Flash preferences

By gbow1999

252K 5.4K 1K

In the first pages I'm describing your life Barry Allen Cisco Ramon Harrison Wells earth 2 Wally west Etc.p More

Family, age ,and who you live with
Job details
Best friends details
Meta human and how they reacted when they found out
How you met
When you realized you are in love with them
Catch up Eobard Thawne
First date and kiss
They ask you to move in
What you call each other
What they do for your birthday
Fight and break up
Kidnapped and make up
Soulmate AU Barry and Cisco
Soulmate AU Harry and Wally
Soulmate AU Eobard
Stealing clothing
I gotta question Barry and Cisco
I gotta question Harry (e2), Wally, and Eobard
I have something to tell you
Baby Harry (e2) and Eobard
How you meet part two of a different AU some different people
You realise that you love them
Jeolous kiss
Soulmate AU Leonard Snart
Soulmate AU Mick Rory
Break up
Im so sorry
Ralph Dibny
Ralph 2
Eobard 2
Barry 2
Hunter Zolomon
Harry 2

Cisco 2

1.4K 44 9
By gbow1999

After having to wake up alone for the third day this week I was becoming tired. I woke up and let out a sigh as I stood up and stretched my arms. I let out a groan as I stood up and made a cup of (hot drink). I took a few sips of it and then I turned on the Tv.

"Looks like Zoom is at it again." I said softly.

I heard a knock on my door and put my drink down. I answered the door and gasped as a man in a mask grabbed my arm.

"You are coming with me!" He hissed.

I was dragged out of my house and down the stairs.

"Someone! Help!" I screamed.

I tried to pull away from him, but he stopped me. I kicked and clawed at him, but I couldn't get away.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

A net of light shot out of my hands and the man went flying.

"So you are like her." He said calmly.

"Like who?" I asked confused.

"Like my (Y/n)." He said as he took off his mask.

"Dante?" I asked shocked.

He picked his weapon up and I growled as I dodged his attack and kicked him through a car. I took off running and pulled my phone out.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"Metahuman!" I yelled.

I gave my address and kept running. Soon a car pulled up and a man got out.

"Get in!" He ordered.

I hopped in and he took off. He sped away and I let out a sigh as I put my seatbelt on.

"Thank you officer?"

"Detective Joe West. You know why he was after you?"

"No idea, but he looked just like Dante Ramon... my boyfriend Cisco's brother." I said softly.

"Wait.... you're (Y/n)? The (Y/n)? I never thought I would actually get to meet you." He said with a laugh.

I looked at him confused and then we pulled into STARS LABS. I frowned as he motioned me to follow him inside and we walked to a lab.

"Hey we have a guest!" Joe yelled.

I frowned as we walked into the room and I looked around.

"This is (Y/n)-"

"Cisco's girlfriend! Oh my god! Finally! I'm Iris, Cisco has told me so much about you!" She exclaimed as she shook my hand.

"I'm Barry, Cisco has talked about you a lot.... and I mean a lot." The man beside her said.

"Aren't you dead?" I asked as I looked at Harrison Wells.

"From another world. Ramon speaks highly of you." He said calmly.

"He hasn't told me anything about you all! I mean nothing! And another world? Why would Cisco know someone from another world?" I asked confused.

"(Y/n)?" A voice asked.

"(Y/n) is in on this too?"

I turned to see Cisco and Dante and I frown.

"Dante! Why did you try to kill me? Cisco what is going on!" I snapped angrily.

"Baby, calm down. That wasn't him, it was his doppelgänger. How about you follow me and I explain everything to you." He said as he gently took my hand.

I pulled my hand away and motioned for him to lead the way. We made it to a lab and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Okay, so I might not of been telling the truth when I said I was helping Barry." He said softly.

"Great Lily was right! You were cheating on me!"

"What! No! I was on earth 2! Trying to stop Zoom.... Barry is the Flash." He said softly.

"The Flash...... did he happen to tell you about a girl ranting to him?" I asked sternly.

"Yea, said some girl told him about getting fired, thinking her boyfriend was cheating on her, and all she wanted to do was be with him and have a Harry.... Potter marathon." He said as he looked at me.

"Yea..... guess who no longer has a job. Guess who has been waiting for her boyfriend, who has kept a lot from her, to get home." I said calmly.

"I am so sorry." He said softly.

I shook my head and turned to leave the room.

"Wait! Look..... I promise I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I wanted to tell you so many times! But I couldn't because.... because I was scared of losing you." He said softly.

I shook my head and looked away.

" I was scared of losing you. What if my enemies hurt you.... just like Rupture went after you." He said sadly.

"Cisco...... I love you. I love you so much, and I.... I will go through anything to be with you. Your struggles are mine! And I don't want to lose you.... you can't keep all of this from me. I want to know everything about you, and I don't care about the danger." I said as I gently squeezed his hand.

"I work for the Flash. I'm a meta..... and the greatest day of my life was when I met you." He said softly.

"That was the greatest day of my life too." I said as I gently kissed him.

He sent me a smile and I pulled away.

"So what is this about you talking about me all the time?" I asked with a smirk.

"Barry has a big mouth." He said with a frown.

I smiled as I pulled him back down for a kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.

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