An Unconventional Hero (Old V...

By Leunafrost

476K 4.2K 7.6K

(A new version of this story is being made) Izuku Aizawa was a quirkless boy in a world ruled by women who po... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 3: Confronting your Feelings
Chapter 4: Entrance Exams
Chapter 5: First Day At UA, Part 1
Chapter 6: First day at UA, Part 2
Chapter 7: Class President
Chapter 8: The Calm Before The Storm
Celebrating 1,000 Followers and 65,000 Reads!
Chapter 9: A Very... Eventful Night
Chapter 10: Meeting The Big Three
Happy Birthday Momo Yaoyorozu!
Announcement #2 (or 4? Idk)
Chapter 11: The U.S.J
Chapter 12: A Terrible Reunion

Chapter 2: Training While In Love

53.9K 510 1K
By Leunafrost

“Hey everyone! It's Izuku, I just want to say something real quick. The Prologue was just me showing you my origin, now it's going to be told as it's happening so farewell and enjoy the chapter!”

Narrator POV

Waking up the next morning Izuku flies through his morning routine, quickly taking a shower, brushing his teeth and fur while trying to manage to get his five tails into a pair of jeans so he could head to school. Eventually he gave up and had to go downstairs to get a pair of scissors to cut a large enough hole in the back of the jeans so he could put them on without hurting his tails. As he eats his breakfast, his mom walks into the kitchen and decides to mess the fur on his tails like his hair commenting on how fluffy they are and their color.

“Wow Izuku I didn't know these would be the same as your hair, the only difference is that the tips are white like a red Fox's tail. They're just as fluffy as that mop of hair of yours.” Shouta says as she runs her hands through Izuku's fur.

“Thanks Mom, I'll see you at home I'm headed to school!” he says as he gets up from the table and puts away his bowl “Stay safe Izuku, and try to control your quirk you only just got it yesterday.” Shouta said hugging Izuku.

“I will, bye Mom” He replied after parting from the hug. He leaves the apartment and heads to school with Kohaku, trying his hardest to ignore the looks that the local women are giving him as his five tails flick back and forth like a palm tree in the breeze, he still hasn’t figured out how to use them to do tasks but he'll figure it out eventually. As he gets to his school he passes by several groups of girls who all whisper and murmur about his miraculous quirk. Izuku puts on some headphones and listens to his music on his phone as he continues walking to his classroom at a leisurely pace not noticing that the late bell had rung. When Izuku got to the classroom and opened the door and everyone stops what they were doing and stares at him as his tails flick back and forth, Katsumi in the back of the room drinking from her water bottle and when she locks eyes with Izuku, her jaw drops and all the water she had in her mouth leaks out onto the desk and floor. Izuku hears one of the other girls in the class cough and his left ear twitches on its own towards where the sound came from, this caused everyone to scream in total confusion at the sight of Izuku with a quirk. “EHHHH????” Everyone screamed seeing Izuku.

“uh… Good morning?” Izuku replied arching one eyebrow

“Y-y-y-you h-h-h-h-have a-a-a q-quirk… W-when? H-how? Why?” Katsumi says as she stares bug eyed at Izuku

“It developed after I saved you and was taken to the hospital, the doctor said my quirk isn't fully developed yet but I do have several forms of Telekinesis and enhanced senses due to my Kitsune form, I can even turn into a fox but I haven't figured out how to yet…” Izuku says as he sheepishly rubs the back of his head and chuckle to himself. “Master, aren't you going to go to your seat?” Kohaku says while on Izuku's head catching the girls’ attention. “KAWAII~!!!” Most of them yell as they crowd Izuku touching him and petting Kohaku, luckily they're saved by the teacher. “All of you sit down!” She yells and everyone stormed back to their seats. “Good, now as you can see, Aizawa is the first and only male to ever develop a quirk, don't give him any trouble about the tiger too, it's probably part of his quirk, any questions?”

As the teacher says that all the girls raised their hands, she calls on Katsumi and the question.. well more like demand is. “Take off your shirt shitnerd!” She yells making Izuku blush a dark shade of red. “W-w-w-why?!” He says panicking as all the other girls look at him with lust. “B-because you got slashed yesterday… and I-I want to be sure that your ok…” She says embarrassed. “O-Oh um o-ok, just… um.. don't be mean.” Izuku says as he walks to the front of the classroom, he takes off his shirt revealing the huge scar across his body and rock hard muscles and 8 pack abs. “*blush* U-Um, I-I know it's n-not much to look at I'm s-sorry…” He says as every girl including the teacher take out their phones and start taking pictures while having nosebleeds.

After taking a few pictures Katsumi walks up to Izuku and starts tracing along his scar, all the while feeling his muscles. 'Holy crap he's ripped! But goddamn this is a horrible scar… I kinda feel bad now. But I still need to confess! I'll just steal his first kiss and sit down nothing hard! But it will be my first too...’ She thinks while feeling his abs. “K-Katsumi.. haha… T-that tickles! Hahaha!!” Izuku tries to say while giggling, Katsumi stops and stands up straight, looks him in the eyes and… kisses him. In front of the entire class. She kisses him. ‘OH MY GOD!!!! SHE'S KISSING ME!!!’ Izuku thinks trying to get his bearings together. He kisses back making Katsumi flinch backwards, she tries to take the upper hand but Izuku turns out to be an amazing kisser. 'Oh God he's kissing back! It feels so good too… oh shit!’ She thinks while he legs give out from the kiss, Izuku notices and catches her. “Katsumi! Are you ok?!” He says to the passed out blonde that has spirals in her eyes. “A-Aizawa, take h-her to the n-nurses office. *mumble* please don't put your shirt back on…” The teacher says hoping Izuku didn't hear that last part, he did but didn't say anything about it.

He gets up, grabs Kohaku and puts him on his tails to be carried, and picks up Katsumi carrying her bridal style out of the classroom. While on the way to the nurses office Izuku manages to pass by a lot of girls on the way which is weird, and when they see him they scowl but then they see his tails and shirtless body and they either get nosebleeds or just straight up faint. Going down the stairs Katsumi starts talking in her sleep, Izuku being in love with the time bomb decides to listen to whatever she's saying. “De… I… ove… ou… ‘m… orry… or… ully… you…” (Deku I love you and I’m sorry for bullying you) She says quietly as tears fall from her eyes. Izuku dries her tears and makes a mental note to write down what she said and finally makes it to the nurses office. When he walks in he puts Katsumi on one of the cots and kisses her forehead. “Rest well Katsumi, love ya.”

With that he heads back to the classroom, puts on his shirt, and starts a conversation telepathically with Kohaku. ‘Hey Kohaku, could you go watch Katsumi until she wakes up? I don't want her to be in danger.’ ‘Oh yeah that's fine! I'll send you an alert if anything happens.’ With that Kohaku walked out the door and went to Katsumi, the teacher asks about him walking off and Izuku says that it's fine so she just continues on with the lesson. During class Izuku noticed that whenever he wasn’t paying attention girls would look at him and gossip, he doesn’t mind this since he’s become used to it when he was quirkless. At the moment he is trying to use his tails to do tasks such as shaking a hand, or holding a lunch tray, and even picking up someone, much to the pleasure of said person.

It is now the end of the school day and Izuku is packing up his and Katsumi’s things when he is stopped by a bunch of girls. “Hey we heard you like, have a quirk. Is that true?” The who Izuku assumed leader of the small posse asks sassily. “Yes, that is true, see? *moves tails to pick up his and Katsumi's backpacks*” He says kindly with a smile. “Why don't you like, hang out with us? We could… get to know each other~.” She says lustfully. Now normally Izuku would blush and stutter but since that was an act he can be his normal kind hearted not-stuttery self. “No thank you *gets up and bows* but I have to pick up a friend now if you'll excuse me.” He starts to walk away but is stopped by the girls lackeys pulling on his tails. “You’re not going anywhere!” The leader says evilly. Izuku then bursts into flames, cooling them down so they don't hurt the girls but making them let go of his tails and says. “Yes I am, and you can’t stop me.” Izuku then leaves with the backpacks still on his tails and putting out his flames, the leader girl isn't happy one bit and thinks to herself. ‘You will be mine… Izuku Aizawa… hehehe…’

After that whole incident Izuku is now at the nurses office and is with Katsumi who is still asleep. “How can you sleep so much haha… come on *picks her up bridal style* Let's get you home. Don't want you to spend the night here now do we?” He says looking at the peaceful girl that is his first love. “Hey Master, what do you think you’ll make for dinner today?” Kohaku asks curiously. “Hmm… I don't know Kohaku, do you have any preferences?” Izuku asks while walking with Katsumi on his back. “Well since you asked… could we have katsudon? I would like to try it since it's your favorite food.” Kohaku suggests as the three reach Katsumi's house.

Izuku knocks on the door and can hear a lot of cursing and banging coming from the inside, when the door opens Izuku and Kohaku see an older carbon copy of Katsumi, this is Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsumi's mother. She notices Katsumi passes out in Izuku's arms and asks what's going on. “Who the fuck are you, and why the hell is my daughter in your arms?” She says in a scary tone. “U-Um, my n-name is Izuku A-Aizawa, Bakugou-san h-has been unconscious a-all day after something happened i-in the classroom…” Izuku stutters out intimidated. This catches her attention and she lets Izuku inside to put Katsumi on the couch. Once he sets her down and makes sure she's comfortable Mitsuki slams him against the wall and says in a deadly tone. “If you ever hurt I single hair on her head I will rip off every part of your body and send it to your mother. Now little girl… what happened in that classroom?” “I-I-I-I've known her for years and I've never done anything to her or let anything happen to her, and in the classroom… *sigh* just know what I'm about to tell you isn't my fault whatsoever, and also I'm a guy.”

Mitsuki calms down and puts Izuku down, he tells her how he is the only boy with a quirk, how he saved her daughter from the sludge villain and got his scar thus manifesting a quirk, Katsumi's reaction to it, and how she asked him to take off his shirt. And how she kissed him and he kissed back thus knocking her out. “So what you're telling me is that after literally feeling you up, she decided to kiss you and you kissed back, then she passed out when you separated?” Mitsuki asks still processing the information. “Yes ma'am, I've been taking care of Katsumi all day making sure she was always safe thanks to Kohaku here” Izuku says while petting Kohaku.

As Mitsuki was about to say something Katsumi woke up. “W-what the he- Deku?! *Blush* W-w-w-what are you d-d-doing here?!” Katsumi shouts remembering what occurred earlier that day. “Shut up ya brat! *smack* Izuku here took care of your sorry ass all day after you passed out.” “Katsumi are you ok?! Do you need an ice pack or something?!” Izuku says worried. 'Aww he cares about me…’ Her thoughts were cut short by Izuku needing to leave. “Oh no I forgot! I'm sorry Katsumi and Ms. Bakugou, I need to head out!” Before Izuku runs out the door he decides to get a little ballsy and kisses Katsumi on the cheek and quickly whispers “Love you” and bolts out the door with kohaku holding onto one if his tails. Katsumi on the other hand was motionless, not doing anything as her brain and heart couldn't process what just happened. When she came to she exploded in joy “HE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!” Then she proceeded to pass out again, it wasn't until her mother slapped her again that she woke up. “Well aren't you lucky~ getting the only guy worthwhile around your little finger.” Mitsuki teases making Katsumi blush even more than she already was. She tried to be her usual angry self but it was no use, she was too damn happy about Izuku! After calming down (somewhat) both females went about their day like normal.

With Izuku

As Izuku arrives at the beach he sees All Might in her skinny form, and calls out to her. “Hey Sensei! Sorry I’m late had some... difficulties schoolwise…” He says remembering the whole Katsumi incident. “That’s quite alright Young Aizawa, Now we need to train your body to be able to handle OFA’s power so, I want you to CLEAN THIS BEACH before the exams in 10 months… if I'm being honest this is going to be very hard you need to go beyond plus ultra to clean the beach before your entrance exams. So what do you say? Do you have it in ya?” “Yes ma'am!” With that Izuku started cleaning the beach, moving at an alarming rate using his tails to aid with lifting good amounts of trash and using his hands on the big stuff like fridges. A few hours later All Might calls it a day and she and Izuku talk for a bit. After they finish talking Izuku says goodbye and All Might kisses him on the cheek again before he heads home with Kohaku.

On his way home Izuku looks at the time to see it's 9 o’clock at night, his mother's gotta be worried by now. So he quickly gets some take out since he now Kohaku have eaten and they dash to their house. Once they get inside Izuku gets tackled by his mom and she pushes his face between her boobs. “M-Mom! I'm sorry I'm l-late but I can't breathe!” “Izuku I missed you! And why were you late?!” She scolds in a motherly tone. Izuku explains about his day, drawing attention at school, being groped and kissed by Katsumi, kissing her back and making her pass out, leaving Kohaku with her to keep her safe and so on. After he finishes explaining Shouta brings him into her boobs again making him gasp for air again. “Don't make me worry like that! I thought something bad happened to you!” “*Gasp* Air! Ahem… I'm ok mom nothing's gonna happen to me, I promise.” He says as he hands her some food, and heads to his room “And I'll keep him safe for you so don't worry master's mom!” Kohaku says following Izuku. “Kohaku, you don't have to call me that, just call me Mom like Izuku does.” Shouta says as she pets the little tiger behind his ears. After Izuku and Kohaku eat (Kohaku ate Katsudon and really liked it) Izuku starts writing down any and all notes he can make on his quirk, does his homework and training, and goes to sleep with Kohaku.

The next day

After his morning routine Izuku is seen walking to school and having a conversation with Kohaku. “Hey Kohaku, what do you think about Katsumi?” “Well Mas- I mean Izuku, she seems to really like you, although she also seems to be a ticking time bomb regarding her temper. She can be very kind hearted, that is, if your on her good side. So I say she's perfect for you!” He says to Izuku as they arrive at the school.

“Alright class! Today…” The teachers voice is cut off by Izuku thinking to himself. 'What should I do?! Should I wait for UA, or do I just do it now? Argh! Why is this so hard?! I did it just fine yesterday!’ While Izuku is having his internal war, a certain spiky blonde haired girl is in her own little trance staring at Izuku. 'Aw he's so cute when he's contemplating possibly really important choices’ As she's in her trance she doesn't notice the class period ending and Izuku trying to talk to her. “Hey, Katsumi could we talk?” 'Ok Izuku! Just take her somewhere private, and say it not too hard right? Right?!’

Katsumi reluctantly agrees with a blush on her face. As they walk Izuku decides to strike up a conversation. “So… how you feeling?” “Hm? Oh yeah that… I'm doing fan-fucking-tastic Deku-Sama!” 'OH FUCKING TITS!!! NO I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT OUT LOUD!’ She screams internally digging herself a grave. “T-t-t-that's great t-to hear Katsumi!” 'Oh my god… What the hell is Deku-sama?! Sama?! Does she like me?! Ok ok calm down, just tell her how you feel.’ Izuku then pulls Katsumi aside so they couldn't be seen he locks his eyes with hers, causing her to blush intensely as Izuku shouts: “ITHINKILOVEYOU KATSUMI” She didn't quite catch that so she asked again. “What did you say I couldn't understand you, you were talking to fast Deku-Sama?” “Nevermind I'll just show you.” Izuku leans closer to Katsumi and pulls her into a kiss filled with love and compassion, she's shocked at first but soon melts into the kiss as well. When they part, much to Katsumi's protest, they put their foreheads together and Izuku says: “I love you Katsumi. Will you be my girlfriend?” She was already in tears of joy from the kiss but now is just the frosting on the cake. In response to his question she grabs him by the collar and tongue kisses him with her eyes closed and one hand behind his head keeping him from stopping the kiss that turns make out session. The two lovers are brought back to reality when the bell rings signaling the end of the school day, the pair continue their kiss for a little while longer before heading home. Katsumi attaches herself to Izuku's arm pushing it between her boobs, and in return Izuku uses two of his tails to hook around her hip as they walk home. She notices that Kohaku wasn't with them so she grew curious, “Hey Deku-sama, where's that little tiger?” “Oh! You mean Kohaku, he took our bags to my place so don't worry.” He says with a reassuring smile “How can he lift them? he's so Smol.” “He’s a magical creature so his original form is a huge white tiger, but don't worry he can become invisible and by extension whatever he's holding, so there is nothing to worry about!” “Uh-oh… I just realized something Deku-sama…” “What is it?” “Since you are the only boy with a quirk that means everyone at UA will want to be with you since well, you have a quirk and your really nice, kind, and handsome… meaning I have to share but I don't want too.” “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, just because I will inevitably form a harem doesn't mean I won't love you any less Katsu-chan. *kisses her on the forehead*” “*squeezes his arm* I love you Deku-sama! I can't wait to be with you in UA.” “I love you too.”

Timeskip 7 months

It has been seven months since Izuku started cleaning the beach and dating Katsumi. Their relationship has gotten A lot closer as Katsumi now lives with Izuku, with the permission both of their mothers of course. They've gone on dates mostly every weekend and train together when Izuku is not cleaning the beach. Izuku even went on to try another summon and he summoned an egg that appeared to be made of Obsidian stone; Not just any egg though, Kohaku told him it is a dragon egg so Izuku decided to keep it and raise it with Katsumi when it hatches.

Izuku has now finished cleaning the beach and is currently screaming his ass off on a pile of trash. All Might arrives not long after that and congratulates him on clearing the entire beach. “I'm beyond amazed young Aizawa! You have surpassed my every expectation and more! Someone told me this once; When the door of opportunity is closed in your face, walk five paces over and knock the wall down creating your own opportunity!” “Yes!” All Might plucks a hair off of her head and says…



And that's a wrap! Thanks for reading! And don't forget to vote and leave a comment! Have a great day and remember….

                                                                   PLUS ULTRA!!!!

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