Secret Love Song: Memories (Z...

By Beasterz02

58.8K 1.9K 1.5K

Did you really think their story was over? Sequel to Secret Love Song [A Zach Herron Fanfic] #48 in Zach Herr... More

1; adore you
2; changes
3; consequences
4; scared to be lonely
5; if you want love
6; bound to you
7; because i had you
8; bleeding love
9; rescue me
10; heartstrings
11; watch
12; never wanna leave
13; love bug
14; losing control
15; when you were made
16; summer on you
17; breathin'
18; in too deep
19; make it to me
20; ex
21; why
22; that should be me
23; I'll Always Remember You
24; half a heart
25; taking you
26; counting stars
27; superficial love
28; i'll be good
29; end of the day
30; the only one
32; secret love song
it's up!!

31; this is why i love you

1.4K 48 23
By Beasterz02

This Is Why I Love You - Major 
Nerah: *i didn't proof read so if u happen to catch a typo pls comment on that part so i can go back and edit it pls and thank u (next) 😹😉*

I made my way upstairs to my dorm. School would be out in about a month and I've never been more excited. But at the same time, I was kind of sad that it was ending. I would be saying goodbye to all of my friends here and I'd go back to LA and all of my friends there would be gone. Besides James and Emma. But they'd spend most of their time with Grayson and Ethan. I hate making things awkward, but I can't help it. 

I sighed and unlocked my room and walked in. Kylie wasn't here yet. Her flight was later than mine. She wanted to spend just a few more hours with Stacey and Tina before flying out. I sat down on my bed and began packing my backpack for tomorrow. School was always a bore, but Kylie and the boys always made it a lot better.

... *about 2 weeks later* 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kylie asked as I made my way back from the bathroom for the 4th time this morning.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I was throwing up like crazy and I couldn't figure out why.

"I think you should go see a doctor."

"No, Kylie. I'm fine. I promise."

"Well, then can you at least go see the school nurse or something. You don't look fine."

"I'm fine." I sighed and held onto my stomach. I lied down in bed and held onto my stomach in constant pain.

"Is it like cramps?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No, my stomach just hurts."

"Yeah, no. You really need to go see a doctor. You're not fine."

"Kylie, I promise I'm fine," I said softly. "Don't worry. Why wouldn't I be fine?"

"Maybe it's the sushi we ate..."

"Kylie, that was  3 nights ago."

"Yeah, and you started vomiting like crazy 3 nights ago." I sighed. "Maybe, the place had like food poisoning in the sushi?"

"If it did, you would be vomiting too."

"Well, then if it's not sushi... You must be really ill. Nerah, please... let's just go see a doctor."

"I have to go to school. I have an English test."

She stopped and looked at me. "Are you serious, Nerah? You're throwing up like crazy and you want to go take an English test?"

"Yes. I need good grades." Kylie sighed. "Now, can we please go get breakfast and go to class?"

"Fine." She got up and looked for clothes to get ready. I did the same.


"Kylie, this is not iHob!" I groaned and held my stomach while staring at the clear hospital sliding doors.

"I know, but we can get iHob after you see the doctor."

"Kylie..." I groaned.

She pushed me through the doors and right into Emergency Care. She talked to the lady at the desk before she made us sit down. I filled out papers and Kylie smiled an innocent smile which made me want to strangle her even more for bringing me to the hospital.


"When did this all start?" The doctor asked.

"A few nights ago," I answered. She nodded and took notes while a nurse took my blood pressure.

"And what about your menstrual cycle? How's that?" I sighed.

"I'm fine."

"When was the last time you had a period?"

"Like a month ago."

 "And have you had it this month?"

"No, I missed it."

"Are you irregular?" I shook my head.

She nodded and looked at the nurse.

"Nerah, do you mind if we run a pregnancy test?" She asked. 

"Sure, but I'm not pregnant." I laughed.

The nurse walked out. She came back and handed me a small cup.

"What this?" I asked.

"Oh, that's how we test pregnancy. It's more accurate than using store-bought pregnancy tests." I nodded. "We also bought you an apple juice to drink before you take the test."

I quickly drank the apple juice. The doctor and the nurse left the room leaving just Kylie and me.

"If you are pregnant, can I be the Godmother?" Kylie asked.

"No, and I'm not pregnant."

"What about the super cool, stylish aunt?" She asked.

"I'm not pregnant." I laughed. Kylie just rolled her eyes.

I walked into the bathroom and quickly took the test. I brought the cup back. The doctor walked in and smiled before taking it from me.

"We're going to run a quick test and then we'll let you know your results," she said with a smile.

"Why don't you just save yourself some time? I'm not pregnant."


Kylie and I sat impatiently in the room. 

"What about Stephanie?" She asked trying to figure out a pretty girl name.

"I'm not pregnant," I said for the hundredth time.

"Or Courtney." I groaned. I held onto my stomach and tried to keep myself from throwing up again.

There was a knock at the door and Kylie practically jumped to open the door. The doctor walked in.

"You're results are in!" She said with a bright smile. "Congratulations, you're pregnant!"

I felt my whole world stop.

"But- I... Is there any way to figure out who the child belongs to?" I asked.

There was a very high possibility that the baby could be Grayson's and I just got back with Zach. I couldn't have him raising another child that didn't belong to him.

"Well, according to your test, you're 2 and a half weeks pregnant."

"It's Zach's!" Kylie yelled in excitement. "Oh my gosh, we have to tell him!"

She immediately whipped out her phone which I snatched from him. 

"No," I said sternly. "I don't want to stress him out while he's on tour. And the results are probably wrong."

"Nope, you're positive," the doctor said.

"If that's true, why did I start feeling sick and stuff so early?" I questioned.

"This is your second pregnancy, Ms. Jackson. Your response to pregnancy is going to be very high. Also, every pregnancy is different. This baby might be different from your first." I sighed and thought about Apollo. He would've been 1 if he had survived.

... *2 weeks later, May* 


"Zach, you need to get some sleep," Jack said from his bed which was next to mine in our shared hotel room.

"I can't," I said staring up at the ceiling and thinking about Nerah once again.

"Dude, she's probably just busy with school. It is the end of the year, she probably has finals and a whole bunch of work."

"I know, I just... I don't know, Jack. Nerah's always busy, and so am I, so I understand what it feels like to try and balance out work with your personal life... But Nerah always finds a way to call me and text me."

"Again, she's probably just busy-"

"For two weeks?" Jack sighed in defeat. "Jack, she hasn't a single one of my calls, and she hasn't read any of my texts in two weeks. She hasn't even called me and she lost our 734-day streak. She doesn't even like and comment on my Instagram pictures. She always does that."

"Don't let it get to your head, Zach. She'll come around, I promise."

"What if she's with Grayson, again?" My heart ached at the thought. "His family only lives a few minutes away from her school."

"Nerah loves you, Zach. She's probably just going through something."

"I just wish she'd talk to me about it." I stared at the picture of Nerah on my lock screen, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"She'll come around, I promise. Nerah always does." He rolled onto his side and pulled on the chain on the lamp, shutting off the lamp and leaving the room in total darkness. "Goodnight, bro."


"I love you, bro."

"I love you too, man," I replied. I looked over at Jack who pulled the covers over his head and turned on his side. 

I did the same but facing in the opposite direction. I stared out of the window at the bright city lights. No matter how dark it got, the city was always bright and full of energy. It never ever lost its light.

I wished me and Nerah's relationship was a city in the night... 

... *1 month later, June* 

I sat backstage after our show and scrolled through Instagram. 

I still had no information on Nerah, and I haven't talked to her for over a month now. At this rate, she was definitely avoiding me. I just wanted to know why. Did she lose feelings? Did she find someone else? Did Jordan get out of jail early? Did she realize that maybe she's Grayson? [A/N: if you don't get the last line... smh. I italicized it so that you know what I'm talking about]

I stared at pictures of me and Nerah. She was so perfect, almost too perfect for me.

Kylie's been avoiding my calls and when she does answer, which is usually after a blow up her phone, I give her a message to tell Nerah.

God, I miss her...


School was finally out and I was 3 months pregnant with Zach's babies. Next month we'd find out the genders.

I found out about 2 weeks ago that I was going to be having twins, which bothered me. Because when you have twins, one of them was unplanned. [😹this is supposed to be funny. don't trip]

Well, in this case, neither of them were planned. I didn't know I'd be pregnant at 18.

My Dad knows. He was the second person I told, after Christina. Kylie doesn't count since she was in the room when I found out.

Morning sickness is terrible. Sometimes, I crave brownies and then I'll puke it up. It's like one twin wants it and the other doesn't.

And they oddly love fish filet sandwiches which is the only mean I've been able to eat with vomiting.

I stared at my phone and contemplated calling him again. I've been avoiding his calls, his texts, just him in general.

I'm scared to tell him. Well, not to tell him, but to startle and stress him while he's on tour. The last thing I want is for him to cancel the tour so he can come home because he's worried about me. He's done a lot of stupid things because of how worried he gets.

Like that one time at Carlos' party junior year when he tackled Parker for smacking my ass. And then he and Jack got into an argument because he stuck up for me instead of Jack.

I laughed at the thought. Things were so much more complicated then. But we were getting our emotions so twisted over small things like chocolate milk.

"So, are you gonna call him or are you going to continue to hide his children from him like an idiot?" My Dad asked. I chuckled.

"I'll tell him, I'm just waiting for the right time."

"Well, you're 3 months pregnant, you haven't talked to him, and he'll be touring for another 6 months. He'll be home when you're due." He looked at me. "Are you really trying to surprise him with two newborn babies as his welcome home gift?"
[The 6 months is because, they toured in the states and then international. just imagine. also, they have interview stops like everywhere, just a quick explanation]

"Why not?" I smiled


"I'm gonna tell him. Just, over the phone isn't exactly how I want to tell him."

"Well, at least talk to him so that he knows everything is okay. He's probably worrying about you."

"I know..." I sighed.


"You're such a wuss," Ethan teased as I sat on the couch and struggled to call Zach.

"Just call him," Emma said.

"Take your time, Nerah. Don't listen to them," James said with a warming smile.

"Thank you, James." I glared at the other two.

I bit my lip and pressed the call button. Zach picked up after two rings.

"Oh my gosh, Nerah!" He yelled with excitement. "Where have you been? I have so many questions-"

"Zach, I love you," I said cutting him off. He chuckled.

"I love you too, Nerah. But why have you been avoiding me?" He asked.

"I wasn't. I've just been really stressed out with the school year ending and I've been looking for a job and stuff."

"Nerah, you don't need a job. You have me."

I smiled. "Zach, I want to make my own money."

"I know, but if you need money or just anything in general, I can help you."

"I don't need it."

"Nerah... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, of course."


"Yeah." I looked up and saw James, Ethan, and Emma all staring at me, intrigued in my conversation.

"Hey, I gotta go..." He said sadly.

"Okay. I love you."

"Call me later, okay?"


"Nerah, please call me later."

"I will, I promise."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

He hung up the phone and I sighed.

"Now was that so hard?" Ethan teased. I rolled my eyes and threw one of James' couch pillows at him.

"Where's Gray?" Emma asked.

"I don't know," Ethan said awkwardly. "He's been disappearing a lot lately. Like a lot."

"Maybe he has a secret girlfriend," I said with a shrug.

They all stared at me awkwardly.

"What?" I asked.

"How are you so chill with the topic of Grayson moving on?" James asked. "Grayson could barely even leave his bed after you guys broke up."

"Yeah, he didn't do anything but lie in bed. And the only time he got out of bed and showered was when we had a video to film," Ethan added.

"Well, he's okay now and I'm okay now." I smiled.

... *for this part it'll skip to Nerah's due date. if you remember from the first book, Nerah surprises Zach on tour and that's when he finds out about the twins. December*

I woke up in bed feeling a wet feeling under my body.

"C, C," I whispered softly.

"What?" Christina groaned. I checked the time on my phone.

2:48 am.


She snored a bit. I sighed and helped myself out of my bed. Just as I had suspected, amniotic fluid.

I shook Christina a bit and flipped the light switch on.

"Christina, my water broke," I said. She immediately sat up and looked at me.

"We have to go!" She said wide a wake and happy. "Mr. Jackson!" She ran out the room screaming.

I laughed and grabbed my hospital bag.

I felt slightly disappointed. The twins weren'tt supposed to come until Zach got back.

I called Zach. He told me to facetime him as soon as my water broke.

He answered immediately and I smiled at his tired face.

"Look," I said holding up my hospital bag.

"Your water broke?" He asked slightly happy and slightly disappointed.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"I won't be home until tonight. Do you think they can hang in there just a little bit longer?" He asked making me laugh.

"I hope. I really don't want you to miss this."

"I won't. I'll be there. Promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby. And other... Babies." I laughed.


I lied in the hospital bed letting out deep breaths. The twins were kicking 10 times worse than usual.

They were going to be here soon and not even Zach could stop them.

"Can you call... Zach?" I asked while groaning in pain.

"On it," Kylie said. She called Zach and put him on speaker. He answered.

"Zach, the babies are coming like soon. Are you going to make it?"

"My flight just landed and I'm on my way there."

"Okay..." I whispered in pain.

The phone dropped out of my hand as I gasped. The nurse and doctor immediately ran over.

"Nerah, the babies are ready," she said with a smile.

"Right now? Zach's not-" I let out a scream. "Here yet."

"You're going to have to do this without him here," the doctor said. I nodded. "Just let out deep breaths."


"Nerah?!" I called hearing the call end on her gasping. "We have to go!"

I grabbed my bags and rushed out to the car. All of the guys ran with me.

Our driver drove as fast as he could to get me to the hospital in time. I cried and hoped that I'd make it in time.


I watched through a small window in the room door. The nurses said I wouldn't be able to come in until after the first baby was delivered.

I watched patiently until I saw him. The first one. I smiled brightly. He was beautiful. The nurse opened the door. I ran in, the baby crying and Nerah breathless. Tears streaming down her face.

"He's so beautiful," she whispered. "You made it."

I nodded.

"Nerah, let us know when you feel the next one, okay?" Nerah nodded. I followed the doctors to the back and watched the clean up the baby. My first born son.

I felt tears trickle down my cheeks at the sight. I looked over at Nerah who was breathing heavily.


Both babies were delivered successfully.

Mateo was the name of the first born of the two. He even got a name tag so we knew which one was which.

The younger, but bigger of the two was named Anthony.

I smiled and lied both of them down om Nerah chest. She smiled brightly and kissed their foreheads.

"You did it," I said with a smile. I wiped my tears and hers before placing a long kiss on her lips.

"We did it..."

... *skip to present time. nerah and zach are adults, just like it left off in the first book*

"I still can't believe you hid our kids from us," I said shaking my head while Nerah and I made our way to our shared bedroom.

"And I still can't believe you broke up with me," she teased.

"I was lost and confused!" I argued. She laughed.

"I think we were all lost and confused back then..."

"Did you just reference Victoria Justice?" I asked.

"No..." I laughed and wrapped my arms around her from the back. I held her close to me and laid my chin on her shoulder.

"I love you Lanerah," I whispered softly.

"I love you too, Zachary..."

"That's not possible."


There's one more chapter after this one. I hope you guys liked this chapter and just the whole series in general. <3

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