Hurts (bnha)

By Catehugnstuff

95 0 0

A story about a boy who had nothing but grew to have everything. Okay I know the description is bad but just... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Smut)
Chapter 9 (Smut)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Fluff)

Chapter 3

15 0 0
By Catehugnstuff


"Rin . . . Rin . . . RIN KESSO!" Rin slowly turned his head toward the barking teacher and pulled at the straps on his mask. "Hmf, now that I have your attention, would you kindly read off the phrase on the board and state its meaning?" She sneered.

Taking his sweet time, his eyes eventually reached the board. It was some English phrase for how you greet someone. Whatever. Who cares. "Good morning, it's a form of 'hello.'" The woman frowned, annoyed that he was right.

"Pft, lucky guess I suppose since you weren't listening." She snarked before turning back to the board. Rin looked out the window without much care. She was always a bitch. Something lightly hits the back of his head making him sigh.

"Yo, 'Michael Myers,' mind givin that back?" Hana Saiko. Tall, blonde, quirk "lit fuse," multiple aggravated assault charges, total bitch. A STRONG total bitch. "You have arms, you grab it." He answers. "Ex-fucking-cuse me?" She gawks. "You're excused." He comments back. Her hands ignite into flames and slam into the desk. "You wanna fucking go bitch!? I will destroy you, wipe you from the face of the planet you insect!" She screams, heaving loudly.

"Miss Saiko, sit down immediately!" The teacher orders. Hana screams and throws her desk at the teacher who just barely dodges in time. She continues to throw a fit until the schools guards come to take her away. She screams and manages to kick one of them in the face as they try to carry her away. She continues to scream down the hall until her voice is nothing but an echo.

Saki sighs and rubs her temple. "Oh geez, not again." Saki Henka. Short, round, ginger hair, quirk "matter made," kind but temperous, 2 theft charges, one attempt at murder. Tokage chuckles and leans back in his chair. "Damn, you need to put a leash on your girlfriend dude." Tokage Doku. Tall, thin, blue mohawk, quirk "bad touch," multiple accounts of grand theft auto, multiple accounts of accidental assaults, 2 public indecency charges, an idiot.

Saki slams her fist into his gut without even looking at him. He grunts and coughs while gripping his stomach. "Do anything to my girlfriend and you're dead." She spits, venom in her words. "Heh, noted." He squeaks. "Come on guys let's just continue with class, it's almost over." Orion begs, seeming very annoyed but trying to be polite. Orion Hoshi. Average height, muscular, blue hair, quirk "constellation," intelligent, multiple accounts of theft, one charge of accidental man slaughter.

About 15 minutes later, the bell rings and everyone scrambles for the door except for the usual stragglers. Sakura Karasu. Short, long black hair, timid, quirk "flock," one account of murder, fearful of everything. And Jason, The only person here that scares Rin. Jason Jaeger. Tall, muscular, is forced to wear a muzzle, too many quirks to count, multiple counts of murder and cannibalism. He is easily the most dangerous person in a 10 mile radius.

They make eye contact for a moment before Rin quickly looks away. Those yellow eyes seem to seep through your very soul. He quickly packs his things and speed walks out the door. Once far enough away from the monstrous man, his shoulders settle and his breathing goes back to normal.

He heads for his locker and groans. Titan and Jake are snuggling and being all lovey dovy which normally would be no big deal but they are doing all of that against Rin's locker. He sighs and walks up to them.

"You're blocking my locker." He deadpans. Titan jumps and rubs the back of his head. Titan no-last-name-given. 7ft tall, metal skin, screen for a face, quirks "living machine" and "multiple personality,"charged with 3 counts of murder, shy when not angered. "Huh? Oh, sorry Rin, we'll go somewhere else." Jake responds kindly. Jake Tenshi. Flexible, observant,  quirks "one shot" and "godly wings, charged with dozens of cases of murder, protective.

They go down the hallway a bit and continue their displays of affection. Gross. Rin opens his locker, grabs what he needs and trudges down to "model citizen" class. The class would be unbearable if not for the awesome teacher.

He creaks the door open and flops into his seat without a word. Jason already beat him there. "How the fuck . . ." He mumbles wondering how the larger man could have gotten there before him if he left after him. Jason starts to turn his head towards him but changes direction when the bell rings. 'Oh thank god, saved by the bell.' Rin thinks to himself. 'The less I'm on his radar the better.'

"What's the matter Rin?" Ben asks leaning against Rin's desk seductively. "You seem . . . On edge." He finishes, voice like silk and honey. Ben Amor. Sly, has one eye with a heart in it, cleaver, smooth talking, quirks "perfect pitch" "copycat" "sing it make it" and who knows how many more unknown, charges unknown, always hiding something.

" . . . Your hand is on my desk." "Yes? Would you like me to move it? I suppose it could be done, if you ask nicely." He smirks. "Move your hand before I break it . . . Please." "How kind." He trails his hand off the desk, being sure to stain its surface with his touch. Rin rolls his eyes and rests his head in his palm, slowly strumming his fingers against the desk. Can't class just fucking start already?

"What is up everybody!? Alice is in the hiz-house!" She yells pumping a fist in the air after cartwheeling into the classroom. Alice Amor. Twin sister of Ben, energetic, positive, loud, quirk "the other side," charges unknown, knows more than she lets on.

"Alice, good to see you. Please take your seat, class is about to begin." Miss Petersen instructs. "Sure thing chief!" She salutes and portals into her seat. Miss Petersen clears her throat, "good morning class. I'm very happy to see you all, but someone is missing. Where's Hana?" Tokage rests his feet on his desk and kicks back, "got sent to the office for 'time-out.'"

Miss Petersen sighs, "is she and everybody okay? No one is hurt?" "We are all safe and accounted for ma'am." Orion pipes up. "Well, I can always count on you to keep everyone accounted for, can't I?" Orion smiles to himself, proud of the praise he has received. Lucky, stuck up, ass kissing, little-

"Rin, how are you doing today? Everything going well?" "Eh, could be better." He mumbles, voice like gravel. "Well, I certainly hope things will get better for you. Everyone please take out your charts and a pencil, today we will be going over the correct way to address someone you don't know."

The sound of backpacks opening and papers rustling filled the room, agitating Rin to the point he had to plug his ears. "R-Rin? Um, are you, um . . . Are-are you alright?" Sakura asks, hiding her mouth in her hair. "I'm fine . . . You shouldn't worry about me." "Ah, um, ok-okay, I'm sorry." "It's fine."

Finally, the noise died down and class officially began. On days like today, Rin wished they hadn't taken away his knife, all he had to hurt himself with was a plastic band around his wrist. Rin clenched his fist. Not enough pain.

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