. most important I want to ask About Yorak.. Shiro is my hero, but Yorak is a legend.. Shiro must know where he is right?"

"Eh.. I don't know.."

"Like Yorak must have been through much. I mean he was so passionate, but after the accident he just quit." Lance continues.

"I don't know. Ask Shiro when you meet him." Keith says. "I don't know Yorak.. so I wouldn't know."
He really doesn't know him.

"Has he talked about him?" Hunk asks.

"Yes.. Shiro and Adam did talk about Yorak.. about how they.. miss him most of the time." Keith replies a bit more quiet. "They love him.. I know that for sure."

"Miss him? So they don't see him that much anymore." Lance asks.

"No not really since that day.. maybe.. they will be soon though. I don't know everything about it." Lance notices the way Keith is talking.. and he doesn't understand. He supposes that it is because Yorak is one of the examples of surfing going wrong. He must be scared this could also happen to Shiro and Adam.. and maybe also to Pidge, Hunk and him. And Lance gets it, all his friends are surfers and that is a dangerous sport. He really hopes he can show Keith it isn't that bad at all.

"Well.. we would love to meet your friends." Hunk says.

"I'll look if they would want to meet you." Keith says smiling again.

"Only if it isn't too much to ask.. Hunk and I don't want to be a bother."

"You aren't.. really you aren't." Keith says to Lance.

Hunk looks at Keith a bit confused.. there is something about Keith he doesn't understand, and sometimes he acts a bit weird as well. Totally with Lance.. now he is being nice and friendly and the other moment they are angry at each other.

Totally opposites of each other as well.

"Alright.. good.. I'm glad I am not." Lance replies with a smile.


The day after Keith spend the evening with Lance and Hunk he decides to ask Shiro and Adan if they want to meet his new friends. He asked them of he could visit their house this time, that hasn't happened for a while. Keith thinks it has been weeks now since he last has been to Adam and Shiro's house.

He just.. didn't want to go outside. So or they needed to force him, or they would come to his house instead. Shiro and Adam where surprised that Keith wanted to visit.

But it was a good surprise.

They are proud of him.

Shiro opened the door and Keith smiles at him. "Hey Shiro.."

"Keith you're here."

Keith walks inside the house. He immediately sees something. "Hey.. new couch!" Of course Keith lays down on it immediately. "Okay.. tested and good enough for me."

"Well good that you like it. We had it for four weeks now..

Keith sits up. He knows that this means, hey Keith.. you haven't been here for a while and we didn't like that. "Well.. now I'll lay on it more often."


"I promise."

Shiro smiles. "Good.."

Keith looks around for new stuff he hasn't seen yet. He sees some pictures that interest him. "So, where is Adam?"

Shiro watches Keith walk towards their picture wall. He knows some pictures Keith will not particular like, but they are dear to Adam and him.
"He is getting us some food. It is almost lunch time."

"Alright, do you know what?" Keith looks at the pictures before him. He can already see most of them is or Shiro or Adam or them together. Very cute actually. He also sees some pictures of their families.. Shiro's mom and dad, Shiro's grandfather and grandmother, Adam's whole family.. that are a lot of people opposite to Shiro's family.

But then Keith sees in all the family pictures a picture they took in Sydney.. just before.. Keith looks towards Shiro. "So.. between all the family pictures our picture is placed.. I'm honoured."

"Keith.. You know you are like a little brother to me. Of course you get a place there." Shiro replies.

Keith looks further. He comes across a picture.. a White haired surfer with the biggest smile on his face as he makes one of his moves on the water. Keith stands still there for a while but then moves on without saying anything about it.

"Keith? Are you okay?"

"Just didn't expect that picture to be here.. nothing big." Keith quickly wants to change the subject. "So Shiro. Do you and Adam have something planned this weekend?"

Shiro knows Keith wants to change the subject. "Why do you want to know?"

"Well.. Lance."

"Lance huh?"

"Shut up Shiro and let me finish. Lance AND Hunk asked me if they could have your and Adam's autograph.. But I instead told them you two maybe would wanna meet them instead. They are both fan of you and Adam."

"Well for your Lance I would do anything." Shiro says with a wink.

"He isn't my Lance okay. I don't like him and Lance is probably just straight.. so please don't go assume things." Keith says a bit frustrated.

Exactly at that moment Adam returns home with some grocery bags.
"Oh hey Keith. You're already here, good. I've brought bread or some eggs and a lot or fruit."

"Hey Adam. Keith just told us we can meet the Lance this weekend."

"Oh really! Well Keith I am excited to meet your boyfriend."

"Guys.. Lance is not my boyfriend, Lance is probably straight and my other friends would join too."

Both Shiro and Adam laugh. Then Adam says. "We know Keith.. just messing with you."

"We would love to meet your new friends." Shiro says. But Keith, do they know about?"

Keith cuts them off. "No.. and don't want them too, at least not yet."


Lance is laying on his bed.. he thinks a bit about yesterday. It was really fun with Keith and Hunk.

Like really fun.

He was just messing with Keith the whole evening while Hunk laughed about that. It is fun to mess with Keith, his reactions are priceless.

He thought Keith would punch him at one time.. but he didn't and just pouted instead. Of course that was a sign for Lance to just continue.

And just that Keith went with the stairs instead of the elevator made his day. They really are not that hard to find.

Yeah.. it was great.
So great..

Lance really enjoyed being friends with Keith. He is a good new edition to their little group. He is special, himself. A little.. confusing because sometimes it feels like he doesn't say everything, but who would when thet met new friends.

He hopes someday Keith can be fully honest with them, with him.

He just hopes that day will come soon.

Lance's phone starts to buzz because he got a text. Lance checks from who it is and sees that Allura texted him just now. He jumps up and smiles.

Hey Lance. I will have time this weekend to go on our date <3

Really when?

This Sunday.

Then Lance gets a text from Keith exactly at that moment. He is curious what Keith wants to say.

Hey Lance. Shiro and Adam agreed on meeting you, Hunk and Pidge. They have time on Sunday. Do you have time then?

.. Lance looks at the two texts.. how could this happen. Both are on Sunday, like how and exactly on the same time. He really wants to be with Keith and his friends to meet his hero.. but he would get another chance for this someday.

But he has to say.. even though he waited so long for a date with Allura, it isn't like he wouldn't get another chance just like meeting Shiro and Adam.

So he has no idea what to do..

Only then?

Well.. maybe I could do something so I can have next week Sunday off as well, but that is a maybe and even probably not.

Fuck.. so that is a no.
Well.. it seems he needs to make a choice then.. and Love is number one on his list.

Sorry Keith.. I already have something planned on Sunday..

I did really hope I could go. It would've been so fun.

Oh.. well not that you can do anything about that. What do you have planned.

A date. I'm really excited for it!!

A date? Really that sounds nice Lance.

Yeah and she really is perfect you know. Like everything I've ever wanted.

Didn't know you didn't know yet about this. Must have slipped my mind to tell you. Her name is Allura and I've met her at the beach.

Sounds nice.. just think it is stupid that you can't meet them with Hunk and Pidge. But maybe.. I am going to go over there like tomorrow too, you could come with me then. They will just need to leave sooner then Sunday.

Really? That would be awesome Keith. Thank you so much!

No problem.

Lance texts Allura back he is free Sunday. He is really excited for both things now. Finaly they can plan this date!


"Hey Keith." Lance says with a smile as he sees Keith waiting at the place they agreed to meet.

"Oh Lance you're here."

"Have you been waiting long?" Lance asks.

Keith shakes his head no. "No I didn't." Keith starts walking and Lance follows him. "Do you want to go to their house immediately? Or do you want to do something first?"

"Oh oh! Cause you just joined our group you have no Idea about the amazing Asian restaurant. They have so much from different countries from Asia. It really is delicious. If we aren't in the cafe we are there." Lance answers.

Keith points towards himself and says with a chuckle.
"Well I guess I'll be judging the Korean food then." That made Lance laugh too. "I haven't tried any Korean food here so I'm curious."

"Well alright follow me then Mr Kogane. I'll show you the good food." Lance starts walking the direction of the restaurant and Keith follows him.

It doesn't take long before they arrive and are looking at the menu they gave them. Keith has to say they indeed have a lot of different kind of food. It could be bad when a restaurant has too much to choose from, but maybe it works out right now.

They order their food and then just talk. They have some time left before Shiro and Adam expect them, so they don't need to hurry.

"So about Shiro and Adam. How long are they in a relationship? They only just published their relationship, but they are already living together." Lance asks.

"Oh multiple years right now actually." Keith answers.

"Well good for them. Some people where a bit dissapointed when they both came out as gay. I mean, they weren't unpopular with the ladies." Lance chuckles. "But Yorak was even more popular. Probably because he was mysterious, people not knowing his name turned a lot of ladies on."

"Oh really?"

"Juwp. You should have seen my sister when I talked about him in the past, she melted."

Keith chuckles. "I knew Yorak had a pretty big fanbase.. didn't know he was that populair.."

"Oh he was.. people loved him. They still do even though we haven't seen him for so long."

"Well.. Maybe he will come back again." Keith says.

"I hope so.."


Keith and Lance had waited sometime but got their food. And yes Keith was pretty happy with the quality of it. It tasted very well.

Keith and Lance talked some more.. laughed some more. And they really got to know each other a bit better.

Of course.. there were some arguments in the conversations they held. But with these two you can't just expect them to not have any disagreements.

But they just left it by agreeing to disagree and stoped. They wanted to keep it fun, and not that one walked away from the table angry.

When they where done Keith was the one that said. "Alright I'm going to pay wait here."

But Lance stopped him. "Oh hell no Keith. I'm paying."

"Eh no.. I am paying."

"There you are wrong."

"Lance.. just let me play. I asked if you wanted to come today, so I should pay."

"But I wanted to go here, so I should pay.." Lance replies.

Keith rolls with his eyes. "Lets just go Dutch if we will fight about this the whole night."

"Fine." Lance groans.


The two exit the restaurant and walk towards Keith's car. It is parked pretty far from here, so they have some time to talk.

"Did you really need to park so far away?" Lance asks.

"Well sorry that parking in the city isn't the thing I like to do most. Don't nag Lance.."

"I never nag Keith.."

"Yes you do.. right now.."

"Nope not nagging."

"Yes you are."

"No I am not."

"Yes you are."

Keith thinks it is pretty weird how he actually does kind of enjoy these arguments. It is fun. Well it is fun till it goes too far.

Keith and Lance are too heavy into their yes/no argument that they don't realize something.

It had rained pretty hard yesteday.. and they are walking next to the road where cars drive. A lit of puddles plus walking next to the road.. not a good option.

And indeed.

A car drives by and slashes a whole lot of water over them. Lance isn't even that wet right now... but Keith. Keith is unbelievably wet.

Lance wants to laugh.. but then he sees Keith's reaction.

Keith is shivering and he froze up, he isn't moving at all.

No answer.

"Keith are you okay?"

End of Chapter 4.....


I hope you liked this chapter!

Check out my two new voltron drawings on insta!

I would love it if you will give me some comments and some kudos, I really appreciate it and love it sooo much!

I almost have christmas break so I think I can write a lot more then. So I hope more frequent updates.

I am so tired now... but like I only needed a 1000 more words so didn't want to quit, just really want to update today so ye. But I did it and I can sleep now. Luckily I can sleep in till 10am instead of 5:30am.

Please recommend my story! And if you would want I have a finished Klance story already called I know you better. If you haven't read it yet be free to check it out.

Byeeee till next time!

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