Kyle Broflovski x Reader

By watermellonsugar

161K 2.3K 1.9K

no one asked for this , i really hope at least one of you enjoys this. More

| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 6 |
| Chapter 7 |
| Chapter 8 |
|Chapter 9|
| Chapter 10 |
| Chapter 11|
| Chapter 12 |
| Chapter 13 |
| Chapter 14 |
| Chapter 15 |
| Chapter 16 |
| Chapter 17 |
| Chapter 18 |
| Chapter 19 |
| Chapter 20 |

| Chapter 5 |

9.3K 126 46
By watermellonsugar

•Your POV•

It was Saturday afternoon. I decided to spend my day at home. By myself. Kyle and I haven't spoken since yesterday. I was fine with this, him and I don't have an obligation to talk to each other. I spent half of my day on the couch surrounded by snacks. I looked at my phone and got another one of the famous video chat call from all of the boys. I answered it knowing I did look a little ruff.
"Hey guys." I smiled. As all the boys faces popped up on the screen, on Eric's screen he was showing a hungover Kenny just laying down.
"Hey." They all answer in unison. I stare at Kyles face on the screen.
"We were thinking about hanging out today, but whose house?" Stan said.
"Well you guys can come over. My mom's gonna be gone for a while." I shrugged . I looked at the living room and the current mess it was in.
"Okay, can we order pizza or something though?" Eric moved his camera from Kenny to himself.
"Sure," I responded.
"Ill pay for it." Stan smiled.
"Someone might want to go on a snack run." I chuckled. "Who wants to go with me?" I ask.
"Ill go with you." Kyle quickly said.
"Me too. I have some snacks I want to get." Eric smirked. I knew Kyle wanted some alone time with me but Eric had to ruin that.
"Okay, Ill grab some of my games and help Kenny I guess." Stan chuckled.
"Okay, Kyle and Eric- Ill be waiting for you." I stood up and began to grab all the empty bag of snacks.
"Okay!" Kyle ended the call.
"Someone's excited." Eric rolled his eyes in a joking manner.
"Cartman wait. You should wait for me to get to your house to help Kenny. I just need to grab some video games to bring to (y/n)'s house." Stan told Eric. Eric groaned.
"Hurry up then." Eric ended the call.
"See you." Stan ended the call.
I threw my phone on the couch and threw away all the bags of snacks and cleaned up the place. I decided that I didn't need to change for our hang out session. I was wearing joggers and a black t-shirt. I really did enjoy hanging out with the guys, and when I did I loved to be comfortable. A few minutes later there was a knock on the back door. I knew this was one of the guys because they always use my back door. I mean- they use that door to enter my house all the time. I rushed to open the door and immediately was grabbed. It was Kyle. Kyle shut the door behind him and kissed me lightly.
"Hi?" I joke as he continued to hold me.
"Um. Sorry- I just.." Kyle stuttered out an apology.
"No-no. Its okay, just.." I giggle. Am I really going to reject affection from Kyle?
"Nothing." I kiss his nose as I recall back to last night- the confession part at least. I liked Kyle, and he liked me. Now what?
"Can I get another kiss?" Kyle asked as he leaned in. As a response I just laugh and kiss him again.
We cant even get anything started before Eric busts open the door.
"That's like three times I've caught you guys." He smirks.
Kyle and I hold onto each other. Seems like at this point we don't even care.
"Okay lets go." Kyle groans. He pecked me again before letting go. I have to admit it was kind of weird that Eric was just watching us kiss. He just made a face. Kyle shoved Eric as he past Eric in the doorway.
"C'mon Eric." I wait for Eric to go first. He follows Kyle and I close the door behind me.
Walking on the sidewalk, Kyle huddles next to me. We all conversant along the way. It felt normal. I started to think if it would be this way if we told the rest of the guys, or even made it public. But made what public? Kyle and I weren't officially dating, but we were something. I shake my head and try to focus on the conversation. We soon got to the local pharmacy and started running around looking for snacks. Eric went to go grab drinks, that left Kyle and I by ourselves again. We stood staring at the chips before he wrapped his arm around me. I let myself lean against him this time. I still looked around, just in case someone caught us. We picked up a few bags of chips. some spicy, some of the other guys favorites.
"Cartman is such as asshole." Kyle mumbles.
"What? Why?" Which was a dumb question, I knew why he was an asshole, but Kyle seemed mad.
"Just.. he's getting on my nerves." He rubbed my shoulder.
"I know Kyle." I rest my head on him.
"Awe." Eric sarcastically laughs. Kyle lets go. We stand there before Eric squints his eyes at me.
"What?" I stutter.
"Are those.. HICKEYS?" He laughs hysterically.
I immediately turn red and look at Kyle, who was angrily staring at Eric.
"Shut the fuck up Cartman!" He yells.
"Lets just go." I say a bit embarrassed, trying to cover them with my jacket . I hold the chips in my hand and pass Eric who was still laughing. I turn around and watch Kyle push Eric, he stumbles before he finds his balance again. They exchanged a few harsh words that I couldn't understand and they follow me to the cash register. We pay everything and leave the store with out a word.
"You should cover those though." Eric snatches the bag from me to grab a snack.
"Um.. yeah." I say quietly. "Forgot.." I say as I look over at Kyle. His arms were crossed and he was looking away. I look down as we all walk together in complete silence. We get close to my house and we enter it in silence again.
"Ill start the game." Kyle says, now calm. I nod and make my way upstairs to cover my neck. I put a sweater on that covers my neck pretty good. I go downstairs and Stan and Kenny are already here and a pizza is opened on the living room floor.
"Oh hey guys." I sit on the ground next to Eric.
"Hey (Y/n) ." Stan passes me a slice of pizza.
Kenny groans as he holds his head.
"Headache?" I asked him and he nods.
"Yesterday I got fucked up." He laughs.
"I heard you got a blowjob yesterday at the party." Eric says as continues to play the game and stares at the TV.
"Heh, Don't remember much." Kenny grabs a slice as well. I glance at Kyle.
"Annie Nelson?" Kyle asks.
"Hell yeah." Kenny smiles.
"You guys a thing now?" Stan glances at me.
"I guess so." He shrugs.
"I got a blowjob yesterday too." Kyle says all proud. I quickly glance at him in anger. He immediately regrets what he said. The tone he used probably sounded like he wanted to brag too, or show off. Eric laughs and Stan gasped.
"Now that's funny." Eric laughs to himself.
"Who?" Kenny asked excitedly.
"Um. A girl in our grade." Kyle turns red. I wanted to punch him.
"Wait for real?" Stan asked, seeming intrigued.
"Y-yeah." He glanced at me before looking away immediately.
"Wendy never wants to do that kind of stuff." Stan groaned. I rolled my eyes.
"You mad?" Stan asked me. Guess he saw my eye roll.
"No it's just that part of the conversation where its just gross guy talk." It wasn't gross, I didn't care about what they talked about, but I was still mad at Kyle.
"Hah, okay (y/n) ." Eric hands the controller to Kenny.
We all forget that conversation and the living room became a mess with snacks laid out on the floor. It became late and we were all getting tired.
"Ill be back." I ran upstairs to use the bathroom.
After my business, I opened the door and Kyle was waiting for me.
"(y/n)." He said apologetically.
"Kyle." I say angrily. "So unnecessary. I shouldn't have to warn you to not say anything." I cross my arms. It really wasn't that serious but I know neither of us really wanted anyone to know anything. Actually, it might be pretty serious- I haven't even told Nicole about it yet. Kyle and I haven't even talked about it either. This better not get out of hand.
"Okay I'm sorry- I'll just say that it was some girl that goes to another school or something." He nods.
"Okay just." I take a deep breath before stepping closer to Kyle. "Watch it." I smile before cupping Kyles cheeks in my hands and kissing his lips slightly.
"Okay I really think you're getting soft on me (y/n)." Kyle laughs as he returns my kiss.
"So what if I am?" I laugh as I rest my head into his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. We stand there in a quick embrace before we let go.
"Guys!" I hear someone yell from downstairs.
I see Stan make his way upstairs.
"You guys want to play basketball at the park?" He asked.
"Sure why not." Kyle smiles so happily. Kyle loved playing basketball. He was really good at it, that he eventually ended up teaching me bit. Enough to actually play with the boys.
"Yeah. I actually have the basketball we stole from Butters." I laugh and they join. A couple years ago, Butters got a brand new basketball. Eric was jealous and he ended up stealing it and once he got caught he hid it at my house and we haven't even touched it since.
"I'll grab it, but I need help it's on like, the top shelf of my closet." I walk into my room and Stan and Kyle follow me.
"Ill grab it." Stan reaches for the top of my closet. "Kyle. Help me." Stan struggles. Kyle lifts Stan up and he yanks the basketball, along with a big box that tumbles open.
"Oh my god." I rush over to it. Kyle puts Stan down and we all stare what was inside of the box. An owl costume laid there.
"Do you guys remember his?" I smiled as I went to pick it up and dust it off.
"How long was that ago? Like, 4th grade?" Kyle chuckles. In 4th grade the boys introduced me to their superhero game. I wore a white costume. White leggings, white hoodie with a black mask. The costume had a few brown accents around it to resemble an actual female owl. The black mask was to hide my eyes of course. I had big owl wings that were "silent" so I could attack my enemies without them knowing.
"Owlet .. right?" Stan chuckled as well.
"Shhh." I teased.
"Good times." Kyle stepped closer to get a good look at my costume. We all stopped playing because Eric was mad that I was another animal that was fierce or something.
I began to pack the outfit away to put it back in its place.
"C'mon lets go." Stan ran out the room and shouted to the guys about leaving.
I picked up the basketball, which still had Butters name written on it. Kyle wrapped his arm around me.
"Lets go m'lady." He said in an Australian accent, trying to do a british accent.
"M'lady? Are you sure I'm the one getting soft." I flicked at him. He chuckled as he let go and we both left the room.
With all of us finally arriving to the park, we all got started right away. Since Kenny still wasn't feeling good he decided to sit out a few games.
"Okay Kenny. This ones for you." Stan chuckled. Of course, Eric was bickering with someone.
"Cartman! Pick either Kyle or (Y/n)." Stan yelled as Eric was baffled at who to pick.
"Meh. I dunno, Kyle is good but he's such a prick. (y/n) ." He nods.
"Okay, let's do this 'Cartman'." We gave each other a quick high five. Usually Eric and I were a good team because all we did was yell at each other, which by surprise , it did work.
We started the game and immediately Kyle shot a basket.
"Point! Broflovski-Marsh." They celebrate.
"(Y/n). Get your head in the game." Eric yelled.
"Okay." I mumble.
We start again and Eric started with the ball. He pushes Stan and passes it to me. I was staring at the basket and Kyle jumps in front of me. I see Stan and Eric stand by the basket, getting ready for the ball. Kyle smirks at me and blows a kiss.
"Stop trying to distract me." I smile as I push past Kyle and throw the ball towards Eric, but Stan catches it. Stan throws the ball but misses.
After both teams earn a few points, it started to get dark out. Kenny was napping on the bench as we continued the game. I stood waiting for the ball and Kyle comes behind me. He brushes his body against my back to get my attention.
"Kyle. Stop." I try to hold back my smile. I push my body back into him to knock him back. I laugh as he pushes me back. We continued to push each other for a while until Eric throws the ball at me. I push Kyle and grab the ball, throwing it in the basket. Making a shot.
"Haha! Point (l/n)-Cartman." I laugh in Kyle's face.
"Cartman-(l/n)" Eric corrects me. "It doesn't matter we're three points behind."
"Oh." I laugh. I usually didn't keep track of the score. I just enjoyed playing the game. Stan comes up to me.
"Next time , I call being on a team with (y/n) ." Stan nudged me. I nervously gave a laugh as a response. What am I supposed to stay to that?
"Lets go guys. Its getting late." Stan looks up into the sky.
"Who's taking Kenny home?" Eric asked immediately saying "Not it!"
"Really Cartman?" Kyle scoffs. "So childish."
"Not it" Stan joins Eric.
"Not it." I laugh as Kyle gets angry.
"Cmon ." Kyle groans.
"I'll help you wake him up Kyle." I giggle and walk over to Kenny.
"Ken. Wake up." I push him carefully.
"Bye (y/n) . Bye Kyle, Kenny." Stan yells out. I watch Stan talks to Eric and Stan heads out. Stan was out of sight.
"I'll wake him out. So you can go." Kyle pecks my nose. I blush as I stare into his big green goofy eyes.
"You're cute." I kiss his lips. He pulls me into an embrace and kisses me again. "Kyle." I say flustered. I look around and see Eric standing there. Watching us. "Okay ok." I give him a slow kiss and slowly let go as well.
"Okay go." Kyle smiles.
"This is getting old but, you are getting soft on me." I laugh as I step away. He rolls his eyes.
"Goodnight Kyle."
"Goodnight (y/n)." I wave at Kyle and catch up with Eric who was just leaving the park.
"You guys are like.. gross." Eric bounces the basketball.
"Shut up. You're probably just jealous." I joke. He looked up a bit mad.
"No. Its just kind of weird. Kyle is acting like a bitch." He shrugs.
"What do you mean?" I say in rude tone.
"Calm down. I'm just saying that he's getting all lovey dovey." I choke up. I was right. Eric was uncomfortable with Kyle and I and I knew it.
"He is getting soft." I chuckle to myself. "But..does it bother you?" I question him.
"I mean.. it's weird but I'll get used to it. Speaking of, did you get my homework done?" I nod.
"Yes Eric. Ill give it to you tomorrow." We both get closer to our houses.
"But seriously (y/n), its okay. I don't think anyone cares. Maybe Stan will, he used to have a crush on you." I froze just on time, in front of my house.
"What?" Eric throws the basketball at me and I catch it just on time.
"Yeah, take the basketball." Eric walks away without saying another word.
"Goodnight?" I yell out. I was extremely confused. I walked around my house to go through the back door.
"What the fuck.." I say out loud. I open the door slowly. I question what Eric said to me. Stan? When? Why? Why? I make my way up the stairs then go straight into my room. I throw the basketball in my closet. I go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. My phone buzzes and I open it up.
Kyle: "You get home safely ?"
I blush as I brush my teeth.
Me: "Yes Kyle. Did Kenny get home safely."
Kyle: "So I guess you only care about Kenny?"
Kyle: "Just kidding."
Kyle: "He got home and i'm just getting home, if you cared to know."
Me: "Of course I care. Goodnight Kyle."
Kyle: "Goodnight (y/n) ."
I finished getting ready for bed and my mom opens the door to her bedroom.
"(y/n). You're here." She says calmly.
"Sorry Mom. I was playing basketball."
"Oh it's alright. Just get to bed. Don't want you to stay up too late." She hugs me and kisses my forehead .
"Maybe shower. You're sweaty." She pats my head and walks back to her room.
"I will mom."
I smile as I look at my phone's lock screen. It was a picture of the boys and I at our 8th grade graduation. We we're all dressed up to match and were standing inside our middle schools gymnasium. Stan, dressed in a nice black button up shirt with a black with white polkadots bowtie, he had his hat off and his hair was messy. Kyle.. his hat was also off and he gelled his hair to stay put nicely. He wore a black buttoned up shirt, instead he wore a tie that had white polkadots. Eric was wearing the same thing as Stan, a polkadot bowtie. Eric's hair was nicely groomed. Kenny wore a tie, just like Kyle. Kennys blond hair stole the spotlight of the picture. I came next. I wore a black dress sundress with polkadots, paired with jewelry to match the outfit. We were all smiling with an 8th grade certificate in our hands. I smile at the photo and hide the phone in my pocket.
I thought I would sleep peacefully today. But both Stan and Kyle bounces around in my head. I didn't want to think about Stan. So I thought about Kyle. Kyle was getting really comfortable with me. We started to feel like a real couple. There still was things we needed to discuss. I decided to shake the thoughts out and shut my eyes in my bed to sleep.

-sorry if this chapter is boring. Ill try to post every sunday :). And Ill try to make the next chapter interesting-

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