I HATE YOU. → Oh Sehun x Read...

By devilinthemoonlight

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hate /hāt/ noun intense or passionate dislike. "feelings of hate and revenge" osh x reader In which two peopl... More

0.0 ⇒ cast & playlist
0.1 ⇒ going crazy 내가 미쳐
0.2 ⇒ monster 괴물
0.3 ⇒ chill 소름
0.4 ⇒ white noise 백색소음
0.5 ⇒ growl 으르렁
0.6 ⇒ update
0.7 ⇒ unfair 불공평해
0.8 ⇒ been through 지나갈 테니
0.9 ⇒ the eve 전야
1.0 ⇒ touch it 너의 손짓
1.1 ⇒ overdose 중독
1.2 ⇒ blooming day 花요일
1.3 ⇒ diamond 다이아몬드
1.4 ⇒ wolf 늑대와 미녀
1.5 ⇒ 24/7
1.6 ⇒ damage
1.8 ⇒ trauma 트라우마
1.9 ⇒ fall
2.0 ⇒ playboy
2.1 ⇒ update
2.2 ⇒ cloud nine
2.3 ⇒ lucky one
2.4 ⇒ love me right
2.5 ⇒ lotto
2.6 ⇒ el dorado
2.7 ⇒ update
2.8 ⇒ forever
2.9 ⇒ don't go 나비소녀
3.0 ⇒ thunder
3.1 ⇒ obsession
3.2 ⇒ trouble
3.3 ⇒ jekyll
3.4 ⇒ butterfly effect
3.5 ⇒ day after day
PARTING WORDS ⇒ thank you

1.7 ⇒ love shot

512 21 0
By devilinthemoonlight

this chapter will switch between multiple povs that haven't been seen before. the picture of the member or person will mark the start of their pov. thanks for reading and stream love shot!!


the alarm clock blared, jolting me awake. i looked around frantically, sighing as i saw the time. 8 AM.

i reluctantly pushed myself out of bed, getting dressed.

i thought of calling in sick... but i guess it wouldn't hurt to just go.

looking at the time, it was 8:30. i had to be to work in 20 minutes.

i quickly grabbed my bag, running out of the house and to my car.

upon arriving, i immediately rushed in and got to work.

it was gonna be a busy day, i could tell.

i quickly took another customers order, and rushed back to the kitchen.

in an instant, i was on the floor. i must have run into someone.

looking up, my cheeks heated up instantly. god, why am i such an idiot!

"oh, baekhyun-ah, are you ok?" the man before me gave a worried look, putting his hand out to help me up.

i forced myself up on my own, bowing my head.

"sorry, boss! gotta get back to work."

i ran in to give the order to a chef. looking back, i saw chanyeol giving me a worried look.

ugh, why do i always embarrass myself around him! i put my head in my hands.

"baekhyun, are you ok?" i lifted my head, seeing jongdae.

"yeah... i'm fine. just a bit tired." he suddenly smiled, pulling me into the back.

"i saw you run into chanyeol! oh my god, you got so close!" he nearly yelled. i gave him an angry look, covering his mouth.

"don't be so loud! what if he hears?" he quickly mouthed a 'sorry', then smiled brightly.

"how was it? he even tried to help you up!" i sighed, hiding my face in embarrassment.

"shhh! it doesn't matter, i've gotta go back to work." i walked out before he could stop me.

i needed to tell ((y/n)) about this later. we needed a night out, i had so much to tell her.

i quickly pulled out my phone and told her to meet me at the bar later. i went right back to work.

soon after, it was around noon. it was busier than before, since it was lunch time now.

it was also time for my break.

i quickly went to the employees lounge, resting on the couch. my head was pounding.

i couldn't help it. i couldn't help that i loved him, and i couldn't help that i kept embarrassing myself. i closed my eyes and sat back.

i heard someone walk in. i kept my eyes closed, thinking nothing of it.

i heard footsteps approach me, then stop.

in only a moment, i felt something cold cover my mouth and nose.

my sight became dark.




where did he go? his break ended 20 minutes ago, and none of the other employees have seen him.

"jongdae! have you seen baekhyun?" he looked back at me, frowning.

"no, i haven't. i thought he was on break?"

"it ended a while ago... just tell me if you see him, ok?" he nodded, and i started walking away.

he's never done this before...

i texted him, but he hasn't responded.

suddenly, someone slipped a note into my hand.

i looked back, but no one was there. i frowned.

i unfolded the paper, and began reading.

"dear mr. park chanyeol,
i think i have something you may want.
do not worry, byun baekhyun is now under my care. if you bring me 5 million won, you may just get him back. bring you're friends, too.
yours truly,



as soon as beakhyun left the room, i got right back to work. i don't get my break until later.

a few customers annoyed me, but other than that, it was an alright day.

but, it seems this day could get worse.

chanyeol was nervously pacing the restaurant. i tried to ignore it for a while, but eventually he tapped my shoulder.

"jongdae! have you seen baekhyun?" he looked at me expectantly.

"no, i haven't. i thought he was on break?" i frowned, and he sighed loudly.

"it ended a while ago... just tell me if you see him, ok?" i nodded, and he began to walk away.

i got back to work right away. i smiled when i saw minseok walk in.

"minseok-ah! did you come to visit me?" he nodded, and smiled at me. he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"i wanted to invite you to dinner later, how about it?" i nodded happily and smiled back at him.

suddenly, i heard a deafening sob.

minseok grabbed me protectively, only to look over and see chanyeol. he was on the ground, grasping a paper.

we ran over to him and helped him up.

"chanyeol? what happened?" i asked worriedly.

minseok suddenly grasped the paper from his hand.

his face fell, and his eyes teared up. i looked at the paper too, and my breath hitched in my throat.

byun baekhyun was kidnapped.



it was a seemingly calm day.

no one had heard from son dowon. everything seemed fine, for now.

i was out with kyungsoo and yixing. we were planning to go skiing.

"so, you guys ready?" they both nodded. they were laughing together about something or other.

getting in the car, it was calm. we all laughed together, excited for the day ahead of us.

"junmyun, have you talked to jongdae? he just texted me and he seemed worried..."

i looked back. "what'd he say?"

he frowned.

"he just said to call him." kyungsoo responded.

yixing sighed and pulled out his phone, dialing the number.

"hey it's yixing, what's up?" there was mumbling on the other end, then he hung up.

"someone took him." he said.

"what? took who?" kyungsoo asked. i frowned.

"baekhyun. someone took baekhyun."



news spread like wildfire. i was with sehun when it happened.

"baekhyun was kidnapped."

in a moment, it was like my world had fallen.

he was gone. someone took him.

sehun had tears running down his face. we couldn't do anything, just sit and hope that he was ok.

whoever took him wanted all of us to go.

((y/n)) ran in, looking scared. sehun got up quickly and pulled her into a hug.

she sobbed, and it was like my heart broke.

this wasn't all a twisted dream... it was real.

why would anyone do this to him?

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