Unbelievably Inlove with You

By Code27xxx

40.8K 724 70

Im inlove with a woman who has a Blue Eyes More

Chapter 1:Beca's Sister
Chapter 2: Mitchell sisters
Chapter 3: Kiss
Chapter 4: Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5: Tattoo
Chapter 6: Jealous Beca
Chapter 7:Day 1
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: Kidnapped
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Letter
Chapter 12:Officially Yours
Chapter 13:Finally!
Chapter 14:Love Quarrel
Chapter 15:Prank
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19:Dinner
Chapter 20: Robi and Aubrey
Chapter 21: Promises(Bechloe)
Chapter 22: Chloe vs Chylee
Chapter 24:Accident
Chapter 25: Devin
Chapter 26
Chapter 27:Bechloe

Chapter 23: Cheater

643 16 3
By Code27xxx

Beca's POV
Robi and Aubrey left the bellas house already. We cant still believe that they are gone and they have move to LA.

And i cant still believe that Chloe and I are the  Leaders now.

"Hey Little Mitchell? What are you thinking?"- Stacie asked me and sat beside me.

"Random things dude. Life Love Career"- i answered

"same here Beca. Im thinking about my future when i have graduated and left the bellas. You know that i really treasured the bellas. I dont want to leave but i have to"- she said then opened the canned beer"Want some?"- she offered me

I accepted that" Time is so fast. Just like before we are just freshmen and now we are seniors. "- and take a shot of beer

"im afraid to leave the bellas. "- she said

"Im also afraid to leave but  we have to. We need  to achieve our dreams our goals"- i said "Btw how is your lovelife?"- I asked

"I have no lovelife at all. Im waiting for someone who will impossibly love me back"- she answered and smile

"Do i know him?"-i asked

"You know her Beca. Not him "-she chuckled

"Dude seriously? Her?.. Who?Are you a Fucking Bi!?"- i asked

"Im a bi Beca damn it!. Im inlove with your sister. But all i can do is to love her secretly because she is my bestfriend and she is inlove with Aubrey."-she said

I was Shocked when she really like Robi.

"How?!"- i asked unvelievably

"I dont know i think i was inloved with her at first sight. Jeez She is so Natural and Weird."- she said"But im not hoping anymore. Im happy for her and for Aubrey all i can do is to love her secretly"- she answered

I pat her Shoulder"Its ok. You'll find someone who will love you"- i said

"I hope so Little Mitchell"- then take a shot of beer

"You know what lets change the topic ok?"- i said then chuckled

"You whats your plan with Chloe?"- she asked me"Are you planning to propose to her already? "-She asked

"Well we still not talk about that we are focus to be a bella. Maybe soon after we graduate"- i answered

"Oh comeon dude you dont need to take this so serious. You need to think about your plans too. Chill "- she said

Thats why we are so close.

"This is a serious matter Dude how can i?"- i asked

"Just enjoy dude. Thats the only thing"-she answered"Is that!"-Stacie pointed to my Left side

I turned to my Left side and then i saw Chloe and Thomas her ex, Walking together while laughing.

I clenched my jaw"This cant be."- i Whispered

"By the way Thomas thank you! for your time. I really owe you alot"-Chloe thanked Thomas and smiled at him.

But Suddenly i was shocked when Thomas Grabbed her for a kiss. Chloe responded i know she likes it .

"Fuck!"- i hissed

My heart is breaking into pieces. The pain it sucks!

"Chloe What the fuck!!"- Stacie Shouted

"S..tac..ieee?  Be..c..aa?"- she was stuttering

"Bye Chloe see you tomorrow Baby"- then Thomas ran  away

"Are you fucking cheating on her?! Chloe!?"- Stacie Yelled

"Stop asking her Stacie. We saw that kiss. We knew the answer already. Come on lets go inside "- i said then im about to walk out with Stacie

"Babe! let me explain!"- Chloe said

"Explain what Chloe? We saw it! We have witnessed it! Beale! Damn it! You liked it! Dont you?"-I yelled with anger

She held my hand but i avoid it"Dont you ever Dare to touch me!"- I yelled at her

"Dude im going inside."- Stacie said and i nodded

"Let me explain Babe! Im not cheating babe please!"-Chloe started to cry.

I hate seeing her crying. But she hurt me.

"Explain what babe? The scene explains all about it!You are not contented with me."- i said

"Babe no! thats not true ! Im contented and happy with you. Please babe! Thomas Did that kiss! I was shocked!"- she hugged me so tight.

"Stop this shit. Chloe! go inside. Give me a space for a while. I want to make myself cool im sorry"- as i started to walk away from the bellas house my Tears began to fall.

"Shit! Fuck! Why Chloe!!'- I screamed"I love you so bad! And you did this to me! You made my heart break into pieces!. You Made me so damn mad at you!.. Please! Stop beating so fast shit!"- i screamed

My heart beats so fast because on what i witness.

I dont know if that scene is true or maybe Chloe was telling the truth that she just was shocked.

I dont know what to do anymore.

All i know is i want to get drunk. And Forget it for a while.


Chloe's POV
While she is walking away from me my tears cant stop falling. I hurt my Beca.
Damn it!

If I only knew that Thomas will grab me for a kiss. I should not be a company him.

I went inside and the bellas are staring at me seriously.

"How could you do that Chloe? You hurt Beca!"-Stacie Yelled at me

"Im so disappointed with you Chloe i thought you cant cheat to her. I thought you were different to Jesse but i guess im wrong."- Cynthia Said

"Beca is breaking into pieces Chloe because of you. She is been so faithful and loyal to you why is that?"- Amy said

"Guys! Jeez we dont really know what happened ok?"- Jessica Reminded them

"Maybe Thomas planned for it. He intensionally kissed Chloe in front of Stacie and Beca."- Flo said

"And when we say planned. Its not just Thomas he have a partner on it"- Emily said

"Im still not convinced with it "- Stacie said

"Come on Guys Lets be fair Beca and Chloe our both friends. We need to investigate"- Ashley said

"Hey Chloe Everything will be alright"-Emily said then hugged me

"Yeah!.  We will fix this shit"-Stacie said"I hope Robi and Aubrey will not going to visit here, Because if they did they will knew about this. We're dead and Youre dead"- She added

"I will freeze Thomas and his partner to death"- Lilly said

We gave her an asking look.

She gave us a heavy Sigh.

"We better get some Evidences that the kissing scene was planned for you and Beca able to break up"- Amy said

I nodded.

"We did not broke up. Beca just requested for a cool off."- i said

"Give her a space for a while and we need to investigate. Oplan Bring Back the Bechloe"-Flo said

"Lets bring back the Bechloe!"- They Screamed.

Im lucky to have this crazy girls.

Beca i'll give you a space that it doesnt mean that i will never make you to believe on me.

Just give me a time to get some evidences that the kissing scene that you have thinking that i liked it was a set up in order us to break up.

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