Total Drama Island: When Thos...

By A_Lil_Kat2002

230 7 5

Isa Beilschmidt and Joanna Bonnefoy have been best friends since they were children. They've been through eve... More

Prologue: Meet Isa and Joanna + Theme Song
Not So Happy Campers Part 2
The First Night (side chapter)
The Big Sleep

Not So Happy Campers Part 1

46 1 1
By A_Lil_Kat2002

Isa's POV

      Joanna and I sat on the boat to our destination and looked at the TV. Our host, Chris McLean, was on. It was supposed to film for the other contestants who were coming after us. Me and Joanna were up first when we arrived. I figured us foreigners would arrive last, but I guess not.

      "Yo!" He said on thw television, "We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa! Somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario." Wait. Camp? I thought this was on a resort... "I'm your host. Chris McLean. Dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television, right now!

      "Here's the deal: 24 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other, then have to face the judgment of their fellow campers.

      "Every three days, one team will either win a reward, or watch one of their team member's walk down the Dock of Shame, take a ride on the Loser Boat, haha, and leave 'Total Drama Island' for good!"

      I rolled my eyes as the camera changes to a campfire pit, "Their fate will be decided here. At the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmellow.

      "In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame, and a small fortune, which let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week." I snorted, "I'd go with a day really." I muttered, smirking, making Joanna laugh as we checked to see if we had everything we needed packed in our bags.

      "To survive, they'll have to battle: Black flies, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food." "Hey now." I turned around, confused at another voice, "What the?" I asked aloud, what the heck was that? I didn't see anything. I looked at Joanna, who looked also confused. I guess we missed whoever that was.

      "And each other. Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out right here on Total. Drama. Island!"

     "Hey you two! We're coming up onto the docks, so get ready to grab your bags and head off!" One of the workers on our boat called out. "Got it!" "Okay! Merci!"

     I looked at Joanna with a confident smirk on my face as we approached the docks. "Ready for adventure?" I asked as she returned my grin, "Oui. Ready as I'll ever be."


      "Welcome back to Total Drama Island. All right, its time to meet our first 12 campers. We told them they'd all be staying at this five star resort, so if they seem a little T.O.ed, that's probably why."

       I stepped off the boat as Chris greeted me and Joanna. "Meet our two foreign contestants. Isa from Germany and Joanna from France!" "Bonjour Monsieur McLean!" Joanna smiled, shaking his hand, "It is an honor to be here!" "Hallo McLean." I said, shaking his hand as well, "Many thanks from Germany for letting me on." Chris grinned, "Welcome aboard you two, hope this becomes a trip you won't forget." He said as me and Joanna walked to the other end of the dock waiting for the other contestants to show up.

Joanna's POV

      I tood next to Isa as a short girl showed up. "Beth. What's up?" The girl, Beth I'm guessing, showed up and ran to Chris, hugging him saying, "Its so incredulous to meet you! Wow. You're much shorter in real life." She finished as she waved at the camera. "Uhh thanks." He said as another boat showed up.

       Then this black guy showed up. And walked to Chris, "DJ." Chris said as they high-fived, "Yo! Chris McLean, how's it going?" He looked around, "Hey, you sure you got the right place here? Where's the hot tub at?"

      "Yo dawg. This is it, Camp Wawanakwa." Chris said as DJ walked towards me, Isa and Beth, "Hmph. Looked a lot different on the application form." He muttered. Yeah. I think he speaks for everyone who signed up for this show.

      This goth girl showed up next, I think she shows the most expression of P-Oed. "Hey Gwen." Chris said as she looked around, "You mean we're staying here?" She asked, "No. You're staying here. My crib is an airstream with AC that-a-way."

      Gwen walked to him, "I did NOT sign up for this!" Chris grinned, and held up a contract, "Actually, you did." She snatched the papers and ripped them up and dumped them in the water, smirking. Chris smirked back and held up another contract. Uh oh... "The great thing about lawyers is, they make lots of copies."

      Gwen picked up her bags, "I am NOT staying here." She said, "Cool. I hope you can swim, though, because your ride just left." A horn honked and saw that Gwen's boat literally took off. Gwen turned around to Chris, saying, "Jerk." And walked towards us.

     Another boat showed up with this party guy, who jumped and flipped off the boat, giving it a thumbs up as his bag landed next to him. And walked to Chris, "Chris McLean! 'Sup man! Its an honor to meet you, man!" He said, "The Geoff-Ster! Welcome to the island man!" "Thanks man!"

      "They say 'man' one more time. I'm gonna puke." Gwen muttered, "I'm with you there." Isa said to her. I elbowed her, "You never complain about it when Alfred talks like that." I told her. "Al's different." She said as Chris turned to us and said, "Everybody. This is Lindsey." Then showed this very pretty looking blonde girl, "Not to shabby." He said to the camera.

      "Hiiii~! Okay. You look so familiar!" Lindsey said, "I'm Chris McLean." She gave him a confused look. Oh man. She's gonna be known as one of the infamous dumb blonde stereotypes. "The host, of the show." She smiled and walked to us, "Oh that's where I know you from!" "Uhhh. Yeah."

       Next this other girl showed up. Okay. Forget Gwen's angered look. I think this girl took the top spot. She glared at everyone and stormed in our direction, "Heather." Chris said.

      Beth then ran up to her, smiling, and I think spat on Heather by accident, cause the latter cringed in disgust as she talked, "Hi! Looks like we're your new friends for the next eight weeks!" Suddenly this rock music played loudly and turned to our attention to this guy with a green mohawk.

      "Duncan. Dude." Duncan held up a fist, glaring at Chris. "I don't like surprises." "Yeah. Your parole officer warned me about that, man. He also told me to give him a holler anytime and have you return to juvie." Chris said, smirking. So we have a delinquent here? 'This should be interesting...' I thought, remembering what I said in my audition tape about being tougher than a delinquent.

     Duncan sniffed and smirked, "Okay then." Then walked by Heather, "Meet you by the campfire gorgeous." He said, making her glare at him, "Drop dead you skeeze." She said then walked off, "I'm calling my parents. You cannot make me stay here." "Uh. I think he can, chère." I told her and she just glared at me, Chris just smiled and held up a contract.

      "Ladies and gentlemen! Tyler!" We turned and saw this guy ski across the water at the back of his boat, waving until he flipped over and shot across towards us as he landed in a bunch of luggage. "OHHHH!" We all cried out, then a bag landed in the water and splashed Heather, "UGH! MY SHOES!"

      "WICKED WIPEOUT MAN!" Chris hollered at Tyler as his hand rose up and he gave a thumbs up. Heather walk towards us, soaking wet as Chris laughed at her until this guy started to breath heavily and looked around. "Welcome to camp, Harold." Chris said.

     "What's he looking at?" Beth asked. Harold looked at Chris, asking, "So, you mean this show is at a crappy summer camp and not on some big stage or something?" Chris grinned, "You got it!" But Harold seemed more uh... Happy about it? I think he's the first person to be. "Yes! That is so much favorable to my skills!" He said, as he walked off while Chris shuddered.

Isa's POV

      So after Harold arrived another guy showed up holding a guitar with him. "Contestant number nine is Trent." Chris said. Wait ninth? Wouldn't he be twelfth actually? Oh well. What do I know ? This is Canada. It could be a Canadian thing. "Hey, good to meet you man. Saw you on that figure skating show. Nice work." Trent said.

      "Hey thanks, man. I knew I rocked that show!" Chris said, then Beth raised her hand, "I saw that! One of the guys dropped his partner on her head! So they got immunity that week."

        "Luccckyy! I hope I get dropped on my head." Harold said. Lindsey smiled, "Me too!" I whispered to Gwen, "I think that's already happened." She chuckled as Trent looked around. "So... This is it?" He asked. Yeah... Probably not the best looking cast. Heather glaring at us as she wrings her hair out, and I think I saw Harold picking his nose out of the corner of my eye.

      "Alrighty then..." He said and walked to next to Gwen, smiling at her. She looked away, blushing, but then looked back, smiling. Looks like Gothy's gotta a crush on the guitar boy.

      Next this blonde girl came up holding a surfboard. "Hey. What's up?" She asked, smiming, "All right! Our surfer chick, Bridgette, is here!" Duncan snorted, "Nice board. This ain't Malibu, honey."

      Bridgette shrugged, "I thought we were gonna be on a beach." "We are!" His definition of 'beach' is a seagull with some net wrapped around its neck, then some of the ocean then just showed up and washed it away. Wow. Just wow.

      Apparently, Bridgette thought the same thing, cause she just sighed, muttering, "Great." As she reached for her bags. "Alright! That makes-" Chris started to say, but then got cut off as Bridgette accidentally hit him in the head with her board. I managed to hold in my laughter. Sort of.

      "Owwww. Darn it. That hurt!" Chris cried out as Bridgette walked to us, "Hey guys." She said as she instantly caught Party Boy's attention. "Hey! I'm Geoff." He said, and as Bridgette went to face him, she swung her board around, causing Duncan, Harold, Trent, and I to duck for cover, "What's up?"

      "Dang! Watch the board man!" Harold called out as Beth walked over to her, "Hi! I'm Beth!" "Hey." Then Bridgette turned back around, swinging the board again. And once again, making the 3 boys and I duck again.

      "Okay. We've all met surfer girl. Can we just get on with the show please?" Heather called out. Yeesh. Who rattled her feathers? "Someone miss their double cappuccino macchiato this morning." Duncan teased, which made me snicker. "Get bent." She replied.

       Next this unamused looking guy came up, walking over, "Our... Next camper is Noah." Chris said, holding his head. Then Noah looked over to Chris, saying, "You got my memo about my life-threatening allergies?" "I'm sure someone did." Chris replied. I'm questioning signing up for this show because I'm starting to worry for my health now.

       "Great. Is this where we're staying?" Noah asked sarcastically, "No. Its your mother's house. And we're throwing a party." Duncan called out, grinning. "Cute. Nice piercings original. Do them yourself?" Noah asked sarcastically.

        Duncan answered by grabbing Noah's bottom lip, and pulled out a needle. "Yeah. You want one?" He asked threateningly, "Uh, no thanks. Can I have my lip back please?" Noah asked as Duncan let go. "Thanks."

      Next this black girl showed up, "What's up y'all? LeShawna's in the house!" Next to me, I heard Harold gasp. LeShawna then walked to our direction, high fiving Chris, "Yo baby! Hey how you doin'? How's it goin'? Feel free to quit now, save yourself the trouble 'cause I came to win!"

      Then she did this fistbump with DJ, "Oh what's up my brother? Give me some sugar baby!" Then Harold popped out of nowhere, looking at LeShawna, "I've never seen a girl like you in real life before." "Excuse me?" "You're real big. And loud." Oh boy...

      Well. If that was a compliment, LeShawna didn't see it, cause she was PISSED off, "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?! OH NO YOU DIDN'T! YOU HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING YET! I'LL SHOW YOU BIG BABY!" She was about to tear the poor guy into shreads until Bridgette and DJ had to hold back and Harold was doing... Karate?

      I don't think that's gonna work against an angry black girl, especially if you're the reason she's angry, "OH YEAH?! YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?! WELL COME ON THEN!"

      Then Chris intervened, "Alright campers! Settle down." LeShawna fixed her shirt, glaring at Harold, who just smiled. I rolled my eyes as another ship came up. Then these two... Twins showed up? One was tall, skinny, and tan. The other was short, pale, and plump. But they were dressed the same? What the hell am I seeing right now?

      "Ladies. Sadie. Katie. Welcome to your new home for eight weeks." The tan one then pointed to the island, "Oh my gosh, Sadie, look! Its a summer camp!" Tall and tan said, who I'm guessing is Katie. The short one, Sadie, smiled, "Okay. I've always wanted to go to summer camp! EEEEEEEEE!" They grabbed their bags and ran to us as another guy showed up.

      Chris walked to him, "Ezekiel! What's up, man?" Ezekiel literally looked up, and pointed to the sky, saying, "I think I see a bird." Is this guy for real? Next to me, Trent laughed a small bit as Chris put a hand in Ezekiel's shoulder. "Okay. Look dude. I know you don't get out much, been homeschooled your whole life, raised by freaky prairie people." He pushed Zeke into our direction, "Just don't say much and try not to get kicked off to early, okay?"

      "Yes sir!" Zeke said as he walked to us, "That's just... Wow." Gwen said, I nodded in agreement. Next up came this guy who had an overconfident look on his face. "Cody!" Chris called out, "The Code-ster! The Code-miester!" Cody and Chris shared a high five, Cody saying, "Dude! Psyched to be here, man!" He looked at me, Joanna, Bridgette, LeShawna, and Lindsey's direction, "I see the ladies have already arrived. Alright."

       He popped up to say something to LeShawna, but she beat him to it, "Save it short stuff." And I laughed a small bit. Then this buff looking girl showed. Okay. Either she is really mad, or that's just how she looks, but she didn't look happy to be here. "Eva. Nice. Glad you could make it!" Chris said to her.

       Cody held a hand up, trying to high five her, but she dropped her bag on his foot, which some how hurt him, "Ow! What's in there? Dumbbells?" He asked her, she looked at him, "Yes." Okay... Note to self never get in her way. I heard Ducan say, "She's all yours man."

      "WHOO HOO!!!" This loud voice yelled. This big guy showed up and he looked happy. "CHRIS! WHAT'S HAPPENING? THIS IS AWESOME! WHOO HOO!" "OWEN! WELCOME!" Chris said.

       Owen picked him up in a bone-crushing hug. Key word. Bone-crushing. Cause I think I heard a snap or two.

      "Awesome to be here man! Yeah! Man, this is just so..." "Awesome?" Gwen asked, smirking. "Yes! Awesome! Woooooo! Are you gonna be on my team?" Owen asked her, Gwen did the 'he's crazy' sign, saying sarcastically, "Oh I sure hope so." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

        "You about finished?" Chris asked, annoyed. Owen set him down, "Sorry dude. I'm just so psyched!" "Cool. And here comes Courtney." Just as he said that, this girl came over. Chris helped her down off the boat, "Thank you." She said.

      She walked to us, "Hi. You must be the other contestants. Its really nice to meet you all." Owen shook her hand, "How's it going? I'm Owen!" She smiled, "Nice to meet you Ow-woooooow..." She trailed off as she saw someone behind her, smiling in a trance.

       I looked to see who she was staring at. Its just some random guy. What the heck is the big deal? I looked around, everyone, except me and Joanna, were staring at him. "This is Justin." Chris told us, "Welcome to Total Drama Island." "Thanks, Chris. This is great." Justin said.

       "Just so you know, we picked you based entirely on your looks." Wow okay then. "I can deal with that." Justin said, shrugging. I rolled my eyes. He can't be serious. But of course, unfortunately, I think he is.

      As Justin walked to us, Owen walked up to him, "I like your pants!" He said, "Thanks man." Was Justin's reply, "Cause they look like they're all worn out!" He laughs, "Did you by them like that?" Owen questioned, Justin looked at him, "Uh no. Just had them for a while." He said.

      Owen smiled, giving Justin a thumbs up, "Oh. Cool." Then turned around and whacked himself in the head, "Stupid!" I looked at Joanna, who just shrugged as another boat started to arrive.

       "Hey everyone. Izzy." Chris said as this redhead showed up. Izzy started to running across the deck of the boat waving, "HI, CHRIS! HIIIIIIIII! WHOA!!" Then she tripped over the bars and banged her chin against the dock. I winced, "Oh... That's gotta hurt." I said.

       Tyler winced as well, "Ohh... That was bad!" He said, then laughed as Courtney ran over to help Izzy, "Guys! She could be seriously hurt!"

      Courtney pulled Izzy out, who then shook like a dog. "That felt sooo... GOOD!" Izzy said, getting up, "Except for hitting chin. This is summer camp? That is so cool! Do you have papermache here? Are we having lunch soon?" She asked really fast. Wow she has a lot of energy. Owen looked into Izzy's direction, "THAT is a good call!"

      Chris got onto the deck of the boat, taking a camera, "First things first. We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone on the end of the dock!" We all walked to the end, I stood next to Joanna as we stood off to the side next to Lindsay.

       "Okay! One... Two... Three!" I heard a click, "Oops! Okay- Forgot the lens cap!" I heard another click. "Okay hold that pose! One tw- Oh no wait. Cards full! Hang on!" It canNOT take this long to take ONE VERDAMMT picture.

      LeShawna must be thinking the same thing, cause I heard her say, "Come on man my face is starting to freeze!" "Got it!" Chris called out, "Okay every say 'Wawanakwa'!" Chris said.

       "WAWANAKWA!" We all cheered, unfortunately it was short lived as we all screamed when the dock below us suddenly crumbled under our feet and we landed on freezing cold ocean water. "Okay guys! Dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in ten!" Chris called out as everyone scrambled to get out of the water.

       Oh yeah. Really starting to question signing up for this.


Joanna's POV

      After we dried off, we all headed out to the campfire pit. I was in the back next to Isa, so I guess we got a good view of all of the other campers.

      "This is Camp Wawanakwa." Chris started, "Your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin-mates, your competition, and maybe even you friends. Ya dig?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harold smile at Duncan, who, in return, threatened a fist at him. Such friendly people here.

       "The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Duncan walked out in front of everyone, "Excuse me? What will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her." He said, pointing at Heather, who had a look of both shock and probably disgust.

       "They're not co-ed are they?" Heather asked. Chris shook his head, "Noooo. Girls get one side of each cabin, and dudes get the other." Lindsay raised her hand, "Excuse me, Kyle? Can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?" "Okay you are. But that's not really how it works here, and," Chris looked at her annoyed, "It's Chris."

       Katie held Sadie's hand and had a scared look on her face, saying, "I have to live with Sadie, or I'll die!" Sadie also had a scared look, "And I'll break out in hives! It's true!" "This canNOT be happening." I heard Gwen say.

      "Awww come on guys!" Owen said, wrapping his arms around Gwen and Tyler, "It'll be fun! It's like a big sleepover!" "At least you don't have to sleep next to him." Tyler said, nodding his head to Duncan, who... Was giving a buck a noogie? Me and Isa exchanged confused glances. Are all Canadian juveniles like this?

       "Here's the deal." Chris said, "We're gonna split you into two teams if I call your name out go stand over there. Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Kadie, Joanna, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah." We all walked to where he pointed. "From this moment on, you are officially known as... The Screaming Gophers!" He threw a banner like thing at us, which rolled out and showed, what I guess, is a gopher screaming and looking like it's about to fight something.

       "Yeah! I'm a Gopher!" Owen cheered, "WHOOOO!" "Wait, what about Sadie?" Katie asked worriedly. Chris ignored her and turned his direction to everyone else. "The rest of you over here. Geoff, Bridgette, D.J, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Isa, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold. Move, move, move!" He yelled as everyone walked that way.

       "But Katie's a Gopher!" Sadie cried out, "I have to be a Gopher!" Courtney walked over to her, "Sadie, is it? Come on. It'll be okay." She said, trying to comfort Sadie as she led her to their group. "This is so unfair! I miss you Katie!" Sadie called over to Katie, who looked like she was about to burst into tears, crying, "I miss you too!"

       You would think being on different teams would be the end of the world for these two. At least Isa and I aren't throwing any fits. Chris threw a banner at them as well, which rolled out and looked like a fish. "You guys will officially be known as... The Killer Bass!" "Awesome..." Harold commented, "It's like... Amazing."

        "All right, campers," Chris continued, "you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition."



Chris- Host
"You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking. Or just get something off your chest."


Gwen- Screaming Gophers
"Ummmm... Okay... So far this sucks."


Lindsay- Screaming Gophers
*has her back side facing the camera* "I don't get it where's the camera guy?"


*applying lipstick; sees camera* "Quack?"


Owen- Screaming Gophers
"Hey everyone. Check this out. I have something VERY important to say." *farts; starts laughing*


Isa- Killer Bass
"So... The confessional is an... Outhouse? Okay then. Why do I get the feeling me and Joanna are gonna regret signing up for this show?"



     "All right. Any questions?" Chris asked, "Cool. Let's find your cabins."


       Me and Isa walked beside each other as we headed to the cabins. "So... I guess we're enemies now?" She asked jokingly. I laughed, "It would seem so, chère." Isa grinned at me, "Then this shall mean war." "So it shall." I grinned back. "Ja! Allied Forces against Axis Powers!" I giggle, "France against Germany!" "Let the battle commence!" We both cheered, laughing as we walked our separate ways into our cabins.

       After a while, we finally showed up to the cabins, which kinda looked old. "Gophers, you're in the east cabin. Bass, you're in the west." Chris told us, so I gathered my things and started to walk to the girls side of the cabin.

      I walked in first as Heather and Gwen followed behind. "Bunk beds?" Heather questioned, "Isn't that a little... Summer camp?" Gwen bumped into her as she walked in, "That's the idea, genius." She said, making Heather glare at her, "Ugh. Shut up, weird goth girl." "Nice comeback." I told her as Cody walked in- Wait what?

      "You're so smart. I feel that." He said to Gwen, making her turn to him, "Shouldn't be on the boy's side?" "My sentiments exactly, chère." I said. Cody just smiles at her. I quickly went outside and moved from the doorway as I heard a scream and saw Cody literally fly right past me and crash in front Trent. He sat up, and had a bit of grass in his mouth. Trent walked past him. "Maybe not a good idea to go into the girls cabin, cher!" I called out to him.

       "Where are the outlets? I have to plug in my straightening iron." Lindsay said, as I walked down the stairs, "There are some in the communal bathrooms. Just across the way." I heard Chris reply. "Communal bathrooms? But I'm not Catholic." Lindsay said, confused. She's kidding. Right?

      "Not communion. Communal." Chris explained, "It means we shower together." I heard Gwen say. "Idiot." "Awww no- Come on!" Lindsay complained as I saw Trent, Owen and Noah poked their heads out of the door.

      Owen looked at them, "I'm glad we're in our own cabin with just guys, know what I mean?" They just stared at him blankly and went back inside. "I mean no! I didn't mean it like that! I love chicks." He defended, laughing. "I just don't wanna sleep near them." He ran back inside with them. "I mean-"

       "Excuse me, Chris?" Geoff said, "Is there a chaperone of any kind in this facility here?" "You're all sixteen years old, as old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp." Chris replied, "So other than myself. You'll be unsupervised. You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge. Starting now." "Nice!" Geoff yelled out.

      Suddenly we heard a scream, which sounded it came from our side of the cabin, so we all poked our heads in to see what was wrong. When we got there, Lindsay was the one was screaming, and still was, as we poked our heads in the door, "Oh man that white girl can scream." LeShawna commented. "You're telling me." I said.

     I looked down on the floor, "Are you kidding me? A roach?" I muttered. She's freaking out over one roach? "WHAT IS IT? KILL IT! KILL IT!" She screamed. "Call it a hunch..." Isa said, kneeling down to see better, then looked at everyone else, unamused, "But I think it's just a cockroach." I laughed.

       DJ didn't think of it as funny as we did, cause he screamed and practically leaped onto one of the beds. "That... Was my bed." Gwen said. Everyone was freaking out trying to kill it, me and Isa looked at each other, "You would think they've never seen a roach before." I said, chuckling, then Duncan came in with an axe and raised it over the cockroach and swung it down.

        "Well that's one way to kill a cockroach." Gwen said, smirking. "Awesome." Harold commented, since the roach was cut in half. Not sure how I would find that awesome. But what do I know?

       Tyler walked up to Lindsay, "If you ever see one of those again, just let me know, K?" He said, "Cause, you know, I can do that too." Lindsay smiled at him lovingly, making Duncan scoff, "They always go for the jocks." "And they always go for the models." I heard Isa say as she walked past him and went out of the cabin.


Isa's POV

       After unpacking, we all went to the main lodge and we were met with an... Interesting chef. "LISTEN UP! I serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down NOW!" Which we all did.

        "Excuse me." Beth said, "But will we be getting all the major food groups?" "Yeah, cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar." Harold said. Have they not seen this place? It's like something from a war movie or something.

       "You'll get a whole lot of 'SHUT THE HECK UP'!" Chef screamed. "Have a cow." I heard Owen say and apparently so did Chef, "What was that?! Come closer fat boy. I didn't hear you." "Oh I didn't really say anything important." Owen said nervously, "I'm sure you didn't." Chef replied, then pointed at Noah, "You! Scrawny kid! Give me your plate!"

       After a while, it got to Lindsay, Gwen, Joanna, and then me. "Excuse me, my nutritionist says I shouldn't eat any white sugar, white flour, or like dairy." "I don't think that's gonna be a problem." Gwen said. Okay. Call me crazy, but did that sandwich move?!

      I think Gwen and Joanna saw it too, because they looked at me with the same nervous expression. Lindsay didn't see it, not surprising. So she only lifted her tray, saying, "Cool." And walked off.

      Gwen looked at Chef as he gave her and Joanna their... Food. "Okay. I hate to be predictable and complain on the first day but I think mine just moved." Me and Joanna nodded. Chef picked a hammer and slammed it down on Gwen's sandwhich, which not only got on her, but me and Joanna too.



Joanna- Screaming Gophers
*wiping slop off her face* "Never have I ever met a cook act in SUCH a way! Si vulgaire!"



      "Right. Okay then!" Gwen said as she, Joanna, and I went to get our... 'Food' with our trays. I quickly left as soon as I got my slop and sat down. Later Chris walked in. "Welcome to the Main Lodge!" He said.

        "Yo, my man." Geoff called out, "Can we order a pizza?" Suddenly a cleaver weaved by and nearly missed Geoff's head! Was zur Hölle?! "Whoa! It's cool G! Brown slop is cool! Right guys?" He asked nervously.

      We all nodded our heads. Okay note to self, never piss him off. Ever. "Your first challenge," Chris begans, "begins in one hour!" And then walked off. "That's it?" I asked, first he walks in, says nothing as a knife is thrown at Geoff's head, and leaves after telling us about a stupid challenge? What the heck?!

         "What do you think they'll make us do?" Katie asked, "It's our first challenge." DJ said, "How hard can it be?"


       We all stood atop of a cliff, terrified. "Oh shit." I heard DJ say. Oh yeah... Shit indeed...

        I definitely regret signing up now...

Okay! Part one done! And 26 more episodes to go! Whoo!!!! This is gonna be a long story lol. Anyways. What do you guys think of the story so far? Is it good? I'm using like two different episode transcripts for this series (don't ask-) so I hope this is starting out okay since I've NEVR done this type of story before.

Let me know what you guys think.

Okay bye!

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