QUEEN // Roger Taylor

By LexiBrooklyn

189K 4K 2.8K

A queen fanfic with Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor. What would happened if a girl is the fifth member of Queen? Mo... More

Unexpected news... (1)
Meeting the band... (2)
Celebrating... (3)
Rehearsal... (4)
First performance... (5)
Coffee?... (6)
Rules... (7)
The middle of nowhere... (8)
Album... (10)
Happy Birthday... (11)
Angry Lizard... (12)
No... (13)
I'm not drunk... (14)
Shot... (15)
Insurance... (16)
A Night at the Opera...(17)
Bad Reputation...(18)
Good... (19)

Dinner... (9)

7.6K 204 136
By LexiBrooklyn

There we were standing in front of my door, afraid to knock. The album literally depended on my parents, if they gave us the money then we could produce it, but if they didn't then that was it, no album until we all had sufficient money.

"Um Andrea, aren't we supposed to knock?" Freddie asked me, surprisingly he was on time. "Oh yeah sorry" I said knocking. A few moments later Kate, the maid, who I have known since I was four, opened the door. "Andrea! It is so nice to see you!" Kate exclaimed. "It is so nice to see you too." I said smiling at her. We came in and Kate took our coats. "Are they here yet?" I heard my mom yelled excited from upstairs. "We are here." I yelled back. A few seconds later we heard footsteps going downstairs revealing my mom in a nice dress.
"So this is Queen." My mom said smiling at all of us. "Freddie, my dear, come here." She said hugging Freddie. "I haven't seen your for five months, how have you been? How's your mom?" My mom asked Fred. She has always treated him like her son but how couldn't she? She had known him since he was born and loved him so much. "I'm extremely fine, so is my mom, thank you for asking." My mom turned to look at me. "Andrea" she sighed hugging me, which was actually the best feeling ever, my moms hugs were the best.

"So, who am I meeting tonight?" My mom said looking at the other three boys.
"Good evening Mrs. Wood, I'm Brian" He said shaking my moms hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Roger" "And I'm John" After they had all introduced themselves my mom spoke up. "It is so nice to meet you all, I hope you enjoy the meal" She said turning around and walking away gesturing us to follow her. On our way to the dining room Roger pulled me closer to him and whispered. "Your mom it's just like you, only 20 years older." He said pressing his shoulder next to mine. "I don't see the resemblance." I whispered back in a sarcastic way which made him chuckled.

We all sat down, me being in between Roger and John. "Hey mom where's my dad?" I said while Kate was serving the first course. "He'll be down in a couple of minutes, but let's not wait for him, let's start" She replied taking a bite of her food. "So tell me guys, which instruments do you play?" My mom asked.
"Well, I play the guitar" Brian responded. "I play the bass" John said. "And I play the drums." Roger added. "Then I guess that Freddie's the singer?" My mom said looking at him. "Indeed I am" Freddie responded.

10 minutes later my dad entered the dining room. "Good evening, I'm Andreas' dad, sorry I was late I had this really important phone call I had to attend." He said sitting next to my mother. They all greeted him and continued eating. Halfway through the meal, Brain and my dad started talking about astrophysics which made the whole mood really boring except for them both.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt something rest in my lap, when I looked down I saw Rogers hand, I turned to look at him but he continued eating as if nothing was going on. I tried to ignore it but then his fingers began to make circles around my knee, I started laughing quietly trying to control myself. Roger leaned towards me. "So you're ticklish uh?" He whispered so that only I could hear. "Stop it!" I whispered back. He did stop but didn't remove his hand from my lap. Then he started moving his hand higher and higher, I looked at him but he ignored me, acting as if he had done it a million times. He began stroking my leg making his way up when out of nowhere a moan escaped my lips. I froze and so did Roger, everyone was looking at me with confused expressions. Roger quickly removed his hand from my lap making sure no one noticed. "Uh-hm I-I'm sorry, I have this, um..., stomachache, yes a stomachache and it just hurts so bad." I tried explaining, everyone forgot about it and carried on with their conversations. Roger leaned towards me with his face so close to mine, "Well that was fun wasn't it?" He whispered brushing his lips slightly and quickly against my cheek. I leaned towards him and whispered back. "You're dead." And smiled threatening to him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wood, we are actually here for a reason, we have got this issue and we were hoping that you could help us out" Freddie said looking at both of my parents who gestured him to continue. "We have been a band for almost five months and we have been doing excellent with our music, each time we play we gain more and more popularity, we have recently been playing in nearby towns and they love us, they really do." Freddie said trying to get to a point. "We thought about recording an album a couple of days ago." Brian continued. "We even sold Rogers van to try and get the money that we needed" John added. "And I really loved that van." Roger said which made my parents chuckled. "Even after selling the band we are still missing some money to record this album, and we were kind of hoping you could help us out." I finally said.

"How much money are we talking about?" My mom asked us. Freddie leaned towards her and whispered the figure, which made her eyes widen and I spoke up to this. "But we promise to pay every cent back the moment we start selling the album." I said with my hopes up that they would agree. "Andrea, can we speak to you in private?" My mom said standing up from her seat.

"Are you sure about this?" My mom asked. I was now in the study room with both of my parents. "Mom, dad, please I'm begging you, Queen has the potential to become a great band and we already told you that we will pay everything back." I said joining my hand together literally begging. "This is not about the money Andrea, we are just afraid that this is going to keep you away from your studies." My dad replied. "It won't dad, I even started taking classes on Sunday mornings so that I wouldn't have to study on weekdays in order to assist to band practices." I said with a pleading tone. "I don't kn-" "please please please, I'm at the top of my class." I cut my mom off. She sighed and smiled at me. "If it is what makes you happy, then yes, we can give you the money" She sighed, I started jumping up and down hugging both of my parents. My mom gave me the money and I saved it in my purse.

We started walking towards the dining room when my mom whispered to me. "So what is going on between you and that drummer?" My mom asked and I laughed. "Why would you think something is happening between us?" I whispered with a smile on my face. "He was looking at you the entire meal as if you were the most amazing thing in the whole universe." She said, this time not whispering. "Sh!" I said to her. "Oh my, Andrea, you're blushing! Haha" My mom said laughing. To be honest, she was firstly my best friend and secondly my mother, we had always been so close to each other. "Stop it mom, Roger is such a player, he takes home a different girl each night, there's no way I'm just going to be another random girl." I said to her in a serious tone. "You don't have to be one, boys can change when they meet the right person, Roger will mature eventually, trust me, he seems like he cares about you besides your father was just like him before I was his girlfriend." She explained and I made a face full of disgust when my mother mentioned my dad.

When we arrived to the dining room the boys turned to look at me with questioning and anxious faces, I gave them a big thumbs up and they all returned me a big smile, I haven't seen them so happy until now. Our dream was going to become a reality.

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