Back In Black


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Kathleen Quinn has moved from home to home since she was ten, years have passed and she is finally able to re... More

Authors Note
Chapter One: Old Friend
Chapter Two: New Beginnings
Chapter Three: Parties and Heartbreak
Chapter Four: Fear, Guilt, and Love Oh My.
Chapter Five: Truth be Told I'm Lying
Chapter Six: The Book of the Damned
Chapter Seven: Give Him a Break
Chapter Eight: The Last Picture Show
Chapter Nine: Please Don't Forget Me.
Chapter Ten: Love Never Before Seen
Chapter Eleven: The Tail of The Sisters
Chapter Twelve: The Story Unravels
Chapter Thirteen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Fourteen: Why Do I Do This?
Chapter Fifteen: Pissed Off Isn't a Good Color
Chapter Sixteen: Not Today Red-Headed Satan
Chapter Seventeen: In the Thick of Things.
Chapter Seventeen; Hatching a Plan Into Hell
Chapter Nineteen; The Blossom's Plus One
Chapter 20; Surrounded by Insanity.
Chapter 21: Happy Very Merry Birthday
Chapter 22; Coming Home
Chapter 23: Horrors of Home
Chapter 24: The Tell Tale Heart
Chapter 25: Isolation is Freedom
Chapter 27: Family Doesn't End With Blood.

Chapter 26: There May Not Be a Tomorrow

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Des was standing outside of the Whyte Wyrm when I arrived. She saw the look on my face and decided to just let me go, she handed me my mother's jacket that I pulled over my shoulders proudly as I made my way into the bar. I by passed all the drunk Serpents who were talking about revenge. Sweet Pea grabbed my arm.
"Quinn, what-"
"I need you to trust me." I cut him off pulling my arm from his grasp. I stepped up onto the small stage where a pool stood. I glared at it knowing all to well what it was for.

"SOUTHSIDE SERPENTS!" I called. The room quickly got quiet. "I am Kathleen Halia Quinn. Daughter of Beatrice "BabyGirl" Quinn. I am here today to bring light to our current situation."
"What do you know child?" One of the older Serpents spoke getting a rise out of some of the others.
"I know, with attainable evidence that FP Jones is innocent in the crimes against Jason Blossom!" Again the room goes pin drop silent. "This evening a group of Riverdale high school students and I were told where we could find a shred of evidence that supported FP's innocence. We found the Blossom boy's Letterman jacket, but hidden within the lining was a flash drive. On which the video from the basement here at the Wyrm. Mustang was seen tying the boy to a chair and taunting him until none other than his own father came into the room. The video also showed Clifford Blossom pulling the trigger himself." The room erupts with applause. I held up my hands to quiet the room back down.  "By now the Sheriff and the Blossoms are aware of the events that took place that night. We must all remain patent as FP gets released." One of the older members of the gang step on to the stage with me.
"You're the girl FP let join us without having to do the serpent dance, aren't you?" He looked at me with wild eyes.
"I am indeed." I took a step forward "And if you have a problem with that you can take it up with me right here in front of everyone." He looked out the crowed.
"What will you do about it?" Des steps forward and I shake my head. I take a step backwards towards the poll. I walk around it a few times my hand high above my head, I build up some momentum before throwing my body around the poll. My boots hit the guy square in the chest and he stumbles backward falling to one knee. I grab his hair and jerk his head up to me.
"I am a Quinn through and through, we may not injure another Serpent but don't think for a second I wont make your life a living hell." I throw his head out of my hand. Some of the women in the room start to clap. "Does anyone else have an issue with how I became a Serpent?" Everyone looks around the room seeing if anyone raises their hand. Sweet Pea grabs a cup and jumps onto the stage next to me.
"Long Live Kathleen Quinn!" The room erupts with applause once again as they all cheer to my name.

I climb off of the stage with Sweet Pea, Des is standing there with her arms wide open.
"You looked like a true ruler up there sweetie." She kisses my head pulling me into a hug.
"Thank you Des. I should really be getting back to the others..." I make my way out of the Wyrm.

"Kat!" I turn around to see Sweet Pea running out of the bar.
"Hey Sweets, what's up."
"How are you?" He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. I look to his Serpent tattoo on the side of his neck with a small smile.
"Doing better than last night, that is for sure."
"And you and the Jones kid?"
"Are taking a break... but getting into anything new now would be unfair to you and me."
"I know. I'm sorry." I step forward giving him a kiss on his cheek
"Don't be. The moment I'm ready, I'll give you a call."
"Anytime Quinn, for any reason." He winks before heading back inside.


Clifford Blossom was dead. I was standing out side of the Sheriff's station where Jughead and Sheriff Keller were yet again asking FP for names of the southsiders who were working with Mr. Blossom. Jughead finally comes out of the station shaking his head.
"He wouldn't give anything up." He whines. I roll my eyes
"Thats cause there is nothing to give up Jug. The Serpents don't deal that kind of stuff."
"Maybe Des and the ones you know don't but someone does." I stop and scoff. "What?"
"I'm sorry but all of the sudden you sound just like one of our friends at school. You don't honestly believe that some Serpents are lying to your dad about their business?"
"It wouldn't be the first time, just look at Mustang."
"I can't believe you Jug." I shake my head pulling my backpack tighter to my chest. "I should really get going, I have to finish my portfolio." I start walking faster. I can hear Jughead marching in the snow trying to keep up. Riverdale was completely covered and usually that made me over joyed, the snow reminded me of when we were kids. But now something just felt off.

Later that day I'm walking through the cafeteria trying to find somewhere to sit when Kevin grabs my arm pulling me to the table.
"Really Kev..." I sit on the opposite side of him, Jughead sitting on his other side with Betty at the head of the table.
"Anyway I told her I wouldn't do it. Not unless you're up there with us, Jug. Kat, you too."
"Wait what?" I lean passed Kevin.
"I appreciate the righteous indignation Betty, I do, but Jubilees aren't my thing. They aren't Kat's either."
"Speak for yourself Jones. If this is about the two of you being honored in some way hell yeah I should receive credit." The table looks at me sideways before Archie changes the subject.
"Jug, how's your dad? Did you get to see him?"
"Here's the latest. Mayor McCoy wants my dad to name names in exchange for a lesser sentence."
"What? Whose names?" Betty speaks, we all lean in closer to Jughead.
"The Serpents. Sheriff Keller thinks they're the ones dealing the drugs that Clifford Blossom brought into the town."
"My dad says more and more drugs are hitting the streets."
"Kevin, relax, this isn't The Wire."
"My dad says they're not the ones dealing."
"Cause they're not..." I mumble mostly to myself.
"And meanwhile, Mayor McCoy hasn't even said the words 'Clifford' or 'Blossom' in public. It's all about how the Serpents are the problem, the villains."
"Finally someone said it. For the first time in forever Betty, Thank you." I laugh from my end of the table. Earning another sideways glance from the group.
"This is outrageous." I nod taking a bite of my apple. "I'm writing an article about this, and not just for The Blue and Gold, for The Register. This is a town story." Betty slams her hand on the table.
"Okay, as long as the article doesn't include my dad." Jughead sighs.
"No, it is going to be about your dad, Jug. And Desiree and whoever Kat can convince to share..."
"Hold the phone, I'm not convincing anyone on the southside to share. They HATE The Register and rightfully so. The Serpents aren't your fucking ticket to fame or breaking the norm Betty. They are people, yes they deserve justice but not by lighting a damn fire."
"Kat, it doesn't matter how many Jubilees Mayor McCoy throws. This town's changed. That needs to be acknowledged. Why are people so afraid of the truth?"
"The truth can hurt..." I rub my forearm under the table.
"Speaking of the truth..." Veronica stands "Archie and I wanted to tell you..."
"We've kissed a couple times." Archie says after a brief pause.
"It's okay, Vee. I appreciate you being honest with me, but I've moved on. " She gives Jug a slight look that he doesn't acknowledge.  "If you guys want to be together, I'm happy for you."
"Thanks, Bee."
"Thanks, Betty."
"Thats enough sappy romance for me, see you fools later." I get up leaving the table.

I arrive at my locker, the halls still pretty empty with people at lunch. I open my locker door and a folded piece of paper falls.


I'm not too good at this kind of thing so I decided using my talent was the best. I messed up, and I'm sorry. You've been there for me through as much as you could. You had faith in my father when I lost it, you continue to have faith in the people who have protected you. I know being in the friend group has been rough for you, especially when they don't listen... when I don't listen...

But I have never been able to get you off of my mind. The way that you smile is so beautiful it could brighten the darkest room. You're laugh holds so much joy that one would think you've never known pain. You care for people who have wronged you and stand up for those in need. You constantly route for the underdog, even if you don't know the fight. You are strong willed and brilliantly clever. I was the luckiest guy in the world when I was able to call you mine.

I'm so sorry that I screwed up, again... And I will try my best to stop it from happening again. I need you now more than I have ever needed you in the past. Please forgive my dumbass...



I fold the paper back up with a smile tucking it into my back pocket. I close my locker door heading to English. The room was still completely empty but sitting on my desk was another folded piece of paper.


You mentioned once that you have always envied the true love stories of hand written letters. That you feel like the act of writing down one's feelings makes them real in inescapable.
I have loved you since that first "Kiss" in the old tree house. We were six-ish and had heard the word on a tv show, we knew what it meant but not completely. Your cheeks got flushed but we promised each other to never do that again... We've broken that a few times now...
My heart does a leap every time your hand even brushed mine, my heart shatters when I ever I hear your voice crack cause you are about to cry. I will wake up lonely when I roll over and you are not beside me. I search for you in every crowed room, I have to remind myself to give you space when you are mad at me. I have made mistakes that I can't take back, and I am aware that one of our friends stand at the center of it all. I wish I could tell you with complete certainty that nothing will ever happen between her and I but we both know that promise can't be made. But I can promise that I love you and I have loved you for a long time and I will continue to love you.

A large smile comes to my cheeks when I fold that one back up slipping it in my pocket with the other. I pull out my sketch pad putting in my head phones. I didn't look up until another piece of paper fell into my few. Jughead had just sat down in front of me but didn't turn around.

Cheesy romance is hard. Meet me tonight in our booth at pops, around Seven. If you come than we are both willing to give this another chance, if not. I'll understand and I will take a step back giving you your space. I love you Kathleen Quinn. Please come
Love, Jughead Jones.

School ends and I make my way to the Whyte Wyrm. I walk inside to find it empty with just the teen serpents milling around.
"Welcome back Quinn." Sweet Pea shouts hitting a billiard ball
"Hey Girl, what brings you here so soon?" Toni walks from behind the bar, she cocks one eyebrow.
"I figured I'd start to make myself at home over here. I'll be returning to Des's trailer tonight."
"So you are finally here to stay?" Fangs turns around from his game with Sweet Pea.
"As of right now, I'm just living in the trailer park. I'll still be going to Riverdale high school."
"Thats good." Sweet Pea straightens up. "Southside high sucks ass, a girl like you deserves the education Riverdale high offers."
"A girl like her?" Toni looks over at Pea with a small smirk.
"Yeah..." He shrugs going back to the pool game. I walk to the bar and sit in front of Toni who was working behind it. I noticed how the pink highlights in her hair make her skin look like it is glowing.
"So, how is it healing?"
"Pretty good, it scares me sometimes. I forget its there."
"One day you'll get used to it. How have your northsider friends dealt with it."
"They'd burn me at the stake if they found out." I hang my head. She leans forward
"You mean they don't know? Not even Jones?"
"No, Toni, especially not Jones. Like I said, burned at the stake..." I look at my watch. "I should really go pack my things before it gets to late."

The Cooper House was quiet, I walked in all the way up to Polly's room before realizing I wasn't alone.
"Holy Shit, Polly you scared me." I jumped when I walked into her room.
"You scared me Kathleen." I shake my head
"I just came to get  my things, I'll be out of your hair shortly."
"Its okay, I realized we haven't talked since Homecoming."
"Yeah, that night was really hectic. I really should have been gone then."
"Betty told me." She taps the bed beside her "You know she means well." I hold my left hand out softly.
"Polly, you are her sister... You'll defend her until you die, the same way Perry did for me. I really don't care what her intentions were. When I needed her to stand up for me, as I had for her, she didn't. End of story." Her eyes go wide and she grabs my wrist.
"What the hell!" She pulls my sleeve up revealing the healing mark.
"Polly, please don't say anything."
"When did that happen." I pull my arm away from her
"Homecoming..." I grab my two bags and my small jewelry box. "If I forgot anything, send it with Betty to school. Thanks" I storm down the stairs leaving my key on the stand by the front door.

I arrive to Pop's just in time to see Jughead taking a seat. I watch through the window for a few minutes before making my way inside. His back was to the door as it had been the night I rolled into town. I stand at the edge of the table,
"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" He looks up with a small smile
"Actually, I was waiting for somebody." he checks his watch "But it doesn't look like they are going to make it. Please join me." I sit down sliding to sit directly across from him.
"Jug, we've been through so much together." He holds up his hand.
"You've made your complaints Kat, and they have been heard." He holds my hands across the table "I made you a promise before homecoming and when the moment I needed to honor it came around I didn't. You tried to tell me, and looking back I noticed it. Alice kept you as in the dark as she did me, if not more so by not telling you about the dinner at all. You defend the southside with a passion that I envy. Please give me another chance to be the boyfriend I know you deserve." I sigh
"Forsythe Pendleton "Jughead" Jones, the third." We both chuckle "I am willing to give you another chance..." He smiles brightly.
"Good, cause I ordered us a milkshake to share." We laugh. After a few minutes Archie joins us at the table. The three of us just laughing and having a good time. Finally the three of us make our way back to the Andrews home.
"Hey, guys. Kat. Um..." Fred looks to his side before continuing "This is Ms. Weiss from Social Services." I grab Jughead's arm looking at a woman with short brown hair and a pantsuit. I knew what Social Services meant and it wasn't good in my experience. "She's, uh... She's Jughead's case worker."
"Jughead, I know how terrible and emotional the last few days have been for you." I let my hand slide into Jug's who just stood there staring at the woman as she spoke. "Your father's facing serious jail time. You're mom's over-extended and out of state. We just want to make sure that you're taken care of."
"Well, he can keep staying with us, right, Dad?" Archie steps forward.
"I offered already, Arch."
"Great so what's the problem."
"It was a DUI. After your mom left. Look, we can talk about this later but between that and my cash flow problem, it knocks me out."
"Where will he be going? I have experience in the system..." I grip Jughead's hand tighter.
"There is a family on the southside that has offered to foster you. They're good people, They've worked with us before."
"That doesn't sound completely horrible." He looks to me, I give him a swift nod.
"It does mean you'll be in a different school district, Jughead, and you'll have to transfer schools."
"What the hell? When is all this supposed to happen and that makes no sense, Kat-"
"Archie, please..." I mumble giving him a harsh glance.
"The paperwork's been processed. Unless there is a radical change in your father's case, you'll be on the Southside bu the end of the week." I look to Jughead who has one of the most heartbroken looks I've seen in a long time. He looks to Archie, defeated before he glances down to me.

Jughead and I are eating lunch alone in the Riverdale Cafeteria.
"remind me why we didn't skip today Jug."
"We need to be here Kat." I sigh
"Betty is babysitting Polly, mind if I join you?"  Jughead looks to me and I shrug
"Are you sure you want to sit at the social pariah table?" Jughead smiles to me.
"I've been sitting at it for months, why should today be any different?" Veronica chuckles
"Ouch, I'm hurt." I pretend to be shot.
"I've been thinking," She starts
"Thats dangerous" She pretends to sneer at me
"You and I have a lot in common, Jughead."
"Oh, because my dad's going to prison and your dad is getting out?"
"I was going to say we are dating each other's best friends, but yeah the prison thing too."
"Aw, Ronnie. I'm your best friend." I grab Jughead's hand and she gives me a short smile.
"Jughead." I turn around to see Cheryl standing behind me. "I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel you the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this." She tosses something over my head "My iconic spider brooch. It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawn shop. Enough to keep you in burgers and 'S' t-shirts for years, if not decades."
"Cheryl, what is going on?" Ronnie leans forward, she looks above Veronica's head and starts to say something when Kevin comes running up beside her.
"Guys, hurry. It's Betty's locker. Come on,  It's bad, Come one, come on!" We all get up and run after him.
"Whats going on?" Archie comes up
"Come with us!" Veronica grabs his wrist as we continue to race through the hallways. We come to her locker to see her papers all plastered all over her locker. Kids are lined up taking pictures, when we finally get trough the crowd we can see

GO TO HELL SERPENT SLUT written in blood with a voodoo doll hung next to it. Betty goes to pull off the wall and Jughead steps in between her and the locker.
"Get her out of here" I whisper to him standing there in front of the locker. "WHO THINKS THIS IS FUNNY?" The crowd falls to a hush, the lights from people's cell phones still shining on me. "Listen here Riverdale High School, It is shit like this that causes things like Jason's death. Get it through your self righteous heads. THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO FIX OUR DAMN TOWN." I rip the papers from her lockers. "You want to deal with a quote unquote 'southside slut' then send your damn hatred my way. Born and raised on the southside. If I catch one whiff of someone saying or doing anything to Betty Cooper you will have me to deal with. Ask Chuck Clayton how that goes..." I storm through the crowd, Kevin wrapping his arm around me as we follow where the others took Betty.


I walk into the student lounge the next day to see Betty talking with Veronica and Archie.
"How old would he be?" Veronica asks.
"Mid-twenties." Betty answers
"What are you talking about?" I ask
"I have a long lost brother." Betty again looks excited.
"A blonde Adonis no doubt." Veronica speaks up again.
"Have you guys seen, Jug. He's not responding to my-" My phone rings in my back pocket.
"Hey, where are you? Have you been getting my messages?"
"I'm at Southside High." Jughead whispers through the phone.
"Oh my god what?"
"This is where I belong, Okay? Lets talk about this after school. Please don't worry about me." He hangs up not waiting for my response. My hand covers my mouth as I drop my phone.
"Where is he?" Veronica looks at me scared.
"Kat?" Betty steps forward
"He's at Southside High... He said it's where he belongs. and that no one wants him here."
"Ugh, FP warned me Jughead would cut himself off, go to the dark side." I bend down picking up my phone.
"We can't let him do that." Betty walks closer to me.
"Then lets go." I turn and take off down the hall way. Betty and the others follow quickly behind me.

We get to Southside High and just run right in.
"Where would he be?" Veronica asks. I check the time on my phone.
"Lunch." I look up "This way." We all walk in, I keep telling people to stay away with my eyes. Sweet Pea and Toni look at me with wide eyes before noticing who I'm standing with. Their faces change and I shrug. Jughead is sitting at a table where a load of people just busted out laughing.
"Jug..." Betty speaks first. He turns around his smile quickly fading.
"What are you guys doing here?" We are all standing outside Betty, Jughead and I leaning against someone's car.
"I didn't tell you ahead of time cause I knew you would've tried to stop me."
"Stop you? Jug, I know what Social Services is, I know how it all works. There is no stopping it. But I would have liked to know." I glare.
"I would have tried to stop it..." Betty shrugs.
"Betty, the Southside is where the powers that be want me. Maybe I wanna be here as well. I may blend in better here."
"Doubtful, but possible. Look Jug. This is a fight between you two, just please. Tell me next time yeah." I kiss his cheek before walking to Ronnie and Archie. A sick feeling in my stomach. "Hey."
"Hey, what?" Archie looks to the two with his eyes.
"Lovers quarrel I guess. Betty is trying to make him come back."
"I thought you and Him were back together."
"We are, but I'm fooling myself if I continue to deny what is right in front of my eyes... Ronnie, yesterday Cheryl gave Jughead one of her most praised possessions."
"Yeah I noticed that too. She also gave me her HBIC shirt."
"Wait what?"
"Why is that so shocking."
"Do you remember how upset Cheryl was when her mom took the Vixens from her, why is she suddenly giving them away."
"What are you getting at Kathleen?"
"When Perry was ready to die he tried to make amends with the people he felt like he had wronged. He left me everything he possibly could and tried to apologize to the family we had been staying with."
"Are you saying you think..." Just then Ronnie's phone chimes. "Thanks for trying. I'm going to be with Jason now..."
"Sweetwater River." Veronica and I say in unison.
"We have to go! Guys, we have to go!" Veronica screams to Jughead and Betty. We all take off towards the river.
"Cheryl?" We all take turns calling out her name as we get closer to the frozen water's edge.  The others stop and I keep running.
"Cheryl!" I keep screaming until I finally see her red bow out over the river. "Cherry please come back!" I take off running over the ice to get to her.
"Kat, wait!" Jughead screams. I pay no attention until I finally reach Cheryl. I slide across the ice grabbing her hands before they hit the ice again.
"Cherry, wait." She looks at me her eyes red and puffy.
"Kitty Kat?" She looked at me her eyes full of questions.
"You don't need to do this sweetie, please come back with me. I'll go to Home with you and we can curl up by the fire with hot coco. Or, we can go right up the street to my family's cabin and just get away from it all."
"I can't be in that house with her anymore, losing JJ and then Dad has changed her. She is so heartless and cold. Worse than she had been before. Daddy had the right idea to end it all." We can hear the others screaming for us. Jughead was having to be held back by Betty and Archie.
"Kat please come back."
"Cheryl, JJ wouldn't want you to go out like this. You have to meet his babies, you have to change the family legacy. Don't let JJ go out in vain..." She finally nods slowly and we both move to stand up. Cheryl turns around looking at the four still on the land. "You have all the family you need right here." She nods slowly we go to take a step when the Ice gives way underneath us.

The water was freezing, I could feel as my muscles started to seize around me. I made my way towards Cheryl in the water. I grabbed her waist truing to pull us back to the hole we had made in the ice. I realized quickly that wouldn't work and we were going to die. Finally, a shape appeared above us in the ice. I reached into my jacket pocket pulling out the knife I carried. Holding Cheryl and trying to cut the Ice tired me out faster than I thought, before I knew it my eyes were fluttering closed. I couldn't hold on to consciousness any longer.

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