Chapter Fifteen: Pissed Off Isn't a Good Color

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//Kathleen POV//

It was interesting to say the least. Jughead living with the Andrews, it was harder to walk to school together in the mornings. It left somewhat of a sour taste in my mouth knowing that Betty had a straight shot into the boy's room. But I also knew in my heart of hearts that Betty had her own battles at the time.

Jughead has spent many late nights at Pops, which gave me reassurance that nothing was happening now that he was living on the Northside of town. One night Jughead left the diner early because I got off relatively early so I decided to stop by the Whyte Wyrm for an evening. I walked in to be welcomed by the smell of booze and the sounds of pool, but it didn't take long for a Serpent Legacy to be recognized.
"Look who finally decided to drop by!" A drunk older man called, the rose from his chair and looked around the Wyrm, quickly receiving everyone's attention. "Kathleen Quinn daughter of Baby Girl has come home!" the entire room erupted with applause, it felt good to be welcomed. I nodded to the man I had only met a few times in my life. I earned some claps on the back as I made my way through the bar, until a familiar teen stepped in front of me.
"I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me." I look up to meet Sweet pea's brown eyes.
"I could never forget you Pea." He gave me a cocky grin before wrapping and arm around me and bringing me to a back booth.
"Quinn if you are going to be stopping by the Wyrm then you must meet these guys." There was a table full of Serpent teens playing some kind of drinking game.
"Well well, look what the cat dragged in." A beautiful girl with purplish pink streaks in her hair spoke up first. "You must be the girl Sweet Pea never shuts up about. I'm Toni Topaz." I smiled to the girl. I sat down next to her as they went around the group. I only caught a few of the full names but I got the gist. Until my eyes landed on a Serpent I knew all to well.
"Sup Quinn?" He gave me a small smirk "Haven't seen you since the Drive-In"
"Yeah, I get around. Treating him good?" I leaned forward.
"I told you I would didn't I?"
"Just checking." I sat with the teens a little longer just laughing and chilling with them. Till I got a text from Des.
Des- Get your ass home now!

Shit I mumble to myself. "That is the end of the fun, I'll stop by another time okay?"
"See ya Quinn" Sweet Pea sighs as I walk out of the bar. It doesn't take long for me to get to the trailer form the bar, Des is pacing when I walk in.
"Finally, pack your things. You are leaving."
"And going where?"
"I'm not sure..." Des sighs as she sits on the couch.
"What the hell is happening?"
"I don't make enough to have full custody of you."
"I have my own job, together we make enough. I made sure of it. What is actually happening Des and don't lie." Des stands up and looks at me terrified.
"Kathleen, I'm not the only family you have left..."
"What do you mean? Yes you are you are my mother's sister..."
"No Kathleen, your father... he had a brother..." Des took my hands and walked to the couch pulling me behind her. "He was worse than your old man, he has been in a group home for years serving time for some unknown reason. But I got a letter from the home today, he has been released and he is coming home."
"What does this mean?"
"He is dangerous Kat, he was never convicted thanks to your father but he has been responsible for countless murders. He is a hit man, and he has no morals... When your father died, I started to receive the letters from this man. He didn't know, but at one time he sent me one that described all of the horrible things he would do to you if he ever got the chance."
"What do you mean Des?"
"Your father told his brother everything, he even sent pictures of you and Perry when you were younger, I honestly don't know the whole story but I do know even your dad was scared of him..." I sat there in shock... Not only did I have another family member out there but he was a crazy killer. Not surprising considering what my father did.
"I don't want to leave Riverdale... I just got it all back Des."
"You can't stay here, this will be the first place he will come to"
"Are we even sure he is coming back?" Des silently stands and walks to the kitchen. I hear her opening a drawer and then walking back.
"Take a look for yourself." she hands me a pile of letters all bound together.
"There are sixteen years worth of letters here." I looked at her wide eyed.
"Like I said, they were close... I love you Kat, I already lost my sister because of them. I can't lose you too." Des looks down at her hands.
"I need a little bit of time to figure something out, Just give me that. Please?"
"I'll give you as much as I can..." She stands "I need to get to work, I'll be back after you go to school in the morning. Please keep me posted on where you are now, just in case..."
"I will Des" She leaves the trailer and I just stare at the bundle in my hands.

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