Long May she Reign

By Queen_of_smiles101

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My name is Rosalie Amelia Rocasolano and I am the girl who didn't plan on marrying a prince who is soon goin... More

Shein Ambassador
"Pastel Butterfly Collection"
"French court"
"Just a Kiss"
"I have a cousin?"
"My parents"
"Behead them"
"My father My uncle"
"A political Alliance"
"You are more than a political alliance"
"I love you Francis...I really really do"
"He's gone rose he really is gone"
"Store their heads and burn the bodies to ash"
"Their is something the Queen should know"
"I am not surprised I'm disappointed"
"what is wrong with her"
"Than if I am your king I command that you..."
"Just don't lose...."
"And what might that be"
"No...Rose I'm not"
"You may....."
"Now let go relax"
"It's the Queen....... "
"only for me to catch....."
"to think about what he planned to do."
"We need to talk"
"Know that I love you Francis"
"we all better hope"
"Long May She fear Reign"

"Did I mention I am also looking for a bride"

294 6 0
By Queen_of_smiles101

It has been weeks and we have sent many soldiers to defend and we have lost 2 and won 1 battle. I haven't seen Francis in weeks only for bed and I haven't gotten much sleep. I only wake up to him gone. He is trying his hardest to help me keep my country and my head...and I love him for it.

"Catherine"I sigh.

"Rosilie where's Francis" She sighs. "Shouldn't he be here talking to the people with you"

"No it's fine" I smile. "I can handle it and their are only a little group of people left" I sigh.

"Sure and more will soon arrive" She sighs.

After going through the group of people it was finally over so I decided to do a surprise for Francis after all he's been working hard so I could keep my country.

I had a party and invited all the children in the castle and their parent's I hoped it would lighten the mood. Me and the children were going to dance and have fun.

"Rose" Francis sighs I could tell he did not want to be their.

"No stop talking" I say raising an eyebrow. "You have been trying to keep my head for many weeks now and you need a break" I sigh. "This is a party and you are going to dance" I say sternly holding out a hand.

"Very well what the Queen want's she shall get" Francis sighs with a smirk.

As the music starts it is than stopped at the sound of guards coming in.

"My king" The say in unison before he is than presented with a letter.

"What is it" I say confused.

"He has taken your father's castle in Cardon and he is even closer to France" Francis says with anger. "I'm ending this now" Francis says with rage before him and the guards quickly walk away.

"My Queen are you okay" Camilla says as I tip a little. I felt like my head was lighter.

"I'm fine" I say watching him walk away. "Come now" I say sternly as I follow Francis to our chambers.

"Francis what are you doing" I say confused shutting the door behind me.

"I am killing Sebastian and his son" Francis says as he is helped into armor.

"Your going to war" I say try not to panic.

"Yes and I am ending this nonsense"He sighs.

"I think you should stay"I say seriously.

"Rosilie I'll be fine" Francis says with a sigh motion for the servant to step away as he did the rest him self.

"Than promise me your going to come back" I say sadly.

"I promise" Francis sighs kissing my forehead lightly. "Until than make everyone in the castle go to their rooms and to stay their and all the guards go with you to the throne room" He sighs.

"Okay" i say holding onto him for as long as I could.

"I promise" He whispers. Before he than quickly walks out of the room.

"Rosilie we must get you to the party now" Camilla says seriously.

"Yes come" I say taking a deep breath before we quickly make our way to the party. I let the people party a little longer before I sent them all to their rooms. While the King was away we must be prepared. As I help many of the servants clean we were met with shouting and the sound of fighting.

"Rosilie be calm" Catherine says glaring at Sebastian and his son who calmly walked into the room.

"The king has left the Queen defenseless" Sebastian smirks.

"Rather he left the castle defenseless how stupid" His son sighs.

"What do you want" I say standing in front of my ladies protectively.

"Your head" His son smirks.

"Why you don't need a country from a young Queen when you have a young daughter you can marry off to someone of your choice" Catherine sighs.

"Why not have a Queen by my son's side who will be perfect" Sebastian sighs eyeing me.

"You should leave"I say confidently. "Francis will have your head if you harm anyone here" I say sternly.

"But he is far from here" His son smirks eyeing me. "And I see no one to protect you now" He says amused. "A Queen defenseless" He smirks.

"If you wish to hold the castle I will not stop you as long as you do not harm anyone inside nor out" I say seriously.

"I love how your so full of life" His son sighs sitting down his sword on the table leaving a trail of blood.

"A Spanish Queen who cares about French people" Sebastian sighs.

"They are my people" I say calmly.

"As well were mine" Sebastian yells. "If it weren't for your whore of a mother my people wouldn't hate me so" He says with venom.

"I do not care for the mistakes my parent's made" I say calmly.

"You will care" He says grabbing me roughly. "When I have your head outside of my wall"

"I am the Queen of Spain my people will not let you kill me in silence" I say coldly not taking my eye's off of his. "My mother may have ruined you but I do not wish to" I say honestly.

"That is the same thing your mother told me" He sighs. "But it's always the same with you Spanish whores" He glares.

"I am no whore I married my husband who i have bedded first before anyone else"I say sternly. "And I will not be treated as if I were" I say snatching my arm away. "you will not have my country and you will not have me because just as you would die for what you believe me and my people will die for ours" I say seriously. "Because I am a Queen not a princess or a noble but a Queen and I will not bow down to you"

"Your a Queen" He laughs. "By what blood" He scoffs. "Your mother has been bedded by every man she's laid eye's on" He says with a glare. "Your mother was a whore and so are you"He yells before I felt a sharp slap to the face causing me to fall on the floor.

"Rosilie" My ladies say concerned.

"No" I say sternly holding the side of my face.

"Stand up" He glares.

"Stand up whore" He son yells. Before I fell someone grip me roughly. "look at me" His son says sternly which I do not I look down.

"You are not worthy to be looked at" I say coldly. Only to feel a hand wrap around my throat tightly.

"look at me" He yells. Which I comply. "Your a whore like your mother who killed mine because she wanted a crown that didn't belong to her just as well as this crown doesn't belong to you" He says coldly. "Your nothing" He glares.

"As well as you" I say with venom.

"Shut up" He says angrily. "Or your pretty little ladies over their that you love so much are going to know what it feels like to lose their virtue" He glares.

"No" I say quickly.

"than shut up" He says annoyed. "Or I'll make you shut up" He says coldly.

"Father Tobias stop this" Cecile says with a look of horror plaster on her face.

"How about you give Tobias a tour of your room Spanish whore" Sebastian says with a sigh. Which I quietly comply as long as my ladies weren't harmed nor anyone else in the castle.

"Were are the chambers you share with the king" He sighs. I glance at the guards following us which I lead the way to them.

"They are bigger than I thought" He sighs. I slowly make my way to the desk only to feel his vile hands on my waist.

"Do not touch me" I say coldly pushing his hand's away. Only to turn around and feel a hard slap the face causing me to get dizzy.

"Shut up"He says coldly before I feel myself being pushed on the bed.

"Get off of me" I say fighting him weakly seeing as I couldn't concentrate and my head was spinning.

"Shut up or maybe I won't be so gentle" He says coldly.

"I will not let you" I say fighting him which I kick him just enough to get up and run only to be pulled back. So I scream so loud he covers my mouth only for me to bite him.

Francis POV

"We were tricked brother" John says angrily.

"Than we go back to the castle"I say with a sigh.

"But what if they want us to go back" Julian says confused.

"Julian if they wanted a fight they wouldn't have distracted us and led us away from the castle" I say thinking about it.

"They wouldn't be able to get into the castle" John sighs.

"Not in less they already have someone inside" I say before I than catch on. Only to here a war cry which a fight than broke out between us and a group of men after slaughtering them all there weren't any men left and no sign of Sebastian and his son.

"They lured us away from the castle" John scoffs.

"Well let's get back before it's too late" I sigh before me and the others continue our journey it turned out they did take the castle and I was more worried about Rose than anyone else.

"I know a secret way in we used to play it in t he tunnels when we were younger"John smirks before he leads the way. As we swiftly went through the tunnels we finally made it inside the castle. When we made it into a hallway we were met with shout of most definitely not our guards yelling stop whore.

"Hide" John says to us all. Which we all do.

"Leave me alone" The other voice yells back. "Tell your king I said he'll have to kill me" The voice says confidentially back.

"Rose" I say surprised before I come out of hiding only for her to run right into me.

"Francis" She says surprised before I feel her hug me tightly like her life depended on it.

"What happened to your face" John says eyeing her. "And your covered in blood"

"Are you hurt" I say eyeing her from head to toe concerned.

"It was Sebastian and Tobias" She says lowly.

"And why are you in the hall way and not in the throne room"I say confused.

"Tobias wanted to get me alone" She says lowly.

"And he hit you" I say with a hint of anger. "Where is he now" I say quickly.

"Dead" She says looking up at me.

"You killed him" John says surprised. Well that would explain the fact she is covered in blood wouldn't it brother I say mentally.

"I do not wish to be handled like a whore just as well as I do not wish to be treated like one he wanted a whore I am a Queen he should have went to a brothel" She says back.

"Come out here whore" The voice yells again. "The king will not be pleased with you after what you've done nor will he be gentle" The other laughs.

"Tell the king I said he can try to kill me all he wants but if he touches me I will cut his heart out and feed it to you" She yells back with a hint of anger.

"Rose you'll anger them" I sigh.

"I do not care" She scoffs. "They angered me when they let me fend for myself now they can fend for themselves" She sighs. "Sebastian won't be pleased if he learns they've lost me and it's not like they know their way around the castle with out Cecile" She says a shrug.

"Hide" I sigh walking her over next to my brother.

"This isn't hiding" She sighs. "This is you protecting me" She says seriously. Earning a few laughs from the soldiers behind her.

"Well than let me protect you and stay"

"I am not a dog" She says with a pout.

"I know but now is not the time for you to defend yourself and besides I think you've did enough for one night" I sigh. Motion for my brother to help me.

"Where's Sebastian"I ask her.

"He's in the banquet room with Cecile your mother and my ladies" She sighs. Which I than think of an Idea. "Go to them and tell them Tobias had his way with you and sent you to Sebastian" I says seriously.

"But" She starts to say only for me to stop her.

"We will be right behind you I promise" I say pulling her to me. "Now go" I say sternly ushering her along before I stand beside my brother.

"She's quite a Queen" John sighs.

"Yes well she has a mind of her own and has her own opinion and is rather smarter than I am in certain situation's I don't know what I would do without her" I smile to myself.

"Die a bored and miserable old man" Brother smirks.

After killing all of the soldiers we quickly made our way to the banquet room.

"Rose" I say quickly scanning the room only to find her ladies behind my grandmother and Sebastian holding a knife to Rose's throat.

"Father stop it" Cecile yells.

"Shut up" Sebastian yells out of anger.

"If you hurt her I will have your head" I say coldly.

"Hurt her" He laughs coldly.

"She's my wife" He scoffs.

"What are you talking about" I say confused.

"Father you are ill you need to sit down" Cecile says taking a step forward.

"Shut up" He yells to her once more. "It's your whore of a mother who is the reason we lost that war with Spain" He says coldly. "You'd betrayed me for him" He yells to Rose.

"Rose" I say eyeing her.

"Stop" She says holding her hand out to me. "I am sorry Sebastian" She says looking straight at me. "I did not mean for you to lose the war nor did I mean to fall in love with another man" She continues on.

"Didn't mean to fall in love with another man" He scoffs. "Another King you picked a Spanish King over the one who saved you and made you Queen" He says with anger only to put the knife closer to her throat drawing blood causing her to wince.

"Rose" I warn talking a step closer.

"Stop" She says taking a deep breath. "I am sorry but He is dead I did not loved him but he did not love me he used me to win the war and cast me aside for another as if I was nothing...and I know that now I wasn't meant to fall for the King of Spain I was meant to fall for you and I am sorry I have broken your heart but maybe you can fix mine" She says sadly.

"My heart can not be fixed you have broken it" He sighs.

"But I still love you and I am still the Queen"

"A headless one" He says coldly pushing the knife father into the neck. I couldn't take it any longer so I grabbed the bow and aimed it.

"Shoot me boy" He scoffs. "She has committed adultery I rather kill her now by my hand like the Spanish than let my heads man have the glory" He scoffs.

"I did not bed another man" She scoffs. "How could you think that I would bed the king of Spain because I have fall for him when I am already wedded too a king" She says sternly.

"But the letters say otherwise" He says confused.

"I did not write them"

"Are you saying I have been lied to" He scoffs.

"No" Rose says quickly. "They did not lie I did write letters to him but those were not mine...if you let me go I will get them to show you"

"So you can get away" He says displeased.

"No" Rose says quickly turning around to face him. "But if you wish to kill the woman you love for something she did not do than you can" She says seriously. "But I did not lie to you" She says clearly for all of us to hear as she takes the knife from his hands. "Because I would not ruin my name for the Spanish" She says tossing the knife my way. "But if you wish for me dead after I show you I will not fight your decision because you are king" She says bowing slightly.

"Cecile take your mother to get the letters" He says eyeing her before motioning for Cecile to come over.

"Yes Father" she says playing along.

"Turn around" I say to her. Before i aim and shoot him in the heart.

"Rose" I say turning to her which I quickly go to her only to feel her body go limp. "Rose" I say holding her up. Before I lay her on the ground hoping that would help only to get nothing.

"She May be tired" My grandmother says quickly.

"She doesn't pass out when she's tired grandmother" I say worried before I pick her up fully. "Than we shall take her to Nostradamus" She says leading the way. I hoped she would wake up and nothing was wrong.

"what is wrong with her" I ask as I watch him work.

"what is wrong with her" I ask as I watch him work.

"She seems..."He trials off eyeing her. "Tell me have you visited her chambers" He sighs.

"Yes but I don't see what that has to do with" I say confused.

"I will be sure to tell you when she wakes" He sighs.

"I'm not leaving her" I say seriously.

"Francis we will stay with her" My Grand mother sighs.

"Brother we have to check the castle"John says glancing at Rose.

"Come with me" I say to the two guards beside my brother.

~                            ~                        ~

She has been sleep for weeks and I worry her face has healed but it is as if she is in a deep sleep. I was now in the throne room many of the servant and noble children have as me of her but I could only tell them she was sleeping.

"Brother must you look as if your life is over" My sister sighs.

"I can not help it when I am worried about her" I sigh.

"Well must you look like that I think she'd be pleased to see you alive when she wakes" Maria sighs.

"I will be well when she is" I say sternly.

"What ever you wish brother but know when she wakes she will not want to be near you looking like that" She sighs.

"The nobles of Spain" A voice announces. Causing me to draw my attention to the people entering.

"Forgive us for being unannounced" One noble bows along with the others.

"It is fine" I sigh.

"We wish to see the Queen" One says quickly.

"She isn't well at the moment" I sigh.

"Well so it is true the Queen was left defenseless" Another says causing me to hide my anger.

"She was not left defenseless" I sigh.

"Than why is she not well" The same noble says eyeing me.

"We are not sure she has been sleeping" I say with a sigh.

"May we see her" Another says stepping forward.

"No She is not well" I sigh with a hint of frustration.

"You would keep us from our own Queen" Another says with disgust.

"Just as well as I would keep my own people from their own Queen because She isn't well" I say more sternly.

"Sure the king of Spain may have thought it was a great alliance I rather think it was  a horrible one" One man scoffs. "If you can not make good decisions for your Country how are we so sure you can make good  one's for ours" Another yells.

"Because I am your Queen and he is your king " A voice says with power.

"My Queen" They says bowing.

"Rose" I smile.

"I am feeling better" She says with a bright smile. "Which is why I will not stand for you being rather  rude to Francis" She says turning to them. "You have seen I am well what more do you seek for coming unannounced" She sighs taking a seat on the throne beside me.

"We have heard of the news of what happened here" Another noble says coming forward.

"I love your concern for me but I a very well" She smiles.

"But" One starts to say only for her to cut him off.

"I am sure you are tired from your journey their have been rooms prepared for you all...Later their will be a feast welcoming you" She smiles.

"Thank you my Queen" they bow before they are than escorted out of the room.

Rosilie's POV

I didn't like the way they treated Francis it was a good Alliance and without him I would be weaker. Sure I may have power alone but together I can win many wars that are thrown at me.

"You are well" He says surprised eyeing me from head to toe.

"We must talk" I say seriously before I stand and hold a hand out for him to take. We take a long walk to the Rose Garden in silence.

"You are too Quiet what is it" He sighs.

"Promise me that you will love me forever" I say turning to him.

"Rose" He laughs lightly eyeing me.

"Promise me...because I do not want to be as big as a horse and be ignored" I sigh.

"Your kidding" He says catching on before he picks me up making me laugh at his excitement. "Your with child" He laughs.

"Yes" I smile down at him.

"I will always love you rose" He smiles brightly bringing me down to the ground. "Even if you are as big as a horse" He smiles.

~                      ~                 ~

"I am sorry for your father and brother" I say sadly to Cecile.

"It is fine neither were fit to rule Portugal now I will be Queen" She smiles.

"I hope your trip is safe" I say with a smile.

"And I hope when I visit your child will be just a breath taking as you are" She smiles happily. "Oh I do hope it is a boy or maybe a girl it wouldn't matter" She sighs.

"Francis doesn't care for what it shall be but no one knows yet except for you" I whisper. "And of course my ladies"

"The king wishes to speak to the Queen" A servant says.

"Okay" I smile. "Well have a safe trip and promise you will come back to visit" I say hugging her.

"I promise" She smiles brightly.

"Francis" I say surprised to find him in our room instead of the throne room. 

"What would you like to do today" He sighs smiling to me.

"You may choose I am feeling adventures" I smile taking a grape and plopping it in my mouth.

~                                       ~                                ~

"Francis" I couldn't help but laugh as he trailed kissed down my chest.

"How could you be so beautiful" He smiles. "It's a wonder I even let you leave this room"He smirks.

"Oh Francis if I did not leave this room we would have no country they'd all be very un- pleased with you"

"And what about you" He laughs.

"I'd be here of course...having your child"

"Oh how lovely to see your both awake" Catherine says happily bursting into the room.

"Grandmother" Francis says quickly looking at the door and Catherine entering cause me cautiously cover my body and with Francis shielding me a little.

" a heir what a present to everyone"She says happily before clapping her hands and other servants enter within things.

"grandmother what are you doing" Francis says confused.

"I am here to congratulate you on your new unborn child who I hope is a son their is plenty of time for daughters later" She sighs.

"How did you know" I say cover myself.

"Nostradamus told me were quite good friends and he suspected and I had your chamber pot tested.... a bit of horse urine and wine does the trick" She smiles happily. "Not to mention your loving embrace inside the rose garden which confirmed my suspicion"She sighs happily.

"Grandmother I do not think" Francis starts to say but she claps her hands and more servants come in.

"Well okay than"He sighs siting back.

"Now we must take care of you seeing as you are carrying the future king of France who will help strengthen your claim to France and to Spain and Scotland"She says lifting up her dress and sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Now eat up" She smiles taking a plate of fruit and placing it on the bed. "Your figures going to go to hell anyway" She sighs. "you are feeding the future king of France"She says handing me a strawberry.

~                                      ~                                    ~

"Your grandmother has no shame" I sigh.

"She loves you it's just babies make her more excited than anything else" He sighs with a smile.

"I'm happy that I am with child but I do not wish to be treated like a fancy jewel"I say honestly.

"Very well I will talk to her"He smiles kissing my hand lightly before guiding me to my throne.

"Francis" I say sitting down.

"You are carry my child I will make sure you are treated like a precious Jewel" He smirks.

"You are to much" I laugh lightly before I draw my attention to my nobles.

" My Queen" They say in unison bowing.

"Hello" I smile.

"We wish to declare war with Portugal" One says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What for" Francis says outraged.

"They have killed many of our people if we invade them we could win and our queen would have two countries to add to her glory"

"I do not wish to invade people because their former king decided to invade us his daughter who I am quite acquainted with is very nice and we are at peace... her father and ill brother are dead ....she is the only heir the throne and when she is crowned their will be peace between our country's so much so I want our heir to our throne to marry her child if she were to have one" I say confidently. "Any other request" I sigh.

"No my queen" They say in unison before leaving many were angry I did not start a war but I did not care for it because I am Queen and they are not.

"You can not promise something like that" Francis says lowly looking to me.

"Why not" I say looking to him.

"Because what if she doesn't have an heir" He says seriously.

"i'm sure she wishes to" I say honestly before eyeing him. "Or do you not think I will have an heir" I say eyeing him.

"Rose I did not" He starts to say but I cut him off.

"I will not let my parent's words get to me they were criminals and now their dead where they should be" I say seriously. "I need to lay down" I sigh standing.

"I will walk you" He says quickly standing.

"I am fine I have my ladies to look after me" I say honestly before giving him a light smile and than make my way out of the throne room. I was not going to let my parent's cursed words get to me.

~ ~ ~

(Time skip it has been 9 months)

"It seems everything is fine" Nostradamus sighs lightly touch my forehead. I was slightly warm.

"As long as she doesn't get any warmer everything will be fine"He smiles lightly before he picks up his things. "For now she needs to rest" He sighs.

"The baby will come today" Anna smiles happily.

"That is the part everyone is waiting for" I sigh.

"I do hope it is a boy" Camilla sighs. "It will help our country if it is" She says seriously.

"I'm sure it is a boy" I smile.

"How so" Bella says curiously.

"They say if your having a boy your hair will be longer and you will look more alive than with a girl" I smile.

"Well your hair has gotten longer and you do more like the sunshine so I suppose you are right" Bella smiles excitedly.

"I agree"I smile only to fill a sharp kick.

"Well someone is ready to come out into the world"Francis smiles walking into the room eyeing me.

"I suppose he is a lot like his father in that way" I smile.

"How are you" He smiles lightly touching my face before he than moves a strand of hair out of my face.

"I am fine" I smile. "How are the many angry nobles who want war with Portugal" I sigh.

"They are calm knowing their will be an heir on it's way" He sighs.

"That is a surprise" I say sarcastically earning a laugh.

"May I speak with rose Alone" Francis says seriously eyeing me.

"My king my queen" My ladies say in unison before bowing and quickly leaving.

"What is it" I say eyeing him.

"Before I was a bit worried" He sighs. "But you have been so strong for our child I do not fear the worst anymore" He smiles lightly.

"I do not believe what my parent's say or what came out of their mouths if they truly loved me they wouldn't have been so cruel"I sigh. "And this baby... our son will not know what that feels like because I will not be like my mother"I say seriously.

"I know" He smiles before lightly touching my stomach to earn a kick back. "Well little me is rather strong" He laughs lightly.

"I think he likes you more than me" I say with a light laugh.

"That can not be if you still look like the beautiful fairy that broke my bought when we were children" He smiles.

"My king" A servant says quickly entering.

"What it is" Francis says worried.

"The nobles have gathered a army and they are preparing to attack Portugal they have already gotten past Madrid" He says seriously.

"You have to stop them before they start a war that can not be finished" I say seriously looking to Francis.

"Leave and gather half of the soldiers in the castle" Francis says seriously.

"My Queen" The servant says bowing before quickly leaving the room.

"I promise to be back before our child is born" He says seriously.

"Their will be no peace for our child if they slaughter Portugal... I will be fine until you get back" I smile.

"very well" He smiles. "I love you" He says kissing me lightly.

"I love you more" I smile.

~ ~ ~

"Catherine it has been a day I do no think we need to worry"I sigh.

"I am worrying because if we lose Francis we have no king all we have is you and an unborn heir which means we must protect you until that child is born seeing as you are at the moment unfit  to rule while on a bed" She sighs.

"Francis will be back before our child is born he promised" I say confidently.

"when that child comes you mustn't wait for anyone that child will be the next heir to the throne ruling not 2 but 3 kingdoms which many would kill for" She says sternly.

"Well he has me as his mother I will not let someone kill him for 3 kingdoms just because they want power"I say seriously.

"well than you must be prepared to give your life for this child"She says seriously eyeing me.

"That I am"I say honestly.

"My Queen a letter from the king"A servant says quickly walking in.

"I'll take that"Catherine says picking it out of his hand.

"well okay than"I sigh sitting up a little.

"He has over took them in Lisbon he is on his way back now"She smiles happily closing the letter and look back to me.

"Really"I say excitedly.

"No"She sighs. "He is questioning them first before"She says seriously.

"Ow Catherine"I wince touching my stomach.

"Go get Nostradamus"Catherine yells. "I will write Francis telling him it may be time"She smiles lightly touching my forehead.

~ ~ ~

Francis POV

"What is it brother"I sigh.

"A letter for you it seems to be in grandmothers hand writing"He sighs.

"What about"I say taking the letter and opening it.

"Rose is ready to begin without you"He smirks before proudly hitting my shoulder.

"Your telling me this now"I say looking to him. "Have everyone pack now we are heading back I will not leave rose like that"I say seriously.

~ ~ ~

"You must push rose"Catherine says worriedly.

"What of Francis"I say wincing trying to push.

"you've asked many times and the answer is still the same" She sighs.

"That worries me"I say honestly.

"What is worrying me is your not pushing"Nostradamus sighs.

"I am going to kill Francis"I yell pushing my hardest.

"Really" A familiar voice says causing me to look to the door to find Francis eyeing me amused.

"Not If I do it first"Catherine sighs looking to him.

"Grandmother"He laughs lightly.

"Laughing isn't cute Francis"I say coldly.

"Less talking and more pushing otherwise their will be no heir" Bella says matter of factly.

"Nice of you to say such a thing"Catherine says eyeing her satisfied.

"Sometimes you can not always be nice"She sighs before looking to me. "Now you push so we may have a beautiful prince to tend to"She smiles.

"She's right Rose"Francis sighs taking my hand.

~ ~ ~

Francis POV

"First try a boy" My brother John says happily as we walk to the throne room.

"Yes and I must say he's quite the charmer he has everyone woman in this castle in love with him"I smile.

"And rose"He says eyeing me.

"Sleeping like her life depends on it despite how much she misses walking around and being around the castle the noble children come and visit and keep her sane"I sigh happily. "She'll be out and about tomorrow I'm sure to annoy everyone with many request"

"She doesn't have request in fact from what the servants tell she doesn't ask for anything they just give it to her"He sighs.

"Sounds like rose"I smile.

"What about the Spanish nobles who planed to attack Portugal"

"Rose will deal with them their her people and besides it wouldn't be right If I punished them they'd only want to know why rose didn't"I sigh sitting down on my throne before looking over to the one similar to mine. missing rose already.

"My King sir Charles wishes to see you" A servant says rather quickly with a man storming in a his men flanking him.

"Sir Charles is it"I say eyeing him.

"Yes and I have word that you have my brother"He says seriously.

"I have many men however I do not know which is your brother"I sigh.

"My Brother is Caden"He says eyeing me.

"Caden the noble who was leading the war that I did not execute"


"He executed a war that would have ending with an entire blood bath...on his request I will not judge him your queen will"

"Than may I speak with my Queen"He sighs.

"No"I sigh. "She isn't well"

"Than I assume the news is true you have an heir a legitimate son"He says eyeing me.

"Yes thanks to your Queen"I say standing and glancing to my brother eyeing him.

"You will be well taken care of"I say looking to a servant and nodding to them. "and tomorrow their will a trial for all of them and Rose will judge as she should"I smile lightly. "However I can not waist time with this matter I have many other things to attend too"I say honestly.

"Very well My King"He bows eyeing me carefully before he clinches his jaw and makes his way following the servants.

"He doesn't like you at all"John sighs looking to me as I make my way back to the throne.

"I know"I sigh.

"None of them do actually I find that surprising"He sighs.

"Oh don't flatter yourself brother" Maria sighs walking into the throne room with a smile.

"Your back"I smile to her.

"I got married and was gone for a month or two you'd think you'd be happy to get rid of me"She sighs.

"Your my little sister Maria and Rose missed you more than I did"I sigh earning a small hit from her.

"I'm kidding"I smile before looking to John.

"You've grown since the last time you were here"He smirks.

"Oh shut up always teasing me"She sighs.

"Is that wrong for a brother to tease their sister"I say raising an eyebrow.

"Keep teasing and I'll tell rose"She says eyeing me.

"I can handle rose"I sigh.

"Sure you can...but I must say the little prince is rather more breath taking"She sighs happily.

"You too...it seems he's taking all of the attention"I sigh amused.

"haven't you seen him he's so cute and all smiles...he obviously get's that from rose"She sighs looking to me.

"And he get's the looks from me win win"I smile.

~ ~ ~

"Purple the color of royalty"Catherine says eyeing me as I walk in with Francis.

"That's not the only reason why I wore it"I smile to her.

"sure"She sighs raising an eyebrow eyeing me.

"I think you look beautiful as always"Francis sighs looking to me with a smile.

"I rather think you have other plans as always"I sigh eyeing him.

"you know me so well"He smiles as we both sit.

"That I do"I smile.

"Bring them in"Francis says loudly. Causing all the many nobles to stand to the side eyeing me.

"My Queen" Sir Charles says loudly for me to hear causing me to look to him.

"Sir Charles"I say eyeing him. Francis told me about him so I knew what he was asking for and I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to give it to him.

"Sir Charles"Francis says eyeing him.

"Charles"I sigh. "I know of what you asked but I do not wish to give you false hope...so his fate is in his own hands I suggest you hope he isn't a cold person"I sigh eyeing him.

"But my Queen"

"She has made up her mind Sir Charles"Francis sighs.

"No she has not....you French scum"Charles says coldly.

"Charles"I say eyeing him sternly. "He is your king just as well as I am your queen and you will show him the same respect you show me"I say seriously.

"But my Queen"

"Say nothing... now either you be respectful here in our home or you leave and go back to Spain well half of you anyway"I say coldly eyeing him.

"Very well my queen"He says eyeing me before bowing and making his way back to his place with the other nobles not before giving Francis says glare.

"Now"I say reverting my attention to his brother with the many other nobles.

"You've stab me in the back by going and preparing to start a war with Portugal after I have told you their is no need we have already taken the blood that has taken ours"I say honestly.

"A Spanish king would know all blood that was against us is bad blood" Caden says coldly.

"I may not be a king but I am Queen and I do have a temper worse my fathers now either you bow and pledge your loyalty to the king of France or I behead you and put you on display for everyone to see my people or not"I say darkly eyeing him and the rest of the nobles behind him.

"I'd rather die than bow down to the French"He says coldly glaring to Francis.

"Very well"I sigh. "Odon"I say looking to him he was loyal to my father and he was now loyal to me and my child he would die for me and kill for me.

"My Queen"He says bowing to me.

"Make an example of him"I say seriously.

Which I watched as Odon walked to him and slit his throat causing him to fall to the floor with a pool of blood.

"Rose"Francis says lowly looking to me.

"As for rest of you bow to your King or Die"I say darkly and loud enough for them to hear. Having them bow in fear was better than having them bow like sheep because one person bowed to me. Their were two more who were willing to die as for the rest they bowed.

"She's scarier than Grandmother"John says lowly to Francis which I heard but said nothing.

"As for the rest of you...you will be escorted back to Spain with your family's were you will be made into the Spanish Army"I say seriously. "Noble man however will be stay here with me"I smile. "After all you were loyal to my father I need some of your knowledge however I will not make any noble man stay you have already pledged your loyalty to your king it is your choice...if you wish to stay step forward"I say eyeing them all. Which one looked around before doing so causing another and eventually 2 more making it four nobles.

"Very well your families will be escorted to France to stay with you if you wish as for the rest I suggest you start preparing to head back to Spain.

"Thank you My queen"They all bow and say in unison before a guard escorts them back to their rooms leaving a dead Caden.

"I wish for my brother to be returned to Spain to be buried beside our grand father"Charles says sadly.

"I grant it"Francis sighs before looking to me.

"No"I say eyeing Charles.

"Rose"Francis says looking to me confused.

"Caden will not be taken to Spain"

"But"Charles says offended.

"But Nothing He has disrespected my home and my husband and his father who will have word of what has happened here today when he arrives tomorrow as for you, you should respect your fathers wishes"I say eyeing him.

"Or He could arrive rather now"I say looking to The man walking inside quickly with soldiers flanking him.

"Sir Christian"I smile.

"My queen"He smiles happily. "I must say it is a pleasure to be here at French court he smiles looking around before his eyes fall to Caden's lifeless body. "I do hope after his display of betrayal he will not rot on the floor of your beautiful castle"He sighs.

"No"Francis sighs looking to a soldier who quickly picked up his lifeless body and took him away. "It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Christian"He smiles.

"As is you I've heard many things of your fathers reign I hope yours will be just as great"He smiles before looking to me.

"Father He is not our friend"Charles scoffs.

"No He is not He is our king just as well she is queen and if you do not know that you are no son of mine"He says with venom. "Our family has been loyal to the Crown of Spain for lifetimes I will not let that be ruined because of your beliefs and discomfort"He says seriously.

"But father"Charles says eyeing his father.

"But. Nothing"He says sternly. "Do not embarrass me any further...now please do show me to your chambers while I am still standing"He sighs.

"Very well father"He sighs.

"Your rooms will be finished tomorrow within enough time to enjoy the party and retire to your rooms"I smile standing.

"Thank you my queen"Christian bows before looking to Francis. "You must watch her or someone will steal her away she is quiet the sight"He smiles.

"I know"Francis laughs.

Which Christian gives me another glance before he makes his way out of the room.

"Remind me why I let you control this"Francis sighs eyeing me.

"Well because I'm scarier than you are"I smile turning to him. "And besides it's not like you can get them to bow they aren't quite taken with you as I am"I say lowly walking back to my chair beside his eyeing him.

"I think you both are quite the pair brother"John says eyeing me.

"It was her not me brother I just sat and enjoyed the show just as well as every noble in this castle"

"My queen"Camilla says walking to me.

"The prince is quit upset do you think you could do that thing you do with his hair"She sighs handing him to me.

"You just move it out of his face Camila"I smile taking him in my arms.

"I rather think he is smarter than he looks"She smiles.

"A prince with taste"Francis smiles eyeing me with the baby.

"Sounds like a picky Minnie Francis to me"John laughs.

"have you thought of a name"Camila says eyeing me.

"I've thought of many but I don't want to name him just yet...one will come to me" I smile.

"A good one I hope before the pope shows up to meet this young prince"Catherine sighs. "It doesn't matter what you name him but he must have one before the pope arrives...but if you need help how about Francis"She smiles.

"Cute but no"I sigh.

"What's wrong with Francis"Francis says looking to me.

"Nothing But It is your name as is your fathers name I don't want him to have your name I want him to have a name Of his own something that will make people remember him he will be the second king of France Spain and Scotland he will need something to make him different because he isn't just French he is also Spain's and Scotland"I sigh.

"Very well rose"He sighs standing. "I do not care for what is his name he will always be the prince and my son"He smiles before kissing my forehead and letting our sons little hand grip his.

After tending to our son for the rest of the day the midwives finally took him and I was finally able to go back to my room which I find Francis wasn't their yet telling me He was probably with the nobles leave my ladies to tend to me which I just shed my dress and put on my rob while they made me a bath.

"Leave us"A familiar voice sighs causing Camilla to happily leave with Bella and Anne following happily.

"Francis"I sigh as I feel his hands trail up my arms. Before he Than unties my robe and turns me quickly to face him.  "You are absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me"He smiles.

"I feel the same about you"I smile weaving my hands in his hair.

Only for their to be a stern knock on the door.

"I will get it"He smiles before quickly kissing my forehead.

"Francis is something wrong"I sigh walking out of small bathing room to find Francis holding our son.

"He missed you both I didn't mean to be rude or"

"It is fine Bella"I smile before looking down at our son.

"He is perfectly fine here do you think you can bring his crib here"Francis says not taking his eye's off of him.

"sure"she smiles before she quickly leaves.


Waking up to learn the pope is here was a surprise and nerve wrecking.

"So you do know you have to pick godparents"Camila sighs.

"Pick"I say confused.

"Rose you don't have to pick now"Francis says seriously taking my hand.

"But I do have to pick I mean can't you pick"I say lowly.

"We can pick together"He smiles.

"Okay"I say eyeing him. "I have to finish planning before Rian demands I hold him"I sigh.

"He is still a baby rose I highly doubt he cares for anyone's touch but yours...and I honestly agree with him"He smirks.

"Finish Ill be outside"I sigh standing up from my thrown and making my way down the steps.

"I will find you were ever you are"He sighs. "I'll just follow the other little fairies"he smiles.

"Always so dramatic"I mumbles.

"As were you many nights before Rian enter this world...I don't remember getting much sleep with all your talking"He sighs.

"I must go"I sigh.

"You must or you don't like to be put at the center of attention because of me"He sighs standing.

"Neither"I sigh turning around.

"Your very persistent to decorate aren't you"He sighs standing eyeing me as he walks to me.

"Aren't i supposed to be persistent"I say raising an eyebrow to him.

"I suppose but it's a little to late for that grandmother is taking care of it all she insisted you focused on Rian she even got us matching outfits and honestly I don't want to get in the way of anything she has planned"He says lowly smiling to me.

"Of course you don't"I sigh. "Than I will get out of your way I must do something to help"I say honestly.

"Brother"John sighs quickly walking to us and handing him a letter.

"You will believe who plans to visit"He sighs.

"Who"I say confused.

"Henry he's related by marriage to the queen of England and he was supposed to marry you"Francis sighs looking to me.

"me"I say surprised. "I don't remember my parents ever speaking of me being married to some man in England"

"That's because your father the king through you shouldn't marry a rich man but a man who would be king...our parents thought it would be a better fit...Henry's just a wealthy man"He sighs.

"A wealthy man who doesn't care if your married to the king of France or not he would happily please you" John says seriously eyeing.

"And he can please me from a far because I'm not bedding another man and having my head chopped I'm not stupid"I state. "And besides it's a little to late for that"I sigh. "I already have everything I could have ever wanted...what can he possibly give me that I don't have"I say raising an eyebrow.

"A good time in bed I suppose"Francis sighs folding the letter back up.

"I think having a good time with a wealthy man isn't as fun with a defiant king who likes to do what he wants"I smile.

"Really"Francis says amused eyeing me with a smile.

"And besides I don't know if you noticed but the prince is quite a little man himself s he's already made Bella his girlfriend practically tells her what to do"I smile.

"Does He now"

"That reminds me of another man in this large castle always so demanding"I say looking to Francis.

"I'm not that demanding rose"He sighs.

"Sure your not handsome either"I say sarcastically.

"You know I never thought you could pull of being sarcastic but obviously I taught you well"He says matter of factly.

"Then you should know I was being sarcastic when I told you I didn't know what sarcastic was"I sigh.

"of course you were"He sighs.

"Francis"Catherine says quickly making her way into the throne room her ladies following suit.

"Grandmother"He sighs.

"I assume you look presentable for our visitor oh and I have released Brianna it turns out she is his distant cousin he will love to learn of her well being"She says lowly as than Brianna walks in looking like her older self going to stand beside Catherine.

"Grandmother"Francis sighs.

"She maybe a whore but she is Henry's cousin he will love to learn she is alive and well rather than locked up in a dungeon for deceiving the crown it's all about looks and besides he doesn't come here in less he's up to something....and that something might just be taking down the New young Queen of France"

"I'm not bedding a rich man"I sigh standing beside Francis.

"You say that now but many of the girls in this castle would jump when he calls"She says glancing to me. "It's not the money they love about him"She sighs.

"Grandmother"Francis sighs.

"You may have isolated because of your parent's but that doesn't change the fact you are Spanish and the Spanish woman are known for being with more than one and what makes it worse you have him your virtue"She sighs. "The pleasure of another will be more thrilling especially in secret which would explain why your father's legitimise was questioned after his mother gave birth to a son on the first try"She says seriously.

"I gave Francis a son on the first try are you trying to say I lied about my virtue"I say lowly looking to her.

"I'm trying to warn you young queens tend to be curious don't get curious about Henry ignore him not matter how tempting it maybe...because if you don't Francis will have to question his son and he will need a Queen and I'm sure Brianna will happily take your place"She snorts before looking to Maria who swiftly walking into the throne room her new husband at her side.

"Grandmother are you pestering Rose again"She sighs lowly.

"Pestering no Warning yes"She sighs.

"More like threatening"

"If that's what you heard from all of that than let it what it be...but if you ruin this Castle I will have your head weather Francis loves you are not"She says seriously.

"You will my head"I say looking to her. "Than you don't know I maybe Spanish but I will not be bulled by you or anyone in this castle I'm Queen your not I sit on that thrown you don't Francis sit's beside me not some rich noble man who will tell me how much less of a woman I am because I can't weld a sword or win battles on my own...yet I can I have a army"

"yes a Army you started training a month before his arrival he will be very intrigued to know a young Queen is already preparing to fight for her head when he has you in bed"She snorts.

"Rose"Francis warns looking to me.

"Yes do keep her close for your sake"Catherine sighs before looking to a man who is happily walking into our castle as if he owned it himself as if he was king.

"Henry"Catherine greats.

"Catherine De Medici"He smiles.

"I see you have not age a day since I have last visited"He smiles before he looks to everyone else.

"Francis"He greats.

"Henry"Francis smiles lightly.

"John"He says happily before looking to Maria. "I see someone has finally married you off"He sighs. "Cousin"He says eyeing her before he looks to me. "And you are Francis new love interest"He sighs.

"Queen actually"I state.

"Queen"He says eyeing me.

"Yes Queen and you are"I say eyeing him.

"Oh I'm sorry....I'm Duke Henry Ramnor I'm sure you've heard of many of the spices my family sells around the world it's an amazing trade"He sighs.

"I bet it is"I sigh before looking to Francis.

"So Henry you've come unexpectedly is their something you seek"He says eyeing him.

"Something"He sighs before looking to me. "Actually my matter deal with the Queen"He says seriously.

"And what might that be"Francis says raising an eyebrow.

"Well will know if my request is granted"He sighs. "But I've also come for the new's I've heard"He says looking to Francis. "You've only been King for a month or two and you already have a legitimate heir...a son on the first try that has be"

"exciting"Francis sighs.

"Exactly that"HE sighs.

"Come we must catch up on what I have learned since I've been traveling"He says looking to Francis.

"My lady"Camilla and Bella and Anna say in unison quickly walking in before they look to Henry and smile brightly. It seems they were taken with him as well. He wasn't that handsome sure he was a year or two older than Francis but what could he possibly be able to do in bed better than a king?

"What is it"I say eyeing them.

"The Prince"They say in unison before looking to Henry.

"These must be your ladies"Henry sighs looking to them before smiling. "Did I mention I am also looking for a bride"He sighs turning to face us all before he looks to me. His words annoyed me. I'm sure he knew if he were to have me I would be dead the second someone knew. How could a man be rich and enchant every young girl in his path just by saying high. Sure he was above a prince but Francis wasn't a prince anymore which meant he wasn't above Francis. And it would be a life time for him to reach anywhere near Grand duke.... and to me.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to see you the next lovez yah. I will try to update much more. But I think stories might be a little shorter so every Friday or every other day will be the schedule for these chapters.

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