I Want to be a Hero {KH Roman...

By AWildDevon

75.2K 1.6K 603

A part of me wishes that I wouldn't think so much. I think that if I DIDN'T think so much, it would lead to a... More

A Journey Begins*
Land of The Dragons*
Princess Era and Knight Orsa*
Peanut Gallery*
The Prince is a Beast*
Heroes and Douchebags*
Failed Seduction*
Cute and Innocent?*
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 12)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 13)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 14)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp.15)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp.16)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp.17)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp.18)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp.19)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp.20)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 21)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 22)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 23)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 24)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 25)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 26)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 27)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 28)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 29)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 30)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 31)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 32)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 33)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 34)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 35)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 36)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 37)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 38)
I Want to be a Hero (Chp. 39)
I Want to be a Hero (~Finale~)
Credits and Announcement!

Hate is a Strong Word*

2K 58 6
By AWildDevon

Not even the loudest of music could lighten my mood, and believe me, I really tried. 

The ship was auto-piloting it's way back to Hollow Bastion so the team took the opportunity to show Blair around and explain some things about the key blade and the heartless.

Yeah, "Team". Minus me. Because, honestly... what did I know? What good was I? I couldn't help her with fighting, I barely knew enough about the heartless and organization thirteen, and it's not like she had any interest in talking to me anyways. Sora seemed to be attached to her. I mean, I know they're old friends, and he probably missed her but...

"What am I thinking?" I clench my bed sheets. I couldn't possibly jealous. That was not only utterly selfish but just not right. I'm not supposed to get attached to him-- because some day, there will be a time where we both go home. Separate worlds, separate lives. The last thing I needed was another heart ache.

"Rea?" I look up and see Sora standing in the doorway. I pull my headphones out and try my best to fake a smile. He takes a seat on my bed "Look.. I know this is really sudden, and sharing your room is probably not something you're excited for but..." He sighs "I'd really like it if you and Blair became friends.." My mouth twitches and I stare at my carpet.

"I don't have a problem with her."

"Then why haven't you said more that two words to her?" Damn. You got me there.

"Just not feeling to hot," I whisper "Must've been the fancy tuna." He gives me a sad smile and I return it "I'll try harder to be her friend. Sorry it's come off that way." To be honest, I didn't really have a problem with her at all. She's probably really nice, and she seems like she really cares about her friends.

I just was really looking forward to dancing with Sora. Because, somehow, there is a part of me that doesn't want to face the music. There's a part of me that no matter how many times I tell myself no, still wants him to notice me. There was a part of me that thought Sora was sweet, and charming... and handsome. This part of me is letting my emotions take control, and I cant let that happen. I just cant like him. It's for my own good.

"Thank you, Rea." Sora whispers. I feel him wrap his arms around me and my heart drops, he doesn't exactly make this easy for me. I couldn't believe myself anyways. Even if I did like Sora, even if I admitted it out loud-- there was just no way he could feel the same.

A prince will only turn away someone with a meager appearance.

"It'll be a while before we get to Hollow Bastion, You should get to know Blair better, it might make sharing your bed easier" I roll my eyes.

"I dunno Sora, we slept together after the first date, I might be able to do it again with less small talk." 

Sora chuckles and nudges me playfully before standing. He gives me one last smile before walking out the door.

"N-No! Please don't she hates m-" Blair is pushed in front of the door and stares wide eyed at me. I take a deep breath.

"Hey." I give her a nod.

"Hi..." She leans on the door frame. I sit awkwardly for a moment before plugging my ipod into it's dock. Ocean Avenue plays through out my room. Blair gives a small smile. "You like Yellowcard?"

"A few songs anyways," I quietly hum as I place my headphones on the nightstand. I pat a spot next to me on the bed and Blair joins me, a bit surprised by the gesture. I bite my lip "Hey, I'm sorry if I made it seem like I don't like you." I scratch my neck "You kinda just came at a bad time."

"Oh," She blinks "It's just... You kind of looked at me funny, so I was a little worried." I sigh and fall back on my bed.

"I was just a bit upset. It's nothing personal, honest." Blair nods and looks to the dress hanging on the back of the door the leads to Sora's room.

"So why were you guys dressed like that, anyways?" I let out a pitiful laugh, a little bothered that I went through all the trouble of the dress and make up for nothing.

"We were invited to stay for dinner, and I guess they like to dance off their food" She nods again. I put my hands over my eyes. "Don't be envious, it sucked. the fancy tuna wasn't even THAT fancy." I hear her laugh.

"Just thought it was kind of funny, Sora looked like a prince." I scoff.

"When doesn't he?" Shh! God DAMMIT, Rea.

"When he stands beside Riku." I take my hands off of my eyes.

"What do you mean?" She joins me, laying down and staring to the ceiling.

"I mean-- This guy is so... gorgeous." She sighs. "He makes anyone around him look average." I scoff.

"So he's just like you?"

"Huh?" She turns to me, her pink eyes filled with curiosity. I turn on my side.

"You're kidding me, right?" I laugh, "You're gorgeous. I can wear a freaking fairy tale dress, put my hair up all nice, and put just the right amount of make-up on and yet Sora still looks at you." She shakes her head, I put up a hand "Ha. No, don't argue. Your eyes are wide and look innocent, not to mention they're a beautiful color. Your hair just brings it out more, and doesn't seem to frizz or static-i-tize." I pat down my silver hair. "Not to mention your skin is flawless and, well-- Don't think wrong of me for noticing but..." I wave my hand over my breasts and then do the same to hers. "You win." She snorts.

"Then please tell me why they both only ever seemed to look at Kairi?" She asks, almost bitterly.

"Do you hate her?" I whisper, maybe the smallest bit hopeful, and Blair simply blinks.

"I have no problem with Kairi. I'm just envious of her." damn. "Why, do you hate her?" I look to the side.

"Uh, don't really know her so can't form an opinion... So what do you mean by they only looked at her?" I pray she falls for that. She laughs and tucks her arms under her head, staring back up at the ceiling.

"Well, when Kairi first appeared on the island, let's just say I wasn't playing center stage anymore." I lay back again as well, letting her continue. "Riku and Sora seemed very fond of her, and I didn't exactly like it. It seemed like my two best friends were just snatched out from underneath me, so I tried so many things to get their attention." She laughs "I remember one time, I climbed all the way to the top of a palm tree and got these Seagull eggs Sora wanted so badly-- nothing. He ran off and showed Kairi and Riku. Eventually, it got to the point where I was alone every day and I just... Started bawling." I frown, knowing what it was like to be alone. " I guess I was pretty loud, because Kairi found me in our secret spot. She asked me what was up, she comforted me..and since then, her and I have been pretty good friends." She gets a small smile "but the only reason I seemed to even be there most of the time was because Kairi wanted me there. Riku seemed so intent on impressing Kairi, on talking to KAIRI. I was envious of her-- I still am envious of her." I chew the inside of my cheek.

"You really like Riku, huh?" She scoffs.

"Is that ALL you got out of the story?" I laugh.

"Well you do get pretty dazed when you talk about him, I couldn't help but notice." Blair rolls her eyes.

"Whatever." She turns to me "So what's your story? Why are you here?" I lean on my elbow to face her, feeling a frown come to my face.

"It's kind of a long story but.. I'll try to trim it for you." I rub my arm "Two days ago, my best friend and I were sitting on the beach when these heartless started attacking. This woman appeared, told me she could give me something to protect Mikoto and I-- so long as I did her a favor in return." I laugh, a bit bitter " --and I was stupid enough to accept. She told me to stop Sora at all costs and gave me this... thing" I make the Poison Ivy appear in my hands, holding the keyblade above us. "And she disappeared with Mikoto. Sora came, saw me with the key blade, saved me before my world disappeared, took me to some great wizard, who told me about everything Sora, Donald, and Goofy are doing. Made some fairies make me new clothes, and we went this place called 'The Land of The Dragons' kicked some ass, unlocked a door, and here we are now." She stares wide eyed "Oh yeah-- and my key blade is a piece of shit. It only casts magic, which WOULD be powerful if I could only use it right, it cant lock doors, no light in it. Pretty much just darkness." I shrug "So I'm a nuisance, and feel incredibly out of place, but I go on because I want my little sister back."

Blair shakes her head "Little sister?" I open my mouth then close it again. I didn't mention my family situation.

"Mikoto and I... are just really close" I say, giving her a sad smile. I get up and walk to my closet, taking out two pairs of Pjs, a light blue silk gown for Blair and flannel purple pants and a purple shirt for me. I go to hand her the gown and she points to the purple pjs.

"I'm not wearing that dress" I sigh and hand her the second pair, turning around and changing. "So tell me, why were you so mad when I got to the castle?" Blair asks curiously from behind me. I bite my lip, thinking for a moment.

"I-It's nothing really... Sora and I were just talking." I head her laugh.

"Ooooh." I slip on the night gown, walking over to make the bed. "So you have a crush on Sora?" My eye twitches as I see the smirk on her face.

"Get out." Her smirk only widens more "You can sleep on the COUCH" I hiss, and she laughs lightly.

"Oh, chill out, I was only teasing." I scoff and go back to making the bed.

"Sora learned the hard way not to tease me." she takes a seat on the bottom half of the bed.

"What was he teasing you for?" I pout, thinking back to it.

"My height." Blair lays down.

"You are kinda short"

"Do you wanna know what it's like to get thrown out into space? I could show you." She laughs again and I lay beside her on the bed, listening to Kelly Sweet play on my ihome speakers.

"So you do? Like Sora, that is?" I sigh, facing away from her.

"I can't like Sora." I grasp the bed sheet in my hand again "We live completely different lives..in two different worlds. It'd just be a heartbreak waiting to happen." I feel Blair roll over towards the wall and she lets out a yawn.

"Isn't it even more of a heartbreak to never let him know how you feel?" Her voice slowly quiets down " To..never know how he feels? Or make yourself think you aren't good enough for him?" I focus my eyes on the door across from me. "To beat yourself down? Besides, no one said you had to go home." I blink, my eyes feeling heavy.

"What are you suggesting? I have to take Mikoto home, and I have to stay there." I whisper in reply. She gives a single laugh.

"I'm saying-- Why not just stay in Destiny Islands? You're world already disappeared... just stay with Sora." I feel myself give a sad smile and I close my eyes.

"If only it were that easy."


As the ship docks itself, I step out of the bathroom, displeased at the fact my shower was cold. Blair had beat me to the shower, damn her. Whatever, I'm awake now at least.

"Good morning!~" Blair and Sora greet me with wide smiles at the door, and soon Donald and Goofy join us, and we head outside to Hollow Bastion. I watch as several heartless exit a building and Sora looks up at the building in terror.

"Merlin's house!" He dashes inside the building and I barely keep up with him. Blair beats me to the door and I frown, jeez, she was even faster than me. Not to mention the height difference.. "Merlin! Are you okay?!" Sora shouts, helping an old man up off the floor."

"You certainly took your time, didn't you?" the man asks, patting himself off. Goofy taps his chin.

"Oh, was it you who summoned us, Merlin?" The man nods.

"Yes but those infernal heartlesss got the best of me because I used so much po-" He looks to Blair and then to me. "Who are these two?" I smile at the man.

"Rea, pleased to meet you" Blair waves at him.

"Blair." He returns a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you both as well, I am the great wizard, Merlin." A wizard? dang. I thought they only existed in stories. Sora bounces on his toes impatiently.

"So what's up?" Merlin turns to him.

"Ah! Yes, right. Well you see, I stumbled across this in the Zero district." He pulls out a small book and Sora gets a huge grin.

"Pooh's story book!" I hold in a snicker. Poo?

"That's right. I know you're a good friend of Winnie the Pooh, Sora---that's why I summoned you. And when I did, I was attacked by the Heartless. Of course, I fought back with some rather powerful magic, but then I began to fear the book would be damaged, so I... Oh! Now, just a moment. Leon and the others need to hear this too. I-I'd better go find them. Be back in a jiffy." The wizard disappears in a puff of smoke and Sora looks at the book.

"I wonder how he's doing.." Donald grabs the book from him and holds it open.

"Wanna find out?" Sora nods and Goofy frowns.


"Maybe you should wait until Merlin is back" I bite my lip and he looks to me, a smile on his face.

"Cover for me, Kay?" and with that, Sora vanishes into the book. I bite my lip.

"He better be quick.." I take a seat on a chair in front of a desk with things scattered about all over it. Blair pulls up a chair beside me.

"So when are you gonna tell him?" she whispers, and it takes me a moment to realize she's talking about Sora.

"I'm not. Because I'm just going to get over him." She scoffs "Seriously. It'd be better off if I went home with him just a friend.. things will be easier" I make sure I speak low enough that Donald and Goofy cant hear.

"Believe me Rea, I've tried that. It doesn't work unless the guy is a complete ASS." She smiles "Which Sora definitely isn't. So I ask again, when are you gonna tell him?" I look to Donald and Goofy, who seem to attached in their won conversation.

"Never! I mean it, Blair. Mikoto's and my home is on Shady Isle, and after I get her back, we're going back. Sora will go home, and he'll go straight back to paying attention to Kairi." I crack my thumbs knuckle with my tight fists. "That's how it should be." Blair shakes her head.

"Some day, you're going to realize I'm right. But fine-- It's none of my business whether or not you decide to tell him. But I think you should." I lean back in my chair and stare at the book in Donald's hands.

"We're not meant to be.. that's just how it is. C'est la vie." I whisper, trying to convince myself more than Blair.

"Heartless!" Donald shouts, throwing the book on a table and attacking the heartless at the door. As Blair runs outside with the others, I see some heartless soldiers sneak inside. I grab the book and try to make a break for the door, but I feel a searing pain in my ankle and I fall to the floor, the book tumbling out of my hands. I look down to my leg, see black specks contaminate my dark red blood. I feel my breathing fasten and my eyes water up as the stinging continues. It felt like someone had taken a lighter to my leg.

"Rea!" I look and see Sora kneel down beside me, taking out a potion from his pocket. He prays it on my wound and I feel the stinging come to a stop, and watch in terror as my skin reforms and covers the wound.

"That was disgusting to watch." I laugh nervously as I wipe my eyes.

"Sora! Hurry!" Donald calls from outside. Sora helps me up and we run outside.

"Did you bring the book?!" Goofy asks worriedly. I stare in horror as two soldier heartless run down an alley with the book in hand. Sora and I begin to chase the two heartless, backing them into the end of the alley.

"Give me my friend back!" Sora shouts, attacking the one holding the book. I focus on the one going to make a sneak attack on Sora, blasting fire at it twice before it finally vanishes. Sora put his key blade away and stares worriedly at the cover, seeing a rather large slash in the cover. He turns to me. "Think everyone's okay?" He asks and I simply shrug, taking the book and letting him go in. He looks at me for a moment. I give a sad smile.

"I'll have Blair back you up instead this time.." he nods and places his hand on the book, vanishing in merely seconds. I close the book and meet back up with Blair and Donald and Goofy. I hold up the cover to show them "Sora's going to make sure everything is alright.. It got kinda damaged." They give a nod and I look at Blair.

"I might need you to help me out if another heartless attack comes. I couldn't use my key blade with one hand holding the book." Her eyes widen.

"Ah! I'm sorry Rea. I completely forgot." She puts a fist to her chest "I got your back this time" I laugh lightly, staring at the back of my leg and seeing nothing but skin.

"I hope so."


"A new world appeared on the map.. Looks like Olympus. That's where we're headed" I stare at the map.

"That looks close... how long?" Donald shrugs.

"Two hours, maybe?" I feel a grin spread across my face. "Oh and we got a training room down at the very end of the hall, I think Blair's in there now, if you wanna check it out." I look up to the doorway, glad to finally be able to work at something before I'm placed against heartless. I make my way towards the door and peek in the window, seeing Sora beside Blair. He looks up and sees me, waving me inside. With a sigh, I push the door open and approach the two.

"You're a natural at this." He finishes speaking to Blair before smiling up at me. "Rea! Great timing, I was wondering if you wanted some help with your magic?" I blink, a bit surprised, but feel a smile rise to my face.

"Y-yeah, that'd be a huge help, thank you Sora!" He gets a huge grin.

"Great! Blair wanted some help too, so I figured I could give you both a lesson" He takes out his key blade "Now, take out your key blade." I summon Poison Ivy to my hands.

"This thing's really growing on me." I smile, imagining a rose sprouting from the thorns. Sora laughs.

"Alright. So let's start off with what you know, Rea. Tell Blair how to cast fire." I shrug, holding up my key blade.

"Pick a target.." I aim for one of the test dummies across the room "Aim. concentrate on what you want to do,," I think about the green fire blasting towards the dummy, and low and behold, it happens. "And fire" Pun intended. She nods and chooses the same target, lifting her large black and white key blade up in front of her. A small fire shoots from her blade and Sora pats her on the back. I shrug "That was okay, but I think the trick is with the fire is to...excuse my stupid words, but to think about what fuels it. What fuels YOU." I point my key blade up at the target "I'm going to get my little sister back, and whoever gets in the way--" I shoot a brighter, larger fire at the target "Bang." I drop my hand and give her a smirk. "And you... I think you should concentrate on saving your beloved Riku." She narrows her eyes at me.

"Beloved?" Sora snickers "What's that now, Blair? You finally admitting you like Riku?" she elbows him in the side, Sora pouts.

"Shut up." she aims her key blade at the target and ignites it with a large white flame. Sora's pout grows.

"Why does everyone get a cool color flame and mine is just plaaaain?" I give Blair a high five.

"Muuuch better." I poke Sora's nose "Now what, captain?"

"Hm. Maybe you should figure out how you made that lightning." Sora smiles and I think back to fighting Shan-yu.

"I guess.. When he hurt you, I was pissed." I bite my lip "I just wanted him to.." I laugh "Get struck by lightning." Sora smiles.

"That's it exactly. Your key blade doesn't control where the magic comes from, you do." That would've helped three days ago..

"I think I get it." Blair says, aiming her key blade at the target, emitting a rather large swirl of water towards the target. I don't think I could one-up that. I raise my key blade up to the target, concentrating on water.

"So Blair.. How is Kairi?" I feel my mood drop again, and instead of releasing a wave at the enemy, I watch as the water from Blair's spell rises up and surrounds the enemy, freezing it in a block of ice. Sora's jaw drops "Wow Rea, That's pretty great! Hard to believe you only started this three days ago." I make my key blade disappear and walk towards the exit, ready to go take a bath.

"Yeah. Real amazing" I say, almost bitterly as I walk out, holding back from slamming the door.

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