
By kaylabastian01

33.4K 1.2K 532

Louis is terrified to go to a public high school. He's been home schooled his whole life. Suddenly, his paren... More

Twenty One


4.6K 108 84
By kaylabastian01

"I don't want to go to high school," I argued, starting to get upset with the whole conversation. "I can't control my abilities."

"Louis, you'll be fine," my mom assured me from the other side of the couch. "It's not that bad."

"Liam does it just fine," my dad pointed out.

I sighed, starting to get aggravated. "I'm not Liam."

"We know that, we know that," my mom said quickly with a small glare towards my dad. "But it's not that bad. And you need to be more social."

I closed my eyes and looked down. "I don't think I should. I've been to all of Liam's things and it scares me. What triggers my abilities most?"

"You're over thinking it, love. You just go and meet people. You're going to be learning more about the things I've told you about plus new ones," My mom moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "I promise, Louis. You'll be fine."

I shook my head. "I'm going to get us caught if you do this. Liam can handle it, I can't."

"You're going and that's the end of it," my dad snapped before getting up and walking away.

My mom sighed as she watched him. Before she could try to do something that she thinks could rectify the situation, I got up and went to my room. Unlike my dad who had slammed the basement door closed, I gently closed mine, shaking my head.

"I'm not ready for this," I mumbled to myself. I pulled out my phone, smiling to myself when I had a text from Harry.

Harry was someone I had met at a camp over the summer. He was exactly like me, well not exactly, but we both don't have the best grip on our abilities. We got pretty close, but we didn't live near each other.

Guess who's being forced
to start school?

I fell onto my bed, texting him back.

Me, how did you know?

I rolled onto my back when I heard Liam laugh and start talking after the front door opened. Great, of course you bring friends over. Why wouldn't you?

I wanted to say Liam was Mr. Perfect in the house, but he wasn't. He could easily take on the roll if he wanted to, though. Unlike telekinesis, his ability is reading thoughts, which he was able to control when he was a kid.

I learned that mine goes off my emotions, so I have to keep them in check. When you're an emotional person though, it hardly works in your favor. And yeah, telekinesis seems easy to be able to control, but it's not. It takes a lot of out me to use it, plus when my parents first found out about it, they almost shoved me away.

That totally wasn't mentally scarring at all.

I grabbed my phone as another text went off.

Wait, seriously?

I swear. My parents just told me

Now we can both complain together

"Yeah, that's one way to see it," I said as I typed, chucking to myself.

"Louis!" I heard Liam call. I sighed, slipping my phone into my pocket as I walked to my bedroom door.

My twin brother was standing with his group of friends, twirling the keys on his hand. I rolled my eyes and held my hand out. He smiled and tosses them to me. "Where are we going?"

"School shopping," he said with a smile. I groaned internally and started walking out to the car, pulling out my phone one last time to text Harry and let him know I wouldn't be answering for a while.

Well as soon as my parents decide to tell me where I'm going, I'll let you know.
I'm not ready for this

Yeah, me neither
I have to go to the store I'll text you later

"Come on, Lou," Liam groaned. His friend, Luke chuckled but hit his arm.

"Be nice, your parents said he could have made us walk."

"That's what I should have done," I grumbled. I got in the car and started it, pulling out of the drive way and started heading towards the mall because they don't seem to go anywhere else. "How long is this gonna take?"

Liam shrugged from the passenger seat. "Probably an hour or two. Not too long," Liam added on when I groaned. "I'll buy you pizza when we're done."

"Damn right," I said, making him laugh.

"And you do this for fun?" I questioned Liam as we sat down at the food court. Ashton and Luke were trailing behind while talking.

"Yeah, it's fun when you actually want to be doing it. What do you want?" Liam asked, nodding towards the pizza place.

"Pepperoni with chili flakes," I said. He nodded and finished setting his bags down. I grabbed my phone out again, seeing a few texts form Harry. We both tend to spam text the other when we get bored.

Alright buy things for me
Why did you leave me?
I'm in the car for like ever

The last text had been sent about twenty minutes before. I rolled my eyes, clicking the thread.

I hate malls
It's official

Ohh malls suck

Why are you stuck in the car?

"Who are you always texting?" Ashton asked when they sat down. "Like I was surprised you weren't texting the whole time."

"His little boyfriend," Liam teased as he sat down. I glared at him, such caused his smirk to melt off his face. "It's just one of his friends he made at that camp we went to."

He pushed my pizza in front of me, which I pulled closer. "I'll leave your asses here to carry your shit," I mumbled.

"That was all him!" Luke pointed at Liam, who just shook his head and laughed. Ashton was watching me carefully for a second, but when I glanced over at him he looked away.

"I'm sorry, Lou," Liam said. I shrugged and took a bite of the huge slice of pizza. Liam sighed quietly before eating his own food while Luke and Ashton disappeared to get their food.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" Liam said more seriously. I nodded, and he closed his eyes while sighing. "Louis-"

"It's fine, Liam. For fucks sake," I grumbled. "I'm not gonna run and say you were being a dick. It's just what you do."

"And you're beyond ready to leave, got it," he mumbled to himself.

I had been ready since the first store we went to took an hour. After that I knew I was in for a long trip. I took another bite of pizza, grabbing my phone from the table as a text went off.

I groaned when it was my dad instead of Harry, but clicked on it.

You can leave whenever and we'll go back to get Liam.

I showed Liam who just nodded. I stayed long enough to eat, then I grabbed part of Liam's bags and mine before leaving.

I threw everything in the back and drove back home, sighing as I had to re-grab everything. I carried it into the house and put it in Liam's room, deciding I would go through it later.

"Hey, come here," I heard my dad call. I sighed, hoping to be able just to stay in my room. Him and mom talked while we were gone, which was the whole reason I had to go shopping with Liam. Now he's going to pointlessly apologize.

"What's up?" I asked tiredly as I got to the living room. I crossed my arms when I entered.

"I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier. This is really different for you, and I shouldn't have gotten upset."

"Yeah, it's fine," I said with a shrug. My dad and Liam snapped quickly or overplayed jokes to the point all it did was piss people off. I let them do it too much according to my mom, but sometimes I'd rather let them take it out slowly then letting it build up. The one time Liam actually exploded was the scariest thing I had ever seen and I don't want a part two of that.

My dad nodded before looking back at the television. I shrugged to myself and went to my room.

After the door was closed, my phone started ringing. I pulled it out, hitting the accept button when I saw Harry's name.

"So apparently my parents decided last minute that we're moving right before school starts. They won't tell me where, and I'm just following them."

"You were texting and drivi-"

"Nope, I was using Siri, but it was pissing me off, so I called."

"Obviously," I said with a smile, falling down onto my bed. "Liam drug me to the mall with his friends. I thought that was a girl thing."

"They were probably looking for girl things," Harry said, making me laugh.

"I don't know, I'm convinced that Ashton and Luke are dating. I don't have any solid proof yet, but I'm almost sure that's what's going on," I explained to Harry who laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," he said. "So, school looking to be sucky for you too?"

I nodded.  "Pretty much. My telekinesis is based on emotions, and I already have a hard enough time trying to keep myself in check at home, let alone when there's a ton of people around."

"I still have the tenancy to disappear when I get hella nervous," Harry said. "Like I don't know what they were thinking of when they thought this would have been a good idea."

"Agreed. I'm not ready for this, but they won't listen to me." I sighed. "Why do they do this?"

"At the same time, neither of us wanted to go to the camp and we wouldn't have met if we wouldn't have," Harry pointed out.

"Also true. Still, this isn't a camp that only has people with abilities that will be there. These are the people who are terrified of us."

"Then there's the fact that there's talk of the government hunting for us," Harry mumbled as an add on.

I sat up. "Exactly! It's almost like they want us to get caught or something."

"The only way I'm seeing this is that at the end of this hell, we get to see each other again because I'm so making my parents let me go to that camp again or something or doing all that."

"You are a genius," I said. "Agreed."

We talked for a few hours until Harry noticed I was getting tired.

"I'll text you tomorrow, alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," I agreed. "You're gonna pull over somewhere for the night soon, right?"

"I'm gonna call my mom and ask her. Get some sleep."

"Night, Haz."

"Night, Lou. Hey," Harry said before the call ended.


"I miss you."

"I miss you too Haz."

I smiled as I plugged my phone into the charger, then went out to the living room. Liam, Luke and Ashton were all out there, playing on the consol. "Don't you guys ever sleep?"

"Sleep is for the weak," Luke mumbled. I rolled my eyes. "How's the boyfriend?"

"Cut it out," Liam said. "There's pizza in the kitchen if you want more."

"Okay." I went into the kitchen, not for the pizza but for some water. I carried it up to my room and closed the door, laying down on my bed.

"Can I go back to this summer?" I asked myself quietly.

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